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The yearbook even Orwell couldn't predict.
This yearbook, The 1984
Rhododendron, is for you, the
students of ASU. How trite.
That exact sentence has been
used by every editor of every
yearbook ever produced. It
has the ring of the 'big He'
used so effectively by
political hacks and P.R.
If yearbooks are really
produced for students, then
why do so few students buy
them? Why is the yearbook
publishing industry slowly
dying off? Why are many
universities curtailing
yearbook programs entirely?
We on the staff of The
1984 Rhododendron, by and
large, share the obvious
contempt and dislike which
so many students have
toward the 'basic' yearbook.
We are, by and large, a staff
with little or no experience in
the production of yearbooks.
We are a varied assembly of
journalists, photographers,
and designers who were
willing to work their butts
off to create a yearbook
unlike anything ever seen
Our premise was simple -
what HAS been seen before
is no longer relevant,
marketable, or of value to
the vast majority of students.
In essence, we are a group of
people who not only believe
that yearbooks were boring,
poorly designed, and archaic,
but also that a yearbook
could be created which was
exciting, well designed, and
fun to read.
This book is the result of
our efforts, and our efforts
were monumental. Quality,
after all, demands a lot of
time and hard work. We
have tried to do all of those
things which students have
wanted in a yearbook for
"Our premise was
simple - that what has
been seen before in
yearbooks is no longer
relevant, marketable, or
of value to students."
- Steven Boyd, Editor
ages: twice as many color
pages with five times the
number of color prints;
effectively organized, modern
design and graphics as
opposed to what I call the
'trash compactor layout' so
evident in other books; well
reported and written
journalism as opposed to the
flaky, 'featuresque' writing
style so often used in the
past; and an outrageous
doubling of the total number
of photographs of students -
from a previous average of
800 prints to over 1600.
Sure, we have missed
covering a few of the more
than 200 clubs and
organizations on campus, and
even 1600 photos cannot
insure that YOUR picture is
in the book. There is a point
at which realistic goals
become illusionary fantasies,
and attempting to cover
every group, every person,
and every event on a campus
of this size definitely falls
into the illusion category.
Given that there exists here
at ASU and on many other
campuses very little if any
administrative support for the
yearbook program (whether in
budgets, supervision, input or
even emotional support), it
truly falls upon you, the
student for whom this book
was produced, to help us feel
that the 40-hour weeks at an
average of lOc per hour,
missed classes and exams.
lowered GPA's, all-night work
sessions, and (believe me),
stomach ulcers and
dangerously frayed nerves,
were worth the effort. This is
no joke; we as a staff have
worked so hard and long on
this thing, with so little
recognition or input from the
university, that it approaches
the psychotic. Ultimately, if I
had it to do over again -
knowing what I now know
concerning a university's
expectations that a yearbook
will be pulled out of a magic
hat the third week of April,
supplying NO information
akin to that received by a
newspaper, with NO phone
calls from clubs or academic
departments concerning
events or story ideas, and
with NO memos inquiring as
to our progress or
achievement - I would not
attempt the project. This
university, having gained
close to $30,000.00 from the
yearbook for other projects
when it switched to a
subscription plan, is already
in the process of deciding
whether or not to phase-out
this publication.
Now it is only a numbers
game, the future of the
yearbook resting upon how
many students will fork out
the $5.00, $7.00 or $10.00, in
advance for a book produced
by an ignored and severely
underpaid and unappreciated
staff. The plan is to gain
another $10-$15,000 over the
next few years by eliminating
the print-cost student-fee
budget entirely, and further
raising the price-per-book.
You, the student body,
have the right to know these
facts and figures, and you,
the student body, will
ultimately decide whether
The Rhododendron will
Unlike this year's Greek
housing proposal, Student
Activities Room, H'appy's
entertainment center, and a
hundred other costly projects
which the university supports
and is asking you to pay for,
the yearbook no longer
fulfills the marketing-tool role
to increase enrollment and
the coffers of this institution.
Slide shows and media
presentations have taken its
place in the important area
of student recruitment. The
only remaining 'market', or
reason for the continued
existence of the yearbook, is
you - the student body of
Appalachian State University.
This, then, is the 'state of
the yearbook' at ASU and
throughout the country. That
this yearbook exists at all is
testimony to the great
determination and dedication
of a select few, the staff of
The 1984 Rhododendron. My
gratitude to them is
immeasurable, and I hope
this bound volume makes the
effort worth the trials.
Steven S. Boyd
Editor/Design Director
The 1984 Rhododendron
Changes: Composing our 3
introduction to the
Features section, a review
of the nnajor happenings
of the year, from windmiii
departures to King Street
Features Introduction 16
Environment: One major 18
draw' for ASU lives in
the beauty and diversity
of its locaie.
Festivals 28
Supportive Services 38
Medio Wizardry 48
Residence Life 58
Rockin' and Rollln' 66
Performance: On Stage 74
Religious Groups 92
Community Service 98
The Body Politic 102
The Greek Experience 112
Photo Gallery 120
Journey Through 134
Travelling from
registration toward the
big day of
Symposium: Intro 150
Symposium: 152
General College
Symposium: Watauga 154
Symposium: 157
Arts and Sciences
Symposium: Business
Fine & Applied Arts
Symposium: Learning 8c 183
Human Development
Graduate School
ASU Honors
Action In Academics: 204
ideas, people &. programs.
Photo Gallery
Sports Introduction:
Broken stereotypes.
Sports Spirit 230
Popular Athletics 238
Intramurals 250
Spring Sports: 262
Combatting mother
Fall Sports: 272
Varsity athletes gain pride
through achievement.
Varsity Teams
Player Profiles: 300
The nominees for Player of
the Year honors.
Players of the Year 306
Photo Gallery: 308
Capturing the action on
Appalachian People: 324
A small sampling of a very
diverse student population.
Graduate Students
Portraits: Seniors 339
Portraits: Juniors 350
Portraits: Sophomores 360
Portraits: Freshmen 372
Photo Gallery: Over 392
two hundred photographs
of ASU students, in every
conceivable situation.
Last Word: Paul Baker 414
speaks for us all of roman
candle burn-outs.
Dismantled into an assortment of parts, gears,
and chopped-up blades, Boone's largest tourist
attraction slipped quietly out of town.
Like many of the students who come
to ASU the windmill that once stood a top
Howard's Knob proved to be only a
transient four year resident.
Billed as "the world's largest wind-
driven generator" the windmill was more
successful at generating a flurry of
attention rather than electricity. Televi-
sion crews came from all over to report
on it. So many tourists travelled up the
road to see it that local residents began
to feel like traffic cops. Even a cult of
sorts was formed by a group who called
themselves "Wooshies" and light-
heartedly revered the machine.
Born of an idea within the federal
government in the early 1970's the
windmill became the prized child of the
Department of Energy, NASA, General
Electric, the Blue Ridge Electrical
Membership Co-op, and locals. Construc-
tion began in June of 1978 and was
completed by July 1979 when dedication
services were held.
Local residents and students alike
kept their eyes attended to the top of the
hill overlooking Boone watching for any
sign of movement from the 220 foot
wingspan. Occasionally the attentive were
rewarded. At times the blades moved
slowly. Being tested at various angles to
the wind, operators rotated the blades. It
was a rare day when the windmill was
seen in full splendor with nothing but the
wind driving it.
The project was quickly beset by
problems. Howard's Knob residents
complained of television interference,
vibrations, and a mysterious "booming"
sound. Continuing mechanical problems
culminated in the breaking of the 22
"It met every objective except
one, and that was simply that
it was never turned over to the
electric utility to operate."
-Bob Bumgarner
bolts that held the windmill's blades to
the generator shaft.
The various agencies and firms
involved scrambled for ideas and money
in an effort to continue the experiment.
However, in a climate of governmental
austerity, administrators were hesitant to
commit funds to a project that had run
up a tab of $30 million and promised
more unknown costs. The pride of Boone
was scuttled.
Persons connected with the project
insist that the windmill was not a failure.
"It met every objective except one," said
Bob Bumgarner of BREMCO, "and that
was simply that it was never turned over
to the electric utility to operate." It was
the first machine to generate 2000
kilowatts of electricity from the power of
the wind and the experience gained has
been applied to the building and
operation of three similar windmills in the
state of Washington.
But it's all history now. On August
17th, just as students began drifting back
into town the week before registration,
workmen burned off bolts and the first
blade was taken off. The next day the
second one was removed. By the time we
had memorized our class schedules the
windmill was gone. The machine that had
known a whirlwind of fanfare slipped out
of town on flatbed trucks.
During the first few days of the 1983 faltj
semester, workmen came to Boone to
dismantle the windmill. At top, the burning off
of bolts to allow crane operators to lower the
blade to the ground. Middle, one blade has
been removed. Bottom, the first blade comes
to rest on the ground.
In the headlong rush for development and
profit, will the high country's greatest
attraction - scenic beauty, be destroyed?
Someone sees an outlandish gas
station or an obtrusive condominium and
reacts to the sight. Tutored or untutored,
he or she knows that something is wrong
and asks, "Why do they permit this to
happen?" The question takes us back to
Earth Day and the words of the most
often quoted possum of the seventies,
Pogo: "We have met the enemy and he
is us."
The problem is one of aesthetics - of
the violation of beauty and the thoughtful
preservation in the midst of necessary
No one runs for office in this area
with a campaign slogan that blares: "We
gotta stay beautiful!" and yet, most
people are drawn to the area or refuse to
leave it because of its beauty. In this
beauty, there is more than satisfaction.
There is also money.
Look at the numbers. This area
entertains a million tourists a year who
spend $45 million while visiting. That $45
million stimulates other spending as it
trickles down from some 1,600 people
directly employed in tourist-related
industries to others - a multiplier effect
five times greater than the initial
expenditure. Economic studies show that
this figure will increase, if permitted.
"If permitted" brings us back to
aesthetics. Those with money and
mobility come here now because of our
"visual amenities." Consistently, tourists
answer the question on survey after
survey, "Why did you come to this area?"
with one word: "scenery." To them, every
other attraction is considered secondary.
Unfortunately, that scenery is becoming
frayed. Uncollected roadside junk, uncon-
demned derelict housing, indiscriminate
tree cutting, obscenely large signs,
flashing lights, grotesquely-colored ser-
vice stations, violated flood plains, gouged
and ungrassed banks - all offend the
Understand, this is no list of
complaints by the prissy. People with
money come here to enjoy the scenery.
When the enjoyment is diminished, the
moneyed and mobile will move away and
find a new beautiful place. When they do,
a quarter billion dollars will go with them.
Of greater importance, but harder yet
to teach, is that beauty is a measure of
environmental health. We look in a mirror
to learn something of our condition. Some
of us still need to learn how to look into
nature's mirror and measure fitness.
But not all of us are blind to the
importance of environmental preserva-
tion, for there have been important steps
taken to repair damage, educate the laity,
and make things right. The state's ridge
line legislation and Boone's tree preserva-
tion and sign ordinances are recent positive
in steps taken by local and state leaders.
These steps have been taken none too
soon. The southeastern and central
sunbelt is attracting more and more
Americans who are escaping the cold
north. The move into the south-west will
be slowed by the diminishing water table,
making the beauty and water-rich Ap-
palachian mountains even more popular.
The test of the future is how well we can
accommodate growth (for the courts will
not act to stem the tide by closing the
door to migration) and preserve a prudent
degree of environmental health.
In the mountains of North Carolina
there is nothing frivolous in lobbying for
aesthetics. It is a measure of our health
and an indication of our ability to cope
with all of those tomorrows.
The University attempts to substitute for
a ciosed-down Blowing Rock, but will it be
enough to satiate the student body's thirst?
Having friends over for dinner and
wine or going out with friends to have a
cold beer are not easy tasks in Boone. To
top it off the nightlife in Blowing Rock
has seen better days. But amidst all the
changes, the university has rallied to
provide a music hall for the students, and
there may soon be a referendum for beer
in Boone.
There exists a long history of conflict
concerning alcohol in North Carolina and
Watuaga County. When the 21st Amend-
ment was passed, Prohibition was halted.
But while most of the state went wet,
Watuaga County was left dry. With time
Blowing Rock became the watering hole
for the area. P.B. Scott's Music Hall and
Clydes to name a few were the night spots
for ASU students. P.B. Scott's had some
great bands pass through its doors,
including B. B. King, The Dregs, The
Nighthawks, Papa John Creech, and Arlo
Guthrie, just to name a few. You still hear
talk of the memories created at P.B.'s, but
what was once a music hall and gathering
place for friends, will soon become
condominiums. The growing controversy
with the ABC Board over disproportion-
ate food to alcohol sales and the town of
Blowing Rock's complaints of noise and
litter brought the final demise to P.B.'s
and Clydes.
Bucky Carter, a senior Industrial
Arts major, said, "nightlife plummeted
when places closed down. You don't have
as much of a chance to meet people.
There are more open parties now, but
they're packed and outrageous."
As bars were closing the laws were
getting stricter in other ways. The
drinking age was raised to 19 and the
D.U.I, laws were made much more strict.
If someone blows a .10 or more on the
breathalizer test, it costs them their
license for 10 days and by refusing to take
the test drivers receive a mandatory one
year suspension of driving privileges.
Concern over these new restrictions
was shown by the administration of ASU.
The Office of Residence Life got involved
by setting up a week long Happy Appy
Hour, showing students how to entertain
and make drinks without alcohol. But to
accommodate an even broader range of
students the Social Activities Room in the
Student Union became the hub for free
entertainment and brownbagging. Al-
though the limit of six beers per person
was tightly controlled, it didn't seem to
stop the students from attending. The
capacity in the Social Activity room was
220 and some evenings crowds of 600
would wait in line. When the program was
deemed a success, a new larger facility
called H'Appy's became an even bigger
reality. SGA President, Ken Talley said,
"Other universities are following suit with
H'Appy's. They see we have a unique
set-up." The emphasis of H'Appy's is
entertainment, and not the brownbagging
of six-packs.
Spring semester saw many changes,
including a successful forum, organized
by Eastridge cluster, called "Boone on the
Rocks." Said Talley, "A lot of things
became clearer during the forum, includ-
ing the discussion of possibly holding a
referendum for beer in Boone. Hopefully
people will start seeing that it's not
students vs. the Boone citizens." Talley
commented how the town could profit
from beer in Boone. He said, "It could
lower the tax basis. Some counties put the
sales revenues into the county school
system and Boone could do the same."
The results of the different changes
this past year could be varied and
prohibition may linger, but possibly this
story will become history in a long
scenario of 'the alcohol issue'. Who
knows, one day may find students,
professors and townspeople alike stroll-
ing downtown for a sandwich and a frothy
draft in the company of friends.
. Nk,> fV-oxi UrxkiWiieMi May
Po.1 t«v Betf ot TJnIwIified Wmes
• No Pt'-von Under 21 Years May
Pu.tho5cfo<tifiecl Wines
• T)-r, EshiWisJYiierl Requires
2 Idef^if'calion Documents
Fo» The Purchase Of
Alcoholic Beverages
The $7.1 million dollar Broyhill Music Center
utilizes the latest in sound technology, pro-
viding ASU with a true music showcase.
"I miss the sound of music," said Mr.
Bill McCloud, Music Department Chair-
person. How can anyone miss the sound
of music in a $7.1 million dollar music
center filled with some 300 students
singing, tooting, and plucking? The
control of sound, however, is an outstand-
ing feature of ASU's new Broyhill Music
Center. McCloud explained that the
Center was designed and built so well that
he has to open practically every door to
hear the ensembles rehearse. "In I. G.
Greer I heard every note and every word
each instructor said. Although I miss the
sound of music, I now enjoy concerts more
because they are fresh and exciting."
The latest in sound technology was
used in the new Center which replaces the
outdated I. G Greer facility. Each of the
four floors is built into the ground as the
structure climbs up the hill, a design
which dampens the sound more effective-
ly than sound-proofing material between
the floors. The walls are filled with
sterilized sand, and the small, empty
rooms are strategically placed around
practice rooms to help contain sound.
Walls rest on vinyl cushions, and ceilings
are hung with rubber insulators to
eliminate the transmission of noise and
The 90,000 square foot building
contains more than 30 studio offices and
over 50 practice rooms. Each of the
department's 100 pianos can be used at
the same time, and no one will be
bothering anyone else. There is a
computer room for computer-assisted
learning and testing, an electronic piano
lab, instrument repair and storage rooms,
and choral, instrumental, and music
libraries. "Our new library is 20 times
larger," said Karen Hodge, a graduate
student in music. "I can remember when
the choral music was kept in the closet
of a professor's office in I. G. Greer."
Within the music library are individual
and group listening booths.
The choral and instrumental rehear-
sal halls each seat several hundred people.
Both extend upward two floors, an
accoustical design allowing a choral
director to pick out a single voice in a
group of 300 singers. The instrumental
rehearsal room has an observation deck
for audio-visual filming.
For public performances, the
Center's recital hall seats 150 and its
concert hall, 500.
Planning for the center began in
1969. Dr. William Spencer, Building
Committee Chairperson, worked diligent-
ly on this project and saw construction set
underway in 1980. Through his determin-
ation and hard work, ASU has a music
building that will be up-to-date and
appreciated for many years. The final
touches are scheduled for completion in
early 1985.
By May of this year, a $250,000 organ
should be in place behind the stage in the
concert hall. This custom-built pipe organ
from Casavant Freres of Quebec was
designed in consultation with Dr. Max
Smith, professor of organ and church
music. Mr. and Mrs. Broyhill of Lenoir
and their four children contributed the
funds for the organ and provided major
funding for the building as well.
In the past, many ASU music
graduates have enjoyed success in the
areas of the music profession: teaching,
performing, and business. If the new
music facility is any indication of the
future, ASU should see an increased
success among graduating music majors.
Marion Gmerek, a Flag Corps member,
echoes the sentiments of all who use the
Broyhill Music Center when she said,
"There's no doubt that it's a great
improvement over what we had."
With standards slipping and remedial
classes filled to overflowing, has our
educational system reached a crisis point?
Kids coming into college are not
prepared for college reading. That's the
opinion of Dr. Gary Moorman of ASU's
Reading Education Department. Moor-
man stated that although general reading
levels in this country have risen, a decline
has been seen in the ability to read
high-level, critical material. This creates
problems for America, because if we are
to run a highly technological society, the
basic minimum reading level is not
The problem emerged in the 1960's
as a growing social awareness developed.
Inequity in schooling for blacks, Hispan-
ics, and women was finally dealt with
through an attempt to raise educational
standards for these groups. Both Pre-
sidents Kennedy and Johnson established
equal educational opportunities out of a
need for "a high level of literacy,"
Moorman explained. Funding was pushed
in this direction, and "more people read
at a minimum level than ever before."
Thus, while the commitment was
made to lower level readers, the critical
reading skills suffered. Moorman citied
the decline of average SAT scores over the
past 13 to 14 years as evidence of this.
He said that the decline has "bottomed
out" at this point. He pointed out the
contradictions that appear in our educa-
tional system; general reading levels are
up, while high level reading abilities have
Another factor that has affected the
educational system is the high number of
working mothers that has come about
over the past decade. He explained that
the schooling that is provided to younger
children is basically just care with little
education. With qualified people, "Kids
learn a lot before they come to school."
ASU's Early Childhood Degree was
created as an attempt to remedy this
problem, however, "Those people don't
really have any jobs," said Moorman.
ASU has been affected by the
problems caused by this deterioration of
reading abilities. When Moorman came to
Boone four years ago, 24*^ of the
incoming freshmen placed into Develop-
mental Reading. By last year the figure
had jumped to 34^. Moorman has seen
"a noticable decline in basic reading
skills" during that period. This idea is
reinforced by the rise in the number of
students enrolled in College Reading and
Study Skills. Upon his arrival, there were
200 to 250 students enrolled in this
course. The fall semester of this year saw
330 students in the classes, while another
250 took it this spring in what Moorman
calls "a noticable increase."
College Reading and Study Skills
classes are taught by graduate students.
Speed reading and vocabulary are
emphasized, along with "college survival
skills." These include time management,
study techniques, note taking, how to read
different type texts, and test taking skills.
Moorman says that ASU is now
"more or less average," and "catching up
and becoming more like other colleges."
He says that scores everywhere are
falling, due to the fact that "kids are not
learning to read in elementary and high
Joe Watts, Director of Admissions,
says, "Standards have not dropped here.
Students most qualified to do the work
here are accepted." The two criteria that
are used to judge an applicant's qualifica-
tions to perform here academically are
achievement in high school and scholastic
aptitude. Scholastic aptitude is measured
by the SAT.
Watts said the scores fluctuated, but
there was not a definite decline. He said
last year was the best in the past eight
years. The director attributes the decline
that did occur to the fact that there are
"a lot fewer students to draw from." He
added that UNC Chapel Hill may also be
dipping lower into the pool of applicants
to meet its quotas. Appalachian at one
time talked about not dropping the
standards, but the school "needs 1800 to
1900 (freshmen) to pay the bills," he said.
Watts stated the goal of admissions
is to "maintain the levels of enrollment
and qualified students that we now have.".
Boone provides the ASU student with a unique challenge: the search for something to do
during free hours and on weel<ends. It takes a little imagination, but the challenge can be
met without fleeing down the mountainside to more 'cosmopolitan' climes.
Boone, it has often been said, is a
boring place to go to schooL The mass of
cars headed down the mountain every
weekend stuffed with students expecting
a wild time in Raleigh or Charlotte attests
to this fact. Admittedly, Boone is not as
glamorous as the sprawling megalopolises
for which these escapees yearn. It's not as
easy to have a good time in Boone. The
few movies which come to this altitude
are usually horrible and restaurants can
be prohibitively expensive. Even the time
honored ritual of student drunkeness has
been thwarted by the powers that be.
Boone is still dry, and Blowing Rock isn't
what it used to be. The bars and bands
are gone, and P.B. Scott's Music Hall has
been sold to make way for more
condominiums. The Blowing Rock legacy
is dead, and the weekend refugees
continue to flock down the mountain in
droves. Too bad. Boone, really, has a lot
to offer. It's just that one has to dig for
it. The most obvious entertainment
resource, the mountains themselves,
provide some of the most spectacular
scenery this side of China. A day's hike
through the woods or a highland pasture
out-strips a smoky barroom anytime.
These mountains are the backbone of this
continent, ancient and haggard, washed
by the storms of tens of thousands of
years. To walk them, to feel them solid
under foot, is to share in their mute
testimony of time. One cannot help but
feel awe among the rolling green knobs
and valleys. But the mountains can't be
enjoyed vicariously from the back seat of
a Volkswagen barrelling towards the
Piedmont or from in front of a television
set in a dorm room. Meaningful exper-
iences must be actively pursued, and in
Boone, finding them takes a lot of
creativity on the part of the seeker. -^
Perhaps the most striking feature of
Boone to the newcomer is its laid-
backness. Nothing moves very fast in
Boone except at times the wind. To adjust
to the pace takes time, but when one
finally gets adjusted everything falls into
place. The simplest things become
important. A well cooked meal, a weekly
browse through the record store, a hot
shower after a workout, even a sunny day
take on an almost religious significance'
when one slows down enough to thor-
oughly appreciate them. Anyone in Boone
fortunate enough to own a front porch
swing knows that to have fun one really
doesn't need to 'do' anything.
On the cultural side, Boone isn't as
dry as it might seem. The University
almost always has something going on
whether it be a lecture, movie, play, or
concert. Entertainment on campus is
usually inexpensive, and the quality is
outstanding. The opportunities for a
student to get involved in campus politics,
media, and the arts abound. ASU's size
and relatively small enrollment allow
social interaction with people of diverse
backgrounds and ideas. This perhaps
more than anything is the most abundant
source of entertainment. Through conver-
sations with fellow students knowledge
and ideas are digested and disseminated.
And this, for the young mind, is a most
pleasant and valuable pastime. It's cheap,
No, Boone isn't as exciting as some
of the larger cities nearby. But anyone
who is bored here just isn't trying very
hard. A student's experience at ASU will
be dull indeed if he doesn't take
advantage of what is here and even more
so if he spends his weekends out of town.
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On The
My destination was clear, but my
assignment was ambiguous. As an aspir-
ing yet humble journalist, I was to be
sent packing from the warm confines of
my Manhatten apartment to the rugged
wilderness of America as part of a
project to assess the state of the
American university circa 1984. The
word came that I was to go on a 6
month sabbatical to Appalachian State
University in Boone, North Carolina,
enroll as a transfer student and re-
port back on my findings in the sum-
mer. At first, I was mortified. My
experience with the South was limited
and my experience with mountainous
terrain nonexistent. North Carolina
may as well have been Mars, but with
the dedication of a young reporter and
the fear of raising the ire of my
editor, I dove into the Boone exper-
ience feet first. Research on my new
alma mater and the surrounding area
yielded some intriguing facts. Boone
is the former home of the world's
largest windmill. It was funded by the
government space program, and I
thought that if those folks could
chase NASA out, of town, they might eat
me for lunch.
The road trip down on that cold
January day was uneventful, and when
I finally reached US 421 to Boone, I
half expected the road to turn to
dirt and be forced to make the last
few miles by pack mule. But, lo and
behold, I soon found myself staring
at the "Last Stop for Beverages" and
the Watauga County line.
I pulled into the mountain package
store feeling like 'John Boy' on a
trip to Charlottesville. The region,
I found out, was "dry" - which simply
meant no booze - the purchase of, that
is, not the consumption of. The near-
est "wet" town was 8 miles away, in
something called "The Blowing Rock".
But the old proprietor of the store
told me that prohibition in Watauga
County would soon be coming to an end.
"These cocaine cowboys and jet-set
skiers are buying condos up here left
and right," he said bitterly. "They'll
see it Boone gets booze. Too much
money for them fellas to ignore."
After the alcohol talk was ex-
hausted, he suggested some scenic
On The
sites of the mountains, and I, with
map in hand, set off.
The Blue Ridge can tease you into
a Httle amateur exploring, but just
as easily, it can turn a cold shoulder
on you at the drop of a snow fall.
Schizophrenic terrain and weather to
be sure, but nevertheless, a boy scout's
A little way up the road, I pulled
off and went for a hike. I soon found
myself stumbling through the dead
grass of a hillside like some demented
Julie Andrews in a perverse production
of "The Sound of Music". When I fi-
nally got back to my car, I was
ill. Blood ran through my body
like hot paint thinner. And by the
time I reached Boone, I began to un-
derstand why alcohol is forbidden
here. Beer and mountain climbing is a
bad marriage.
I rolled into Boone like a greased
fireball expecting to find a pocket of
cultural stagnation in the wasteland
of the rural South. Instead, I found
a curiously two-faced town. Half of
Boone resembled a convention for
gluttonous fast food maniacs, while
the other side contained a sleepy
charm with its small town facades and
lean-times student atmosphere.
This was the Boone I wanted to find.
Predictably, the police station, the
court house, and the small town news-
paper were to be found on the same
block. The ancient street-like busi-
nesses stood stoically on King Street
in silent battle with the modern con-
dos and apartment buildings springing
up here and there. The faces I saw
that day on the streets were serene
and regal, resembling big fish in a
small pond. But dotted among the bar-
ons of King Street were students in
various guises of day-to-day exis-
tence. A majority of them seemed more
unorthodox in dress and manner than
other students around the country.
They walked with a cool serenity as if
traipsing through their own far-away
back yards.
I ducked into a hip-looking deli at
the corner of King and Depot hoping to
catch Boone's creatures in their nat-
ural surroundings. I knew I had hit
paydirt as soon as I walked in. All
the hairy Boone sophisticates were
gathered there discussing the issues of
the day over a meal of tofu and herbal
On The
tea, and I was greeted with more of a
cosmopolitan courtesy than the how-ya-
doin'-slap-on-the-back I had expected.
I sat for awhile with a cup of
Roast-a-Rama watching the parade when
I suddenly remembered my purpose. I
had to register at school. No time to
waste, school days were at hand.
Like any good college kid worth his
salt, though, I abandoned my visit to
the administration building the minute
I found myself on campus. Procrasti-
nation is a fine art practiced by all
students, best get started on it early.
The campus of ASU was unspec-
tacular but comfortable. The late after-
noon sunlight slanting through the trees
gave it a contemplative feel but short
of the haughty atmosphere of an Ivy
League campus. I stopped by all of the
college touchstones - the library,
cafeteria, student union, bookstore
assessing the university's potential
for deviant behavior. I decided to ob-
serve the students' habits on the
commons area, Sanford Mall.
The day was cold but bright, and the ;
Mall was humming with activities. The
whole place reminded me of a finely
manicured garden with people buzzing
like bees spreading social and intel-
lectual pollen through the air. It was
a bit confusing to see new faces pour-
ing from buildings and walking through
the grounds. But still, the faces were
consistent. Ski jackets, wool sweaters,
and nylon book packs were everywhere.
For a stranger, I felt curiously at
Soon the intrigue turned to boredom
and a different atmosphere to continue
my observations was needed. Something
tall and alcoholic was in order. It
was time to explore the Rock, the mecca
for ASU students.
The Rock is connected to Boone by
an 8 mile stretch of winding 4-lane. It
takes four lanes to handle the mass
exodus which occurs every afternoon and
on the weekends from Boone to Blowing
Rock. After the pleasant journey, I
happened onto a rustic little watering
hole called Woodlands. Once again, I
had hooked into the herbal tea and vi-
tamin crowd, this time hovering over
beer instead of soybeans. The place was
loud and jubilant - not a ski bib or
monogrammed sweater in sight. These
folks tended to move toward flannel
On The
shirts, peasant dresses, and facial
hair. I put my order in at the bar:
Martini-Tanquey, extra dry, 2 ohves.
The bartender, with enough hair to put
the health inspector in a coma, polite-
ly told me that no such animal was to
be had in Blowing Rock, but that he
could set me up with a burrito that
could change my world. I obliged, and
drank 3 beers before the food came. I
soon began to mesh with the natural,
woodsy feel of the place. Woodlands was
like a big, pillowy couch and I sank
slowly into it. The longer I stayed,
the harder it was to leave, but I had
more places to see in Blowing Rock. I
paid my bill and left.
My next stop was Mother Fletcher's,
a tight night spot. It was a little
less smokey and a little more preten-
tious, full of clean faces and new
shoes - obviously the preference of
Boone's up and coming fast set.
Mother's was awash with loud, get-down-
to-business music and video tubes. Un-
like Woodlands, this place was not for
relaxing but for the vigorous exercis-
ing of one's social life.
The crowds in both bars set up an
interesting contrast in the Boone scene
and in today's youth in general. One
group felt the need for a basic, more
natural lifestyle void of modern day
complications. Holistic health, com-
raderie, and a sublime spiritual rela-
tionship with nature were the guide-
lines for these people. The other group
was more progressive and open to
change. They felt an excitement for
future accomplishment and an awe for
technology. They played the game to win
the prize.
I realized, as I left for the jour-
ney back to Boone, that the kids I'd
meet during the semester would all in
varying degrees fall into one or the
other philosophy. I wanted to penetrate
both worlds because my mission was to
experience the total Boone/ASU happen-
ing. The beauty of it all was that
Boone and ASU had a marvelous sense of
self-containment. Maybe it was the
mountains that gave me that feel, may-
be the people.
I knew that as a journalist
I had to keep my perspective. By ob-
serving the aura of the people I'd seen
so far, I knew it would be easy to be
absorbed by this place and maybe really
fall for it.
From Indians to crafts, dancing to food, and music to
novels, Appalachian State promotes an awareness of our
national and regional heritage.
For the past fifteen years, local
craftsmen and musicians have been
gathering in Boone for a three-day
festival around mid-September.
Sponsored by downtown merchants,
Septemberfest is a loosely-structured
assembly of exhibits of potters,
wood-workers, dancers, doggers,
musicians, bakers, florists, artists,
shoeshiners, and possibly a I
moonshiner or two down a side i
street. I
Septemberfest is open to anyone ;
who wants to show off his skill, from'
the famous (Willard and Ora
Watson, Stanley Hicks, Ed Presnell,
maybe even Doc Watson) to the
unknown novice craftsmen. The
spirit of the festival reflects the
spirit of Boone - casual,
unstructured, and diversified.
The Appalachian region is
especially rich in crafts, with western
North Carolina leading in the
number of local artists and
craftsmen. Crafts as an industry is
an outgrowth of the time when the
mountain people had to make what
they needed or do without. They
became experts in making their own
cabins, their furniture, wagons,
utensils and tools, musical
instruments and toys, clothing and
quilts. What was once a necessity is
now a business, but the quality of
hand -made items is better than ever.
Septemberfest is only one of
many opportunities for area
craftsmen to exhibit the skills passed
down through generations.
Boone's color and spirit come to
life during the gala of
Septemberfest. Right page: on the
streets of Boone homegrown
flowers and honey are on display.
Upper left: a weary spectator
receives an old-fashioned shoe
shine. Upper right: a street
musician sings for coins and the
pleasure of singing. Left: arts and
crafts proudly displayed.
Would you believe a Jack-o-
Lantern with a crushed beer can
inside instead of the traditional
candle? Or how about a co-ed, amply
filling a Playboy Bunny outfit,
handing out beer and pretzels
instead of someone's mother passing
out Hershey chocolates? Yes,
Halloween Appalachian style is a
lot different than my Halloweens as
a junior-high kid, trudging from
house-to-house in the neighborhood.
At a big party near State Farm
Field, I saw Dracula trying to bite
a young, smooth-skinned Indian
squaw who seemed anxious for the
sun to come up. Two cavemen were
working their way through a case of
beer while three Supermen argued
about who looked the best. While
their attention was diverted, I
looked for their Lois Lanes.
No Loises, but I did see several
hookers, or were they simply co-eds
playing the part? All around were
cowboys punk rockers, a fly, and
the "too cool" few who came in the
their usual jeans and sweaters.
Several of Boone's finest arrived
in their blue uniforms and caused
no commotion, although one monster
full of Bud patted an officer on
the back and said, "Nice costume
but it's not too original."
The Antlers bar stayed busy all
night long. No one seemed concerned
about billiards or Defender. Ghouls
danced with witches and drag queens
bought beers for cowgirls. Hoodlums
and harlots danced all night long
to the beat of The Gap Band at
Mother Fletcher's.
At Tijuana Fat's, Blowing Rock's
newest night spot, a Mexican
Bandito tried to convince a beauty
queen that he was no one else but
Fat himself. She didn't seem to
buy his story that he owned the
Back on campus, decorated
residence halls were the scenes of
mixers. Skeletons, witches, and
clowns hung in windows while their
live counterparts mingled, ate, and
drank in the dim lights of common
Halloween is the chance to
pretend, no matter how old you are.
You can, for one evening, act out a
fantasy or just be silly and not
have to answer for it. A computer
science major, who as a kid dreamed
of being a fireman, now has his
chance. You can be Clint Eastwood
or Bo Derek, or even spend the
evening as a member of the opposite
sex and no one will avoid you the
next morning.
On all-Hallows Eve,
the goblins, spooks,
and bunny rabbits
came out in full
force for a night
of fun and music
at The Barn. The
dance floor came
alive to the rock
tunes of Clear
Creek, and the
menagerie of char-
acters and costumes
was beyond descrip-
"We want to promote awareness
of different kinds of traditional
music," said Dr. William Lightfoot,
coordinator of the Fifth annual
Appalachian Traditional Music Festival.
Dancing Feet, a musical group of
four ASU women, opened the festival
with a concert in Our House. They
played Scottish-American folk music,
swing, and Appalachian fiddle tunes.
These four, Stephanie Perrin, Deb
Thompson, Mary Green and
Elizabeth Stevens proved their
versatility on a number of traditional
instruments: fiddle, banjo, mandolin,
dulcimer, flute, and penny whistle.
Touchstone introduced ASU to
foot-stomping Irish tunes and
mournful ballads. This Chapel
Hill-based group has performed as
far away as Nova Scotia, entertaining
audiences with a combination of
Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Celtic, and
American folk music. In addition to
playing, they explained the backgrounds
and instruments of their music.
Stanley Hicks of Vilas told
jacktales and played the dulcimer.
Stanley makes Appalachian musical
instruments and this year received
the NEA Heritage Award for his
banjos and dulcimers.
A local bluegrass band capped
off the festival with some down
home bluegrass tunes that have
become as much a part of
Appalachia as the mountains. During
one of their hottest numbers, Stanley
Hicks drifted out on stage in his
boots, overalls, and white cowboy
hat, clogging and whooping it up.
His inability to keep still during
"Fox on the Run" helps explain the
wide-spread popularity of
Appalachian music.
An evening of
traditional music
finds feet
a'stompin and
fiddles a 'playin.
Right page:
Cloggers shake
out the kinks to
a hot bluegrass
tune. Upper left:
the corklickers
saw through a
rendition of
"The Orange
Blossom Special".
Lower left:
Stanley Hicks
shows he just
can't keep still
during "Fox on
the Run".
te Native
nerican Indian
istival reveals the
any faces of its
iople. Profile at
ft: Robert White
igie contemplates
e issues being
scussed. Top
]ht: students get
volved in
jditional drum
For the past two years, the ASU
History Department and the Native
American Association have been the
hosts for key Indian speakers. This
effort has been part of an attempt
to revitalize Indian traditions,
especially in North Carolina where
the largest Native American Indian
population exists (65,000) of any
state east of the Mississippi.
Many of the myths and stereo-
types about Indians are thrown
asunder upon viewing the people
who take care to put on such a
festival. The Native American
Indian's struggle to live in a white
man's world and hold onto treasured
traditions is a big part of what the
festival is all about.
Dr. Al Corum, who helped head
up the festival said, "There was good
attendance this year, with lively
conversation and an excellent
question and answer period. A half
dozen students became interested in
joining the Native American Indian
Association as a result of the
festival. Students are asking the
serious questions and not the typical
questions of how life is on the
reservation. They are asking what it
would be like for an Indian to go
live in Chicago and survive off the
reservation and how his work, social
and emotional status would be as a
The guest speakers in the past
two years have attended various
classes to hold informative
discussions. "This face to face
dynamic, free-wheeling, and honest
exchange of ideas with the students
is where real progress and headway
is being seen. This visibility is a
step toward enlightening people to
Indian culture and the dilemmas
they face as a people," said Dr.
The efforts of Governor Jim
Hunt, who designated the 4th week
in September as Indian Heritage
week, and the active part ASU is
playing, are commendable.
Dr. Corum, who is enthusiastic
about future festivals, said, "For two
years, we've done the festival on a
shoestring. Now we're headed in the
right direction and the right people
are involved for contacts. We hope
to have Gilbert Blue, a Catawba who
is involved in a very sticky legal
situation. This aspect would
definitely add interest to the
discussions. Ideally we would like to
have two days for the festival: one
which would hit on educational
aspects and the other which would
be more fun and would let the
students get involved in the
traditions of dancing, singing,
storytelling, crafts, contests, etc."
"Back at an age when all of us
who grew up in cities and suburbs
were still wondering about the
stork, the myth says, farm kids
were eagerly watching the ram mount
a few ewes, or sitting on the fence
cheering on the bull as he rode a
cow, or hanging around the hen house
while the rooster feathered every-
thing in sight." So read Noel Perrin
from his essay "The Birds, the Bees,
and the Cows." His lecture, "Cap-
turing the Rural Experience,"
sparkled with wit and rural reminis-
cences. Dr. Perrin, Dartmouth
English professor and occasional
farmer, had just published his third
volume of essays of his experiences
and thoughts on rural New England.
The sixth annual Festival of the
Written Word, sponsored by the
English Department, focused on the
theme "A Sense of Place." Each
lecturer is a specialist in regional,
community, or environmental writing.
John Ehle is the Appalachian
novelist of today. In his novels
he uses the Appalachian region
almost as a central character. He
read from his novel Move Over,
Mountain and shared his ideas and
techniques of setting his works in
Richard Lebovitch, English
teacher at Cape Hatteras School in
Buxton, supervises the publication
of Sea Chest, something of a coastal
Foxfire. The magazine includes
stories and photographs of sailing,
fishing, boat-building, crafts, wild
horses and hurricanes of the Cape
Hatteras area.
William Bake, a writer/photog-
rapher living in Boone, has received
recognition nationally for his
photography in The American South
and Cities and Towns of the South.
He wrote and photographed The Blue
Ridge and is currently working on
a Reader's Digest publication on the
national parks.
Dr. Melissa Barth, coordinator
of the Festival, described it as an
opportunity "to give the ASU com-
munity some contact with people
who are producing literature ... it
is our equivalent to bringing in a
The Festival of the j
Written Word affords
exposure and growth!
to students who
partake. Right page: ^
the variety of {
lectures provided
the audiences humorj
in Noel Perrin's
essay "The Birds, '
the Bees, and the |
Cows." Upper left: A j
slide show of the
Appalachian moun- |
tains from William
Bake. Lower left:
'a sense of Appa-
lachia' from novelist
John Ehle.
From top: follow the arrows to health; equipment technician
Harold Brandhuber in the bowling alley; Yosef watches over
the Sweet Shop; Frances Reed in the Health Services
laboratory; mail time for Betsy McLean and Greg Dolan; the
inside view of the post office; an informal session for
Assistant Director Jon Hageseth and graduate student
Radhika Krishnamurthy.
acilities on campus that provide essential support
eds. These can be compared to a structure like:
' The hub of student activities is the W.H. Plemmons:
Student Union. From top left; shadows mark the end^
of another day's activities; Vaneta Leaper reclines-in*
Je TV room while Chuck Mack changes channels; Dan
lile\^afl!J|^p»^up4AD-4iis stjjd^s; answering the student
informatTon^^luraillll^e^M Sharoa f aldwell busy; two
"*coeds seek items.,pf ir>ti||rest*Dn^the Union bulletin
board; a possible alterriQon rendezvous awaits Jwo
students, while John Roberts and Annette Cytle take
aim at their respective targets.
student Union interns Todd
Harris and Chris Canipe
definitely enjoy their work.
Says Harris, "It's a great job,
but frustrating having to use
authority towards fellow
Plemmons Student Union. Bowling
and billiards - TV, study, and activities
rooms - The Gold Room and The Sweet
Shop - information and ticket sales - the list
continues; student interns - financing their
education - experiencing and enjoying the
work world - handling hassles - accepting
The business manager and three
supervisors of the Student Union are all
students. Supervisors Mike Moody and
Eddie Barnes smooth out the bumps, keep
the customers happy, and count money
between shifts in the bowling alley. "This
place has its ups and downs just like any
other job. I've become more of a humanitar-
ian by having to walk the line between
keeping people happy and being tough,"
says Todd Harris of his 40 hours a week and
minimum wage as a supervisor. Business
manager Chris Canipe says, "Working here
has taught me patience and a lot about
dealing with people."
"All this place needs is a bar," says
Tom Yost jokingly. "The TV and billiard
rooms are excellent. The Union is a good
place to drop by between classes or watch
TV sports on weekends."
Adair Rice spends about two hours a
week in the study area, squeezing in book
work between classes. "I find it easier to
study here than in the library - this place
is quieter most of the time," she says. Many
students agree that the Union is a good
place to drop by between classes to study,
relax, and eat. That the Gold Room and
Sweet Shop are always crowded is proof of
their popularity.
How can the Union be improved?
"Sound damping, a darker atmosphere with
colored lights would make Our House more
pleasant for the performers and the
audience," suggests Blake Lambert, a
veteran performer in Our House for the
past six years. Everyone likes the idea of
the social room, but they all feel that it
should be used more often. Mark Rickell
says, "I would like to see this room open
one or two evenings a week with music and
refreshments, even if no alcohol is served."
Since the Gold Room is so popular, perhaps
it could be enlarged to relieve the long wait
at peak times.
As a center for casual student activi-
ties, the Student Union receives praise from
many students. If present trends continue,
the Union can only improve.
Variety abounds at ASU's Food
Services; at top left, students share
a joke at The Sweet Shop, while
below them a crowd gathers around
the 'wheel of fortune' - a Bavarian
Inn favorite. At top, Mountaineer
athletes enjoy the 'Dining Den'. At
bottom, left to right, Phyllis Eller
proudly displays her waffle making
'expertise; Nate Ross, assistant
basketball coach, enjoys a yogurt
break at the B.I.; students ponder
choices in line at the Gold Room.
"The students are like my own children
- I love working here," says Ruby Bryan of
the Gold Room, speaking for many of the
Food Service employees. On her last day of
work, Kay Perry had tears in her eyes
reflecting on her 14 years with colleagues
and the continuum of students. Betty
Woodring had already been on the job four
years when she began training Kay. Even
after 17 years and a quarter of a million
pans of bacon (50 pans a day), Harold
Hartley still enjoys his work, although he
admits, "It's easier when you have to work."
Phyllis Eller at the waffle iron enjoys seeing
the students and flipping waffles after 11
years. Jack Cobb hauls milk every day - 55
gallons a meal. A. J. Pennell cracks 1440
eggs every morning. True, we're talking
about masses of food, but sneak behind the
scenes and you'll see fresh ground beef,
beans, stewed tomatoes, chili powder,
oregano, and basil assembled in a 40-gallon
pot differing from Mom's homemade chili
only in quantity. The ASU team of butchers
cuts and trims all the meat; the bakers
provide fresh bread and sweets daily.
Wherever you dine on campus you'll find
smiles, assistance, and care.
"How do you like the food here?" I ask
Richard Adams in the cafeteria. After
thinking about my question and the food,
he admits, "Actually it's pretty good. A
little bland after awhile, but the vegetables
are good and it's better for you than
Richard's comments are standard for
the cafeteria food. No one I talked to is
excited about the food, but they rate the
cafeteria as a convenient, healthy place to
eat. Marsha Parsons is realistic in her
assessment: "They have their good days and
their bad days, but they do well considering
the quantity they have to prepare." She is
pleased with the friendliness of the
employees and the interest they take in the
The Gold Room appears to be every-
one's favorite place to eat on campus. "The
food is hot, the roast beef is excellent, and
the atmosphere is good," says Grant
The Bavarian Inn is rated good for
quick meals and evening snacks. The
change in the selection from one place to
another also helps break the monotony.
When most students actually think
about the food at ASU, they realize that
they are conveniently provided a balanced
diet. For exciting meals you go to the
Peddler or Makoto's and pay the price, but
for keeping you going during the day, the
ASU Food Services do their job well.
Sophomore Valerie Marsh enjoys her
job serving sweets
Beyond serving food.
Gold Room employee
Ruby Bryan conveys
a genuine interest in
the students' lives
At the crack of
dawn you'll find
A. J. Pennell and
Allen Harrington
cracking 1440
eggs - every
Personalizing birthday
cakes is Lucille
Cornett's task at the
Thousands of dishes become the
care of Connie Eggers as he washes
them. 43
jdent Support buil
many important fi
>p: Postmaster Ra
lil clerk Jerry Yat<
e mail by departn
Freeman gives st(
erry a biofeedbac
n Ashby closely t
f X-ray "^
When it comes to service, ASU's
tudent Support Building is there to
ccomodate needs from physical to
lental. The building has serviced ASU
nee the summer of '82.
The Post Office in fact is the envy
f many universities. The system is
nique for various reasons. All mail
ithin the university is handled postage
■ee, saving ASU upwards to 60,000
ollars a year. Every student is required
I) have a box, enabling the university to
[ave access to every student. Ralph
ates, the Postmaster General said, "We
re a service organization, we can help
ny organization find a student. We have
leir home address, dorm room, home
hone, and school phone and of course
-leir box number." At UNC Chapel Hill,
leir mail is distributed through 200
ifferent P. 0. meters, whereas every
iece of mail passes through only one
leter at ASU. Yates said, "U.N.C.
'ould save a millon a year if they
ihanged their system." The Post Office
andles approximately 6 million pieces
f mail a year. If a student moves around
'hile in Boone, he can maintain a
Dnsistent mailing address at the P.O.
Dr his full stay at ASU. Appalachian's
ost office is tops in the state, as
videnced by the extra care they take
'ith the mail; from the heated loading
ock to each individual box.
i Walk through the double doors and
p the stairs and your aches and pains
are taken care of by the dedicated
doctors and nurses in the Infirmary.
How many students take their sniffles
and aches to ASU's Health Services? "A
tonage," said Secretary Margie Dean. A
tonage works out to a total of 5,561
students during the month of September
alone. The number can climb into the
two hundred range on any given
Monday. Doctors Ashby, Derrick, and
Welden show the students a lot of care.
Dr. Ashby said, "I love the job because
of the people." The doctors, nurses and
employees know how to mix sympathy,
humor and care to help combat the ails
and aid the students.
Is school getting to be too much,
with problems back home or with friends
and roommates? Whether the problems
seem small or unsurmountable, ASU's
Counseling Center wants students to
come in and ask for help. The staff
consists of 14 counselors and
psychologists and seven graduate
students. They make every effort to
ensure that each student who comes in
is working toward a solid resolve before
terminating the counseling.
Clients are guaranteed that all
records are confidential. If you want to
come in and just have a biofeedback test
taken, or if you have deep-rooted
problems that need talking out - the
Counseling Center is there for you, the
student. In many ways, the Student
Support Building is at your aid.
P.O. Supervisor J. C. Winebarger
and staff sort mail at 8 a.m.
Nurse Isa Sailors
checks Kelly
Crisco's blood
Louise Warren, aide, and Isa Sailors,
RN, on duty at Health Services.
— ** Joanne Chase
organizes mail
^g^m by box numbers.
WW. -"
Students appreciate the Student
Support building's evening hours.
Above left, long lines awaited students
applying for financial aid; above,
security officer Fred Hensen checks
university buildings and automobiles
during his night patrol. The ASU
security force and office of
financial aid assist students in their
needs, for financial and physical
"There's somebody in that car,"
said Fred Hensen, as we drove into
Stansberry Lot. Someone sitting in a
parked car at 10:30 p.m. is a little
suspicious to Fred, an A.S.U. Security
officer of two years. While we quickly
circled the lot, the car in question
backed up and headed for Rivers Street.
It never made it. With his blue light
flashing, Fred brought it to a stop. A
young man emerged, looking rather
sheepish and bewildered in the glare of
blue and white lights. There was no
accusation or arrest, but Fred did check
and record his I.D.'s and license tag
numbers. "He said he wasn't doing
anything, just sitting there with his
girlfriend," Fred said with a chuckle.
"But he knows that we know he was
here, and that deters many people who
might be tempted into some type of
Less than a minute later, we
spotted a car in the same lot without
an A.S.U. parking sticker. A close
inspection revealed a young man
sleeping in the front seat. He explained
that he had an appointment in the
morning with the Placement Office and
couldn't afford a motel. After checking
his LD.'s, Fred wished him "Good
night" and we drove away. "His reason
for being here seems honest, but even
if he were planning to do anything
illegal, I doubt that he'll do it now.
We'll still check this lot closely several
more times tonight."
I asked Fred how he viewed
Security's role at A.S.U. He said,
"We're here to keep A.S.U. safe and
secure, not to harass students. I try to
treat the young people here as I want
my daughters to be treated. At times
we're accused of being too lenient by
the Boone Police, but we work with the
students whenever possible."
"We receive most of our criticism
in the area of traffic control," says Roy
Tugman, Director of Security, "because
that's the most visible of our duties.
Actually, much of our energy is spent
in checking buildings and rooms at
night, providing security at sporting
events, and trying to prevent van-
dalism. We have no quota for traffic
tickets and we don't look to that as a
way of making money. However, we do
need traffic control. The first two or
three days of each semester make that
very clear."
The A.S.U. Security would like to
eliminate traffic citations by eliminating
violations. The money collected, however
does serve a useful purpose. It is used to
build and maintain parking lots and
sidewalks, and it also helps fund the
Appalcart, a free transit service for the
students. So the next time you find a little
yellow slip of paper under your windshield
wiper, don't curse Security. You have just
contributed toward a new sidewalk, and the
officer who wrote that ticket also protects
you and your property.
Can you believe ten million dollars in
aid to A.S.U. students for the year 1982-83?
Not all of this was just given away, however.
Much of this money was in the form of
loans ($3.6 million) and work programs of
various types ($2 million). The remainder
was in the form of grants, scholarships and
veterans benefits. The total aid for the
present year, 1983-84, will be slightly
higher. Every bit of this aid is coordinated
by the Office of Financial Aid, managed by
Steve Gabriel, Wesley Weaver, and Louise
Garrison. To help these three in their
counseling duties. Shannon Roberts has
been hired.
Many students experience the need for
money, not for spending sprees in the local
stores and at Peabody's, but for the
necessities of college life (room and board,
tuition, books, and supplies). Without a
concerned and competent Financial Aid
Department, many of us would be spending
less time in academic pursuits and more
time working to keep ourselves in food,
clothing and shelter.
Counselor Shannon Roberts
Aid Assistant Wesley Weaver
Aid Assistant Louise Garrison
Dennis LaMaster doesn't enjoy this task. Financial Aid Director Steve Gabriel
The airwaves of 'Rock-91 FM,' breaking news of
The Appalachian, magazine format of The (
Rhododendron, and information services of The
ASU News Bureau provide mo/ie than effective,
comprehensive news and entertainment for ASU
students. ThJ|^dents producing the media of
fU gain excKnt e^mg'ienc^working overtime
fjjerfect theirmraft. 1% exceHent job
of tlrcle stude/jTrlfn^^^pport
, Masters of >Medra7
Placement recon
their tij
'^^ '^P^* '^P^* *^P^
Busy students keep the air waves of Boone filled with music, news, sports,
and weather from the University's own Radio Station.
Over 150 students are involved
with WASU in all phases of radio
broadcasting. In addition to the disc
jockeys and announcers, there are
many activities that go on behind the
scenes: public relations, and the
management of the business affairs.
Both the student involvement and
the scope of WASU have steadily
increased over the past six years, when
the station operated only a few hours
in the morning and at night. Now it is
in full swing 24 hours a day with
music, sports, weather, news, and
public affairs information.
The music programming is
basically progressive rock, but not
exclusively. "We're not simply a top-40
station," says Justin Phelps, Program
Director. "We've introduced variety
into a standard rock format." If rock
isn't your type of music, then, you can
enjoy one of the special shows which
feature jazz, country, or classical.
The school and community seem
to appreciate the fact that WASU
presents a variety of shows and is
community oriented. "We get good
support from the students and the
community," says Mike Gore, Statior
Manager. "Many people come by or
call with compliments, complaints, and
suggestions. We welcome that because
it keeps us in touch. Our door is
always open for anyone."
Mike Gore, Station Manager, and Justin Phelps,
Program Director working in their office on the
third floor of Wey Hall.
Will Vickers (standing) and Tom Arnel take advantage of
opportunities open to them as broadcasters for WASU.
WASU STAFF - seated: Mike Gore, Lynn White. First Row: Don Munson, Tom Bronson, Brad IVIcKee, Lori Arrlngton,
Ray Mariner. Second Row: Lori Betts, Tim Wooten, Not pictured: Justin Phelps.
Jon Austin, a senior, began at WASU while still in High School. Mike Gore, Station Manager, spends a lot of time
He will graduate in May '84 after 5V2 years of service. working to keep WASU a radio station ASU can
be proud of.
News. . . .
At first glance The Appalachian
staff members appear to be masochists.
Why else would students who are taking
a full class load burden themselves
with a high-pressure job that demands
20 or more hours a week? Actually, they
are not masochists, but are people who
enjoy being challenged.
And The Appalachian is a challenge.
Twice a week the pages have to be
filled with news, sports, entertainment,
features, editorials, ads, and photos.
Deadlines have to be met five days a
week, and each deadline determines
whether or not others are met.
All of the work except the printing
is done on the third floor of Workman
Hall by students. Because students do
the work, and The Appalachian is a
sophisticated college newspaper, many
staff members have stepped into good
professional jobs with large daily
papers around the country.
The most visible changes for the
1983-84 Appalachian are the
entertainment page, featuring music,
movies, and plays; the syndicated
cartoon. Bloom County, from the
Washington Post Writers' Group; and the
magazine inserts. Ampersand and The
Movie Magazine. The Faculty Viewpoint
is also new, and all of these changes
are designed to make the paper more
interesting to read. Sandy Walbrol,
Editor-in-Chief, has made a special
effort to keep close tabs on ASU
organizations, knowing that people like
to read about themselves and their
The organization of The Appalachian
has been changed some this year also.
Two positions, those of Business
Manager and Advertising Manager, have
been combined into one job. This
expanded position of Business Manager is
now an internship of 40 hours a week.
Sharon Joyner, Business Manager for fall
semester 1983, found that the combined
duties actually improved communication
between the advertisers and the paper.
She coordinated the ad sales persons,
the circulation manager, the billing,
and the distribution of The Appalachian
to the advertisers. Of her long hours
on production nights, Sharon said, "I
felt a special responsibility to the
advertisers to make sure their ads
were designed and placed properly."
John Liner, a graduate student in
Industrial Education and Technology,
is the Graphic and Design Director.
As an undergraduate in the mid 70's, he
worked on The Appalachian staff, and
was compelled to return because, "It
keeps me current with what is happening
on campus. I enjoy previewing the news
before it hits the street."
Liner is responsible for the layout
and design, paste-up, assembly of copy,
headlines, and the ad design. A staff
of six do these various jobs under his
The financial rewards are not great,
so what are the joys of producing the
paper? John Liner enjoys seeing the
finished product, and knowing that he
had a part in putting it together.
Sharon Joyner finds pleasure in keeping
the finances and distribution in order.
And Sandy Walbrol says, "Meeting the
many challenges is very satisfying.
The greatest reward, though, is to see
people around the campus reading the
paper. The last minute frenzy and
frustrations become worth it when the
product is appreciated."
THE APPALACHIAN STAFF Front Row; Faye Chadwell, Mike Hobbs, John Liner, Sandy Walbrol. Second
Row; Chris Mize, Dara Cox, Heather Pilchard, Kaila Hires, Monica Adamick, Henri Bryant, Debbie
Robertson, Sandra Wesp, Brian Hoagland, Lesley Hoyt. Back Row; Lorraine Mize, Jeff Holden, Tina
Fones, Frank Gentry, Jerry Snow, T. J. Payne, David Standi, Teresa Moore, Duane Melton.
Assistant editor iVIilte Hobbs.
Jacl( Groce, Entertainment Editor
Layout artist Brian Anderson. Layout artist Colby Caldwell Fall semester Business Manager, Sharon Joyner.
Features Editor Lesley Hoyt and assistant Patrick Flynn.
Editor-in-Chief Sandy Walbrol.
A good filing system helps intern
Tamyra Gang in producing news copy.
Sam Howie, Director of Publications,
designs a promotional pamphlet.
ASU is located in a media vacuum. If
the university were in Charlotte,
Greensboro, Raleigh or Chapel Hill,
this would not be the case, but we are
tucked away in the mountains far from
any major news media. Because of this
isolation, the Office of Pubhc
Information, or News Bureau, is
especially important. It is responsible
for informing the campus and the out-
side world of what happens here at ASU.
In the same way that a newspaper
covers a city, the News Bureau covers
the campus. The five staff members and
two student interns roam the campus,
searching for events that may be of
interest. Many people call the Bureau
with information, and the staff
encourages this. So much constantly
goes on here that seven people cannot
possibly discover everything themselves.
The Bureau distributes bulletins
around campus and also works as a
clearing house for any news and
promotion designed for off-campus use.
Tip sheets (a features-type paragraph
or two) are sent to media around the
state to spark interest in an ASU event.
Quite often the media will respond, and
soon many people will know that ASU
students devoured a gigantic submarine
sandwich to raise money for Pi Sigma
Even though ASU is isolated, the
Office of Public Information keeps
North Carolina and other states
informed of what happens up here in
these mountains.
Bureau staff writer Speed Hallman
catches a moment of relaxation.
Sam Howie takes a break to work
out a crossword puzzle.
Director Gay Clyburn dreams of the
comparatively quiet life of Vegas.
Gay Clyburn keeps close tabs on a!
campus activities.
Secretary Dannette Mixon keeps track
of all data collected by the Bureau.
Who's en
Knows the
The Sports Information Bureau has
become the ASU archives for inter-
collegiate sports. The office contains
pictures and information on every
student who has been on an
intercollegiate team here at ASU. At
present there are 19 teams for Rick
Covington, Director, and his staff
of three student interns and one
secretary to keep up with.
Before each game, the office sends
out fact sheets on the ASU team and
players to the opponent and any news
agency that might possibly be covering
the event. The opponent does the same.
When the reporter from the Charlotte
Observer arrives to cover a game, he
already knows which players are
outstanding for whatever reason, he
knows what kind of season each team
has had, and he is aware of the
strengths and weaknesses of each team.
After the game, the reporter has a
wealth of information to work with to
write his story.
According to Rick, the most
important reputation for the Bureau is
one of credibility. He and his staff
rely heavily on the coaches to supply
much of the information. Rick sends out
the information in the form of fact
sheets instead of stories, because
stories tend to be less objective than
they should be.
Because athletics are one of the
most visible activities of ASU, it is
important for the Sports Information
Bureau to do an accurate job in
informing the public.
Director Rick Covington spends many Intern Mary Katey, secretary Kathy Fleer, interns Mike Seevers and Greg Putnam,
hours collecting sports news.
in the
In the midst of spending hours
and hours, weekends, fall and spring
breaks, much of Christmas break and
many late nights for little to no pay -
we questioned ourselves a lot as to
why we were doing it.
As we wind it up and closely
assess the gains, we realize we've
learned some extremely valuable
lessons - working hard for six months
without seeing any immediate results
definitely tests the spirit of motivation.
Rather than monetary or praiseworthy
gain, we found our motiviation was
based in the passion to see the book's
fruition. It's hard to imagine that the
pages bound in this book are spread
all over Steve's living room floor right
now. Pictures yet to be cropped,
stories proofed, captions and headlines
to be written, and all those club
names for Joan (Steve's wife, who
worked for free, making almost as
much as the rest of us), to decipher
and type. The mounds of two-page
spreads are reaching into the
bathroom. Before we know it, we'll be
cropping photos in the bathtub.
We should have increased our
incomes with stock in tobacco and
coffee beans in South America; good
advice for future Rhodo-ites. My
advice though, is to drink Orange
Juice, it's healthier. We kid about our
bodies overdosing on caffeine, but in
the meantime our bodies were
screaming for fresh air and a normal
lifestyle. The heat of Workman Hall
almost drove us out, but we quickly
Photographer Monica Carpenter turns camera-shy behind writer Cathy Stuart. Paul 'ten gallon' Baker
Babette Munn, Managing Editor Steve once again drives his wife, Joan, crazy with 50 more pages to type.
learned how to adjust the window
levels. But through the heat and
storms of deadlines, the long hours of
frustrations, work, and joy are finally
coming to an end.
So as the lights dim out on the
third floor of Workman Hall, most of
the crew and staff would attribute the
book's success to Steve Boyd, our
Editor, for motivating the crew when
the work seemed unsurmountable.
Speaking for the staff, I think all
of us went through the nightmare
phases of pages being dumped on us -
but now with the light at the end, the
anticipation grows of seeing the work
bound forever, NO MORE
As you flip through these pages,
we hope some of the vision of a
unique and trend-setting book will
play a part in your enjoyment as well.
I met some very interesting people
through my interviews and made a lot
of new friends. The staff here has
grown into a unit - a team working
selflessly - helping each other and
always meeting the odds like greeting
a fresh cup of coffee in the morning.
We've created a lot of memories,
and most of them are bound up in the
stories, pictures, and times spent
writing, re-writing, re-shooting,
developing film, printing, cropping, and
typing stories over and over to create
a book of memories for you. If the
book seems heavier, you're right. We've
added twice as many pictures and
stories, and twice as much color over
last year's book . . . It's the ink, I tell
you it adds up.
So from a smoke filled room, Joni
Mitchell serenading us, Paul zoning
out, Steve tired of yearbooks, Joan
tired of deciphering names from
chicken scratches, Gil tired of playing
crop-a-matic, and myself just plain
burned out - we hope you enjoy it.
Mike Sparks, Sports Photo Editor
Wizard of the darkroom, Roy Small Alan Jackson, Jon Burgess and Richard Schwartz relax between assignments.
THE RHODODENDRON STAFF Front Row; Steven Boyd, Babette Munn, Gil Hill. Second Row; Monica
Carpenter, Hannah King, Vicki Reeves, Dawn Moss, Doreen Heath, Kaila Hires. Third Row: Mike Sparks,
Bill Maycock, John Zourzoukis, Alan Jackson, Cathy Stuart, Michelle Plaster, Paul Baker. Back Row;
Will Pridgen, Jack Culbreth, Scott Penegar, Jeft Holden, Craig Furlough, Todd Green.
Photo Editor, Gil Hill
students apprehensive about leav-
ing home and moving into a dorm
or apartment find a helpfial friend
in Residence^infe.
year, a new beginning, the return of sll
arrivab^fr'eslimen is like taking a deep breath and starting all ov
Liz Fink, Residence Life Coordinator for Stadium Heights.
The expectations of students and administrators upon the cor
school contain a mixture of enthusiasm and apprehension
countenances and initial preparedness of Residence Life 'personnel' a^
RA workshops held a few weeks prior to the beginning of school,
how to work with students, as this is where their main conceri]
Residftritee Hall, for instance, illustrated tleir theme, 'The Best
donning costumes of the assorted king^" queens, and knaves from the
pialitig cards, and served a wide assortment of refreshments. These innovationll
represent a positive development in student-administrative relations.
At the end of the school year and on 'holidays, the vacancy of the halls brings
about a hollow, -empty feeling for Resideace Life Representatives. Remembrances
of watching as strangers transform into- lifetime friends remain distinct in their
minds. "The vague scent of perfume, the voices of students, and even intangible
figures of people in^the halls can be felt," commented Liz.
There exists a fine line betweeji, Anxiety and excitement, yet both play
significant roles in the commencement of college life. The pressure felt by students
moving into their new homes is ease^ considerably by the warm welcome of
Residence Life. ■ - -
Cluster Families
The crates are packed, favorite
posters rolled, memorabilia bound and
ready for transportation to a new home.
Anticipation mounts, especially before
greeting an unknown roommate.
The anxiety of making the dorm
room a new home may stem from the lack
of familiar, secure surroundings. The
transition from a rambling house with
kitchen, den, and bedrooms to a one room
living cubicle is painful. When will the
agony cease? For many it is short lived,
and meeting a new roommate is like
seeing an old friend. For others the desire
burns for this stranger to find different
lodgings very, very far away, and soon.
As humans our need to call a place
home forces us to make the best of our
new situation. And to help, the Office of
Residence Life makes it their business to
ensure a home-community atmosphere in
the dorms.
Liz Fink, Resident Director of Belk
Hall and Area Coordinator for the
Stadium Heights Cluster said, "Students
do better when safe and secure. They feel
a part of a community and a hall. I've
found that more often the students enjoy
people they live with and feel good about
where they live."
Within the past three years, Re-
sidence Life has begun to group dor-
matories together in Clusters. Fink said
he concept "was developed to facilitate
I sense of identity and create a
:ommunity atmosphere."
Each Cluster is supervised by an
\.rea Coordinator. They are chosen from
imong the Resident Directors of their
];iuster. The Stadium Heights Cluster run
jy Fink includes Belk, Bowie, Eggers and
A'inkler Residence Halls. Judy Vantrease
icts as Area Coordinator for the East-
lidge Cluster made up of Cannon,
Doughton, Hoey, and White Dorms. The
^innacle Cluster is comprised of a larger
irea including Coffey Hall, an honors
acility; Cone, a freshman hall; East, a
iving-learning environment; Lovill Hall;
md the Mountaineer Apartment complex
or upperclassmen. Yosef Hollow contains
Gardner, Justice, Coltrain, and Newland
Halls. In charge is Janet Diaz, Resident
Director of Gardner.
In order for the Clusters to work
efficiently. Resident Advisors need to
have a teamwork attitude. This past
summer 32 R.A.'s took a canoeing trip to
help the staff get to know one another.
Rock climbing and high ropes at
Broadstone and a summer camp operated
by ASU were also events aimed at staff
So what does all the work and
planning by the R.A.'s and R.D.'s result
in? A big event for Stadium Heights was
a watermelon and shaving cream fight.
Eastridge had a pig-picking over the
Labor Day weekend and were known far
and wide for their video movie ex-
travaganzas. Yosef Hollow decked out the
Holiday Inn last fall for an Hawaiian
luau. They also sponsored study work-
shops. Free hotdogs went to all who lived
in Justice Hall - compliments of the
football team to say thanks for putting up
with them.
All in all Residence Life makes the
transition from home to cubicle a little
easier. They do their job with care,
creativity, and an undying zeal. So when
the crates and boxes are finally moved out
of the residence hall, not only will they
be filled with posters and clothes, but also
memories of the long study nights and fun
on the halls.
Living And Learning
One quickly learns that ASU's
Residence Life is what creates homes out
of dorms and allows for a living/learning
situation to create a framework in which
strangers become friends.
The memories of living in Residence
halls must be strong when seniors plan for
a reunion with their former freshman
hallmates. Such is the case with Allison
McNeeley and Michelle Wilkins, who are
appropriately titling their event the '1st
annual 7th-heaven Cannon convent
reunion.' McNeeley says, "as a freshman
you don't know anyone, and you're eager
to find out who is next door - you have
more spirit to make new friends."
Cannon was then A-Option, and no
guys were allowed; but did that stop
them? "We knew we couldn't have guys
up, so we would sneak them in out of
spite," said McNeeley. She commented
how in Coltrane, which is C-Option and
had nothing going on, the girls were calm
in contrast to the wild 'nuns' of Cannon.
For the reunion they plan to collect
pictures for a scrapbook, and have a big
Christmas party.
The committment on the part of
Residence Life instills a sense of place for
residents in halls. R.A.'s not only enter
with new ideas, but they go through
training and are required to attend an
R.A. class their first year.
A.S.U. is unique in its' role with
students living on campus. Residence Life
was instigated in 1980, with the philo-
niTfl^r^ alternative
'"ethods Of locomotion.
(Dphy of making a students' living
ituation more than inhabiting a small
pace. Programs were started and an all
ut attempt made to insure that students
eeds were met and that R.A.'s and R.D.'s
I'ere resource persons, helpers, and
■lends; rather than house parents.
Two dedicated figures that stand out
1 starting Residence Life are Bob
bunnigan and Rick Geis. Acting as
irector and assistant director of Re-
idence Life, respectively, they strive to
onstantly interact with the students. "If
student can't come directly to us with
problem, then something's wrong," says
i Liz Fink, Residence Life coordinator
for Stadium Heights, says R.A.'s need
someone to turn to as well. There are
times when they burn out and need
support and encouragement. Residence
Life responds to this need and even has
a support group from the counseling
center to aid in these situations. "The
R.A.'s have high expectations for them-
selves, but they can't be the end all for
all the students," says Fink. The R.A.'s
have a great deal of paperwork, required
time spent on the halls and disciplinary
concerns. Their attitude toward referrals
is more for the educational aspects of the
referral process than playing police force.
Pam Whisnant, a junior in political
science, loves her job as R.A. "It's helped
me gain more self-confidence, especially
when holding floor meetings." R.A.'s
never know what to expect in their
multi-purpose jobs. "I had to get a bird
out of a room one morning at 4 am," said
Whisnant. The good and bad come with
the job. Having to refer people is not their
prefered task. When people on the hall
get together to do something for an R.A.,
it smoothes out the rough edges, as
Whisnant's' girls proved by presenting
her with a unique, if embarrassing
birthday present as a token of their
respect and friendship - a male strip
Carl "Chip" Mims
takes a few
minutes to smoke
and read the paper
in the privacy o1
his own living
Off-Campus Experiences
When a student enters A.S.U. as
a Freshman, he encounters a barrage
of important decisions. What to
study, what social activities to engage
in, even what clothes to wear present
dilemmas that demand his scrupulous
attention. Luckily freshman are not
faced with the question of whether to
live off-campus or not; all freshman
are required to live in dormitories.
With this determined the student is
free to ponder the more crucial
aspects of college life.
The rule relegating freshman to
dorms is, in most cases, beneficial to
the student. Susan Cole of Residence
Life says the dorm experience is
essentially educational. It teaches
students to live with other people, to
respect them, and to interact with
them on a social basis. Lasting
friendships are formed in dorms, and
it is hoped that the experience builds
healthy, well-adjusted college
students. But talk to any dorm-bound
freshman, and after a year he is ready
to get the hell out and set up in his
own apartment off-campus.
Such outspoken willingness to
leave the camaraderie and security of
dorm life in no way reflects negatively
upon A.S.U.'s on-campus living con-
ditions. Instead it gives witness to the
students' growing maturity and
readiness to deal with the ever
encroaching responsibilities of the
"real world." But alas for those who
may wish to remain on-campus, the
limited accomodations of 4,200 beds
sometimes forces them to venture
forth on their own, and the transition,
even for the willing, is often difficult.
At any given moment approxima-
tely 5,800 A.S.U. students - over half
the school's population - live off
campus. Whether they live in houses,
apartments, trailers or boarding
houses each faces similar problems
finding, renting, and remaining in an
off-campus dwelling. To aid the
off-campus student, the Office of
Residence Life provides several
helpful services. Among these are the
apartment-for-rent and roommates
wanted listings. Each list is frequent-
ly updated and gives current informa-
tion on available housing and possible
leads to roommates. In conjunction
with Student Legal Services, Re-
sidence Life offers The Tenant-
Landlord Book, a handy guide full of
pertinent information about tenants'
Even with these useful tools,
however, the apartment hunter un-
dertakes a grueling task. The housing
outlook in Boone has traditionally
been bleak. Students confronted with
the necessity of living close to campus
are dismayed with the cost and
scarcity of adequate housing. The
atmosphere here is typical of a college
town. Students are placed in a
situation where demand exceeds
supply. Consequently, living space is
at a premium and landlords are free
to exact exorbitant rents from
students. According to Residence
Life, 60"^ of all rental units in Boone
are owned by a mere 10% of the total
landlords - figures approaching a
virtual monopoly. Nita Gregory, a
junior in Communication Arts, feels
,that "landlords know students have
to have a place to live, so they charge
whatever they want." With students
scrambling for living space some
landlords have even been known to let
sub-standard units. However, the
situation seems to be brightening.
Boone is experiencing a tremendous
growth in apartment construction.
The availability of housing is increas-
ing and hopefully, says Susan Cole,
rents will begin to fall. She also said
that landlords will be encouraged to
keep their properties in better repair.
The lure of off-campus living is
irresistable to most A.S.U. students.
Youth's unflagging resiliency and the
excitement of having one's own place
overcomes the obstacles of high rent
and less than luxurious housing.
"Sure, students renting for the first
time are gullible. They get ripped off
usually," states Wally Baine, a junior
from Raleigh. "They go out and rent
a dump, but its their dump and that
makes all the difference."
With the signing of the first lease
the student ascends into the bitter-
sweet world of responsibility. Depo-
sits and rent must be paid; bills for
electricity, oil and the telephone
always seem to be due. Dishes must
be washed, so does the toilet. And it
can get damn cold in an apartment at
times. But that's only part of it.
An apartment affords the
student opportunity to develop in a
way he can't in a cramped dorm room.
It becomes an extension of the
student's personality. "There's room
to stretch out and put more of your
own belongings around," says Jean-
Marie Reinoso, a senior. The freedom
of off-campus living allows the
student to get away from school, to
party undisturbed into the wee hours,
or just to hide for awhile. But even
with all the inherent hassles of living
in one, an apartment gives the
student a feeling of belonging and
individuality. "When you go back to
a dorm, you just go to your room,"
says Baine, "but when you go back to
your apartment, you go Home."
SU plays host to a variety of musical acts, from the
iternationally known band Cheap Trick to aspiring local
ands like 3 Hits in a very diverse concert season.
Making A
Comeback At ASU
Beginning with small concerts and
working their way up, SGA and
Complementary Education attempt
to fill the P. B. Scott's void.
Live entertainment underwent major
transformations during the fall of 198.S at
ASU. Attempts to alter the traditional
methods of organizing concerts were
successful due primarily to thoughtful
planning on the part of the SCA and the
Administration. These changes included
an unprecedented numher of small
concerts, the opening of the Student
Activities Room to live bands and
brown-bagging, and finally, the use of an
outside promoter to put on the
Homecoming show.
This fall ASU enjoyed its main
Homecoming show on the Tuesday night
before the game. Cheap Trick blasted
students with some old favorites and new
tunes from their then current album Next
Position Please. The Klvis Brothers
opened the show in Broome-Kirk (lym.
The concert was unique in that it was the
first time an independent promoter took
the risk for an ASU Homecoming
Concert. The Homecoming festivities also
included a show by Sugar Creek on the
PViday night before the game.
A new small concerts policy instigat-
ed this year enabled students to see many
more bands than in previous years. Mike
Cross and Brice Street, perennial favor-
ites at ASU, appeared during the fall
semester. The spring semester saw the
booking of the pop-funk band Piranha.
The shows all seem to have been
successful, and students appreciated the
efforts spent in presenting several
top-name acts.
Regular use of the Social Activity
Room in the Student Union began in
early November. The Room provided a
place for students to go and listen to live
entertainment at no charge. Brown-
bagging was also allowed: a limit of 6
beers per person.
A variety of bands appeared at the
Social Activity Room. The Room gave
ASU's student bands a place to play. Two
bands composed of students; 3 Hits and
The Opposition, played there in late
3 Hits put on an enjoyable "Last
Show" at the Room before moving to
Raleigh. Lead singer Sheila Valentine's
exceptional stage presence was com-
plemented by that of lead guitarist Mike
Klutz and drummer Jim Biddell. The
band played a mixture of original music
and cover tunes by such bands as U2 and
The Pretenders.
The Opposition showed more depth
than a simple party band when they
played the Room. Their show was a
unique blend of original songs and songs
of other classic rockers. There was a good
show on the dance floor as well as on the
stage. Slam dancing took the Social
Activities Room employees by surprise at
first. Bassist Bill Kenney said, "We have
fun playing and it makes us happy to see
people having fun watching us."
In addition to Kenney, the band
consisted of rhythm guitarist Dave
Hubner, guitarist Andy Vervill, vocalist
Todd Wilkerson, and drummer Chris
Mize. Dave Hubner remarked, "We're
glad we played there because it gave
people an opportunity to hear and dance
to music that is not heard on the radio
Several "road bands" put on shows
at the Room. Threshold, a 7-member Top
40 band, was asked to play a second show
because of their familiar, danceable
sound. Clockwork played at the Room on
two different occasions, too. They played
Top 40 rock, as well as some funk and a
few original tunes. At the time, they had
an album out entitled "A Cry for Love".
Monk and the Maniacs thrilled many
students when they played the Room.
They combined music and a constant
comedy routine with colorful changes in
costume. Each routine was linked to the
central theme of a song. Their impersona-
tions were often quite humorous, al-
though they tended to be a little risque
at times. Other bands, including The
Hollywood Brats, Tuff Breaks, Vixen,
Sneaky, and Kidz performed at the Social
Activities Room during the year.
The Administration's decision to
open the Student Activities Room to Live
Rock 'n Roll and beer drinking came at
an opportune time. Tough, new penalties
for DWI and the systematic purging of
Blowing Rock's night spots left few places
for students to vent their alcohol-fired
Rock 'n Roll steam. The Room provided
students with a great opportunity to go
out, see live bands, drink, dance, and
socialize without having to run the 321
gauntlet from Blowing Rock back to
Boone after a show, drunk, and in bad
weather. On-campus entertainment
proved to be cheaper, more convenient,
and just as good as anywhere else. And
it may have even saved a few lives.
North Carolina's
Premier Entertainer
"I intend to keep performing until
my first coronary, and after that it
depends on the muscles that are
still working."
Farthing Auditorium was in a frenzy
Friday night, the ninth of September
when Mike Cross - the witty and
entertaining singer, songwriter, and
storyteller took to the stage. For two
hours he brought the crowd to its' feet
with foot-stomping Irish fiddle tunes; had
them laughing aloud with his funny songs
and tales; and brought them down again
with his slow ballads of life and love.
A few hours before the show I had
the opportunity to talk at length with
Mike, and he began our conversation by
telling me how he got his start in music:
"when I entered UNC, my idea of folk
music was singing 'Koom Ba Ya" at
summer camp", he admitted. That soon
changed as Mike learned to play several
acoustic instruments including guitar,
fiddle, and mandolin. He dropped a few
instruments at this time also, and he
stated, "I used to play harmonica but
when I'd catch a cold it would last for 6
months because of all the germs in the
harmonica!" Reminiscing about his first
job, Mike said, "I started out at a place
called 'The Endangered Species Tavern'
in Chapel Hill. To make any money we
lad to pass the hat. I have always felt a
Dersonal bond to the audience as a result
)f those days at The Endangered Species.
kVhen the atmosphere is just right and
['m really communicating with the
ludience, it seems like the whole room
Decomes something above human.
Mike quit law school to pursue his
mtertainment career. He explained, "I
sat down one night and asked myself a
luestion - if I knew I was going to die in
'ive years from cancer, How would I
;pend my time? The answer was not to
jractice law, so here I am. I feel there are
;o many aspects of the universe, anything
^ou put energy and heart into is
vorthwhile." When asked how long he
jlanned to continue performing he
okingly replied, "I intend to keep
jerforming until my first coronary and
ifter that it depends on the remaining
nuscles that work!"
Life on the road isn't easy for Mike
vho confessed he doesn't like to travel,
ie is on the road from 220 to 240 days
)er year. "You feel like a stranger in a
iea of humanity", he said. "Having a
;ompanion on the road, my wife, makes
it a lot easier." In explaining why he
prefers to perform and travel without a
band, he said, "Some people are good
team players and some are good solitary
players. Sometimes when I'm traveling
alone at night a song will just come to me.
It's like someone else wrote it and asked
me to write it down."
Mike especially enjoys playing shows
,in North Carolina. "From a club in New
York to Saudi Arabia the response is
always positive, but I like playing in
North Carolina because it's home", he
said. His song 'Carolina Skies' is
testimony to that statement - "There's
nothing like the feeling, knowing that I'm
seeing those Appalachian Mountains
beneath the Carolina Skies."
Mike says he doesn't "entertain to
impress", but rather he "entertains to
communicate". He does this by offering
something for everyone no matter what
their musical taste. He summed it up well
when I asked him to describe Mike Cross
in one sentence. Looking up at the ceiling,
he scratched his head and replied, "a
figment of our collective iihaginations".
Varsity Gymnasium
The musicians burst with energy. Their
guitarist throws guitar picks and
albums into the crowd - later he even
throws his own jacket. At one point
he brings out a multi-necked guitar
shaped like a human body, and says to
the crowd, "I want you all to meet my
new son."
Cheap Trick, an internationally
known pop band, rocked ASU this year
as part of its pre-Homecoming weekend
warm up. The official view holds that the
?oncert was a success - seating capacity
in the 5700-seat Varsity Gymnasium was
well over fifty percent. Gross receipts
indicate that the Student Government
Association "broke even"; a fiscal
achievement due in part to an inter-
mediary promoter, Starship Enterprises.
This short "essay" is actually a condensed
and slightly-Anglicized version of several
interviews with Jay, a foreign exchange
student currently studying in Boone.
These comments are his impressions of
rock-concert mania a la America:
"I am unfamiliar with auditoriums
:he size of Varsity Gymnasium - I've been
in a stadium or two but nothing really
large and enclosed, except perhaps a
church or train station. And I have never
seen a real rock concert before. Some of
lis have radios and disc-players; but
definitely not a stereo system like my
sponsor's son Tom has. You have music
in the supermarket, doctor's office, in cars
and on airplanes: there's always a song
even on television, if you listen to the
background. These things we do not have
as much in my country. My friends and
I dream of owning a "Walk-man".
"We arrive early Tuesday night to get
good seats for the Cheap Trick concert.
For days now I have listened to "One on
One", their popular album, and talk at
school has built up the excitement. Tom
and I have seats on the bottom level.
Metal and plastic chairs line the ground
floor in long rows. They have pulled out
the bleachers. Above us, a tangle of
lighting equipment is being tested and
fixed. In front of us is the stage, stacked
with huge black boxes that Tom tells me
are the "speaker cabinets". He points out
microphones, monitors, guitar stands, and
the set of drums smothered in cymbals.
The crowd has filled most of the room
now with loud talking and a great deal of
smoke. Like a pub, except we are still in
our coats.
"The Elvis Brothers take the stage -
the "warm-up band". I tell Tom that the
lead singer looks like Daryl Hall of Hall
and Oates; he assures me that this is most
certainly not the same man. They play
fast music - rock and roll, kind of like the
Stray Cats. Their drummer hurls a
drumstick into the air - meanwhile
playing - and catches the falling stick
behind his back. A magnificent show!
"Soon the band leaves and the lights
then go entirely out. Men walk on the
stage in darkness - how can they see
where they are going? A man's voice
comes over the speaker, then Wham! The
lights are flashed on and the music of
Cheap Trick leaps into our bodies. Never
have I heard such loud noise, but soon I
am accustomed to the music as the band
plays favorites like "Dream Police",
"Surrender", and "She's Tight". The
musicians burst with energy.
"All in all, the experience was even
better than I imagined it would be. At the
end of Cheap Trick's performance a good
many lighters were flicked on, and our
chants and hopes for an encore were
rewarded. I could not applaud hard
enough for my first American rock
concert experience."
The world of the stage came alive at ASU in 1983-84.
PERFORMANCE - Madrigal & 12 Days
The ticket lines for Ye Olde Madrigal Feaste rivaled that of
concerts such as Sinatra in Italy and the Police in Cireenshoro. 720 available
seats were immediately sold out this past December, when people from as
far away as Chicagt), Florida, and Virf^inia joined native Roone residents
in the 7th annual gala event.
The traditional Yuletide Madrigal Feaste was inaugurated in 1184,
when the Royal Family in England first gathered together at Windsor
Castle to throw a big bash. Ye Olde Madrigal Feaste has been recreated
by ASU for 7 years, and the production goes hack to 1584, when Queen
Elizabeth I, Captain Walter Raleigh, and William Byrd, enjoyed a lavish
6-course meal of Wassail, Barleys Soupe, gene tudor sallade withe sauce,
rost beefe with yorkshire puddying, candied sweete yams, and frutes, which
always left the guests satiated.
Under the direction of Noel Lovelace, the ASH Chamber Singers
reenact the feaste each year. "It took a long time to research for authenticity
- in music, costumes, etc.," said Lovelace. He found it a challenge to make
the event, "interesting and-fun-not dull." Lovelace said he plowed through
stacks of music to find compositions that were written before 1584.
The Chamber Singers diligently work all fall semester towards the
production and receive one hours credit. The character of Queen Elizabeth
I was played by Cindy Stonesifer, Walter Raleigh by Jim Taylor, and
William Byrd by Noel Lovelace. Lovelace said the students really put their
heart and energy into the performances, and the gregarious Chamber
Singers interact with the guests in search of etiquette violations. The
Madrigal dinner etiquette is rather strict; "Gueysts myst never leave bones
on the table, allways hyde them under the chayres, gueysts myst not wype
theyre greezy fingers on theyre heardes, and gueysts should never pyck
theyre teethe at the table with a knyfe, strawe or stycke." The need to
adhere to 16th century etiquette allows the guests to become fully involved
in the night's fanfare. Court jesters, pages and wenches, the Boar's head
platter, flaming pudding and an ensemble of instrumentalists are reasons
enough to understand why it's become a successful tradition around Boone.
Guests of the feasts are treated to the poignant and touching moment of
Sir Walter Raleigh's knighting ceremony. Original Elizabethan dance and
traditional Christmas carols keep the guests fully entertained as well.
The turnover of students from year to year makes the task of costuming
into quite a monumental job for Marion Lovelace. "It's like a treadmill,"
said Noel Lovelace. "Every year is different; from modifications in script,
music arrangements, costume design and fitting (to adapt more and more
to the Elizabethan period), set construction and new acts."
The performance in 1984 will coincide with the 400th anniversity of
Sir Walter Raleigh's voyage to Roanoke Island in his effort to establish
the first English settlement in North America.
So, if you plan to attend next year's festivities, be prepared for an
evening full of food and entertainment, and remember your etiquette.
"Gueysts myst have nayles clean or they will dysgust theyre table
"Your majesty, there's been a salt violation.
Wayne Britt plays the Queen's jester.
James Taylor as Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Cindy
The Twelve Days of Christmas is just one of the season's festivities
at the University Center. Mr. Barry Rogers, p]xecutive Director of the
University Center, said "with two seatiiigs a day we still have to turn away
crowds. In its fourth year, it continues to he a hroad program, eliciting
performers from local churches, choirs, bell choirs, faculty members and ASU
students. Mr. Richard Hudson, director of conferences, is responsible for
coordinating the programs and drawing in the performers. They hope to expand
next year and call it "Days of Christmas."
Music professor Dr. Bill Spencer.
Dr. Spencer plays the Appalachian dulcimer.
Dr. Bill Spencer
plays the mountain
dulcimer as part of
the season festivities
at University Center.
Dr. Spencer said he
picked up the dul-
cimer back in 1955,
and "started serious
playing in "78." He
makes his own dul-
cimers, and enjoys
being involved with
this area as it lends
itself to the instru-
ment. He is a profes-
sor of music and
teaches conducting,
theory, guitar, piano
technology, wood-
winds and bassoon.
Ars. Buchanan and Andy Booze keep the audience entertained.
Mrs. Susie Buchanan and student Andrew Booze
entertained the lunch crowd at The University Center for part of the
Twelve Days of Christmas celebration. Mrs. Buchanan has played the
piano for years, but states she never really mixed her music with an
occupation. "I do it for the fun of it, and would never want to be
stuck in the drudgery of having to make someone play in lessons day
in and day out." She has lived a fruitful life, as her training goes
back to the state's Appalachian Normal School in 1932, followed by
a B.S. degree in education in 1938. In '52 she went for her masters,
minoring in music. She sees herself as a natural musician, and said
her "mind naturally transposes." She's been an elementary school
teacher, and a librarian for the Parkway Elementary School.
Andy Booze, from King, N.C., is a senior Music Education major
at ASU. He plans to attend graduate school and would eventually
like to teach. He's always wanted to play drums, and got his chance
to play in the band in 6th grade. He said that the hardest thing about
Music Education is, "You have to learn how to play all the
The luncheon program was definitely enhanced by their lively
versions of traditional Christmas carols.
First of all, theater majors are not weird, strange, or
wacky. Insane - yes, hut weird? Never. They aren't weirri lor the
same reasons that Jesse Helms supporters, ehild molesters, and
Wayne Newton lovers are. Theater majors are a i)art ol a much
larger group collectively known as Theater People. Theater I'eople
may he theater majors, minors, those with an interest in theater,
or anyone who hangs around ('hai)ell Wilson Hall, the home of
ASU's University Theatre and the weirdos.
Okay, so maybe theater people are somewhat weird, hut it's
a good, healthy weirdness, a natural reaction to the dedication, hard
work, and creativity that is inherent lo (he theater. A theater person
is a slave to his art; and il they seem more hizarre than the other
strange people on campus, like I'.sychology or Business majors, it
is more from heing cooped up in Chapell Wilson working all day
and half the night than from anything else. They spend long hours
working on shows in production for heller than half of each
semester, and it is demanding work. Directors, actors, props people,
and lighting techs all face a lot of |)ressure when prei)aring for a
show. Being semi-psychotic ;;eems to hel|) in dealing with the
pressures. Just hefore a show opens, ('ha|)ell Wilson is in turmoil:
actors scurrying around trying to remember lines and gel into
character; techies working to make sure the production is going lo
run smoothly with the sets, jjrops, sound tapes, and costumes in
order; and the good old director running around driving the loonies
even crazier. Yes, Chapell Wilson is a madhouse most of the time,
but the madness pays off handsomely and that is (juite satisfying.
Theater is like some kind of blood disease that infects a person
and makes him feel like something is wrong if he's not working
on a show. Working at the University Theatre in some capacity,
be it on or behind stage, gives the theater person a taste of what
real theater life is all about. It is demanding work that makes any
potential theater person stop and ask himself: "Do I have what it
takes to do theater professionally? Do I have the stamina to make
theater my life's work?" Kvery serious theater person is faced with
these insecurities, and forced to answer these questions truthfully,
but doing so usually leads to a fierce dedication to the craft that
is rivaled by few other professions.
If anyone was to walk up to a dedicated theater |)erson and
tell him or her that they were weird, he or she would more than
likely accept the compliment with the grace, charm, and dignity
that all theater people possess, and then, thank the would-be
offender, because telling a theater person he or she is weird would
be to say that they are in touch with their imagination - isn't
"weird" a pessimistic synonym for "imagination" anyway? A
healthy imagination is the key, the best tool a theater person has.
If being more in touch with the imagination to better one's craft
produces the side effects of deranged personality, then so be it.
Being weird is more fun anyway.
Lyie Bradstiaw applies makeup for One Act Escurial.
Nancy Tynes gives Michael Duggan a good luck kiss.
The musical comedy, Dames At Sea, was a
production by the Lambda Zeta cast of Alpha Psi
Omega, a national honorary dramatic- society, totally
student produced and performed. Dames At Sea is
based on the campy nostalgia of the l9H()'s, written
by George Haimsohn and Robin Miller with music by
Jim Wise. The simple story evolves around a small
town girl (Ruby) making it big on Broadway. It's a
story of love, friendship, fun and laughter. The show
is highstepping with impressive dance numbers and
plenty of lavish songs. Melody Galloway (Ruby) said
she felt, "The audience was very entertained."
Galloway describes her experience as Ruby with,
"The best part of the whole thing was getting to know
the people, in a way I wish we could do it all over
again." The show was directed and choreographed by
theater graduate student Lyle Bradshaw.
)st and crew from the all student produced Alpha Psi Omega production of Dames At
A night of One-Acts is t
University Theatre production of
three one-act plays. These plays are
directed by students in the Directing II
, class, and are taught and supervised by
Dr. Susan Cole.
The New Quixote, directed by
Dawn Dernoedon, and written by
Michael Frayn, evolves around Gina
(Ruth Wilson), a professional woman
set in her ways, as she deals with
Kenneth (Curt Swain), a young man
hn West as the King and Lyle Bradshaw Brian McDaniel and Nancy Tynes have some fun in a scene who unexpectedly decides to move into
his hateful jester in Escurial. from The Marriage Proposal. u onnrtmpnt
her apartment.
The Marriage Proposal, directed
by Helen Whalen, is a popular farce by
Anton Chekhov. The play is set in a
rural Russian home and depicts an old
man's (Brian McDaniel) attempt to
marry off his strong willed daughter
Natalia (Nancy Tynes) to their timid
next door neighbor (Michael Duggan).
Escurial, directed by Warrie
Williams, and written by Michel De
Gheldeiode, is the tragic story of a king
(John West) and his court jester (Lyle
Bradshaw) and the traumatic events
which follow their attempts to trade
places. The cast also featured Curtis
Overcash as a monk and Cliff Bolton as
the executioner. Overall, the night of
one-acts was a diverse evening of
kth Wilson as Gina and Curt Swain as Kenneth learn a lesson in love in The New Quixote.
Pinocchio and The Fire
Eater's Traveling Puppet
Theater was a children's
musical by Tom Campbell.
The production was done
through a special course on
the Stanislavski system
taught by artists in residence
Isaac Dostis and Diana Sun-
rise. The show toured Wes-
tern North Carolina on a
limited basis during the fall
semester. The course was very
educational for all involved.
Carson McCuller's sensitive
play, The Member of the
Wedding, is a poignant story of a
young girl, Frankie, who is eager to
participate in an adult world. The
play brings home the realities of
growing up through many trials and
tribulations. The first main stage
fail production was directed by Dr.
Linda Welden, a professor in the
Communication Arts Department.
Young People's Theater production of Pinocchio
Linda Pugh plays Berenice,
the compassionate maid.
Nine year old Bryan Walls as John Henry, Linda Pugh, and Dawn
ODernoeden as Frankie play cards.
John Ford Noonan's A Coupla'
White Chicks Sitting Around
Talking is a touching and funny play
about the trials and tribulations of two
radically different housewives. The
comedy takes place in the kitchen of
Maude Mix (played by Pamela Ridge),
a seemingly proper housewife in
Westchester County, New York, and
portrays how her life is interrupted by
her new neighbor from Texas, Hannah
Mae (played by Allison McNeeley).
Hannah Mae's outspoken ways seek
Maude's approval as a friend, and the
ensuing situations reveal many "bf the
idiosyncrasies of both women, their
struggles with their husbands and the
difficulties of breaking the barriers to
know and understand one another. Pam
Ridge and Allison McNeeley play the
only 2 parts in the play, under the
direction of Dr. Susan Cole, Director of
University Theater.
Pam Ridge and Allison McNeeley play any-
thing but typical housewives.
Hannah Mae (Allison McNeeley) and Maude (Pam Ridge)
come to terms with each other.
Wayne Britt as Cleante, Brian McDaniel as Argan, and Lisa Ray as Angehque in The Imaginary Invalid.
The University The-
atre presented Miles Malle-
son's adaptation of Mo-
liere's rollicking comedy
of manners The Imaginary
Invalid for four nights
during February. The 300
year old play entertained
theater goers as much now
as it did then. The cast
included Brian McDaniel as
Monsieur Argan, Victoria
Rives as Toinette, Lisa Ray
as Angelica, and Wayne
Britt as Cleante. Ed Pil-
kington directed the play.
i/isitor from Forest Hills"
Mark Shuford and Holly Chase in Plaza Suite.
The all-student cast from Trouble in Mind, presented during Afro-American History Month.
Niel Simon's Plaza Suite was presented
before three packed houses at the University-
Center for Continuing Education's Night on
the Town. The 15 dollar a head dinner theater
production was given in conjunction with the
Center and the University Theatre. Simon's
Plaza Suite was a delightful comedy
comprised of three separate episodes which
took place in suite 719 of the Plaza Hotel. The
three acts, entitled "Visitor from Mamaron-
eck", "Visitor from Hollywood," and "Visitor
from Forest Hills" were directed by theater
students Cathy Bennett, Jim Rigsbee, and
Sharon Alt, respectively.
As part of Afro-American
History Month the play
Trouble in Mind was present-
ed in Farthing Auditorium on
February 9th and 10th. Writ-
ten by black playwright Alice
Childress, Trouble in Mind
showed the struggle of black
actors and actresses to over-
come racial stereotypes in the
late '50's. Until that time
blacks were limited to confin-
ing roles as maids and lackeys
in American Theater. The
unique "play within a play"
format allowed the inherent
dignity of blacks to come
through majestically and
PERFORMANCE • Dance Ensemble
Imagine Wendy Fletcher and a class of students exercising,
"Okay folks. One more thing." Fletcher demonstrates while the
class watches; some participate in her example. She guides them,
saying, "Other side," breathlessly, "and two, and three ..."
musically, with perfect rhythm. "Straighten up over there . . . Yes!
And two . . . keep going. Prances now." The hours of practice seem
to go on forever.
This "class" took place before the 1984 ASU Dance Ensemble
performance, while the audience was arriving. A thirty minute
warm-up has become a tradition before their yearly performance.
Fletcher methodically leads, as bodies change to her rhythm.
The "class" forms a semicircle centerstage. A loving teacher talks
to eager, yet tired students. Music fades in. The lights are down
and stretches are occuring in the semicircle. The music gets louder.
"Class" ends, the lights go out, and the performance begins.
I. The Gale. Spontaneous regenerations of life and gymnastics
turned to spectacular dance.
n. Fields and Forces. Pink and light purple gowns flow to
the lovely piano of George Winston. This is a very graceful piece.
III. He's a Dream. This is Fletcher's creation. The music is
appropriate, if one can say it that way. This is an excellent jazz
number. More pure energy here; the piece is well choreographed.
Blending fast rhythm and smooth, quick technique to create the
high energy of that moment when love is at its peak.
IV. RoUercoaster. Marianne Adams choreographed and
designed the costumes for this dance. It begins with a pleasant,
quiet introduction. The voice of Joni Mitchell begins and the
dancers respond. Yes! Exhilaration. We're coaster "cruisin" now.
Men dancing, however briefly together, almost seems an odd
interaction. Rarely does our culture allow men to simply have fun.
This dance is particularly suitable for our new auditorium, Broyhill
Music Center. This part even has sculpture! RoUercoaster tracks
appear onstage with stunning clarity, as the dance "coasts" to an
V. Variations. It has a classical feeling that most of us equate
with a really excellent childhood.
VI. Parlour Games. The last piece to be performed by the
Ensemble on February 15th and 16th was choreographed by
Fletcher. It featuredeDr. Max Smith on the Harpsichord. When a
story like "Parlour Games" is danced, it becomes far superior to
Afterwards, Fletcher commented, "An incredible amount of
work goes into a performance like this. The dance students that
are chosen to participate gain a lot of technical knowledge and it
is an enjoyable^earning experience."
The ASU Dance Ensemble seems spontaneous, yet controlled.
It's a warm and generous sampling of the talent here. I hope you
had the good fortune to see it.
The 1983-1984 Perform-
ing Arts Series began with
the North Carolina Shake-
speare Festival's production
of Othello. A full house was
treated to the intrigue and
deceit of the 300 year old
classic. Milledge Mosley
played Othello; Mary
Hopeman, Desdemona, and
Eric Zwemer played the
treacherous lago with memor-
able aplomb.
To herald in the Christmas
season a musical rendition of
Dickens' A Christmas Carol was
presented on December 8 in Farth-
ing Auditorium. The profession-
alism of the Bill Fegan company
was evident in the show's delightful
versions of traditional English
Christmas carols. "The characters
(were) larger than life could ever be.
The sets and costumes were faith-
fully drawn from reality then
fancifully carried far past reality,"
wrote Charles Jones who adapted
the novelette for the stage. Indeed,
the plight of Tiny Tim and the
spirited singing melted many a
Scrooge's heart that night.
A jealous Othello kills his faithful wife.
The cunning lago looks on as Othello beats an innocei
The music and charm of Dickens' A Christmas Carol thrilled kids of all ages in December at Farthing. ■
Celebrating its 46th sea-
son, the New Orleans
Symphony Orchestra ap-
peared at ASU in March. The
Symphony, which has toured
extensively throughout the
South and Southwest and the
first American orchestra to
tour South America, was
conducted by Philippe En-
tremont. He feels his con-
ducting is enhanced by his
mastery of the piano. En-
tremont, a Frenchman, is
attracted appropriately
enough to the French reper-
toire, and his concerts are
often dominated by the work
of French composers.
Much acclaimed conductor, Philippe En- Philippe Entremont conducts the New Orleans Symphony Orchestn
ancers' gyrating movements caught in long exposure. Museum Piece II after Rodin.
"The Holder Dance Company reflects North
Carolina at its very best ... In fact, Holder is now
the major professional dance company in the
southeastern United States." These words of praise
come from Governor Jim Hunt as the Frank Holder
Dance Company celebrates its Tenth Anniversary
On November 10, 1983, the Holder Company
presented an evening of dance in Farthing
Auditorium. The sets, costumes, lighting, and
choreography were all by Frank Holder himself, the
founder of the Company.
Holder began his college education as a botany
major in 1967, but he redirected his energies after
taking a course in Modern Dance his sophomore year.
In 1971 he came to UNC-Greensboro and received an
MFA in Dance a year later. Why Greensboro? As
Holder explains, "I didn't want to move to New York
City and become another unemployed dancer. I really
wanted to dance and choreograph, and an academic
setting seemed logical." To follow up on his wishes,
he formed the Frank Holder Dance Company in 1973.
Beginning with performance in the North
Carolina public school system, the Company pleased
critics ("Yes - Professionalism from Out of Town!")
at its New York debut in 1981.
At this time the Company is composed of seven
dancers. Although they come from \-arious back-
grounds - Cuba, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Florida
- Their expertise and love of dance form a harmonious
group. Working in harmony with other people comes
naturally for Cuban Julio Sotolongo, who says "I
dream of a world in which Man is in harmony with
himself and with the planet earth so that we may
achieve our rightful heritage as citizens of the
universal community."
The members of the Frank Holder Dance
Company have diverse interests as hobbies - from
music to acting to sky diving - but the real passion
in their lives is dance. All had performed with other
dance companies before joining Holder, and they all
find their present work most rewarding. Six years ago
Louis Hrabovsky resigned from teaching to become
the Executive Director of the Company. He says of
that decision, "I have not been disappointed, because
the Company has made a significant impact on
modern dance in North Carolina and throughout the
orth Carolina's premier dance troupe: the Frank Holder Dance Company of Greensboro.
PERFORMANCE ■ Artist Series
Ending the 1983-1984 Performing Arts Series on
April 3rd was the Chinese Magic Circus of Taiwan.
And what an appropriate finale for any series of
cultural and artistic performances! The troupe's
exotic display of acrobatics, magic, and dancing
brought to the Farthing stage feats of wonder not
often seen in the Western world.
The 18 member, two family company, is the
successor of a rich and ancient heritage. For over
2000 years pai hsi, "the hundred acts", has been an
integral art of Chinese folk culture. During the T'ang
Dynasty (618-905 A.D.), pai hsi reached its most
glorious heights. A special training school was
established called Chias Fang to train performers in
music, dance, and later in kung fu. Many of the acts
devised at this time are still practiced by the Magic
Circus today.
In ancient China, magic played a prevalent role
in pai hsi. Magicians supposedly could swallow
swords, spit fire, and produce trees from thin air. One
chap was said to be able to "spit fire, dissect himself,
and transplant the heads of bulls and horses."
Luckily, today the "hundred acts" emphasizes less
gruesome displays. The Farthing show featured such
acts as the "Dance of the Dragon", a Chinese version
of vaudvillian comedy, the beautiful and traditional
"Village Chopstick Dance", and exhibitions of kung
fu. Hair raising balancing acts involving chairs,
tables, flower pots, and humans were interspersed
throughout. The Chinese Magic Circus of Taiwan will
certainly be remembered by young and old alike.
Feats of strength and daring by the Chinese Magic Circus of Taiwan.
As part of the
1983-1984 Home-
coming festivities,
ASU played host to
Guy Lombardo's
famous Royal Can-
adians. Directed by
Art Mooney, the
big band swayed
the crowd with "the
Sweetest Music this
Side of Heaven"
including music by
Duke Ellington,
Benny Goodman,
and the Dorsey
Big Bands make a comeback! Guy Lombardo's Canadians played Farthing this fall.
An almost sold-out house battled one of the worst snow
storms this year to hear the great jazz pianist Dave Brubeck and
his quartet play at Farthing on February 28. Unfortunately, the
group's saxophonist, Jerry Bergonzi did not appear. Because of
snow, his plane was grounded in Buffalo, New York, but the
crowd was treated to a sterling performance by the remaining
Brubeck, obviously tired from travel and the saxophonist's
absence, was prompted to say that "this has been one of the worst
days of my life, but outside of that it's been great."
The first tune was W.C. Handy's "St. Louis Blues". Starting
out in a slow 4/4 blues tempo, the band accelerated to a modern
interpretation of the old standard with solos from Brubeck and
his bass playing son, Chris.
Again in the second piece, the Quartet remained in the blues
mood with "The Duke," a tribute to Duke Ellington. Essentially
a Brubeck composition, the tune included snatches from
Ellington's work.
By this time Brubeck's fatigue had begun to fade, and his
playing gained new life. His next piece "Tri-Tones" was an
exceptionally difficult work utilizing different time signatures for
each instrument and different keys and tempos for each hand
of the pianist. "Tri-Tones" had a mechanical quality which was
expertly complemented by Chris's melodic bass lines.
"Jazz Impressions of Japan" was a hauntingly beautiful piece
based on scales used with the traditional Japanese stringed
instrument, the koto. The mystery of the orient was captured with
this tune, evoking scenes of mist sliding over dark mountain crags
in a Japanese water color.
Chopin has always fascinated Brubeck. "Dziekuje", meaning
"thank you" in Polish, integrated Chopin's florid romanticism
with up-beat, modern jazz.
After a short intermission, Brubeck turned the show over to
his sidemen; his son Chris and drummer Randy Jones. Chris
thrilled the audience with two brilliant bass trombone solos, and
Jones' frequent solos were tight and exact.
The second set ended with "Take Five", the Brubeck
standard. This song, however, was a little weak without the sax,
but solos from each performer helped to take up any slack.
After many minutes of a standing ovation, the "three man
quartet" came back for an encore. "This has been a unique and
different concert for us," said Brubeck, referring to the absent
sax player. "I would have liked to have quit while we were ahead."
As the song ended, the crowd rose to its feet in applause while
the trio exited, arm in arm. It was truly a unique experience for
everyone, well worth braving a Boone winter snow storm.
ave Brubeck and his three-man 'quartet' in a memorable performance.
PERFORMANCE ■ Chamber Series
Jeffrey Hollander opened this
year's Chamber Music Series on the
evening of September 29. Hol-
lander, a member of the piano
faculty of the University of Wiscon-
sin at Milwaukee, entertained a
small crowd with classical music,
jazz, and ingenious improvisation.
The celebrated quintet An Die
Musik performed at ASU on
October 13. The group has played
in the U.S. and Europe since 1976. The Monumental Brass Quintet
An Die Musik, formed by pianist ,
Constance Emmerich, is named
after a poem written by Schober
and put to music by Schubert.
The Lewis Weintraub Trio
played to an enraptured ASU
audience on February 8. The Trio
was comprised of cellist Dorothy
Hall Lewis, pianist Gary Lewis, and
oboist Jason Weintraub. Wein-
traub, a well known soloist and j^^ Lewis-Weintraub Trio
orchestral musician, is a former
member of both the Rochester
Philharmonic and the Rochester
Chamber Orchestra.
The Monumental Brass Quin-
tet entertained ASU music lovers
with a free concert on February 23
in the new Broyhill Auditorium.
The Quintet, consisting of Patrick
Whitehead and Lewis Dutrow on
trumpets; Carol Conti-Entin, horn;
Martin Hughes, trombone; and C.
Russell McKinny on bass trom-
bone, gave an outstanding perfor-
mance of works by Claude le Jeune,
J. S. Bach, Robert Sanders, and
Samuel Scheldt.
Traditional chamber music and
modern British compositions were
the fare of the last concert of the
Chamber Series performed on
March 24. The Ampliion String
Quartet originated in London as the
protege of the Aeolian and Am-
adeus Quartets, and has toured
extensively in England.
The Amphion String Quartet
1 die Musik: Eliot Chapo, violin; Maureen Gallagher, viola; Daniel Rothmuller, cello; Gerard Reuter, oboe; Constance Emmerich, piano
PERFORMANCE ■ Broyhill Music
The ASU Wind Ensemble, under
the direction of Dr. William A.
Gora, gave two well received
concerts this year. The Ensemble
is comprised of a select group of
some 50 members. During the
November 30th concert the group
presented the world premier of
American composer Lawrence
Weiner's "Structures for Wind
Band". The second performance
included works by Samuel
Barber, Aaron Copland, Percy
Grainger's "Gum Sucker's
March," and Pulitzer Prize win-
ning composer Karel Husa's
"Apotheosis of this Earth." j^^ y^Sl
The Appalachian University Singers is a
choral group designed to give its members
the opportunity to entertain while at the
same time improve their own talents. The
group, accompanied by Julie Reed on
piano, is directed by Dr. Noel Lovelace.
The singers toured throughout North
Carolina and Virginia during the month
of March, giving them more opportunity
to gain experience in performance.
The ASU Jazz Ensemble, tradi-
tionally one of the hottest musical
acts on campus, lived up to its
reputation again this year. The
dazzling February 25th perfor-
mance with trumpeter Jon Faddis
was the highlight of the All-State
Weekend Festivities. Faddis,
"hailed as the youngster most
likely to carry the torch handed
down from Satchmo to Roy
Eldridge to Dizzy Gillespie,"
jammed to the back up of the
Jazz Ensemble under the direc-
tion of Dr. William Gora. Recent-
ly, Faddis was presented by
Gillespie as the veteran's protege
at the White House concert
before Mrs. Reagan.
The ASU Wind Ensemble, directed by Dr. William Gora.
The University Singers, directed by Noel Lovelace.
Noel Lovelace and pianist Julia
The ASU Jazz Ensemble I and Dr. William Gora, director.
e Chamber Singers perform in Broyhill under the direction of Noel Lovelace.
Spooks with rhythm.
The ASU Chamber
Singers, a dedicated
group of students, had a
successful year this year.
Under the direction of
Dr. Noel Lovelace, most
of the group's energy was
spent in preparation for
the annual Madrigal
Feaste, the six-evening,
sell-out pageant of 16th
Century England.
The ASU Percussion Ensemble
once again presented a memor-
able Halloween concert this
year. Dressed in masks and
costumes, the Ensemble in-
troduced a captivated audience
to a weird, modern repertoire.
The multi-media event, replete
with slides, lights, and even a
musical computer, was made in
conjunction with the Art
Department. The Ensemble
membership fluctuates between
15 and 20 people who play
literally hundreds of in-
struments, some hand-made.
The Appalachian Symphony Orchestra,
a group of 55 talented students, faculty,
and members of the surrounding
community, performed four concerts
this year. The first, presented in the
fall, included Brahms', Serenade No. I
in D, and Rimsky-Korsakov's Capriccio
Espagnol. The second concert was a
joint effort with the Chorale Depart-
ment. Dr. Clinton Parker conducted the
Appalachina Chorale and orchestra in
Bach's Magnificat in D. The March 1st
concert featured works by Arriaga,
Satie, Bartok, and Liszt. The final
presentation of the 1983-84 season
featured finalists in the Music Depart-
ments Concerto/Aria Competition. Dr.
William Wilson conducted the Appala-
chian Symphony this year.
B Appalachian Symphony Orchestra.
Dr. William Wilson, conductor.
Pt " V
^ *)
rhe spirit and participation in
eligious organizations
ndlcates that God is alive
ind well on the campus of
\ppalachian State University.
The spiritual life of ASU students
s thriving if participation in religious
ilubs is any indication. Of the ten clubs
>n campus, eight are Christian, one is
'ewish, and one is Baha'i. They all have
cheduled meetings, and most of them
ombine a meal and worship service
ifith the meeting. During the day each
irganization provides a place for the
nembers to talk, relax, and study in a
omfortable setting. No club closes its
loors to anyone; denomination is not a
actor. The clubs often work together on
ommunity projects such as the Crop
Valk. In addition, most of the organiza-
ions have their own community
ctivities. Early this fall, the Presbyter-
ms delivered firewood to the elderly
nd the Baptist Student Union collect-
p food for the Watauga Hunger
I Each club sponsors retreats during
le year for fellowship, personal
piritual growth, leadership training,
^d group support.
Although all clubs do not actively
leek out members, everyone is welcome
) participate in the meetings, ask
uestions, and decide for himself which
fganization will best suit his personal
CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION First Row; Cooper Falls, Barbara Litschert (secretary), Karl Wheeler, Mary
Stewart (vice president), Jamie McGuinn, Betsy Ballard. Second Row; Cheryl Johnson, Statt Moore, Pete
Reichle (campus advisor), Chris Newcomb. Back Row; Chandra Whichard, Annelle Woggon (president),
Cinda McGuinn (advisor). Rick Gransee.
CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY Front Row; Tim Ryan (secretary), Mickey Cook (president), Sister Ann Griffin
(campus minister), Tara French (treasurer), Katherine Neal (vice president). Second Row; Amy Procter, Kim
Birskovich, Bill Rhodes, Theresa Merz, Julie Whichard. Back Row; Elizabeth Rupp, Mike Kelieher, Jim Frydl,
Jodi Edwards, Jeanie James, Kevin Cronin.
Just three years ago, the Canter-
bury Association had only five active
members. Today over twenty students
participate in the club's activities. Ski
and beach trips, camp-outs, retreats,
canoeing and hiking are planned on a
regular basis, and over Christmas this
year several members went to Colorado
for the National Episcopal College
The Canterbury Association is
affiliated with St. Lukes Episcopal
Church, and the church and parish hall
are never locked. The members drop in
all day long for a quiet place to study,
to talk, or simply to escape from the
hectic life of classrooms and resident
Centered at St. Elizabeth Catholic
Church, the Catholic Campus Ministry
sponsors numerous activities including
a folk group that sings at Mass, rest
home visitations, representations on the
parish council, counseling sessions,
lecturers, and musicians. This year the
student members provided the program
for an "Encounter-with-Christ."
Students gather once a week for a
meeting at the church. In addition to
students, the membership includes
University faculty and staff.
Community projects are part of the
activities of the Westminster Fellow-
ship. This year they all got together and
delivered firewood to the elderly
residents in Boone who were unable to
get it for themselves. The members
meet once a week for a meal, worship,
and study, and throughout the year
they go to conferences and retreats.
This February they all went to the state
conference in Mundo Vista.
The Westminster Student Center,
located next to the post office, is a place
for the members to meet informally
during the day.
To challenge the students and
faculty with the truth-the reality of
Jesus Christ, His death. Resurrection,
and present reign as Lord of the
Universe - this is the goal of the
WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP Front Row; Ted Hotz, Michelle Bruinsma, Kyle Huffman. Second Row; Rita
iller, Billy Stidham, Roy Youngblood, Amy Hancock, Steve Gaito. Back Row; Bobby Williams, Leigh
radley, Bill Knox, David Griffin.
ith Brooks and Marggi RobbI entertain the Campus Crusade for Christ with their own songs.
iHA'l COLLEGE CLUB Front Row; Melanie Powell, Susan Wilde, Jim Wilde. Second Row; Deborah
licural, Mike Parker, Sherry Rognstad. Back Row; Ziaollah Hashemi, Michael Powell, Ron Rognstad.
Campus Crusade for Christ. The CCC
is a staff-directed, student-led organiza-
tion that meets in Sanford Hall. After
Christmas this year many members
attended KC-83, a national conference
held in Kansas City. The purpose of
this conference was "to help ignite a
spiritual revolution among students."
The ultimate goal is to eventually
redirect all campuses toward Christ.
At the weekly meetings everyone
meets as a group for singing, sharing,
and prayer. They then break into
smaller sessions to discuss different
topics of Christian growth.
Every Thursday night at the home
of Jim and Susan Wilde, the Baha'i
College Club holds a "Fireside." This is
a meeting when certain aspects of the
Baha'i faith are discussed for the
education and enlightenment of the
members and guests. Since the Baha'i
faith has no clergy, these meetings often
serve as times of worship. The Baha'i
College Club sponsors lecturers, discus-
sions, classroom presentations, and
social activities. For the past two years,
the club has provided evening refresh-
ments during exams for the word-weary
The members of the Baha'i Club do
not actively gather new members, but
anyone who is curious is welcome to
attend one of the Firesides and discover
the Baha'i beliefs.
Evangelism: to lead others to
personal faith in Christ; Discipleship: to
help Christians grow toward maturity
as disciples of Christ through the Bible
study, prayer, and fellowship; Missions:
to present the call of God to the world
mission of the church and to help
students and faculty discover God's role
for them. These are the themes of the
Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship.
This organization is a student-led,
interdenominational campus Christian
organization that holds weekly meetings
in Sanford Hall. At these meetings
students and faculty sing, talk, discuss,
share experiences, and praise the Lord.
There is no set membership as such;
anyone interested is encouraged to
Sponsored by the Methodist
Church, the Wesley Foundation sup-
ports a choir, a worship team that
specializes in leading church services,
intramural teams, holiday dances,
movie nights, and noon communion
The Wesley Foundation focuses on
two themes: to be a student's "home
away from home" and his "church away
from home." The lounge area, with its
color TV and fireplace, provides a home
Jim White Jeadsjhe Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship in singing.
An after-dinner singalong with Todd Corbin, Eddie Ingram, David Gentry, John Comer, Kora Wagoner,
and Scott Veals.
WESLEY FOUNDATION Front Row; Robert Baker, Kora Wagoner (worship chairman), Laura Joyce, Martha
Morgan, Gay Galloway, Helen Dougherty, Donna Holtzclaw, Tom Ford, John Magnuson (campus minister).
Second Row; Eddie Ingram (publicity chairman), Chrisanna Bonds, Kathy Jackson, Carol Miner, April
Spencer, Maria Peek, Jimmy Sanders (outreach chairman). Libit Glenn (activities chairman), Scott Veals,
Anne Earnheart, Susan Henderson, David Gentry. Third Row; Todd Walker, Clayton Bryan (vice president),
Trish Williams. Back Row; Scott Henize (president), Marty Voight, Tommy Flemming, Todd Corbin, Chris
Cantrell, Gary Walker, Lynne Lowe, Jimbo Lowder, John Comer, Phillip McGimsey, Becky Bandy, John
Fitzgerald, Nina Weaver, Jim Brooks, Cindy Steele.
atmosphere where the members relax
during the day, study quietly, and play
the piano. As a student's "church away
from home," the Foundation offers
creative worship services, evening
programs, and retreats. The members
are encouraged to worship on Sundays
with the congregation of the Boone
United Methodist Church.
At Grace Lutheran Church, the
members of Lutheran Students of
Appalachian meet for meals, worship,
fellowship, relaxation and counsel. In
addition to weekly scheduled events,
the LSA is involved with community
service projects, the United Campus
Ministry, and the Lutheran Student
Movement, USA.
The doors of the center are open
to everyone. According to Mike Fortner,
there is much warmth and Christian
fellowship in the "home away from
home" atmosphere at the Lutheran
Student Center.
The Jewish Students Club is in a
unique position here at ASU. It is
comprised of a small number of Jewish
students in a predominately Protestant
institution. Their meetings are designed
to keep the members aware of their
religious background, and also provide
discussion on coping with the problems
of being out numbered.
In the fall, the club sponsored a
speaker on campus, Yosef Yaaker, the
Consul-General of Israel. Just before
Christmas they celebrated Hannukah,
and in the spring they sponsored a ski
Sponsoring a spaghetti-eating con-
test is just one of the activities of the
Baptist Student Union. They also
support six ministry teams that minis-
ter to area churches and the campus.
The Center welcomes you into its
fellowship as you are, and encourages
you to participate in the weekly worship
services: morning devotions Monday
and Thursday and evening celebration
on Monday nights, followed by a meal.
The BSU provides ministry and
missionary opportunities for those who
want to serve in a worthwhile cause. A
former BSU member recently devoted
his personal mission work in Togo,
The Center is a place for relaxing
and meeting with friends. As BSU
member Martha Barlowe says, "The
BSU provides warmth in the coldest of
Melissa Hudson (treasurer), Bonnie Bost. Second
Row; Ted Neely, Christi Unsicker, Jenny Sharp.
Suzanne Wise, Steve Ellington, Gina Sigmon, Mike
Fortner, Bob Young (pastor). Back Row; Frank
Hunnicut (vicar), Cindy Hunnicut, Dennis LaMaster
(president), Neal Woodson (secretary), Pearson
Shaw (vice president), David Vermeulen, Jeff
Knight, Alan Houser.
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APTIST STUDENT UNION Front Row; Delores Howell, Amy Robinson, Todd Triplett, David Phillips, Craig Bowers, Jimmy Huffman, Mark Abernathy, Ken
Ivera, Wendell, Jeff Snotherly. Second Row; Jami Jenkins, Lisa Roper, Margie Davidson, Debra Cook, Meg Long, Tracy Cecile, Les Rich, Mike Chandler,
risalan Anderson, Mark Lee, Johnny Graybeal. Third Row; Denise Kirby, Angela Nune, Patti Stone, Heather Bock, Kim Greene, Rosa Ojeda, Robert Huffman,
fidget Tippett, Robert Parrish, Marchelle Moore. Fourth Row; Jolyn Pope, Dee Marshall, Tracy Hollifield, LuAnne Gardner, Katrina Shields, Heidi Hughes,
reg Maready, Cindy Hayes, Helen May, Greg Flowers. Fifth Row; Susan Dale, Don Norrington, Donna, Tonya, Jeni Gray, Joseph Parker, Steve Turner, Denise
ice, Mary Hollar, John Lowrey, Tonj Annas, Luwanna Ellis, Debbie Mills, Carol VunCannon, Dan Munoz. Sixth Row; Tina Witherspoon, Beth Bates, Ruth
verman, Cheri Foster, Rhonda VunCannon, Angela Morrison, Francisco Ojeda, Henry Camp, Tanya Thomas, Myra Land, Melva Everidge, Lisa Chapman,
at Cobb, Wayne Tester, Steve Goslen, Karen Gray, Darryl Edwards. Seventh Row; Jeff Lowe, Jeff Beach, Steve Roper, Chip Watts, William O'Flaugherty,
racy Bynum, Potsie Brummit, Kevin Parrish, Bobby Rader, Lynn Key, Tommy Justus, Maria Ricker, Janet Carter, Scott Hunter, Jeff Campbell, Nelson Dollar.
ack Row; Angela Cox, Melody Love, Ken McLure, Jon Spencer.
Active student organizations
devote their time and energy
toward valuable community
service activities.
Volunteering one's time and energy to
community service is a gift which never can
be repaid in monetary terms, but it is one
which pays over and over again in other ways
for those who participate. ASU has six
community service clubs on campus this year:
Circle K. Vocational Rehabilitation, Volun-
teers in Service for Youth, Alpha Phi Omega,
the Compass Club, and the Alumni Ambas-
"Achieving unity through service" was
the international theme for Circle K this year.
Circle K, a college level co-ed division of
Kiwanis International, is the largest college
service organization in the United States
boasting more than 700 clubs and over 10,000
The club's activities included its usual
visits to and parties for the Grandfather
Mountain Home for Children, tutoring of
Upward Bound high school students, and
blood drives. Many of these services were
performed along with the Boone Kiwanis and
the Watauga High School Key Club.
President Andy Wortham said he
believed that the Christmas party given in
cooperation with the Boone Kiwanis for the
needy children of Hardin Park Elementary
School, "really brought the club together as
a whole and helped to achieve the interna-
tional theme." Circle K also participated in
the seventh annual ski weekend for its
members in the division in February. In
March they held their Super Dance, a
dance-a-thon for Muscular Dystrophy.
Increasing the accessability of voting
precincts for the handicapped was a major
priority for the Vocational Rehabilitation
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ALPHA PHI OMEGA Front Row; Rob Ashby (Second Vice President), Roman Nelson (President),
Gil Hill (First Vice-President). Second Row; Libby Spencer, Lynn Turlington, Cathy Nelson, Mark
Nelson, Regina Clark, Ruth Reidenbach, Sheri Walker, Sharon Smith (Treasurer), Dan Carrow.
Third Row; Lin Hiller, Pierson Shaw, Steve Gaito, Lance Waterman, David Fedder, Dennis
LaMaster, Mitch Seward, Richard Hood (Secretary), Gary Merrill. Not Pictured; Laura Correll, Walt
Foster, Charles Leake, Todd Ward, Joe Dixon, Pam Harwood, Tommy Robbins, Carole Everette,
Trish Johnson, Emory Vines.
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Coe, John
Left to Right; Sheila Newman, Ross Rogers. Mary Beth Konopka, Kelly Lowe
Roxanna Smith, Patti Culler, Mary Lentz, Tracy Knight (Treasurer), Wilson Hux, Scott
Collins, Karen Mitchell, Renee Foster. Not Pictured; Andy Wortham (President), Sara
Mary Beth Konopka and Kelly Lowe promote their organization and community outside the
Student Union.
Club this year. Members of the club are
dedicated to helping handicapped people.
"We will read for, walk across campus, or
help in any way that we are asked," said
president Deborah Hurtzog. A majority of
the club's 14 members are rehabilitation-
Psychology majors.
Under the guidance of faculty advisor
Dr. Gary Sigmund, the club attended the
regional Vocational Rehabilitation
Conference in Tampa, Florida in April.
There they were introduced to new and
improved ways of aiding the handicapped.
Hurtzog said that the effort put forth by
the organization "is worth the time
because you can see the results."
Providing mature adult companion-
ship and a strong image for the children
of Watauga County between the ages of
five and twelve was the main objective of
Volunteers in Service for Youth this year.
Board Chairman Chris Lumley said that
the 40 to 60 volunteers in the group range
in career goals from "elementary educa-
tion and special education to business
education. Most of them are basically
interested in kids."
Each member has a little brother or
sister to share with throughout the year.
Kids are taken to Tweetsie Railroad, trick
or treating, bowling and similar activities i
in groups or with their surrogate sibling.
The year's activities ended with a group
field day. To finance the organization,
VISFY sold donuts and raffle tickets.
Collecting books for the Watauga
County Prison, clearing land for Father
Rick's Home for Orphans, weather
proofing homes for the elderly, and
helping the Council on Aging were just a
few of the many activities performed by
Alpha Phi Omega this year.
Alpha Phi Omega is a national
service fraternity which is based on the
principles of scouting. Because of this
association, the group is closely involved
with the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Cub
Scouts in the area. Members of the group
served as judges in the fall at the Watauga
County Camporee and in the winter at
the scout's Klondike Derby. They also
held dances, a bike rodeo, assisted blind
students on campus with reading, and
vorked with the Heart Fund. Vice
-"resident Gil Hill said, "We are a service
;lub, and anyone interested in serving is
velcome." This year new members
wrought the club's total to 60.
"On Course for Tomorrow" is the
notto for the newest service club on
:ampus, the Compass Club. The club's
deals are friendship and service, and this
'ear they certainly lived up to them. In
m interview with the Appalachian,
'resident Susan Wakefield said, "We are
. service organization working for the
ommunity and school. That's what we
/ill be doing in the future. So far, we have
larticipated in the canned food drive,
'hristmas caroling for the elderly in the
'erkinsville community, and we built a
[oat for the Boone Christmas Parade."
^he group also took area children out
rick or treating with the Volunteers in
lervice for Youth on Halloween.
"It's a good club to belong to," said
Wakefield, "if you like working for the
chool and community, but I think it's
imply a great group to belong to for the
lere fact that you get a lot of personal
enefit out of it."
The Appalachian Student Alumni
.mbassadors (ASAA) is a service group
'hose sole purpose is the promotion of
S\J. The Ambassadors conducted cam-
us tours for potential ASU students
uring Parent's Day, Homecoming, and
ollege Days for High School Seniors,
'he Group is sponsored by Alumni
The ASAA is composed of a select
lembership of 25 students. Each student
mst maintain a 2.5 GPA. They came
om all academic disciplines but are
rawn together by their love for ASU.
srry Adams, President of ASAA said,
fMumni Ambassadors are students who
;ally believe in ASU., and they go to
;hool here because they want to, not
scause they have to. If you are proud of
SU, then being an Ambassador is great
scause it gives you a chance to show off
le University."
ASU ALUMNI AMBASSADORS Front Row; Dabney Ware, Beverly Falrcloth, Chrystal Simmons,
Patti Culler, Lori Robinson, JoAnn D'Alessandro. Second Row; Jane Abernethy, Donna Sharpe,
Donna D'Alessandro, Leigh Harris, Tammy Childress, Vicki Kirkpatrick. Third Row; Roland
Maddrey, Chris Turner, Susie Earley, Jerry Adams, Mike Self, Joe DePasquale. Back Row; Laurie
Kreidt, Paul Gainey, Barry Richards, Cameron Reece, Richard Runde, Star Young.
VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE FOR YOUTH Front Row; Sarah Kaplan, Angle Mungo. Second Row;
Cathy Nelson, Donna Ketchum, Chris Lumley (Chairperson). Back Row; Hunter Walsh (Business
Manager), Scott Lankford, Kevin Madden, Mary Ruth Sizer (Advisor).
COMPASS CLUB Front Row; Mark Abernathy, Jimmy Huffman, Susan Abee (Vice-President), Julia
Fesmire (Secretary), Susan Wakefield (President), Wanda Kiser (Treasurer). Second Row; Dalene
Ward, Krista Schoening, Kim Ward, Kendra Harris, Kristen Anderson, Sandy Joyce, Dee Wortman.
Back Row; Kecia Braswell (Second Vice-President), Deborah Caroway, Krispin Wagoner, Julie
Hudson, Beverly Dixon, Camille Ediund, Andy Harvey.
Is It Alive And Well At ASU?
It was a big year for such volatile issues as armed
conflicts involving thie US military, nuclear weapon
deployments and freeze proposals, thie continuing
struggle for the rights of women and minorities,
and of course, the Homecoming concert.
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Over twenty ASU students and faculty attended the Novembei
12th March On Washington to demonstrate their opposition to
President Reagan's Central American foreign policy.
Approximately 20,000 protesters marched from the State
Department building to the White House, rallying at the
Ellipse. One tense moment occured when a contingent of
American veterans marched past the protesters near the
Vietnam Memorial fahoveV
Student Government Association
^^-J President Ken Talley takes time
^1^^ from his busy day to discuss
SGA policy and student
attitudes. From his desk in 22-C
Workman Hall, he makes
decisions that will affect ASU
students for years to come.
hen Ken Talley
decided to run
for Student Body
President, he
jumped into a
raging fire of controversy. Substantial losses from the
previous year's Homecoming concert and an apathetic
student body have made his job difficult. Despite the
pressures, Ken Talley strikes a figure of leadership, and his
sober ideas on student government and the ASU experience
are re-establishing the importance of the Presidency.
RHODODENDRON: A prevalent attitude on campus is that
the SGA is just an ego trip for its members, just something
to put on a resume. Why did you run for SGA President?
Talley: Well, last year when people were saddling up for
campaigns, I was down in the Public Defender's office racking
my brains out every Wednesday night preparing cases. I talked
alot to people who worked up here (SGA) about what they were
doing, because I found myself answering for SGA when I was
in public or at a social function. People said, "Well look, what
are those people doing over there. Ken? What about that
$11,000.00 lost on concerts last year?" I've worked with the N.C.
Student Legislature so I knew a lot about how a legislative
branch works. I felt that I was capable and knew as much or
more than most of the people who were there. People asked
me to run with them, or just to run period. I never really
considered it. I never could see myself in this office. We already
knew who was going to run - the Kleine/Cassetti ticket and
the Baltes/Gibbs ticket - and it kind of scared me. You know,
I hate to take anything away from either of those tickets, but
then when you consider the experience they had with student
government - there wasn't any, except for Pat (Baltes). I asked
myself, "Ken, is there anybody that you know of who could
do it better than you?" I had to say, "no". I thought that there
were a lot of ideas that I had that could help the students,
so I went for it.
RHODODENDRON: What major issues have you encountered
this year?
Talley: I think (the issue of) concerts was the biggest one. If
the students at this University feel that we're nothing but
egotistical, resume-writing do nothings then why not hand it
over to a group that is better prepared to accomodate the
students' wishes. I think that they did not realize that if they
used their voices constructively and went to their Senators; if
they came to me instead of writing to The Appalachian
eople in Boone think
that if there were
beer here there
would be 10,000
drunks running
around King St.
raping their
daughters, rampaging
the businesses, vandalism, break-ins, murders
— the whole thing would escalate to
astronomical proportions."
complaining about something that had already past; if they
came before the concert took place, we would have been willing
to help. That's what we needed. That's what every government
Another issue is that of the Rock. Everything is getting
closed down that hasn't already been closed. We've been
successful in answering the students' needs with 'brown
bagging' in the Student Union, and hopefully with the opening
of the former food store for 'brown bagging' and concerts.
RHODODENDRON: Election turn-outs this year have been
embarrassingly low. Does this reflect a lack of interest on the
part of the student body? If so, what do you feel causes such
Talley: A lot of the apathy goes back to last year. The concert
Talley: My opinion is that you only get out of it what you put
into it. I think that people should explore job opportunities and
the job market and try to structure what they're doing in school
so that when they get out they will be in an area that is going
to have a need. Or be creative. There are a lot of services and
jobs that you could create yourself if you find it in wide demand.
You're going to have to create a place for yourself if there is
not one waiting for you.
RHODODENDRON: Do you feel that the main objective of
students at ASU is primarily to obtain a well-paying job after
graduation or to become well educated?
Talley: That goes back to the individual. If you poll the people
in the College of Business, I think that you will find that most
are here to get a job so that they will make more money. If
you go to the English Department or the Elementary Education
Department, they're here so that they can share the knowledge
they have accrued over the years. Personally, I want a balance
of both. I don't want to go to school for four or five years, invest
all that time and money to go out and get a minimum wage
job. I would say that anyone who comes here for four years
goes away better educated, even if the purpose is just to make
a higher salary.
RHODODENDRON: What changes would you like to see at
ASU and in Boone in the next ten years?
losses remained a big issue all year long. I think that the
negative attitude that was planted last year or in preceding
years prevailed. We've been combating it all year.
RHODODENDRON: Does it disturb you. Ken, that the major
issues among students of this campus are concerned with
alcohol and Homecoming bands instead of more momentous
social and political concerns?
Talley: I think that says a lot. This is the 'Me Generation'.
People are more concerned with what affects them the most,
rhey seem a little self-centered. They live in a very small world.
RHODODENDRON: In recent years, the value of a college
diploma has dwindled. Graduates, especially in the Liberal Arts,
^ind it increasingly difficult to get a job. What reasons do you
rive to validate four years in college?
ast time I went home, I
went hunting and sat out in
the rain for three hours just
because nobody knew I
was there. Nobody could
mess with me. I was away
from telephones and notes
on the door."
Talley: I'd like to see more on-campus housing and maybe
Greek housing. I'd like to see SGA held in higher esteem, with
more students involved and more respectful of SGA. I hope that
I am laying the foundation now so that this may become a
The biggest change I'd like to see is a better understanding
between the community and the University. I'd like for the
community to realize that this University means a lot to this
town. We're the largest employer, the highest taxpayer, and the
services these people can acquire - we've got the auditorium,
we've got Farthing. The cultural events they can attend, and
the gym. I think that the community is very far removed from
the students here. I'd like to see a blend. I'd like to see
everybody getting along better. We're here - we're going to be
here. We might as well learn to cooperate and get along and
help each other.
iddled with controversy
even before the year
began, the Student
Government Associa-
tion fought an uphill
battle to gain the student body's respect
and cooperation. Blunders from the
previous year's SGA, the debated validity
of the presidential election itself, and an
apathetic student body made the task of
student government a thankless job.
Like our federal government, the
SGA consists of three branches. The
Executive branch, headed by President
Ken Talley, is responsible for the
implementation of SGA policy. Vice
President Eddie Hill presided over the
Student Senate, which is made up of
elected officials, one representative for
every 100 on-campus students and a total
of 52 representatives for off-campus
students. Each Senator is required to sit
upon one of the five special subcommit-
tees (Rules, Welfare, Elections, Research,
and Concert). The Judicial branch,
directed by Chief Justice Billy Boggs,
protects the Constitution, interprets the
law, and metes out punishment for
students who transgress the Judicial
Code. Most of the cases tried in Student
Court involve infractions against Re-
sidence Hall rules: violation of visitation
hours, unauthorized occupancy, and
violation of quiet hours. The new state
alcohol laws enacted this year gave rise to
an increasing number of cases involving
underage drinking on campus.
The tumultuous political year actual-
ly started in the spring of 1983 with the
presidential elections. The much debated
disqualification of the Gibbs/Baltes ticket
cast doubt upon Ken Talley's and Eddie
Hill's claim to victory.
Hardly had the elections controversy
cooled when the age-old concert problem
reared its ugly head. During the previous
year, SGA bungled in its attempt to
present a successful Homecoming concert
by losing almost $12,000.00 of the
students' money. This year the SGA
enlisted an outside promoter to help
alleviate the problem of financial risk.
Much to the dismay of many students, a
bid by the Talking Heads was rejected,
and the 'middle of the road' band Cheap
Trick was booked. The concert was held
ten days before Homecoming, and a
smaller band, Sugarcreek, appeared at the
actual Homecoming event.
Outbursts against the SGA's choice
of bands by students have been consistent
over the past few years, and except for
these outbursts, student involvement in
SGA affairs has been minimal. Lack of
student participation was evident in the
low voter turnout for SGA sponsored
elections, where only 640 votes were cast
for Senate candidates, leaving fifty
Senate seats unfilled. A special election
President Ken Talley
speaks to members
of the student body
in the annual "State
of the SGA" address
given in December.
Rick Geis and Jane Olson of
Residence Life help clarify
the rules.
Front Row; Ken Talley
(President), Darryl Craw-
ford (Director of State
Affairs), Al Leonard
(Presidential Assistant).
Back Row; Kevin Phillips
(Student Gov't Produc-
tions), Byron Olson
(S.C.A.U.), Scott Charest
(Treasurer). Not Pictured;
John Winn, Kathy Roye,
Bush Reynolds.
Travis Gooch, Amanda Foster, Billy Boggs and Leigh Anne Moser oversee
the proceedings of a weekly court session.
for the SGA position of Secretary drew
740 votes. In an Appalachian interview.
Elections Committee Chairman John
Adams said, "The Elections Committee
cannot force people to vote. Voting is the
privilege of each student to decide who
will represent his interests in SGA."
Although interest was low, the SGA
did provide some valuable services to
ASU. Most visible was the opening of the
Student Activity Room in the Student
Union to brown-bagging and live enter-
tainment. The SGA was instrumental in
turning the old Winn-Dixie building into
a new entertainment spot, and provided
students with special discount cards good
at many area restaurants and stores. An
in-depth catalog of General Education
courses was published and distributed to
aid in preregistration for the spring
semester, and a voter registration drive
was held. Contests held by the SGA
included those for a new SGA logo, the
best decorated dorm at Homecoming, and
a name for the new entertainment center.
he Black Student As-
sociation was organ-
ized in 1971 as a
division of Minority
Affairs. The BSA is a
continuously growing organization. There
are approximatly 180 active members out
of a total black population of 320.
The purpose of the BSA is to provide
a central point from which blacks can
actively express and share their views and
interests. James Luster, BSA President,
said, "The major goal of the BSA is to
create more unity among black and white
students. We attempt to achieve this goal
by offering cultural programs and
activities throughout the year. It is our
hope that through these activities, we can
better educate the white students as well
as the black students on the history,
heritage, and culture of black Americans.
It is with this increased knowledge that
we can gain a better understanding of
each other as a human race."
Concerning racial issues on campus.
Luster said, "I think that the black
student faces certain obstacles that the
white student does not. At any education-
al institution there should be a horizontal balance of
educational, religious, and social activities. Educational
and religious activities at ASU are excellent, but
socially, black students are at a slight disadvantage. The
University and the Department of Student Affairs have
recently placed much more emphasis on the social
environment and given black students a more positive
Black Student Associa-
tion President James
Luster feels that his
organization's major goal
is to "create more unity
among black and white
students by offering
cultural programs and
activities throughout the
BLACK STUDENT ASSOCIATION Front Row; Eddie Barnes, Walt Foster, Joe Dixon, James Luster, Emory Vines, David Patterson,
Dennis Watson, Billy Campbell. Second Row; Todd Hicks, Benlta Harris, Jeannette Welborn, Precita Beatty, Anthonette Wright,
Deonne Springs, Patricia Davis, Vonda-Joyce Colvin, Charlene Mines, Susan Strickland, Phyllis Graves, Venus McLaurin, Michelle
Wilklns, Willie Fleming. Back Row; Karlos Harris, Benita Briggs, Dawn Dutka, Lynette Luster, William McMillan, Valerie Chandler,
Elson Baldwin, Selina Parks, Ervin Hannah, Frank Tootle, Tandy McMasters, Jerome Stanberry, Pamela Poe, Sharon Gibbs, Robin
Donahue, Penny Fillyaw, Angela Smith.
BLACK STUDENT ASSOCIATION GOSPEL CHOIR: Front Row: Willie Fleming. Becky Hixon, Susan Strickland, Sharon Wright, Robin McElroy,
Deonne Springs, Venus McLaurin, Selina Parks, Anita Lipford, Penny Fillyaw, Marilyn McDowell, Anita Phillips, Valerie Chandler, Anthonette Wright,
Jeannette Welborn, Valerie Rorie, Gail Howard, Wanda Kelly. Second Row; Billy Ray Campbell, Franklin Tootle, Dennis Watson, Joe Dixon, Keith
Grandberry, Walter Foster, David Patterson, Tommy Robbins, Chris Moore. Third Row; Sabrina Holley, Precita Beatty, Myra Stafford, Valerie
Harris, Charlene Hines, Vonda-Joyce Colvin. Karen Patterson,. Phyllis Graves, Joan Murray, Sharon Gibbs, Angela Smith, Andrea Wood. Back
Row; Terry Lawrence, Peter Wilson, Ervin Hannah, Bennett King.
The BSA actively participates in
Black Heritage Week, Black History
Month, and Black Awareness Weekend.
They also serve as a support system for
the Office of Minority Student Affairs.
The BSA conducts awareness programs
that emphasize black culture, history, and
perspective. The BSA gospel choir
provides a necessary outlet for black
expression. It is also a viable recruiting
unit for prospective black students. The
choir visits area high schools, youth
centers, and churches in an attempt to
give more exposure of the black perspec-
tive at ASU.
Aside from the BSA, there are a
number of other programs and activities
available to the black student. Said
'Luster, "The chartering of a bk'-k
fraternity, service and social clubs have
given the black student many more
outlets for expressing his or her own
personality. These clubs, organizations,
and fraternities have provided a much
needed service for the black population at
Kappa Alpha Psi, a black fraternity,
was established for the first time this
year. President Eddie Barnes said that
the group is "all about helping people
achieve things." The Kappa Psi's place
emphasis on public service projects,
especially those that will help under-
privileged children. Kappa Alpha Psi is
one of the four national black fraternities.
It provides emergency loans and works
with the NAACP, the United Negro
College Fund, and the Urban League.
Angela Smith, this year's beauty
queen during Black Heritage Week.
he political outlook in
1983-84 was a grim one.
Frightening news of terrorist
bombings in the Middle
East, the U. S. invasion of
Grenada, overt CIA and military action in
Central America, and the escalation of the
nuclear weapons race all vied for front page
space. ASU students were not only
confronted with these dire problems, but
also with the more immediate concerns
associated with school. The pressures of
studies, work and relationships sometimes
superseded those of the distant world. Some
ASU students took time from their busy
schedules to investigate and address the
broad problems of the country. Banded
together in groups and organizations, these
students strove to educate themselves and
the student body on issues including
nuclear armaments, women's rights and war
in Central America.
ne of the more active
political groups on cam-
pus, the Appalachian
Committee on Central
America, is not yet
officially recognized by the University.
The group was formed this fall semester
after a number of students and professors
returned from a tour of embattled
The first major event sponsored by
the group was an educational forum on U.
S. involvement in the Central American
region. "Our object was not to take a
side," said committee member Dr. Allen
Wells, "but to really try to give both sides
of the picture to the audience so that they
could decide for themselves. We invited
a representative from the U. S. State
Department, Charles Harrington, who
gave the administration's point of view.
What we try to do is give a balanced
perspective, to get people from both sides
of the issue to come and talk and then
have students, faculty, and people from
the community make up their own
Dr. Allen Wells of the ACCA feels
{a commitment toward educating
ASU students about Central
Wells and his colleagues insist that
the group's purpose is to educate. Wells
said, "We feel we have a responsibility as
educators to reach out to the University
community and the community at large
and educate them as to what is going on
in Central America. If we get people
interested in what's going on then it will
make them better informed citizens and
hopefully, that will carry over to writing
their Congressman or participating in
elections with better information." In
addition to the forum, the committee has
sponsored letter writing campaigns, guest
speakers, and contact booths in the
Student Union.
Student participation in the Appala-
chian Committee on Central America is
very high. Wells cited, for example, that
the educational forum in September drew
about 250 people as compared with 50 to
75 persons attending a similar forum held
at UNC in Chapel Hill. Close to twenty
people from ASU marched on Washing-
ton in November to protest U. S.
involvement in the Caribbean and
Central America. For Dr. Wells, this is
encouraging, and he would like to see
more students participating in political
issues, adding, "rather than take the
negative, apathetic kind of approach to
life, I think it's more important to
accentuate the positive and say that we're
pushing and moving and trying to do
something about it, rather than say the
students don't care."
jhe Students for Nucleaj
I Arms Awareness, estab
lished in the fall of 1982
have involved themselves
in the task of educating
students, faculty, and members of th(
surrounding community about th(
dangers of nuclear arms proliferation
The endeavor has indeed proven formid
able. Growing nationalistic fervor, armec
conflicts involving U. S. troops around tht
globe, and a generally unconcerned aii
here at ASU have not helped the group
in its efforts.
The perseverance of these few
dedicated students, however, remainec
undaunted. Their Tuesday night meet
ings in Chapell Wilson Hall provided i
forum for intelligent, well-informec
discussions of the issue. In addition to th(
meetings, SNAA conducted letter writinj
campaigns to political figures voicing
opposition to U. S. nuclear arms policy
Contact tables set up in the Studen
Union and around the communitj
allowed personal interaction witl
students and the public. Also of greai
interest to SNAA was ABC television's
"The Day After", a graphic presentatior
of America's destruction by nuclear ww
which was broadcast in November. Th(
show's impact on students was apparem
in increased attendance at meetings anc
contact tables. Whether this level o:
interest can be sustained or not remains
to be seen.
The problem of insufficient interes
on the part of the student body stemi
from the enormity of the issue itself
"not to rf^ttzt? ^.^
' Kenyon Kelly and
] Mary Taylor discuss
■' the issues and
- ethics of nuclear
^ weapons at the SNAA
contact table in the
Student Union.
it is not made up exclusively of women.
Over thirty male and female students,
faculty and members of the community
comprise the group. A fee of $5.00 entitles
each member to an AWS button and
monthly issue of Ms. magazine.
A very active group, the AWS tries
to present a program each month for the
University. In October, Dr. Elaine Grovitz
of Duke University spoke on the topic,
"The Modern Woman: Career, Marriage
and Family - Is it really possible?" Tullis
McCall, an actress from New York,
presented a one-woman show, "What
Every Woman Knows", to a capacity
crowd in Chapell Wilson Auditorium.
Students feel that little, if anything can
be done by individuals or even groups
5uch as SNAA. The members of the group
recognize the students' dilemma, but are
convinced that with determination
something can be done. Mary Taylor, an
5NAA member said, "The only thing
veVe got about this is hope. And that
lope is a thread, just one little thread."
;t is that hope which keeps SNAA going.
Cynthia Blankenship (Secre-
tary), Sona Chambers (Pres-
ident), Kim Wells (Treas-
urer), Babs Brown (Vice
President). Back Row; Faye
Chadwell, Linda Reed, San-
dra Jones, Dina Palin, Jan-
ice Johnson, John Ramsey,
Rita Treanor.
Debbie Atkinson-Smith
sells donuts in order to
raise money for AWS.
ince January of 1981, the
Association for Women
Students has been recog-
nized as an official organ-
ization at ASU. According
to President Sona Chambers, the AWS
exists to "make people aware of women
students and the issues concerning them
nationally, state-wide, and locally." The
group, she stresses, is for women although
Annually, the AWS conducts a series
of lectures and shows during Women's
Week. This year eight nationally known
feminist speakers and performers were
presented. Over 20 clubs and organiza-
tions helped in bringing the events to
Despite the efforts of AWS, many
students remain ignorant of their cause.
"Sometimes people have a negative
connotation of our group," said
Chambers. "I don't know why. I think a
lot of people associate feminism with
lesbianism, but that's not our main
objective in the club. Concerns affecting
all women is our aim whether it's the
lesbian, feminist, or mainstream woman."
The AWS intends to grow and
further their efforts in educating people
about women in the future. A major goal
is to inform students of the important
historic, artistic, and scientific achieve-
ments of women by incorporating them
into the traditionally male-dominated
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Armstrong (Treasurer), Leigh Harris (Vice
President), Ann Rogers (President), Gwen Barton
(Vice President), Dina Murray (Secretary). Back
Row; Leanne Jordan, Elizabeth Yates, Star
Young, Sherry Morris.
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Radford Thomas, Kevin Manner, Chuck Harris, Allen
Blizard, Michael Chapman, Joe DePasquale, Charlie Quinn (Treasurer), Ty Garber
(President), Matthew Dolge (Vice President), Dale Holland, Eddie Barnes, Malcolm Sanders.
Daren Anderson, Mark Hall, Steve Henley.
.. l^-
During the eleven years the Greek
system has been at ASU, it has grown and
lasting friendships are the result. "ASU
doesn't have a stereotypical Greek
system," said Tammy Childress of Chi
Omega. Each organization stresses in-
Enhancing friendships that last
forever — that's what sororities accom-
plish according to Delta Zeta president
Paula Passmore. Sorority women share a
common bond, but their friendship is not
limited. "A lot of people think that
sorority women don't want or allow
friends outside of the sorority. But that's
not true," Passmore said.
Delta Zeta is not only a social sorority
but is also a service organization. Most of
their fund raising proceeds go to support
a school for the deaf in Washington, D.C.
DZ activities included a raffle for a dinner
for two, a walk-a-thon, and trick or
treating for UNICEF. The chapter has
been on campus for nine years.
Celebrating its first official year on
campus as a chapter, Sigma Nu fraterni-
ty's big activity was Rush Month.
Recruiting and inducting new members
enabled President Joe DePasquale to say
it was the "quickest Sigma Nu chapter to
get its charter." Sigma Nu has 64
members. "Sigma Nu has a very proud
heritage," explained DePasquale. "I'm
glad ASU has given us a chance as a
fraternity on campus," he said.
Sigma Nu is a social fraternity. They
participated in Heart Fund activities and
took a trip to Sigma Nu headquarters in
Lexington, Kentucky. This trip "helped
all the brothers get together," said
Chi Omega is "a sisterhood in which
one can share and grow," said President
Tammy Childress. Sharing seems to be a
large aspect of the nine year old sorority.
Chi Omega women sponsored a needy
child in Boone and one overseas. They
also held an Easter egg hunt for children
in Boone. In addition, they supported the
Heart Fund. Socially, Chi Omega held
several parties, a Christmas dance, a
spring dance, and the famous Chi Omega
kidnap. Girls would kidnap a guy, lead
him to one of their parties, and introduce
him to his date for the evening. "It's fun,"
said Childress.
"Friends for life," said Fred Gaskin
VLPHA DELTA PI Front Row; Amy Elmore (treasurer), Beth Shuping (vice
)resident - pledge), Cindy Miner (President), Susal Christenburg (Secretary),
Elisa Carroll. Second Row; Mary Beth Armstrong, Barbara Latta, Susie
Hussey, Pam Grubb, Alison Meek. Back Row; Connie Hanesworth, Linda
lead, Gigi Cone, Sherry Morris, Stacey Higgs, Cheryl West, Tara Sherrill,
loyce Moore, Jayne Lybrand, Lynn Blankford, Teresa Burleson, Lynne
Edgar, Tammy Ward, Kimberly Peace, Lisa Bouchey.
ALPHA DELTA PI PLEDGES Front Row; Tracy Smith, Robin Ellington,
Jennifer Andrew, Cherie Leffe, Leslie Shipman. Second Row; Barbie
Peterson (treasurer), Cheryl Jones, Cathy Ross, Ann Griffin, Sharon
Richardson, Angie Pantazopoulos. Back Row; Mistye Godsey, Julie
Prevette, Bladen Crockett, Linda Hayes, Susan Petracca, Laura Taylor.
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CAPPA DELTA Front Row; Sherri Algire (vice president), Millie Boyce
president), Dianne Carpenter (assistant treasurer). Second Row; Gwen
Jichols, Kim Trull, Karen Johnson, Donna Arey, Angela Lane. Third Row;
Cheryl Ott, Sandra Brown, Rhonda Bridges, Kathryn Blanchard, Gwen
3arton. Fourth Row; Cicely Coley, Marilee Smith, Marian Johnson, Leigh
Harris, Mary Arzonico. Fifth Row; Andrea Hidding, Allison Seigler, Sandy
Hendrix. Sixth Row; Diane Eaton, Donna Renfro, Beth Smith, Angela
(ernstine. Back Row; Carrie Bither, Anna Hoey, Beth Cantrell, Kelly Hendrix.
KAPPA DELTA Pledges Front Row; Rhonda Williams, Lisa Rhodes, Tammy
Browning. Second Row; Tamara Noell, Stephanie Bliss, Pam Murray, Robin
Cox. Third Row; Beth White, Kathy Gray, Mary Crout, Angela Jones. Back
Row; Angie Capps, Edie Hancock, Katherine Brunnemer, Shayla Youngren.
VIce-Chancellor Dave Mclntire addresses a forum on the controversial Greek Housing proposal.
PHI MU Front row; Tracey Peisch (treasurer), T. J. Gouveia (membership
director), Katrina Peeler (president), Judy Helms (Phi director), Penny
Abernathy (recording secretary). Erica Drelboltz (panhellenic). Second Row;
Crispen Wagnor, Eddie Corley, Shah Harrison, Jill McCarn, Jamie Page, Lisa
Poe, Vickl Porter, Amy Hutchinson, Michelle Nelson, Diane Conterno, Kendra
Harris, Laura Tatum, Erin Levlne. Third Row; Ruth Ann Boyd, Laurl Winfree,
Marianne Parsons, Tina Chilton, Cindy Crenshaw, Lisa Anthony, Theresa
Abernathy. Back Row; Karen Enrlght, Liz Prescott, Jan Roscoe, Carolyn
Roof, VIckl Askey, Laura Tatum, Elizabeth Hagmon, Denise Jackson,
Carolyn Miller, Chrlsta Crouch, Margo Pate.
CHI OMEGA Front Row; Cheryl Kreldt (vice president), Cathy Bell (pledge
trainer), Patricia Lilly (personnel), Vickie Proctor (secretary), Vickl Smith
(president), Susan Johnson (rush chairman). Tammy Childress (treasurer),
Ann Rogers (panhellenic). Second Row; Cameron Clegg, Lynne Cox, Liz
Hatcher, Lorl Ferguson. Third Row; Joanie Kennett, Elizabeth Walden, Ellen
Gilbert, Laurie Lawing, Laura Lawing, Laura Frazier. Fourth Row; Lynn Paul,
Sandy Joyce, Tricia Denning, Tammy Yarboro, Janet Woodson. Fifth Row;
Janice Greene, Lynn Bozeman, Karen Callahan, Tommie Powers, Stephanie
Wilson. Sixth Row; Renee Gabriel, Kim Conklln, Kris Driscoll, Cameron
Reece. Seventh Row; Mary Cravar, Leigh Ann Moser, Tina BIstany, Sherl
Belk, Kay McKeown, Star Young, Amy Hesslon. Eighth Row; Kelly
McCracken, Barbie Cecil, Maria Hahn. Ninth Row; Bobble Smith, Pam
Keehan, Sandy Vargas. Back Row; Eva Phillips, Laura Moore, Pam Franklin.
PHI MU Pledges Front Row; Michelle Jacon, Rose WIesbecker, Beth
Warren, Cathy Gilbert, PattI Dukes. Second Row; Tammy Pope, Laura
Sawyer, Terri Sidden, Jeanne Cho, Susan Bair, Renee Dobbins. Third Row;
Denise Carpenter, Melannle Carroll, Lynn Clary, Lisa Smith, Sherry Shelor,
Misty Mull, Montine Rudlsell. Back Row; Edwina Anthony, Martha Voight,
Cathy Elsmore, Karen Pell, Ann Bremser, Kim Ward, Julie Hudson, Holli
Dickens, Wendy Wedemeyer, Becky Steel, Debbie Poindexter.
CHI OMEGA Pledges Front Row; Maureen Langan, Stacey Chiott, Tracy
Rushing, Sandra Thomas, Tammy Sullivan, Dana Walser. Second Row; Amy
Newell, Kathy Malmfelt, Kim Glass, Laurie Poole, Tracey White, Linda
Wllcon, Caren BIstany. Third Row; GInny Moser, Jenny Massad, Christine
Uhler, Leigh Droescher, Amy Kraft, Lynne Fogleman, Leigh Davis. Fourth
Row; Julie Adams, Megan Warlick, Cindy McElroy, Jenny Brunson, Diane
Engel. Back Row; Robin Hllllard, Kim Roach, Debbie Mullls, Cynthia
Maultsby, Kathy Waynick, Caroline Lee, Tracy Joos.
DELTA ZETA Front Row; Lorl Harmon, Tama Dorman, Karen Thomas, Paula
Passmore, Amelia Hanson, Madeline Wharton. Second Row; Jenny Absher,
Patte James, Sharon Lomax, Janet Foster, Bonnie Poplin, Brenda Trantham,
Julia Murchlson, Dina Murray, Glenda Thomas, Dana Mataragas, Gray
Cherry, Beth Harrod, Carrie Brennels, Marsha Parsons, Cheryl White. Back
Row; Leigh Ann Turbevllle, Cindy Johnson, Donna Honeycutt, Debbie
Frederick, Margaret Blankenship, Sandy King, Debbie Mason, Sandy
DELTA ZETA Pledges Front Row; Sherl Idol, Holly Chase, Anne Galletly,
Rhonda Wright, Michele Powell, Katherlne Smith, Sharyn Smith, Tonya
Hopkins, Melissa Ryan, Kathy Harper. Back Row; Elisabeth Moore, Teresa
Goff, Nela Barrlnger, Cathy Phllpolt, Jeannlne Koo, Jane Keller. Not Pictured;
Ashley Miller, Kris Golsovich, Jackie McMellon, Laurie Williams, Lori
Tracker, Jennifer Taylor, Sidney Bradfleld, Katie Tolley, Jenny Albright, Julie
Green, Rita Youngerman, Lynn Slate, Cindy Gartner, Millie Giles.
about his brothers in Sigma Phi Epsilon.
"We're a group of young men striving to
be the best we can be," he said. The social
fraternity is in its ninth year at ASU. This
year they acquired a new frat house where
they entertained members with several
mixers. Sigma Phi supports the Heart
Fund. They participated in several Heart
Fund events including the Crimson Heart
Ball. The Goldenhearts, Sigma Phi's little
sisters, actively participated in the
fraternity's parties and charitable pro-
"The men of Kappa Alpha incorpor-
ate the highest ideals of loyalty to God
and esteem of women," said Vice-
President John Allison. The Kappa Alpha
Order had 20 active members who
"worked together to get things accom-
plished," said Allison. Their main
activities included Rush and fund raising
for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
The fraternity's little sisters, the South-
ern Belles, assisted the frat in their
various functions. Allison stressed that
the organization's main objectives were
academics and scholarship. The frat is as
"strong as it's ever been and working
toward academic excellence," he said,
"The best experience of my college
career," is how Vice President Radford
Thomas described his membership in Pi
Kappa Phi. The national service fraterni-
ty had 45 active members this year and
was dedicated to the charity, PUSH, an
acronym for Play Units for the Severely
Handicapped. Fund raisers included a
state-wide wheelchair push to purchase
the 15 to 20 thousand dollar units. April
was Pi K's most active month since
Governor Hunt procliamed it as PUSH
month. In addition to the charitable work.
Pi Kappa Phi held mixers and its annual
Rose Ball in March. The event is, as
Radford put it, "our reward for all the
hard work we do."
"Being Greek is more than buying
your friendship. It's people you meet and
know for life," said Carl Blue, President
of Tau Kappa Epsilon. The TKE's have
35 active members and have been at ASU
for ten years. They are famous for their
"li-annual boxing tournaments, and spring
Fan Jams. They also held a keg roll for
Saint Jude's Hospital founded by TKE
alumnus, Danny Thomas, and a Valen-
tine's day blood drive. TKE little sisters.
SIGMA NU Front Row; Rob Graham, Robert Diaz, Pat McCall, Jeffrey Baker, Todd Walker, Matthew
Dolge. Second Row; Sam Barrow, Paul Buss, Rick Vinson, Dave Cook, Richard Runde, Patrick Dixon.
Joe DePasquale, Rick Martin, Bob Dobson, Alan Blizzard, Jeff Rocket, Pat Flynn, Steven Aycock,
Barry Baker, Steve Dellinger. Third Row; Eric Johnson, Phil McGimsey, Jeff Fender, Jerry Adams.
Back Row; Charlie Faires, Andrew Halverson, Ross Gobble, Mike McAden, Rob Slivinsky, Rich Lange,
Mark Shuford, Tony Hillyard, Reid Powell, Michael Chapman, Lee Sanders, John Frank, Wayne
Penninger, Billy Smith, Eric Davidson, Steve Wright, William Allison, Todd Crews.
«• ■ "(^J
PI KAPPA PHI Front Row; Michael Royal (historian), Pete Kaperonis (chaplain), Todd Jackson
(secretary), Ty Garber (vice president). Ward Norris (president), Jeff Brewer (warden), Jeffrey Goonde
(treasurer), Radford Thomas (executive vice president). Second Row; Greg Campbell, Bill Long, Dan
Taylor, Stephen Hogue, Nixon Parker, David Thorp, Perry Lachot, Duck Johnson, Dan Quinn, D. R.
Bowen, Richard Maness, Gregory Mason, Mike Egbert. Third Row; Art Quickenton (chapter advisor),
Keith Hutchens, Cliff Bolton, Tony Mellone, Jay Robinson, Keith Coe, Don Lawrence, Daren Anderson,
Tim McLaughlin, Tom Ford, John Coppley. Back Row; Ronald Rimmer, Brent Hyder, Drew Lohr, Scott
Minor, Pat Danehy, Brent Shaw, Kenny Lowe, Matt Bernhardt, David Hughes, Tom Armour, Scott
Harris. Not Pictured; Mike Patterson, Randy Morrison, Jim Foster, Rick Batson.
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Front Row; Kevin Manner, Jeff Topping. Second Row; Mike Hayes, Brad Fischer,
James Marvin Barnes, Steve Johnson, Evin Phillips, Paul Gainey, Mitch Leonard, Jack Morton, Robert
Yates. Third Row; Lahn Pitchford, Jeff "Moose" Nanney, Pitch Haar, Courtney Rogers, Mike Oliver,
Cannon Cameron, Lester Bradshaw, Wilson Jones, Tom Duvel, Troy Ball, Joe Schwind. Back Row;
Bill Kendall, Keith "Bonner" Russell (vice president), Bobby Selby, George Arms, Scott Williams, Kenan
Smith, Lee Tart, Gene Gahne, Greg Gerding, Paul Kilmartin, Chuck Harris, Jim Taney, Mo Johnson,
Mitch Davis, Jimmy Reittinger. Ando Covington, Pat Brinkley, Rick Stephenson, Chris Doran (president),
Marty Baker (secretary).
the Order of Diana, helped out when
needed. Other activities included a ski
night at Beech, Rock Night at Mother
Fletcher's, and a pig roast. Blue stated
that being in a frat "helps educate
yourself better beyond education." It
could be true. After all, Ronald Reagan
was a TKE.
Diamonds, pearls, and clasping hands
symbolize Alpha Delta Pi, a social
sorority that has been on campus since
1975. AD's participated in a variety of
social activities throughout the year
including Parent's Weekend, Homecom-
ing, several mixers, a Christmas dance,
and a spring formal. They also raised
money for the Ronald McDonald House
and sponsored a fund raiser at Antler's to
help out an alumnus in need. Vice-
President Nola Malone summed up the
Alpha Delta Pi experience by saying, "I
think our motto, 'We Live for Each
Other,' truly symbolizes the true friend-
ship found between Greek organizations."
With 90 active members and eleven
years at ASU to its credit. Kappa Delta
is not only the oldest but largest Greek
organization on campus. This year they
sponsored the Inter-Greek Blood Drive,
contributed food in the canned food drive,
sold peanuts for Hospice, and distributed
rental books for the bookstore. The
Kappa Delta's were not restricted to
service activities, however. They compet-
ed in intramurals and held a very
successful beach party in February.
Working together made the society what
it is. President Lesley Hoyt said,
"Sisterhood is the strongest aspect of our
society; I would encourage anyone to go
"Any man can be in a frat, but it
takes someone special to be a Kappa
Sigma." Not all frats may agree with this
statement, but that's the Kappa Sigma
motto according to Randy Gale, President
of the organization. "We respect each
other's opinions," he said of their
individuality. "We don't have clones."
The social fraternity is in its tenth year
and has 43 active members. They support
the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and
held a 'Bahama Mama' raffle for a trip
to the Bahamas to help the charity.
Kappa Sigma also held a Valentine's Day
party at the Holiday Inn and several
mixers during the year. They also placed
twelfth in the national intramurals
championships in New Orleans.
Getting more people involved in the
sisterhood was the main goal of Phi Mu.
The social sorority was one of the three
organizations that reached the induction
quota of 41 girls. They established a new
code of ethics and worked in leadership
workshops. This year at the Panhellenic
banquet, Phi Mu was presented with an
award for high GPA's among its members.
Phi Mu worked with the Heart Fund and
were hostesses at the Crimson Heart Ball.
They also adopted three grandparents
through Social Services. Each week
different girls would visit with the elderly
person, sharing their love and attention
with a friend in need.
"Achievement is their national mot-
to, but the ASU colony of Kappa Alpha
Psi has its own motto - 'To unite all
college men into a bond of brotherhood,'
claimed President Eddie Barnes. Kappa
Alpha Psi hoped to obtain its charter by
the end of the spring semester in order
to become the only black fraternity on
campus. As a colony Alpha Psi retained
the same rights as a chartered frat. They
served the community in many ways.
They helped the Heart Fund, the Blood
Mobile, and the Sickle Cell Foundation.
They also instituted a Big Brother
program to help children in the area. The
new colony had eleven brothers and two
advisors, but Barnes said, "It won't be
hard to get new pledges," because Kappa
Psi offers so much to the men on campus.
"We're small; we're working hard, and
we're going to make it," he declared.
"The fraternity of honest friendship"
is Lambda Chi Alpha, an eight year old
social organization with 85 members. In
addition to their regular social events,
Lambda Chi sponsored Brice Street at
the Holiday Inn and set up a haunted
house for Watauga Parks and Recreation
on Halloween. They raised money for the
Athletic Department by running a
football all the way to Johnson City,
Tennessee. At Christmas they had a party
for the Grandfather Mountain Children's
Home. Former President Cris Doran said
that Lambda Chi "strives to keep
growing, doing more and better things."
KAPPA ALPHA PSI & Sweethearts Front Row; Angela Smith, Vaneta
Leeper, Lisha Florence, Michelle Wilkins. Back Row; Todd Hicks, Marshall
Pitts, Carl Harris, Stanley Harris, William McMillan; Eddie Barnes, Keith
Butler, James Luster, Jeff Bell, Joe Catchings, Joe Nixon, Malcolm Sanders.
TAU KAPPA EPSILON Front Row; Carl Blue (president), Joe Olivas, Lane
Bailey, James Sizemore, Keith Ensley, Mark Hall, Dan Chilton, Second Row;
Todd Biddy, Allen Wood, Steve Henley, Robert Young, Jonathan Bafchelor,
Woody Cain, Kevin Mulholland. Third Row; Robert Nesbit, Max Garner,
Vince Barnes, Matt Fare!, Phil Henderson. Back Row; Gary Martin, Robby
Cheves, Kelly Welch, Ken Leach, Bert Stroud, Craig Coe.
SIGMA PHI EPSILON Front Row; Brad Hall (chaplain), Paul Balle (secretary),
Fred Storey (vice president), Jerry Smith (president), Fred Gaskin (controller).
Kirk Hardymon (recorder). Second Row; David Watkins, Glenn Kerns,
Francis Austin, Mike Tano, Jim Conner, Tyler Daniels, Bucky Tarleton, John
Phillips, Jeff Home, Pete Weber, Mike Self, Randy Greene, Mike Atwater,
Kevin Mansfield, Tom Hanrahan, Bill McGehee, Mike McKay. Third Row;
Frank Parrish, Jay Fergeson, Mike Warrick, Don Saunders (chapter advisor),
Thad Cloer, Mike Dover, Barry Richards, Bobby Thornhill, David Katterman,
Brett Swebke, Bruce Watson, Mike McMackin. Back Row; Kenny Sawyer,
Claude Reid, "L" Floyd.
KAPPA SIGMA Front Row; Al Dula, Melvin Buff, Teddy Chandler, Joey Cude,
Steve Jackson. Second row; Brent Kincaid, Johnnie Green, Keith Sefton,
Mitch Phillips, Dave Pollard, Bill Hall, Jay Howard, Wayne Miller, Jeff Farlow,
Jeffrey Taylor, Kevin Combs, Scott Price, Jimmy Bradley. Third Row; Bo
Redmond, Gary Wilson, Doug Williams, Randy Dale, David Barber, Ed
Seckinger, John Byerly, Charles Quinn, John Keller, Brad Helms, David
Hensley, Walt Lewis. Back Row; Mark Clayton, Bob Clarke, Eric Beidler,
Mike Davis, Thomas Pittard, Mitchell Dean. (Editor's note - Due to bad
weather conditions, we were not able to schedule a group photo of the
Kappa Sigma Fraternity, and were requested to include this photo from the
1982-1983 yearbook. Our apologies to the brothers.)
LADIES' ELITE Front Row; Selina Parks (President), Alicia Farrer (Vice
President), Venus McLaurin (Secretary), Yvonne Simington (Treasurer).
• Second Row; Lisa Grey, Susan Strickland, Tandy McMasters, Tracy Harris,
ipeonne Springs. Third Row;
MEN'S SERVICE CLUB Front Row; Ervin Hannah, Franklin Tootle, Joe Dixon
(President), Michael Fairley, Todd Hicks. Second Row; Bennett King
(Treasurer), Gregory McArthur, Elson Baldwin, Stanley Harris, James Luster,
Adrian Carter. Back Row; Walt Foster, Charles Mack, Eddie Barnes.
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of this lovely place,
touch the depths o^
truth. Feel the hem. You
will go awaj.jkptlAfOld
fidsT Pap'
get, when fo\r
you cam^." -
The orientation program
offers special sessions
on every area of student
life imaginable, including
time management, extra
curricular activities,
dealing with stress and
roommate relations. It
all adds up to a superb
campus life survival
i Manual
Not A Bad
In The Bunch
With the help of the
dedicated Appol Corps,
ASU's Orientation pro-
gram helps to create
order and continuity
out of the confusion
and jitters of new
"Everyone told me it was impossible,"
said Lee McCaskey, Director of Comple-
mentary Education. That impossibility is
the success of last summer's Freshman
Orientation Program held annually here
at ASU. The program is designed to give
new students an overview of the Univer-
sity's campus, facilities, and academic
A successful Orientation is due largely
to the efforts of a group of dedicated
upperclassmen collectively known as the
Appol Corps (Appalachian Orientation
Leaders). Throughout the three day pro-
gram Corps members serve as tour guides
and mentors to the hordes of incoming
students attending orientation. Leaders
come from all walks of college life;
their only qualification is a genuine
desire to help freshmen find their way
around. "I remember how foreign it felt
to me as a freshman," says Angle Hill.
"I want to be able to help others become
adjusted to ASU." An Appol Corps member
derives a sense of satisfaction only im-
parted by the act of helping others.
"To be an Appol Corps Leader gives me
a chance to give a part of myself to the
new freshmen in return for what I have
benefitted from here at ASU," says sen-
ior Allison McNeely. "It gives parents a
sigh of relief to see someone there for
their children and kind of substitute
for them."
On opening day each leader is assigned
to a group of 20 students. While in their
designated groups, they attend intro-
ductions to the co-curricular programs
and student organizational activities
that ASU has to offer. Faculty members
also prepared a question/answer time
for the small group meetings and addi-
tional sessions included informative
mini-courses on time management, study
skills and residence life. A special in-
terest program gave students the oppor-
tunity to explore areas of personal con-
cern. These included seminars on topics
ranging from "Opportunities for the Eng-
lish Major/Minor" to "Coping with Stress."
One of the most enjoyable attractions
was Michael Broome's "Center for the
Study of Motivation". His vivacious per-
formance gave the students a positive
outlook on college life.
Evaluations are taken each year to
gauge the effectiveness of the program.
These evaluations help to improve the
Freshman Orientation for the next year,
and the ever evolving program has become
a model for other schools in the UNC
system. Lee McCaskey, Jerry Adams (1983
Director of Appol Corps), and Byron Ol-
son (1984 Director of Appol Corps) ac-
cepted an invitation to UNC-G last year
to give their ideas on how an Orientation
Program should be run. In the eyes of
other colleges, the success of the ASU
Freshman Orientation Program speaks for
"It's a fine, fine thing," added Mc-
•sr t»
> «
for classes can turn one!
ri Anxiety levfls rise,
plete schedule^ Math at
iWF, section 101, or Sociolog\
40? It is all part of the decisg
that colISge requires. ^
Article by amanda f
Long Lines?
Registration. Just the
mention of the word
quickens the heart
beat. Perhaps no other
time in the year
causes so much
student frustration. It
is all in how well you
can juggle the classes.
During the registration period, stu-
dents can be found in most any spot on
campus, staring intently into course
schedule bulletins. Occasionally these
students will wrinkle their brows,
scratch through their scribblings of
numbers and abbreviations, and wonder in
amazement how so many hours fit into one
Frustrated, most students receive
guidance from advisors in their depart-
ment or the General College advisement
offices. Some students, however, choose
to "go it alone." Taking their dusty
catalog from the shelf, they study gen-
eral education requirements and make
attempts to unscramble basic university
jargon: humanities, social sciences,
biological and physical sciences . . .
The Records and Registration office
has made the registration process easier
by creating "Pre-registration." In doing
this, a student will probably avoid the
long lines and waiting in the gymnasium.
Unfortunate, however, are the students
whose class schedules are returned 'IN-
COMPLETE.' In this instance, the student
must endure a dreaded rescheduling epi-
sode entitled "Advanced Add-Drop" where
a space in a course becomes as estate
jewelry on the auction block — often
"sold" to the highest classification.
After the registration officially
ends, there is still time to drop or add
a class, but in order to do this, the
student must seek permission from the
professor who teaches the class, or the
approval of the dean of the particular
Gymnastics in the gym? No, but people will bend over backwards if necessary to
fill out their schedules.
Lessons in
Procrastination is the
enemy that leads to
the trap of
all-nighters, caffeine
and sugar attacks.
Begging the professor
to put the test off only
heightens anxiety
levels. Withdrawals
from all-nighters take
place until the grade
is given. Over and
over the notion rolls,
"I won't procrastinate
next time."
I '.
• I
As freshmen, students are advised to
study two hours for every hour spent in
class. Eager freshmen take these words
to heart, and for the first few weeks of
their college career, do study and study
hard. But soon, they realize that three
hours is a lot of time to spend on a
volleyball course. They curtail their
volleyball studies happily and with no ill
effects on their grade. Rationalizing that
what is good for gym must be good for
other areas, they neglect their studies
completely. And suddenly, the
bewildered student, still seeing his
Physics test slashed in red on the back
of closed eyelids, realizes that in order
to make good grades, he must study.
Most students find a happy medium
between studying and not studying by
procrastinating. Procrastinators usually
find themselves the night before a test
fortified with buckets of coffee and an
armload of borrowed notes trying to
assimilate a month's worth of lectures
and readings in the space of a few
hours. The dreaded all-nighter is like a
hangover. During the ordeal, students
with bleary eyes and shaky hands, curse
their bacchanalian excesses of
procrastination and vow never to repeat
the scene. But when test time rolls
around again, there they are, time
running out, with coffee, notes, and
bitter words.
After four years of all-nighters, a
student may look back and give assent
to those freshman year's words of
wisdom about studying. But more than
likely, he'll be remembering the great
times he had not studying and
wondering who really needed Physics
^:-^;^i^jf» *.
retreat in which to
either seclude themsel
library or take to the
Different study habits i
variety of environme
Equals Enjoyment
From the packed lecture
hall to the involving
seminar, ASU's classroom
variety greatly enhances
the student experience,
and makes for an education
that is both exciting and
ASU is exceptional among colleges
in that its size allows for a wide variety
of classroom situations. Classrooms form
the nucleus of the academic experience
here at ASU. Scheduling and size,
together with student-teacher relations
help make the experience either
rewarding or intolerable.
Classes are offered throughout the
day. The eight o'clock ones, shunned by
most civilized students, free up afternoon
hours for those individuals who have
other responsibilities. But, according to
Rich Lange, a freshman, they "are a
mistake. Late night activities and early
morning classes don't mix." For students
who like to sleep late or those who
demand the luxuries of a shower and
leisurely breakfast, afternoon classes are
a welcome alternative.
Class size at ASU ranges from large
lectures to smaller more intimate
seminars. Size reflects directly upon the
students' performance. Some students
prefer the impersonal aspects of the
auditorium while others thrive in classes
of nine or ten. "Once you get into your
major, the classes are smaller and the
instruction is more intense," says Tom
Bronson, a sophomore from Charlotte. "I
learn more in the smaller classes."
The opportunity for the student to
come into close contact with a professor
is perhaps the most important
experience class has to offer. Ideas and
doubts are exchanged, and a fuller
understanding of the subject matter is to
be gained from the interaction.
"I am sure that the typical
experience of a student at a large
university involves participating in a
series of large, lecture-style classes," says
Dr. Jim Winders, an ASU history
professor. "I feel people learn more from
seminar-style discussions where a
give-and-take atmosphere exists. I believe
that every college curriculum ought to
ensure that students encounter this type
of learning environment, at least
occasionally, as they pursue their
degrees. That is why I like to divide
large classes up into small discussion
groups. People participate in a less
anonymous atmosphere and learn more
as a result. It also, I hope, helps to
dispell the notion that the professor is
the only source of knowledge in the
Individuals have a need to be
recognized as both a student and a
person. Classes at ASU are unique in
that they allow the student to be both.
he keys to making
choices are making fii
of General College ac
aking the time for re^
t the Career and Plac
enter, and tasting a w«
ariety of departmental
ourse offerings.
It Comes
the Time
Making choices can be
difficult for many,
especially when the
decision involves one's
career and future job.
Today's fluctuating job
market insures that the
number of double and
triple majoring students
will continue to rise.
^ for Major Choices
IHBJP No matter what sex, lifestyle, mia's rich offerings. Like a greedy
Hi MM background or financial status, all ASU child pawing a box of chocolates, the
No matter what sex, lifestyle,
background or financial status, all ASU
students have one thing in common: each
has to choose a major. For some it's easy,
for most it's sheer treachery, a decision
full of false starts, indecision, and
The process of choosing a major is
as varied and diverse as the students
who engage in it. A few — a precious few
— know exactly what they want to major
in. They emerge from the womb with a
resolute cry of, "I want to be a GEOLOGY
MAJOR!" or something like that. Their
youth is spent in realizing this goal,
and once enrolled they set about the
task with a determination not often seen
in a college student. These are the
minority, however. And sadly, they are
often misunderstood and frequently hated
by the majority of students who haven't
the foggiest idea of what to major in or
even why they are here in the first
The bulk of students enter ASU
wide-eyed and tingling with the excite-
ment of new challenges. But where to
start? General College provides the
hungry student with a sampling of acade-
mia's rich offerings. Like a greedy
child pawing a box of chocolates, the
student can pick and choose the classes
that might sate his academic sweet tooth.
Some, not having a taste for it, get
sick and drop out. Most, though, find a
favorite sweet, be it math or music, and
move on to the more substantial fare a
discipline has to offer.
A few scholarly gluttons are never
satisfied. They swallow college whole —
soup to nuts — gorging themselves with a
haphazard feast of classes. When they do
finally graduate, they have earned four
or five majors, a host of minors, and a
three page diploma stapled together in
one corner.
After the goal is reached, the
degree earned, the student steps out to
become a working member of society.
Unfortunately, the class of 1984 faces
the worst job market since World War IL
Analysts say that most students will not
find jobs in fields their majors
prepared them for in college. Hope-
fully, college not only produced
scholars, but mature, responsible adults
capable of overcoming such pitfalls
encountered in life.
a Long
The black gown hangs Hmp against my
knees. My mortarboard wobbles unsure on
my head. The tassle swings against my
The May sun shines warm on my
cheeks. The sky is clear and so blue, I
can't imagine ever seeing such a gorgeous
day. Why can't I be happy about my
college graduation?
I look around at my friends. Each
looks so happy and so carefree. We have
been friends for so long, and soon we
will be graduates. Why aren't they sad?
How can they only be concerned with their
"Like, how does my hair look in the
Sounds blend in and out of my mind.
We are waiting to go into the gym and
begin the processional, and soon it will
be over. I look around at the others
here. Talking, laughing, they act as if
they were going to a party. Mirrors,
brushes, lipstick, combs, hairpins.
"You look fine, fine. Everyone looks
I think back on the years that we
have spent here, making popcorn, having
waterfights, swapping clothes, sort of
like a big slumber party. I can't seem
to remember any bad times, though I'm
sure there have been plenty. But they're
not here today.
And what about the time we all went
to the Rock to find that party and got
lost and the car got stuck in the ice
and the Blowing Rock police picked us up
after we had wandered for about two
hours in the snow? Were we really that
far from the car?
And that time when we went to the
East Tennessee game and sat together and
smuggled that flask in with 151 in it
and the sun made us more drunk and we
started laughing and couldn't stop.
What was so funny?
"Line up, make a line
here, Arts and
Sciences over here,
Fine Arts here,
Business here.
Education here, Grad
students right here . . .
it's time to get this
show on the road . . ."
Will we ever remember what it was?
And that time we covered the RA's
door with newspaper and then called her
and said someone had fallen down the
steps and blood was everywhere and she
came running out of her door, crashing
head on with all the newspaper and tape
and fell on the floor? Why didn't she
laugh as hard as we did? Why didn't she
laugh at all?
And what about that time we all went
to my house for the weekend and ate and
ate and slept late on Saturday and went
downtown and had our hair cornrowed at
that beauty parlor? I still remember my
mom's face when she came to the door to
let us in. Shock. Mouth hanging open,
eyes staring in disbelief. She thought
we had joined the Hare Krishnas and knew
our hair would never be normal again,
never fluffy, never curly, never.
Today, on this brilliant Sunday
afternoon in May, our hair is normal,
fluffy, curly. My friends are very con-
cerned with their hair . . . maybe they're
just nervous. Maybe they don't realize
that things will never be the same,
that we'll have to make an effort to
see each other now, that the slumber
party is over and it's time to go home.
It's time now to leave the slumber party
and get on with the rest of our lives.
"Line up, make a line here. Arts and
Sciences over here, Fine Arts here. Bus-
iness here, Education here, Grad stu-
dents right here . . . it's time to get this
show on the road," a voice booms over
the chatter and hubbub. We obey the
voice and separate into our colleges. I
look up at the person who is directing
us into the gym. He looks a little like
the policeman who stopped us in Blowing
Rock when we were lost and our car was
stuck in the ice. I wonder if my friends
will notice the resemblance.
You have paid your ^
The exams are over, a
the day had finally corned
Tears and fears are mixed
with joy. It is all part
of the commencement.
a Perspective
"I am a morning
person. I get up early
and have my *up' time
then; I am in the
office at 6:15 a.m. so
that I can spend
several hours planning
the day and spending
time alone."
Dr. Thomas, who is up every
morning at 5:30 a.m., credits most of the
success he has had to reahzing the
Hmits of his biological clock.
"I am a morning person. I get up
early and have my 'up' time then. I am
in the office by 6:15 a.m. so that I can
spend several hours planning the day
and spending time alone before the rush
begins and the telephones start ringing.
In this time, I become completely at
peace with myself. I read and write
down ideas that I will have to mention
in the day's meetings. It's my time.
Some advice for the student? Dr.
Thomas suggests that a student learn
about his own biological clock. Not
everyone can be up and ready to go at
8:00 a.m., so we should try to plan
schedules accordingly. Knowing this, we
can best utilize our day if we block it
into hourly time sections, writing in the
times that we are busy with classes.
This way we can learn to really use our
free time to our advantage.
By glancing over Dr. Thomas' Hsts
of achievements and recognitions, we
know that he is a highly motivated man.
His self-motivation is what has brought
him to where he is today. Having a
full-time job in sales during the day
when he just started out, John Thomas
had the ambition to try harder. To
accomplish this, he attended night school
to earn enough credits to become an
attorney. After this, he was hired by the
Space Administration and went into
teaching, at which time he decided to
earn a doctorate. This kind of ambition
is sometimes rare for many of us. We
think that we are beaten before the
match begins.
Dr. Thomas understands the times
that students today are having to
conquer. His suggestion to us is that we
take time out to relax now and then but
use the relaxation time to its maximal
amount by spending the time planning
ahead. In order to do this properly, we
must be realistic about our time
perceptions. We must survive the slumps
and keep looking up and on.
Career Decisions
Speaking from experience, Dr.
Thomas says, "Your first career is not
your last. You have so many options
that you didn't know about, especially
women, that it's hard to imagine
specializing on a bachelor's level."
Knowing that each student has a
different world view, he comments on
the importance of the Career and
Placement Center. Using the resources, a
student may find a completely different,
exciting alternative to a 'one-way' job.
Dr. Thomas cannot stress enough about
the necessity of using the Career and
Placement Center. It's vital to have this
edge in today's job market situation.
Family — Leaving the Nest
Again, this has a lot to do with
world views, says Dr. Thomas. Some
students make the adjustment to college
easier than others, it all has to do with
maturity and their level of advancement.
Dr. Thomas says the main thing is
"make it (any adjustment) a positive
thing. Use the break times and holidays
as reinforcements, and make sure that
you limit yourself to these infrequent
visits home or you will not learn about
your new environment, make new friends
or cut off those apron strings."
Speaking to students, Dr. Thomas says, "Your first career is not your last. You
have so many options that you didn't icnow about, especially women, that it's
hard to imagine specializing on a bachelor's level."
Dr. Thomas stresses using the Career
and Placement Center. "It's vital to
have an edge in today's job market."
"Limit yourself . . . learn about your
new environment, make new friends
and cut off the apron strings."
homas' self-motivation is
what has brought him to
where he is today.
In the office by 6:15, Dr. Thomas organizes his day. "In this time, I become
completely at peace with myself. I read and write down ideas that ! will have to
mention in the day's meetings. It's my time."
Like a painter choosing the colors, shades and hues from
I palette, as students, we, too, choose the various classes,
Dfessors, concerts, lectures, books, groups, friends, etc., that
play into the painting of who we are.
We enter the university with high expectations, many of
lich are altered by the realities around us. Life seems
idenly different from the 'back-home' environment,
cisions are no longer made for us - we are thrust into
uations of sink or swim, and rarely is the lifeguard waiting
save us. We skip class or decide to forego an evening lecture,
d it may or may not have a lasting effect, but when tens
hundreds of these little decisions mount after four or more
irs of college, they could take their toll.
Talking over one cup of coffee with a foreign student may
ve lasting impressions on us. Viewing a classic film on
nday night in Farthing, or nabbing the professor after class
express our gut feelings, daring to write a letter to the
ipalachian Editor in expression of those feelings that have
rred for months, playing club football when the varsity coach
)ught us to be klutzes, giving a stab at theatre, learning to
ly the dulcimer while in the Appalachia region, taking an
ter-six' class, talking folk art, music, or crafts, with a Watauga
unty native in Boone Drug. The hst mounts, especially when
consider what the mountains have to offer. What about
rning to rappel or canoe, and best of all taking your
istrations out over a long hike in the woods? Those obscure
iking posters that tell of odd and fascinating classes offered
st semester, well they are a must for inquiry. Of course, we
lid burn out running from one activity to the next, spreading
rselves too thin, but the other extreme is even more vicious:
ining for the Bachelor's degree without recognition for the
portance of these various activities.
Ten years later, we may not remember the facts from
story 1101, but debating with a professor on Marx or Freud
lid play a crucial role in training our thinking patterns.
Yes, it's invaluable to focus energies and attentions, but
en it means blinding ourselves to other experiences in the
environment around us, then it could be detrimental.
We are living in a global village, where Lebanon is brought
to us via the T.V., but we ask why history is important, or we
question the reasons for learning a foreign language, such as
Spanish, when Nicaragua is at our door.
We are pressured from all sides to be the envied executive.
We specialize in order to carve a niche for ourselves (no matter
the cost). We lose ourselves in the shuffle of interviews,
job-hunting, and degree-seeking. Do we possibly lose sight of
the world at large and who we are in this race?
We live in a materialistic society where value implies
money, careers are chosen contingent on salary, and degree
implies education.
Being caught up in a differential equation, stumped on an
accounting problem or confused by the essays of Emerson can
cause pain in the learning process. It may be that we lessen
the pain by haphazardly completing the assignment, instead of
thinking through the problems.
Like the various shades of color on a painter's palette, we
have the ability to choose the different areas of study that will
shade or highlight our particular field of interest.
Education is thinking, exploring, imaging, discussing, and
painfully grasping the issues that comprise who we are.
Education should not be the dirge of the 'required.' It is a
delicate balance of the essential, without which we lose sight
of who we are.
As these few pages reveal, academics is not the 'stuff-shirt'
image, but instead should be seen as the interaction of real
humans in thinking, experiencing, and creating history. It is
connecting with great minds of the past, and anticipating their
philosophies for the future.
Academics may be deemed a 'dry area', but with a close
look, we are bound to discover the array of colors it has to offer
each individual. When looked at as parts to a whole, instead
of isolated pieces, we may hit upon a discovery never imagined.
Babette Munn
When a student enters
college as a freshman, he
or she may know exactly in
what to major. A handful
of freshman enter Appala-
chian with an exact idea of
what will become their life-
But this is only a hand-
ful. The majority of fresh-
men who know what area in
which to major usually
change their minds, if only
a change within a disci-
pline, such as entering as
a potential elementary edu-
cation major and then declar-
ing an early childhood
education major.
This is reason enough
for General Education
requirements. For those
who entered college comple-
tely undecided, as well as
for those who had a basic
idea, General Education
offers varied courses with-
in several disciplines to
choose. Students at Appala-
chian can learn about dif-
ferent departments and
their own capabilities as
well as get a well-rounded
We spend a great deal of
time choosing a major, and
in some ways it does not
matter. The current job
situation looks pretty
bleary, with little to
look forward to. The
main thing, we are told, is
that we major in something
which we enjoy. The ration-
ale behind this? With jobs
so scarce, we will likely
be taking jobs only slightly
related to our fields of
interest - just to have a
job. You have to do what
is necessary in order to
Keeping track of the records in General College is a tedious job for Laura
When you hear the name
General College, you imme-
diately may think of ad-
vising. Some of you may
hear "General College" and
think of the grind of meet-
ing the General Education
requirements. After reading
this, however, you may
think of the General Col-
lege office in a different
For instance, you prob-
ably did not know that the
General College is respon-
sible for the administra-
tion of programs such as
University Honors, Admis-
sions Partnership Program,
Bachelor of Technology
Program, Upward Bound,
Special Services, Develop-
mental Education and Inter-
disciplinary Studies which
includes Watauga College,
General Honors, the General
Studies Program, and the
Earth Studies Program.
As far as advisement, the
General College program of
academic advising provides
services for students dur-
ing their first two years
of college life. Advisors
are usually drawn from the
academic faculties. But
like the salesmen from the
insurance company ads on TV,
no faculty member will call
Just when you thought Mother Fletcher's was the only Disco around.
lu to make sure you've reg-
tered for a certain class.
student is solely respon-
ble for keeping up with
s own class schedule so
to meet graduation
We all know what General
allege requirements consist
', but do we know why they
e so important?
Virginia Foxx, Assistant
ean of the General College,
IS stressed many times in
le past, "Gen. Ed. require-
ents are essential in find-
g out about the different
)urses available to you.
[any students who come to
ppalachian undecided on a
major usually receive their
ideas for a major based on
a course trying to fulfill
course requirements."
These requirements com-
prise approximately one-third
of the total credit in all
bachelor's degree programs.
The requirements can be com-
pleted at any time prior to
graduation, except English
1000-1100, which must be
completed during the first
year. Students are encour-
aged to spread general edu-
cation courses throughout
their undergraduate
curriculum rather than con-
centrate them all in the
first two years.
th this organization you can not get lost with General College.
Which courses did you
most remember in General
College other than your
Marie Poe, a junior from
Boone majoring in Computer
Science: "Racquetball and
Weight-training in P.E.
It's good to take courses
that you don't have exper-
ience in, rather than
taking ones that you do.
It's good to learn new
Johnny Hendrix, a senior
from Lenoir majoring in
Accounting: "I don't have
anything good or bad to say
about General College. I am
in Intro, to Theatre and I
don't mind it. Some courses
are a waste of time, but
some are okay."
Karen Sanders, a junior
from Ronda majoring in Com-
puter Science: "Probably
the most memorable course
I took in General College
was English 1000 with Dr.
Hurley. We rarely had form-
al class and were able to
work independently. We kept
a journal of our thoughts
and daily encounters, which
Dr. Hurley read and com-
mented on."
Trudy Moss, a senior
from Boone majoring in
Educational Media: "By far
the most memorable course
in my General College cur-
riculum had to have been
Ed Pilkington's Intro, to
Theatre class. It was one
of the few courses I've
ever taken where I actually
looked forward to attending.
Mr. Pilkington put so much
enthusiasm in his class
that we were all feeling
good when we left each day.
I wish there were more
enthusiastic professors
like Mr. Pilkington."
This is your first step into General College advisement
East RA Barry Knight, a Watauga College student, is at ease in his hammock
with his tobacco and spitoon ready.
Taking a break from his Watauga classes. Brad Allen catches up on his
A sophomore from Gary, Bob Mersch tunes into some music.
"What the heck is Watauga
"Oh, yeah. I know. It's
that bunch of granolas
over in East. They're the
ones who wear sandals when
it snows."
"Does that mean that their
diploma says 'Watauga Col-
lege' instead of 'Appala-
chian State University'?"
"No, that means they get
no diplomas. They don't
give a diploma for dope
smoking. "
- Actual Conversation
in Sanford Hall
To read this small ex-
cerpt from a conversation,
you'd never believe that
these ideas are held by
students at a fine insti-
tution of higher learning
such as Appalachian. This
is an example of "Ignorance
of the Unknown," a plague
which has directly influ-
enced all students in
Watauga College.
So what is Watauga Col-
lege? It's an on-campus
residential program which
offers interdisciplinary
course work for freshmen
and sophomores. These stu-
dents take special Watauga
College courses in lieu of
general education require-
ments in English, the
Humanities, and the Social
Sciences. Courses such as
Mathematics, Physical
Education and the Sciences
are taken through the
regular curriculum, as are
major-related courses.
Students live together
in East to permit emphasis
on integrating the academic
program with student's
personal and social devel-
opment. Participation in
the Watauga College does
not exclude participation
in any other special pro-
gram at Appalachian.
According to Tommy Avery,
a Watauga College Student
and an R.A. in East Hall,
"Watauga is a special place,
where students know each
other and care very much
about each other. Living
together in East helps to
provide a better way to get
to know the people that you
know in class already."
In answering the second
question, it seems evident
that any graduate will have
"Appalachian State Univer-
sity" on their diploma.
Watauga College Students
are only different in their
first two years of the
curriculum, and in what
they reap from their time
in East Hall. That's just
about it.
- Amanda Foster
The professors and stu-
dents at Watauga College
are committed to the prob-
lems that tangle our world.
This year they decided to
dedicate a series on moral
courage. Speakers and films
deal with issues concerning
fanaticism, nationalism, the
nuclear age, third world
poverty, etc. The students
definitely get involved.
- Babette Munn
;nse of community
"East has an exaggerated
eputation," said Greg
chneider, Resident
)irector of East Hall.
The people who gave it
hat reputation are long
one now. Only the name
i the same."
Greg has enjoyed his two
ears in East Hall, which
ouses Watauga College, the
iternational Hall, and Spe-
ial Services students.
Istablished in 1972, Wa-
luga College is a living/
;arning experience for
•eshmen and sophomores,
'he students live and take
lasses in East and, as a
3sult, become much like a
ig family. Since many
ike the same courses, they
ave tests and papers due
n the same days. Studying
5nds to be communal and
jpportive rather than
idividual. The coed halls
nhance the family atmos-
here, where the social
seling is more of a broth-
r and sister relationship
lan a dating one.
Students interested in
)reign cultures live on
le International Hall. Of
le 30 to 40 students on
le hall, 10 to 15 are
)reign. A knowledge of
ifferent cultures is pro-
ded by various activities
id the fact that people
om different backgrounds
^VQ together in a close
The Special Services
ill is designed for stu-
jnts who need academic
laistance. They receive
tutoring, special classes,
and counseling. In addition,
there are cultural and edu-
cational activities: social
events as well as trips to
Washington and New York.
Although there are three
separate groups in East
Hall, everyone shares a
sense of community. "It is
evident that people care
about each other within
East. You know you have a
good rapport with people
in the building because you
see each other everyday.
People know when you have
a good day and they share
it with you. Bad days are
shared too, people care
here," said Greg Schneider.
Because East offers some-
thing different from the
usual college experience,
it often attracts non-
conformists. It is often
misunderstood, and its
reputation has been based
on misconceptions instead
of accurate knowledge. Greg
frequently gets sympathetic
looks from others when they
hear that he lives in East.
He has this to say: "Most
of the people who have the
most to say about East have
never been inside the build-
ing. I have only this advice
to them: Don't prejudge us.
First come in and see for
yourself, then decide."
"We are not primarily
put on this earth to
see through one
another, but to see one
another through."
- Peter de Vries
Bud Gerber's freshmen class, entitled, "The Quest for Meaningful
Participation", has a lot to offer in the way of open debate.
The chance to see the world is at your fingertips. Stop by the Office of
International Studies in East and find out more.
The Informal atmosphere in East allows students to get their feet wet and
delve into discussions. ...
Modern Chinese
Poljnd: Ejst or
Fac/tion: Modern'
Earth Studies is probably
the most misunderstood pro-
gram at Appalachian State
University. There are many
students and even faculty
members here at ASU that
don't even know what the
program entails. Red Alder-
man, the coordinator of
the program said, "We teach
a philosophy that man is a
part of the world and he
must learn to live with it,
not dominate it."
Earth Studies began sever-
al years ago at ASU as an
experimental program. It
has now been institutional-
ized by the university un-
der the name of Appropriate
Technology. The program has
six major core concerns:
Eco-Consciousness or Earth
Ethics, Communication, Re-
newable Energy Sources,
Bio-regional Adaptation,
Biological Agriculture and
Aquaculture, and Shelter.
Some of these areas are
concerned with teaching the
program's philosophy and
others are concerned with
technologies that will
enable man to live ecolo-
gically sound lifestyles.
The fact that the program
is misunderstood inevitably
leads to negative reac-
tions. The label "Earth
Person" carries with it a
picture of individuals left
over from the 1960's hippy
era. The truth is that
"Earth People" are only
trying to work with the
flow of our environment
instead of trying to change
it. Red Alderman said,
"People involved in the
program are diligently
searching for ways to adapt
to our natural limitations.
Our culture uses energy to
over-ride the natural sys-
tem. We'd like culture to
adapt to some greater har-
mony with the natural sys-
Becky Wellborne who is a
graduating major in Earth
Studies and has a minor in
Biology said, "People think
Earth Studies is just some
silly college degree. It is
an excellent degree, and it
is not an easy major. Earth
Studies is a thing of now
and of our future. It is
both important and neces-
sary." - Richard Schwartz
Red Alderman teaches that man and the earth are one.
Sally Hart takes Holistic Health for her major in Health Psychology.
Yoga, meditation, healing,
and nutrition are just
a few of the topics covered
in a new and unusual course
here at ASU. It is an Earth
Studies class called Holistic
Health and Nutrition
which is taught through the
Home Economics Depart-
Sally Hart, a junior
majoring in Health Psycho-
logy, defines Holistic
Health as "the mind, body,
and soul working together."
The emphasis of the class
is on self-improvement
through natural means.
Jack White, a senior in
the class says he took it
because, "I was looking for
ways to optimize my health,
and I wanted to be exposed
to as many natural alterna-
tives as possible."
The twenty-three students
enrolled in this class hear
from approximately fifteen
speakers during the semes-
ter. Students learn yoga
and meditation and are ex-
posed to a host of lesser-
known forms of Holistic
Health as well. Students
learn about laying on of
hands as an approach to
healing. J.T. Garrett,
Ph.D., informs the class
on his success in inte-
grating traditional and
Indian medicine at the
Cherokee Indian Hospital.
The Holistic approach to
cookery is taught with
emphasis on the "we are
what we eat" attitude.
Students are also exposed
to Kirlian Photography
which is a means of mea-
suring the energy produced
by the human body.
Ms. Koons realizes the
unusual content of her
class. "Holistic Health is
not traditional. People
don't understand and
they're afraid of it." The
emphasis of this class is
on health from within. A
back-to-basics approach is
taken and healing through
mental and physical means 5
are stressed.
Holistic Health
provides us with an alter-
native to this process.
As Ms. Koon says, "People
are beginning to focus on
prevention instead of
treatment. I believe this
is becoming the way of the
future." - Cathy Stuart
Dr. Bill Strickland, 16 year veteran
s Dean of the College of Fine and
ipplied Arts, will be retiring at the end
fthis year. Here are some of his thoughts
n liberal education and his hopes for
iSU in the future.
RHODODENDRON: What changes
lave you seen over the years at ASU and
specially in the College of Arts and
)r. Strickland: Well, when I first came,
came as the Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Philosophy and Rehgion, and we
.idn't have any colleges; it was Appala-
hian State Teachers College - one
dministrative unit. In 1967 we reorgan-
zed and formed the General College,
/ollege of Arts and Science, the College
if Fine and Applied Arts, and the College
if Education. I became Dean of the new
'ollege of Arts and Science on July 1,
968. I saw the beginning of the College
nd have been Dean for sixteen years
ince. We have grown in terms of faculty
nd majors.
trimarily as a liberal arts school. What do
'ou see is the value of a liberal arts
Dr. Strickland: I think that a university
ducation is essentially concerned with
he making available to students general
>r liberal education which is the founda-
ion of any education, even professional
iducation. Professional education ought
o be added on top of the general/liberal
bundation, the study of language, for
sample, mathematics, history, and all
he other parts that form the broad base
or education. And then, the professional
equirements should be added on top of
hat. I'm convinced that we need to have
reneral education for the foundation of
"I think that a university education is
essentially concerned with the making
available to students general or liberal
education w/hicn is the foundation of any
education, even professional education."
- Dr. Bill Strickland
any special education.
RHODODENDRON: The distinction of
having a college degree is not what it once
was. What is the personal value of a
college degree?
Dr. Strickland: It acquaints the human
being with the achievements of the
human family, and I think that is of
paramount significance. It avoids isola-
tion; it avoids provincialism, and it relates
persons to their history, their culture, and
their language.
RHODODENDRON: What are the
employment possibilities for liberal arts
Dr. Strickland: Many students that take
a degree in Athropology, English,
Sociology, Philosophy and Religion will
go on and add some professional training
and take jobs in specialized areas. Others
will simply continue work in their
discipline and become college professors
or whatever. Many, without much
professional training, will become profes-
sionals in certain areas. They may work
for the government, for example.
RHODODENDRON: Are the hard
sciences growing faster than some of the
other departments like English or Foreign
Language, for example?
Dr. Stickland: Physics is growing a bit
faster than some of the others. Mathema-
tics, especially with Computer Science, is
growing. Our enrollments, though, have
held fairly stable in all the sciences.
RHODODENDRON: What do you hope
to see in the future for ASU and the
College of Arts and Science?
Dr. Strickland: I hope that we will be
able to maintain our enrollments and that
any student that comes here will be able
to receive the quality of education that
one should expect, that one will be able
to evaluate human life and experience in
a creative and ennobling fashion. That's
what I believe education is about, not just
preparation for jobs. That's not the
essential purpose of a university.
- Interview by Paul Baker
The Anthropology De-
partment offers a variety
of interesting activities
during the summer. Students
can take advantage of a
field school every other
summer. Six credit hours
can be earned in the five
to six week session. This
summer, students will study
in Florida along with the
University of West Florida
at Pensacola.
The field school is im-
portant in that it opens
many job opportunities. The
Dr. Harvard Ayers
new Environmental Impact
Statement requires that
anyone wanting to build
must submit a written
statement which explains
how their construction will
alter the land and effect
the environment. Students
who attend the field school
will be qualified to per-
form the assessments
necessary for such a
written statement.
The first part of the
field school will be spent
looking for digging sites.
The sites to be explored
date back to 3000 B.C.
Finding prehistoric sites
will be of particular in-
terest. With test excava-
tions and lab work, the
life styles of past civili-
zations can be better un-
The field work is de-
signed for people with lit-
tle or no experience in
archaeology. Cheryl Claas-
sen, a past participant,
commented that archaeology
"is an interesting field,
and it gives a good back-
ground for any major. The
course offers a un-
ique understanding. Often it is
assumed that other cultures
see and do everything our
way when in fact they have
their own way which seems
right for them. This area
of study makes us more a-
ware of the poeple around
us and their feelings and
ideas. We could all stand
to gain a better under-
standing of our fellow
- Doreen Heath
The Criminal Justice pro-
gram is one of the fastest
growing disciplines at ASU,
growing from 4 to 46 de-
grees awarded in a five
year period. In 1982 ap-
proximately 130 people 1
majored in Criminal Jus- j
tice. In a poll of this i
year's freshmen, criminal
justice majors ranked third
in the Arts and Sciences
fields. The growth is "dy-
namic," stated Dr. Sutton,
department chairman.
Those who study Criminal
Justice can work with pri-
vate security agencies, law
enforcement and courts and
corrections at the federal,
state and local government
levels, under which a num-
ber of positions and varie-
ties of work related to
Criminal Justice research.
president), Jim Langcake (president). Second Row; Alba Herrera, Billy
Ctiapdier, Bebe Harmon, Collette Tan, Paula Crane. Back Row; Geoff Moore,
Ed Richards, Katheryn Horn, Patricia Hodgson, Jon Balish, Roland Moy
The field of archaeological research unearths clues to man's past
lucation, planning, and
ihabilitation can be found.
The field is truly inter-
isciplinary. The program
insists of courses in
ociology, Psychology and
riminal Justice/Political
cience. "Our graduates are
ell received," noted Dr.
utton "and we have a
rong faculty. Many of our
iculty have held offices
I various criminal justice
:eas, some with private
icurity agencies and/or
ational and state agencies
id organizations. Books
id articles of our faculty
ave been published. A
JO.OOO grant has been
•anted for some of our
culty to study the jail
'Stem of North Carolina."
"We are unique to an ex-
nt in that we require an
ternship of the chosen
aid of each graduate in
ther private security,
w enforcement, or courts
id corrections" added Dr.
itton. - Mitzi Hurst
The Department of His-
tory's Newport Program
sounds like a dream come
true. The Newport Program
is now entering its fourth
year, and it has expanded
to include not only grad-
uate and undergraduate
students, but adult learn-
ers as well.
The Newport Program is a
four week summer session
in Newport, Rhode Island.
The program is made possi-
ble by cooperation with
Salve Regina: The Newport
College. Students can take
courses in History, English
and Math or they may even
design their own indepen-
dent study.
Students rave over sum-
mers spent in Newport. Su-
san Harrington said, "It
was an 'on hands' experi-
ence and that made learning
a lot of fun." Carey Nier-
garth said, "It was one of
the best summers I've ever
Salve Regina in Newport, Rhode Island welcomes ASU students.
had. It is definitely
worthwhile, and I'm going
back this summer."
The Newport Program cer-
tainly offers students an
action-packed summer, while
still providing a relaxed
environment for learning.
Newport was founded in
1636, so students studying
Colonial History or Early
American Literature are
able to learn in the set-
ting where events origi-
nally occured.
The cosmopolitan
society in Newport, itself.
has continued since its
earliest days as a Colonial
maritime center. Students
have a chance to meet peo-
ple from radically differ-
ent cultures, which makes
their educational exper-
ience much broader than it
would otherwise be.
Any student interested
in a very special summer
school program should
surely consider studying
in Newport. Newport offers
many unusual things that
are unavailable elsewhere.
- Mitzi Hurst
iglish and History students and faculty prepare to leave for Newport
CRIMINAL JUSTICE CLUB Front Row: Dwight Vinson (president), Jeff Almond
(treasurer), Thomas Sullivan (secretary). Back Row: Jeff Forbes, Robert
Huffman, Michael Nauman.
Sociology was at one time
the tji)ical liberal arts
degree that led to a no-
where job. In recent years,
however, more applied as-
pects have been developed
allowing for concentrations
in other areas of studies.
Here at Appalachian State
University, the Sociology
Department is more like a
service department for
other disciplines and
Dr. Denton, head of the
Sociology Department, com-
mented that, "the Sociology
Department here at Appala-
chian State University
cooperates with other de-
partments much more freely
than some colleges." A
number of required courses
in Sociology are included
in many of the Business,
Political Science, and Cri-
minal Justice curriculums
here at Appalachian State
"There are very few jobs
on the market today that
call for a specific soci-
ologist," explained Dr.
Denton. He said that a de-
gree in sociology with a
good minor and a goal ori-
ented program, which can be
played up in your resume,
is what business is looking
"Industry today is em-
ploying college graduates
with solid liberal arts
backgrounds for training
in lower and middle man-
agement programs," said
Dr. Denton.
Frequently, sociology is
studied as a prep course to
help students in communi-
cations. Afterward, the
student will go on to grad-
uate school or into law,
ministry, or even sales
management. Here at Appa-
lachian there are many
minors taken in sociology,
but few majors.
- Robbie Reaves
Psychology majors gen-
erally get involved in a
psychological research
course sometime during
their college career. One
such course, 'Applied Re-
search Methodology", taught
by Dr. Paul Fox, teaches
basic research design
through applied settings.
"The course is meant for
all psychology majors,
clinical and industrial
alike," explained Fox.
Students, for some
reason, sometimes fear the
class. Dr. Fox said that to
alleviate this fear he
tries to make the course as
interesting as possible. "I
have them start out doing
statistical concepts, and
they don't even realize
that they're doing re-
search," he said.
One of the interesting
Psychology professor Dr. Paul Fox stresses practical research in class.
PSYCHOLOGY CLUB Front Row; Suzanne Gilroy {vice president), Kristin
Rogers (president), Sandy Moretz (treasurer). Second Row; Susan Golden,
Leanne Gay, Fonda Craft. Back Row; Lorl Brown, Rachael Strickland, Polly
Trnavsky (advisor).
Susan Golden (L) and Kristin Rogers sell donuts for the Psychology Clulfc
jpics researched by the
ass this year was a
;udy on how people eval-
ate others by height. Pic-
ires of a person said to
e tall were shown to sub-
lets. Then, the same pic-
ire was shown to another
ibject. This time, how-
/er, the subject was told
lat the person in the
icture was short. The
;udy revealed that women
ould rather work for and
jspect more a taller male,
len, on the other hand,
id not seem to care about
eight in their evaluations
[■ the pictures.
Students in the class
resent their findings be-
)re the class orally or
I poster form. In April,
romising studies are taken
) Raleigh for the Carolina
onference. This gathering
: Psychology majors from
le five surrounding states
sponsored by N.C. State
id Merideth College.
Robbie Reaves
A major accomplishment
of the Philosophy and Reli-
gion Department was its
move to I.G. Greer in Nov-
ember. Emerging from the
cramped quarters in Sanford
Hall, which at that time
housed four separate de-
partments, the department
now has much more space in
which to function.
Department head Dr.
Alan Hauser cites the fac-
ulty offices as being much
nicer, calling the old ones
"tiny and very, very diffi-
cult to work in." The avail-
ability of more classroom
space is also a positive
This year the depart-
ment catered to approximate-
ly twenty five majors. Hau-
ser stated that the job
outlook for these majors
is good, due in part to an
increased awareness in bus-
iness and industry as to
the advantages of hiring a
philosophy major. He ex-
plained that these advan-
tages include the students'
ability to think, write,
and verbally communicate in
a clear manner and that
they are flexible enough to
learn, perform, and adapt
to a variety of tasks. "Our
majors do an excellent
job," he said.
The primary task of
the department, however, is
to aid students in meeting
General Education requir-
With the emphasis of
higher education returning
to the liberal arts, his
department is more "criti-
cal to the whole spectrum"
of a college education. He
claimed, "Students tend to
come away from classes in
their major with a much
broader education" as a re-
sult of having participated
in philosophy or religion
As Chairman, Dr. Hau-
ser is proud of the out-
standing record his faculty
has in the fields of research
and publication. He
said that this "spills back
into the classroom" and
makes for "better, more in-
teresting teaching."
When asked to charac-
terize the philosophical
outlook of ASU students,
Hauser stated that a wide
variety of attitudes ex-
ists. He also said that
there is a strong interest
in issues that is confirmed
by the large number of stu-
dents that enroll in "Reli-
gions of the World" and
"Introduction to Philoso-
phy". Often students take
these courses for general
education and then find
the department so interest-
ing that they major in it.
Obviously, the students'
spiritual and philosophical
curiosities are well
met here at Appalachian
- Kristin Kopren
A.M. Denton
Dr. Alan Hauser sees increased interest in Philosophy and Religion.
The study of English
is more than hum-drum lit-
erary lectures and stuffy
grammatical rules. The De-
partment of English here
at ASU strives to provide
students with study pro-
grams which are refreshing
and practical.
In an effort to help
English majors become more
competitive in the market-
place, the Department has
acquired twenty Commodore
64 computers. Dr. Melissa
Barth, instructor of prac-
tical and technical writ-
ing, said, "All businesses
are using word processors
now. It is a skill people
have to have."
Unlike other com-
puting centers on campus,
this one will concentrate
on building writing skills.
In addition to the new
computers, the Department
Dr. Melissa Barth
of English also took part
in travel to New England.
Several students traveled
to Salve Regina, a college
in Newport, Rhode Island
last summer. They studied
courses in math, history,
and of course, English dur-
ing the four week program.
Aside from computers
and travel, the Department
is also involved in putting
out four different publi-
cations: The North Caro-
lina Folklore Journal; a
University literary maga-
zine. The Cold Mountain Re-
view; the Appalachian Arts
magazine; and a monthly de-
partmental newsletter. The
English Times. These pro-
jects are important in that
they inform and entertain
readers and give students
of English the opportunity
to gain practical experi-
ence in the field of pub-
The New Inklings Club
was developed this year.
The club was designed pri-
marily for English majors
but is open to anyone who
is interested. Its members
participate in poetry and
prose workshops twice a
month which focus on build-
ing writing skills. Stu-
dents share their work
with one another and in
this way receive valuable
input from their peers.
English, then, is not
as stagnant as one might
think. Instead, it's an
ever evolving, up to date
- Cathy Stuart
"Language is a gift.
Foreign languages provide
a better understanding,"
stated Dr. Solis of the
Foreign Language Depart-
ment. In an attempt to
continue to provide this
understanding the Depart-
ment of Foreign Language
is offering a number of
interesting programs and
Students can major or
minor in French, German,
Or. Ramon Diaz-Sotis
The key to learning any foreign language Is practice. The Foreign Language Lab in Sanford Hall provides the means to this enoT
tin, and Spanish. Masters
;rees can be obtained in
inch and Spanish. Liter-
ire, linguistics, trans-
ion, and art courses
offered through this
Students who take a
eign language are also
uired to take a lab.
or to this year, the lab
isisted of listening to
ords and tapes. Now the
jartment is hooked up to
atellite that provides
m with programs from
eign countries
mty- four hours a day.
Students are becoming
re aware of international
dies and foreign language,
hough language
uirements are few, there
more students studying
guage than in past
irs. According to Dr.
is, teaching systems
better and "new ideas
i equipment make more
dents interested."
)oreen Heath
Changes are being made in
the Mathematics Department
in the area of Computer
Science. The present compu-
ter systems are being up-
graded; more terminals,
more mini-computers, and
several micro-computers are
being added to. the present
"This growing area is
trying to keep up with the
student demand and contin-
ue to supply the quahty
noted of the ASU Mathema-
tics Department," noted Dr.
Arnold McEntire. The inter-
est in micro-computers is
reflected in the number of
students taking the provid-
ed courses. New courses are
being constructed and are
aimed at teaching computers
in a comprehensive way.
The classes within the
department consist of a lot
of lab activities. "In lab
we are glad to see students
helping each other," says
Dr. McEntire. "It makes
life easier in tough
courses when students help
each other," added Dr. Mc-
Stan Banner, a Computer
Science major, calls the
major "challenging." Stan
says, "the future is ex-
citing and challenging in
this field." Dan Sweeny,
also a Computer Science
major, sees the departmen-
tal programs as being of
high quality. "ASU has an
excellent department with
a very bright future.
There is a need for more
equipment and professors
if they are going to keep
up the quality."
Dr. McEntire stated,
"Opportunities for jobs
have been very good with
graduates receiving top of
the line salaries. But it
cannot be predicted how
long this will hold up in
our area. The demand for
employees in our immediate
area may decrease. Graduates
may have to move
further away from home than
The uses of this expand-
ing department are many.
The skills taught include
problem solving, computer
language, architecture of
computers, and computer
applications. All this is
offered to students as an
attempt to provide grad-
uates with practical skills
and keep them in step with
the changing needs of
society. - Doreen Heath
Pondering a problem
with any computer, those in the Math Department's computer lab converse in a language of their own.
Dr. Walter Connolly, a
physicist, is involved in
arousing peoples' interest
in physical phenomena. Dr.
Connolly savors his time
researching for new demon-
strations for high school
and college students and
giving demonstrations na-
Dr. Connolly's interest
in demonstrations was stir-
Dr. Connolly and demonstration.
red during his nine year
teaching position at the
U.S. Naval Academy, where
demonstrations were built
large enough to show a half
a battalion (about 200 mid-
shipmen) a physical principle.
Since he started ASU's
Physics Department, Dr.
Connolly has been invited
to give papers and speak
all over the nation. He
said, "The interest in de-
monstrations is growing
nationwide. If you show
people demonstrations they
will remember the princi-
ples much longer than by
telling them." In 1979, he
was asked what he
deemed his favorite demon-
stration at the National
Convention of Physics
Teachers. His choice 'The
Optical Cheshire Cat', came
to fruition through the aid
of Lewis Carroll's Alice in
Wonderland and an
experiment done by Dr.
Tom Rokoske with a water
dropper filled with anisole.
The speed of light is the
same in anisole as in the
glass of a dropper. Filling
the center of the dropper
with anisole, the light
doesn't know if it's glass or
anisole, thus disappearing.
Using this concept and the
tale of the disappearing cat
in Alice In Wonderland, Dr.
Connolly created a figure of
a cat on glass that
disappears when immersed
in liquid anisole.
Dr. Connolly commented
on the influx of demonstra-
tions into classrooms in
the '30's and '40's and
said there was a decrease
in the late '50's and late
'60's. But the use of de-
monstrations in revealing
physical phenomena is again
on the rise and Dr. Walter
Connolly is right in the
forefront, helping to spur
students' imaginations
and increase their under-
standing of the physical
- Babette Munn
Jon Speed tests samples.
Department of Biology
graduate students Jon Speec
and Vic Culpepper spent si]
weeks of their summer this
year doing research in Ja-
maica. The Ministry of
Health in Jamaica selected
four villages and allowed
the researchers to collect
blood and fecal samples
for a parasilogical study
of the region. "Because
PHYSICS CLUB Front Row; Linda Dunn, Greg Wojak, Brad Spencer, Darren
Thompson, Bill Swanson, Finley Dula. Back Row; Roy Small, David Gebbie,
Steven Goslen, Jim Selbee, Joey Norman, W. C. Connolly (advisor).
lere is so little informa-
on of parasites in third
orld countries, parasitism
probably the largest
roblem inhibiting their
:owth," commented Speed.
;e hopes that their study
lay help the situation.
The condition which
:ads to parasitism in the
iUages is contamination
[■ the water supply. "In
le villages there are no
idoor toilets; usually
's a hole in the ground
r a trench, and there is
0 electricity," said
peed. The two main groups
f parasites found in the
D25 blood and 700 waste
imples were Helminths and
rotozoans. These two para-
tes can cause debilita-
ng effects in humans in-
luding death.
Once all their data is
Dmpiled, Speed and Cul-
epper's work will go on
le at the Ministry of
[ealth in Kingsport.
Robbie Reaves
The field of chemical
research calls for a widely
diversified and crucial
amount of practical exper-
ience. The more experience
that can be acquired, the
better one's job opportuni-
ties after graduation. Pro-
fessors in the Chemistry
Department here at ASU re-
cognize this need for prac-
tical experience and so de-
veloped a number of courses
in which Chemistry majors
can gain this experience.
There are currently three
classes designed to promote
practical chemical re-
search: "Introduction to
Chemical Research", "Semi-
nar", and "Senior Re-
search". The courses are
taught by Dr. Thomas Rhyne
of the Graduate School.
The first class in the
series teaches the student
how to conduct research on
topics in Chemistry. The
students, working in close
Lisa Reynolds gets advice from Dr. Soeder on a chemistry project.
relation with professors,
search through volumes of
chemical documentation to
find reports and other in-
formation vital to their
research. After gathering
and sorting this informa-
tion, each student presents
his data to the class.
In the second course,
each student selects his
own topic for research,
and does literary and
experimental work. After
having put the accumu-
lated data together, the
students give another pre-
sentation to the class.
Dr. Rhyne said, "The main
goal of the course is to
show the students the im-
portance of literary re-
search as well as the chem-
ical side of it."
Senior Research, the
third and final course in
the series, gives each stu-
dent the opportunity to
work individually with one
member of the Chemistry De-
partment. "This really
gives each student the
first hand experience that
our faculty posses," said
- Robbie Reaves
PALACHIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Front Row; Bryan Simmons, Tim Oakes
jsident), Greg Howell (vice president), James Messick (secretary/treasurer).
;k Row; Ty Garber, Gene Wood, Tim Ellison, Ben Miles, Donna Kimball,
jg Snyder, Dr. Steve Williams. Not Pictured; Ken Call, Robert "Zootie"
HIGHLAND BIOLOGISTS Front Row; Ray Williams (resident ornithologist), Vic
Culpepper (chairman of the board), Wendy Stehling. Jim Orcutt. Phyllis Baker.
Jeannie Tarr, Bob Ballard. Back Row; Cathy Lawing. Dr. Tink (faculty advisor).
Jill Bazemore (vice president), Neil Medlin (president), California Gopher Snake,
Wayne Van Devander (advisor). Chuck Teague, Brad Howard.
Marine fossils are of
interest to Dr. Frank Mc-
Kinney, ASU professor of
Geology. In 1976, he star-
ted working with the grad-
uate geology program look-
ing into petroleum research
funded by the American
Chemical Society. The work
consisted of investigating
3 million year old marine
fossils called Bryozoas.
Interests in these stu-
dies are both academic and
economic. The Bryozoas'
Or. Frank McKinney
structures vary according
to their environment. This
sparks the interest of the
petroleum industries, be-
cause the findings aid in
the search for oil and gas
reserves. Economically
these studies will help to
save money by making these
petroleum reserves easier
to locate.
John Winn, a Geology
major, notes, "It is rare
that research is offered to
undergraduates, and that
the faculty encourages it
along with the willingness
of the faculty to help at
anytime. Those genuinely
interested get boosted
along by the faculty. For
any undergraduate it is a
"big deal" to be involved
in research, especially to
do some on his own. In
graduate school when it
comes time to do research
for a masters thesis, the
student will not find him-
self in such awe."
- Doreen Heath
The Department of Geogra-
phy and Community Planning
is excited about its
useful and versatile gra-
phic display computers. Dr.
William Imperatore teaches
a class on the uses of
these computers.
In the course, students
learn to create line, bar
and circle graphs as well
as choropleth maps, three-
dimensional maps, and
three-dimensional terrain
diagrams. Included in the
learning experience are
the concepts and uses of
graphic tablets, direct
drawings, drum plotters,
graph and map plotting,
flat- bed plotters and
graphic printers.
"Since this course on
graphic display emphasizes
graphics itself, students
from other majors take the
course to become familiar
with the computer's graphic
Gina Clayton analyzes the gra'
capabilities," stated Dr.
Gina Clayton, a History
major, finds the course
"real beneficial." She
feels the "planning is
easier, more effective and
information is put together
quicker because of the
small computers."
Skills acquired in gra-
phic display by Planning
majors are used in the
drawings of maps of cities
and other areas which are
undergoing changes or in
need of renewal.
- Doreen Heath
Dr. McKinney reveals his zeal for fossils by involving students.
Grasping the vastness of the world
ou think Wall Street is a rat race,
i haven't seen anything yet. Although
ilker Hall cannot be equally compared to
i bewildering confusion of the Stock
change, it too demands respect as a place
Business is one of the most popular
Ids of study at ASU. Approximately 2,800
idents are currently enrolled in the
ilker College of Business majoring in
magement, Msirketing, Economics, Ac-
mting. Business Education, and Finance,
;urance and Real Estate.
This year, in an effort to upgrade the
ality of learning, the business school has
tigated changes in the requirements of
dents wishing to enter the college,
jspective majors must have completed 60
nester hours including English 1000,
)0, and Math 1030 plus seven lower level
siness courses prior to admission. The
plicant must maintain a 2.0 in all work
empted. The reason for this move is to
sure that business majors take
classes in sequence. Students were found
to be skipping over basic classes.
Consequently, they lacked the fundamen-
tal knowledge needed in the upper-level
"In the past, it has been rather
simple for students to neglect the
necessary courses and take their own
selection of classes," said Barry EUedge,
Assistant Dean of the College of Business.
"We want to upgrade the quality of the
upper-division courses to the advantage
of the students." Core courses, he feels,
are the foundations of a business
education. "We want the department as
a whole to be more than efficient for the
students and instructors. Proper sequence
is a definite quality in maintaining this
goal. (Students) don't realize how much
more they will learn if they stick to a
definite pattern," he said.
In addition to the changes in
admissions policy, the College of Business
has designed an 18 hour minor program.
The minor includes Economics 2030,
Accounting 2100, Management 3010,
Marketing 3010, Finance 3010, and an
additional course of the student's choice.
All 2000 level courses must be completed
before 3000 level classes are attempted.
Each department also offers its own
specialized minor.
Special programs are offered by the
College of Business to help the individual.
Night school is especially welcome to the
working student. Internships provide
valuable experience for the students
before they are turned out into the "Real
With the special programs and raised
admission standards, the Walker College
of Business seeks to better prepare people
for all areas of the business world. "Our
business majors have done well in the
past, and the expectations remain stable
for the future," said Dr. EUedge.
Business requires the
efficient flow of accurate
information. It also requires
a trained, dedicated
group of professionals
behind the scenes to teach
people how to keep the
information flowing. The
Department of Business
Education instructs students
in both aspects.
The Department is accre-
dited for graduate and
undergraduate studies. It
offers degrees in the areas
of Business Education with
teacher certification,
Distributive Education with
teacher certification,
Business Administration
with a major in Information
Systems, and Office Adminis-
tration. The Department
also offers a Master of
Arts degree in Business
Teacher Education.
- Paul Baker
Don Gibson utilizes the computer to solve problems.
The Information Systems
Program in the College of
Business has developed from
an individually designed
major into one which grad-
uates over 200 students
each year. The computer
program has been in oper-
ation for a decade. Dr.
Melvin Roy, Senior Advisor
to the program, describes
its development as one of
exponential but controlled
Presently, students in
the College of Business use
the computer facilities to
help solve accounting, eco-
nomic, and managerial prob-
lems. Students majoring in
Information Systems use
the computer to complete
projects in the areas of
COBOL applications, model-
ing simulation problems,
various management science
techniques, and date pro-
cessing activities. Faculty
members use the computer in
the classroom as well as in
their own statistical anal-
ysis of research data.
Computers have added to
the productivity and pro-
ficiency of both faculty
and students in the John
Walker College of Business.
Computers are a much mor
efficient way of storing
information than other
The terminal laboratory
for the College of Business
has recently been remodel-
ed. It contains 16 concen-
trated terminals in commu-
nication with the mainfram
UNIVAC 90/80 central pro
cessing unit via Appalnet,
the underground coaxial
cable communication systen
located in Whitener Hall.
The lab contains a remote
entry station enabling stu-
dents to direct hard-copy
output to Walker Hall fron
the mainframe unit. A
microcomputer lab contain-
ing DEC Rainbow 100
computers is also available
to students. These
microcomputers are also
connected to the UNIVAC
-Mitzi Hurst
(Parliamentarian), David Greene, Pan Jackson (SGA Representative), Jud
Thomas (Secretary), Charles Ware (Treasurer), Tom Griffith (Vice President
Second Rovj; Stan Wilkinson (Advisor), Anika Scott, Carol Blanton, Wandi
Trask, Meg Austin, Edwina Anthony, Regina Sloop, Sharon Alexander, Tro
Lovi/rle, Alan Woods, Mark Harris, Timothy Lowrance, Randy Carter, Angel;
Waters. Third Row; Michael Powell, Trisha Seism, Beth Dilday, Kim Roach
Linda Bourne, Melonie Moore, Joyce Raid, Patty Lorenz, Kevin Walter, Karei
Lesher, Robert Hodges, Eddie Grindstaff, Keith Surber, Margaret Gibbs, Karei
Edwards, Joseph McNair, Kevin Collier, Ben Fox, Tony Griffin. Fourth Row
Laurie Turrentine, Terry Corriher, Kimberly Blakley, Cynthia Miller, Alysoi
Rose, Judy Smith, Curtis Hicks, Bernice Miller, Camille Annas, Robin Clemmer
William Edwards, Shaun Smith, Keith Morhard, Larry Crump, David Schenck
Jin Yang, Steve Steiner, Dale Pritchard, John Robinson, Mike Horney. Bad
Row; Gayna Simons, Kim Canipe, Gary Beaver, Scott Loy, David Morgan, Kin
Watson. Not Pictured; Martha Hayden (President), Rob Compton.
"Xvxn though my typx-
ritxr is an old modxl, it
jrks quitx wxll - xxcxpt
r onx or two kxys ..."
Few people realize the
iportance of typing. It
IS a novelty when the
st typewriter came out
1868. Now, with inte-
ated data and word pro-
ssing becoming increas-
gly important, it is
most a necessity for
e to know his way around
e ole Remington.
"Typewriting is a form
of communication developed
through keyboard control,"
explained Mrs. Ann Black-
burn a 26 year veteran of
the Business Education De-
partment. Mrs. Blackburn
has run into some unusual
experiences. Once she ex-
cused a student for missing
an assignment because the
young lady had just had a
$40 manicure job and didn't
want to scuff her invest-
ment. Ah, such are the
slings and arrows of prog-
- Doreen Heath
Abernathy (Treasurer), Darlene Eason, Alliance Matney. Second Row; Sharon
McGrady (Vice President), Sarah Gettys, Katherine Neal (Secretary), Keith
Goins (President). Back Row; Greg Murphy (Vice President), Lynnette Knitter,
Patti Morris, Dr. Tom Allen (Advisor). Not Pictured; Laurie Maliska.
ctice, practice, practicel It's the only way to master the keyboard
The DECA Club (Distribu-
tive Education Clubs of
America) is just one club
associated with the College
of Business. It is sponsor-
ed by the Business Educa-
tion Department and is ad-
vised by Dr. Thomas Allen.
According to Allen, the
club is designed to prepare
its members to be DECA ad-
visors for high school and
junior high school chap-
ters. Its 15 members are
predominatly majors in the
marketing and distributive
education program and are
studying to become teachers
in secondary and community
college level institutions.
The ASU chapter is one of
only two in the state.
Activities this year in-
cluded periodic organiza-
tional meetings and atten-
dance at the annual state-
wide DECA convention.
Paul Baker
BETA LAMBDA Front Row; Barry Dillon (President), Ken Miller (Vice
Wident), Susie Teachey (Secretary), Wanda Hicks (Treasurer), Susan
.-las (Historian), Darryl Crawford (Parliamentarian). Second Row; Gina
hie, Gail Lamm, Stephen Crocker, Leslie LeMaster, Pam Redden, Nancy
thews, Pam Nordstrom, Amy Setzer, Patti Davis, Jeff Mclntyre. Back Row;
da Eatmon, Beth Powers, Jeff Robinson, Jon Hill, Dr. Vandryool, Kim
ns, Sarah Newberry, Donna McKinney, Phyllis Easterling, Pamela Jackson,
ee Reuter.
Williams (President), Gina Ritchie (Vice President), John Comer, Second Row;
David Morgan, Jane Pegram, Scott Clay, LeAnn Cline, Leigh Smith. Back Row;
Jim Nelson (Faculty Advisor), Mary Powell (Faculty Advisor), Darlene Boling,
Sandy Maharaj, Chris Laine, Robin Campbell.
Needless to say, Ac-
counting tests cause a
great deal of panic among
business students. Prepar-
ing for one usually entails
marathon cramming sessions
which frazzle the nerves of
even the most stalwart of
An accounting major's
career begins innocently
enough, in the introductory
classes of Accounting 2200
and 2210. Here one gets his
first taste of the accoun-
tant's art. All business
majors are required to take
these classes, but few en-
joy them, and even fewer go
on to the upper-level
courses 3100 and 3110. It
is in these classes that
the diehards, those who
really want to become
accountants, are found. And
after these classes, what
next? Are they finished,
ready to embark on a life-
work in Accounting? No.
With calculator In reach, a student
There is just one more ob-
stacle to overcome, the
horrendous CPA exam.
Of all the tests given
in college, the CPA exam
is the one most feared by
students. One must pass all
four sections of the test -
Theory, Practice, Auditing,
and Law - to qualify as a
Certified Public Accoun-
To help students pre-
pare for the exam, the
Accounting Department pro-
ponders an accounting test problem.
vides special review
classes. Dr. Ramond Larson
teaches such a class. In
it old CPA exam questions
are reviewed, and eight-
hour practice exams are
given in preparation for
the Big One. Dr. Larson
requires twenty-five hours
of out of class study
each week for the class.
"The main reasons people
fail the CPA is because
they lack confidence and
do not work hard enough,"
he said. "ASU has very
capable students. Some just
lack the necessary commit-
ment. They need time to
develop the commitment
needed to succeed in Ac-
"The professors here at
ASU are willing to work
with you, and they are very
helpful in preparing you
for the CPA," said Accoun-
ting major Eddie Leary.
And according to statis-
tics they do prepare them
well. The average for ASU
students who pass the test
are higher than both the
state and national figures.
Even so, the CPA exam takes
its toll. Almost 70% of the
participants fail at least
one section. But, if he
fails the first time, the
determined Accounting stu-
dent can take the test
again . . . and again y . .
- Doreen Heath
BETA ALPHA PSI Front Row; Laurie Rogers, Kelly Rohleder, Evelyn White,
Kay Bruffey, Jan Robertson, Brenda Shell, Debbie Coates, Charlotte Gilliam.
Second Row; Mike McFerrin, Martha Cosby, Alyson Rose, Michael Hunt,
BeUylien Smith, Pam Adams, Theresa Hunt, James Camp, Mark Taylor, Anne
Reddeck, Chandra Whichard, Chrlsta Woggon. Back Row; David Lance, James
-Harris, Michael Carter, Keith Hower, Mike Daniel, Bill Phillips, Gene Butts,
Marty Pennell, Ken Hanner.
ASU FINANCIAL ASSOCIATION Front Row; Camille Annas, Sally Gors, Kathi
McNamara, Frankie Willis (President). Second Row; Karen Presnell, Lindi
Bourne, Eve Jones, Bill Sipes. Third Row; Robert Pennehy, Michele Gilbert
Wes Wilkes, John Grubb, Fourth Row; Chris Canipe, Tim Bounds. Fifth Row
Stephen Crocker, Greg Clark, Ryan Allison, David Hayes. Back Row; Jef
Widener, Dennis Myers, Michael Schellenger, Harry Davis. Not Pictured; Shery
Hensley, Jeff Lakeman, Tom Price.
Economics, the study of
•eduction, distribution,
id use of income, wealth,
id commodities, is a major
3ld of study in the Wal-
!r College of Business,
he department offers a
iriety of programs suited
specific needs. A Bach-
or of Arts degree is
fered in conjunction with
e College of Arts and
;ience. Also, a Bachelor
Science with a concen-
ation in Economics is
ailable; a teaching cer-
'icate is optional. Sev-
al programs for students
terested in international
udies exist. The depart-
ent has an honor program
r students who have pro-
n to be capable of ad-
nced study.
The department of Eco-
imics strives to prepare
adents for graduate level
careers as
professional economists
and or economic educators.
- Paul Baker
The honors class in Eco-
nomics is tough. Students
are only invited to enroll
if they have a 3.25 or
better GPA after their
freshman year. Not many
make the requirements
apparently; twelve students
took the course during the
fall and just four in the
spring. I tie class is meant
to be an alternative for
better students looking for
more of a challenge than
that offered in a normal
Not just another lec-
ture, the class demands
hard work and creative
thought from the student.
Vast amounts of outside
reading is assigned along
with a short paper each
week. Consisting of three
to four pages, these papers
are the major part of the
work load. Dr. Larry
McRea, instructor for the
class said, "This is a
demanding work load. Yet,
these students are more
prepared in communication
The purpose of the
course is to get the stu-
dents to begin to write
and be able to handle tech-
nical material. Education
is, basically, the ability
to read and write clearly.
"It's not financially
possible, but it would be
ideal to make all students
learn to deal with reading
and writing about more
highly technical things.
At least the better stu-
dents are offered the op-
portunity to expand on
their learning," said Mc-
Rea. "I aim to get basic
economic principles across
along with reading and
writing skills concerning
more technical material."
- Doreen Heath
but studious Honors Economics class.
HA KAPPA PSI Front Row; R. Kent Wilkinson, Renee Shaping, David
nichael, Karen Lesher, Elisa Roberts, Todd Hauss. Second Row; Brad
>s. Jon Fogt. Sonja Hammett, Tamara Hurd, Robin Clemmer, Ann Everhart,
la Reese, Rene Shuford, Katie Stewart, Cindy Rice, Meg Austin. Third
■; David Dayton, Mike Hardeguee, James Camp, Roger Gunn, Jeffrey
nons, Kevin Tennyson, Brian Foley, Michael McFerrin, David Kimball, Mike
ton. Tammy Butler, Karen Wehunt, April Lambert. Back Row; Mickey
ler, Rob Compton, Jeff Cartner, Larry Hinshaw, Mitch Cline, Jeff Reep,
Konopka, Soctt Langford, Brian Purcell, Carlos Goodrich. David Lance!
(president), Kelly Coble, Todd Butts (vice president), 3ea Picou (secretary).
Jerry Halland (advisor).
Rental Management is the
newest field of study
available to the management
student at ASU. What is
Rental Management? Well,
according to Norma Hash,
Extention Education
Specialist of the Center
for Management Develop-
ment, Rental Management
strives "to develop training
programs, certification, pro-
grams, and professional
development for the rental
The Institute of Rental
Management is unique; as
yet, no other University in
the United States has any-
thing like it. Begun last
spring, the Institute is a
cooperative effort between
the Walker College of
Business, Appalachian State
University, and The
American Rental Associa-
tion. It was founded and
has been established
through an endowment of
Local internships are available.
the ASU Foundation.
The special rental
courses offered by the
Institute have proven to
be popular. Each semester,
waiting lists are created
for the overflow of
students wishing to be
enrolled. So far, the
program has attracted 3 or
4 majors, says Hash. Anika
Scott, a senior in the
program, said she finds the
field of Rental Management
to be "dynamic and
exciting - kind of like
sales." In February, Scott
attended a 3-day convention
for the rental industry in
Dallas, Texas. She also
worked in the industry
locally at Boone Rent-All.
- Paul Baker
Health Care Management,
a part of the College of
Business, offers training
for careers in the health
care industry. It is one
of few such programs in the
United States. The program
was funded jointly by the
Appalachian Regional Com-
mittee, the Kate B. Rey-
nolds Foundation, and
Appalachina State Univer-
sity in 1975. It now en-
rolls some 27 students.
The health care indus-
try is currently the lar-
gest in the country. This
program is designed to
train managers for posi-
tions in hospitals, ambu-
latory care facilities,
health maintenance organ-
izations, and major health
insurance carriers.
Students study standard
business courses with em-
phasis on courses in health
care topics. An internship
at a health care facility
is also required.
The department is grow-
ing. To enhance the curri-
culum, Dr. J. B. Hallan,
Director, hopes to begin
new courses in health eco-
nomics and health care
financing. He also wishes
to create a computer based
job placement center for
graduates of the program.
- Paul Baker
Department Chairman, Dr. Hallan.
PI SIGMA ESPILON Front Row; Kathryn MacDonald, Kevin Hinch,
Penny Joyner, Gay Galloway (President), Bebe Poe, Terri Sparlts.
Second Row; Lynne Parks, Cindy Smith, Margaret Bibbs, Lori
Koon, Nancy Venturella, Jane Sigmon, Laurie Turrentine, Lisajear
Grauiich, Vicky Porter. Third Row: John Riggsbee, Sharon Joyner,
Martha Sain, Ginger Cecil. Melonie Moore, Sharon Richardson,
Mark Greenberg, Mary Breiner, Jeffrey Foster. Fourth Row; Mic
Mackintosh, Sheldon Reynolds, Don Pendleton, Bill Craig, Bob
Dausmann, Karen Kneib, Jeff Lakeman, Melissa Helms. Fifth Row;
Lori Lemons, Mitch Lemons, Sherrie Wyant, Carole Long, Sherri
Stocks. Nena Villalobos, Julie Hinch, Frank Caruso. Sixth Row;
Earl Burgess, Charlotte Conklin, Mary Aryonico, Betsy Robertson,
Ann Talbert, Greg Smarrelli, Katherine Alford, Greg Kirby. Back
Row; Todd Hayes, Ward Michie, John Swift, Mike Royal, Keith
Holder, Marc Czarnecki, Greg Lear, Mark Freeman, Dan
Blackwelder, Mike Rasheed, Butch Boles, Joe Nicks, Sherrili
Godfrey, Chris Merhoff, Anika Scott, Brian Metcalf, Chuck Teague,
Wanda Trask, Neil Graves. Patricia Parsons, Nicki Fries.
The newly created Market-
ng Department is up and on
;s feet. Formerly the
)epartments of Marketing
nd Management were to-
ether as one. Due to rapid
xpansion in both areas,
be decision was made in
uly, 1983 to separate the
ivo. Most business schools
ffer separate Marketing
nd Management depart-
Dr. James Barnes is the
rst Chairperson of ASU's
larketing Department. He
jceived his B.A. in Busi-
ess Administration in 1974
Marketing gains ground.
and his MBA from Auburn in
1975. Dr. Barnes received
his Ph.D. in Business
Administration from the
University of Oregon in
December, 1979, and has
taught Marketing since
"The future of ASU's
Marketing Department will
be to try to build a strong
regional recognition," said
Barnes. "We have noticed
not only an increase in
numbers but also an in-
crease in the quality of
students involved in Mar-
- Doreen Heath
r. James Barnes
During the past year
interest in the field of
international business has
risen at ASU. With the
economy in recession, many
U.S. companies look to
exporting to compensate for
poor domestic sales. Ad-
vances in technology and
communications have drawn
the world together as a
market place. Also, the
stiff competition in to-
day's job market has en-
couraged students to look
for a distinctive twist to
add to their education that
will open doors in the
search for a rewarding
These elements, coupled
with the desire to keep the
Walker College of Business
at the forefront in busi-
ness education, are the
motives behind the founding
of the International Busi-
ness Students' Association
(IBSA). This organization
unites students from the
various business disci-
plines in working toward
the common goal of promot-
ing international business.
In its first semester, the
ISBA hosted 4 guest
speakers, attended 5 meet-
ings of the Western Caro-
lina World Trade Club, and
conducted a highly success-
ful fund-raising project.
The project involved the
importing and selling of
hand-woven Christmas tree
ornaments from Columbia,
South America. These items
sold out and provided prac-
tical experience in the
field of importing.
The club is a new and
exciting advancement for
ASU, and the advantages are
going to prove numerous and
far-reaching. The world
of international business
is vast and the possi-
bilities are unlimited.
- Jonathan Boling
Chard Schaffer, Jonathan Boling (Treasurer), Pam Adams (Secretary), Rick
Duser (President). Second Row; Maleah Jett, Becl<y King, Jenny Heivy, Patsy
arsons, Lamin Sagnia, Carol Vuncannon. Back Row; David Holston, Joshua
ates, Mark Campbell, Butch Boles, Scott Massengill, Brian Saunders, Eva
)nes, David Grier, Jeff Piper, Jim Elliott, Richard Salamon, Cam Finley,
lannon Neal.
Diane Conteno, Carol Cameron, Tennifer Smith, Carrie Bither, Tracy McAuley,
Marty Huffman, Jeff Duncan. Second Row; John Roos (Treasurer), Mark
Swansen, Dean Perna, Brian Corby, Jeff Leonard. Harry Rowden, Scott
McGallum (Vice President). Back Row: Harry Selph, Frederick Blair.
Harry Davis of the Department of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate.
The Finance, Insurance,
and Real Estate Department
is one of tiie fastest ex-
panding departments at the
University. The demand for
qualified people is at its
height in these areas,
especially in the Finance
and Real Estate fields.
Because of the changes
and deregulations in the
s_nation's financial systems.
the need for well trained
people is on the rise.
Sixty-five percent of
graduates in the department
last year have landed
career oriented jobs, and
the demand is expected to
be even greater in the
Each of the three fields
in the department has its
own student organization.
They are: Gamma Iota Sigma,
Insurance; The Financial
Association of ASU,
Finance; and Rho Epsilon,
Real Estate. Linda Johnson,
faculty advisor for Rho
Epsilon, received national
recognition as Student
Advisor of the Year.
All three student organ-
izations hold seminars with
companies in their respec-
tive fields. Students in
Finance visited New York's
financial district this
year as one of their acti-
Dr. Harry Davis, Chair-
person of the Department,
stated that ASU is the only
university in the state
which offers a program in
Insurance and one of two
offering a Real Estate
Davis said that he is
very proud of both the
students and faculty mem-
bers in the Department of
Finance, Insurance and Rea!
Estate. "Jobs are opening;
banks need well trained
people," he said. "We're
turning out some of the
best trained people in the
state." - Richard Schwartz
Real Estate, especially in this region, is an area of great potential.
GAMMA IOTA SIGMA Front Row; Scott Elkins (President), Chuck Harreison
(Vice President). Second Row; Susan Sorrells, Gilbert Williams, Lee
Richardson. Back Row; Tom Nelson, Mike Daves, Kevin Woodie, David Smith.
RHO EPSILON Front Row; Sandra Bullard, Missy Helms, Melanie Lewder
(Secretary), Linda Johnson (Faculty Advisor), Back Row; Skip Pickett, Roger
Gunn, Greg Springs (Vice President), Todd Ward (President). Not Pictured;
Jack Underdown, Kathy Bunch (Treasurer), Marti Harrill, Jeff Simmons, Kathj
Huffman, Anne Rasheed, Ted Barnes. |
Since 1968 Dr. Nicholas Erneston has
been Dean of the College of Fine and
Applied Arts. He has seen much change
ind looks forward to future developments
of the College including the creation of a
Fine Arts Center and making ASU the
iummer home of the North Carolina
vhat is your background as an educator?
Dr. Erneston: Well, I've been here all my
ife just about. I came here in 1948 as an
jrchestra director and teacher of violin
md various courses in music literature. In
1968, I became Dean of the College of
i^ine and Applied Arts and have been ever
EIHODODENDRON: What role does
;he College of Fine and Applied Arts play
it this University?
Or. Erneston: We see our role here as
;ri-fold. Number one, we contribute to the
general education aspect. That is, the
;ultural atmosphere of the General
Education part of the curriculum. Second,
ve are very career oriented in this college.
VIost of the students are engaged in
education toward a specific career goal in
ife. We've changed programs and added
urograms in that direction and for that
Durpose all along. Thirdly, we are
nvolved in creating a cultural atmosphere
lere to give students an aesthetic outlet.
3ne of the missions is to create a Fine
\rts Center here, a kind of cultural center
"or this region which we are already well
m our way to doing through our clinics
md summer camp programs, and by
jringing the North Carolina Symphony
lere during the summer.
EIHODODENDRON: Is the Symphony
;oing to make its summer home here?
Dr. Erneston: That's the underlying
"Most of the students (in the College of
Fine and Applied Arts) are engaged in
education toward a specific career goal
in life." - Dean Nicholas Erneston
goal. They've been here two summers,
now, and they will be here this summer.
It's a spin off from some things that were
already going on like the Cannon Music
Camp. The Music Department in par-
ticular has hosted clinics, workshops, and
festivals here in the summertime for
many, many years. The camp program is
in its 15th or 16th year. We're still going
strong. It's a drawing card for us. It's a
recruiting effort also.
RHODODENDRON: With the building
of Farthing Auditorium, Wey Hall, and
the new Broyhill Music Building, the
College of Fine and Applied Arts has been
expanding tremendously. Are there any
plans for further expansion of the
Dr. Erneston: In Industrial Arts there is
a plan to more than double the size of the
existing structure. The new building is to
be built between the existing building and
the street. The Industrial Arts building
has been the number one priority on
campus for several years. I've no reason
to think that the plans won't come to
RHODODENDRON: How many majors
are enrolled in the various departments?
Dr. Erneston: It would be a guess, but
I can give you some figures which may be
indicative. At last year's commencement,
the six departments of Fine and Applied
Arts graduated 6% to T^l of the total.
Our programs are really quite valid. They
are healty programs. We are moving away
from certification type degrees. I think we
are satisfying the students' needs.
In Home Economics we're really
growing in the area of child care, and also
some non-teaching tracks that deal with
housing and interior decoration, clothing
and textiles, foods and nutrition. In the
Physical Education Department we have
a great number of people in recreation.
We are also in the process of asking for
a community health track. We expecL that
that's going to be a popular program.
Right now, of all the departments in
the college, two of them still are very
certification oriented. Music, I guess, is
about 70'^c music education. The other
30 '^7 are involved in performance degrees,
theory, composition, church music, and
music merchandising. Physical Educa-
tion, by its very nature, is a certification
- Interview by Paul Baker
The Department of Art
now has an enrollment of
270 majors who enter any of
four smaller programs with-
in the department. Commer-
cial Design is the most
popular and accounts for
over 60% of the majors.
Another possible major is
Art Marketing and Produc
tion. The department offers
teacher training resulting
in a B.S. in Art Education.
A B.A. can be obtained in
Studio Art as well. Mr.
Warren Dennis, Chairman,
comments that, "The grad-
uate program is a fast
growing one. In the past
four years, it has tripled
in size."
Mr. Dennis estimates that
graduates are having little
difficulty in finding jobs
in their desired fields.
Commerical Design majors
are entering advertising
id graphic fields. Art
Members of ASU's new art club,
Alpha Rho Tau, get creative.
Marketing majors are find-
ing jobs in galleries and
sales. The Department has
also been successful in
placing its teaching grad-
uates at schools and uni-
versities throughout the
The Art Department has
a number of assets that
attract students. The
faculty, for example, has
built a fine reputation.
ennis notes, "The faculty
ALPHA RHO TAU Front Row; Emily Myrick, Linda Read, Maria Austin, Taylor
Baker. Back Row; Tim Samuel, Kathleen Lamb, David Brown, Will Pilchard
(advisor). Not Pictured : Scott Penegar, Kathleen Lutz, Billy Whitehurst.
keeps itself involved in
art activities in the
community and area. A num-
ber of our professors are
active in competitions and
exhibitions throughout the
Art students have the
opportunity to travel fre-
quently. The New York Loft
serves as a home base for
students investigating
commercial studios in New
York City. A program for
study in Europe is also
offered. Students can earn
Art History credit by
living and learning in
Italy. Alpha Rho Tau is a
new club this year which
was designed to cater to
the needs and interests of
art students.
Said Mr. Dennis, "Perhaps
the high point of the stu-
dents' year is the annual
Art Expo." On April 6,
classes were cancelled in
the Department. Each year,
students exhibit their work
in Wev Hall. Seniors have a
separate showing in the
Catherine Smith Gallery.
The faculty votes and de-
termines the most talented
students. An award ceremonj
is then held, in which
winners of the Art Talent
Scholarship are announced.
The $1800 scholarship is
offered through the de-
partment and is divided up
among the classes.
All the programs and ac-
tivities offered to art
students are a means of
achieving departmental
goals. Dennis says, "Our
purpose is to provide as
much individual instruc-
tion as we can for students
involved in the various
programs. We are involved
in art appreciation, the
making af art, and the
practical aspect of art in
relation to marketing. We
are seeking to provide our
students with a complete
understanding of the many
facets of art."
- Cathy Stuart
RADIO BROADCASTERS CLUB Front Row; Ray Mariner (president), Jon
Austin (treasurer), Wayne Caulder (vice president), Vikki Kinsland (secretary).
Second Row; Delana Mitchell, Wendy Hall. Kathleen Lamb, Mitch Termotto,
Roxanna Smith. Third Row; Beth Diggs, Chris Fowler, Lynn White, Lori Betts.
Back Row; Mark Wilkinson, William Keese, Jody Whitley, Don Munson, Donald
WASU-TV? No, just Kevin
Balling and his Television
'reduction class working oi
heir own latest video pro-
luctions. Each semester
ivery student had to come
ip with two original pro-
luctions. Ideas for videos
vere limitless. Students
:ould choose to do musical
'ideos, dance videos, game-
how spoofs, original
creen plays - anything ex-
cept pornography. A lot of
lass productions involved
tudents from the music
ind theater departments who
I'ere interested and wanted
o get the experience.
All shooting for these
(roductions was done in the
tudio. There the students
/ere in a controlled envi-
onment and knew what to
xpect. Lack of equipment
or shooting on location
rutside of the studio was
drawback according to
FORENSICS TEAM Front Row; Chris Shamanski, Donna Holscloth, Kim Balientine, Portia Heely, Barbara Belcher, Pam
Ridge, Tony Cole. Back Row; David Pless, Johnathan Ray, Chantelle Smith, Alicia Ferrer, Lauren Honess, Bob Geolas,
Gentry Dunham, Rob Bell.
Kevin. "It's important for
students to be able to go
out and cover a story," he
At first many students
tended to be frightened or
overwhelmed by the elec-
tronics of the course, but
after the initial shock
wore off most of them had
a great time learning the
different aspects of tele-
vision production. "The
main focus of this course
is to provide students
LAYCRAFTERS Front Row; Wayne Britt (president), Curt Swain, Allison
IcNeely. Second Row; Cathy Bennett, Monique Derby, Jeff Fender, Robin
tanley. Third Row; Dawn Dernoeden, Mark Shuford. Lyie Bradshaw. Fourth
ow; Beth Horton, Helen Whalen (secretary). Fifth Row; Jonathan Ray (faculty
ponsor), Curtis Overcash, Sharon Alt. Back Row; Janis Pigford. Walt Hawkins,
xibert Hawkins (vice president), Brian McDaniel, Jim Rigsbee, Not Pictured:
nne Marie Williams (treasurer), Susan Cole (advisor).
with hands-on experier
Kevin emphasized, "It
easy for them to leav^
more than they came :
with." Television ProC
tion provided a found
and general insight int
the TV industry as it acutally
is. "It's not an ordi-
nary course," Kevin ex-
plained. "Hopefully," he
added, "my students will
begin watching TV with a
completely different eye."
- Vicki Reeves
rough tne camera's eye.
Dr. Kindt is an outstand-
ing man with many fine
qualities, and he is an
extremely accomplished
pianist. He has been a
faculty member at ASU for
12 years. When asked how
he likes ASU, he replied,
"love it!" He speaks very
highly of his family. His
wife is a fine vocalist,
"a strong dramatic soprano"
as stated by Dr. Kindt. |
His four children, ranging |
in age from four to nine-
teen, also are of tremen-
dous interest to Dr. Kindt.
Dr. Kindt has worked hard
to achieve his present suc-
cess. At the age of seven-
teen, his parents sent him
to France for the summer
to study with the famous
Nadia Boulanger who was
extremely marvelous compo
sition teacher. Dr. Kindt
sees that as a wonderful
experience. Later he at-
tended the Curtis Institute
of Music in Philadelphia
where he studied with
Lusvisi. Dr. Kindt re-
ceived his Masters degree
from Julliard in New York
City, working with both
Rosina Levine and Martin
Canin. He then worked on
his DMA in Michigan.
There Dr. Kindt spent five
years studying with Cyorgy
Sandor who was a wonderful
techniques teacher. Sandor
understands the mechanical
parts of a piano very well
along with hand motions.
Also, while in Michigan,
Dr. Kindt had the chance
to play with many orches-
Teaching at ASU was Dr.
Kindt's first job. He
teaches piano to piano
majors and class piano
which is required of majors
Dr. Allen Kindt in recital at the new Broyhill Music Center.
other than piano so that
they will be familiar with
the instrument's function.
He also plays in trios an(
quartets along with other
professors in the Music
Dr. Kindt enjoys his
work greatly and is a ver
dedicated man and enthii
siastic performer. He is
a well studied and well
accomplished pianist. His
flamboyant way is appre-
ciated by those around hj
Dr. Kindt attributes his
success to his family and
to the best of teachers.
In February, Dr Kindt
performed at the Broyhill
Music Center. His program
included Beethoven's Fif-
teen Variations and Fugues
in E-flat major. Op. 35
("Eroica"), Scriabin's
Patetico, Andante Canta-
bile, Affanato, and
Chopin's Smatain in B-flat
minor. Op. 35.
- Doreen Heath
Eddie Aguirre, Joan Fitzgerald (treasurer), Mary Ella Miles, Caren Davis
Andrea Stouter, Alan Chester, Pamela Bowen, Mark Black, Pan Murphy
Maysie McDonald, Anne Grissom, Julie Raid, Mel Covington, David Hicks (vice
president), Edwin Owens, Glenn Patterson. Back Row; Bill McCloud (faculty
advisor). Christian Lynch, Dean Blackwelder, Tracy Heavner, Jonathan Berry
Ginger Blackburn, Janet Herman, Ted Neely, Keith Stone, Lori Fleminc
(president), Demetress Peebles, Stephen Russell, Elisa Carroll, Sandra Butler
Dennis Lloyd, Billy Carswell.
rhe Music Department
re at Appalachian State
liversity was begun not as
anusic department at all.
ck in the 1920's, when
U was strictly a teach-
college, private in-
mal piano lessons were
en. This was part of the
[uirements for a degree
teach in the public
tools. As enrollment
at up, three full time
chers were hired to
ch music. But there was
major in music or even
lepartment head until
late 1930's.
Poday at Appalachian
:te University, there
over 300 majors in
sic annually. This great
nber of majors required
increased space offered
the new Broyhill Music
The Music Department
offers a B.A. in Music, a
B.S. in Music, and a Mas-
ters degree in Music too.
The fields of music offered
range from Music Education
to Theory/Composition to
Music Industry Studies and
many more.
Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma
Alpha Iota are the profes-
sional music fraternity and
sorority on campus. Also
on campus is a student
chapter of the Music Edu-
cators National Conference.
There are many areas of
music participated in by
GLEE CLUB Front Row; Doug Bamhardt, David Hicks, Grayson Givens,
Richard Black, David Palmer, Ricky Harris, Pierson Shaw, David Quackenbush,
Steve Turner, Joe Melton, Glenn Patterson, Joe Todd, Dr. Phillip Paul (director),
Alan Chester (accompanist). Second Row; Mark Settle, Steven Aycock, Michael
Isaacs, Jeff Campbell, Gene Merritt, Lawton Kitchin, Brent Taylor, Donald
Hastings, Steven Wilson, John Lowrey. Back Row; William Dunavant, Patrick
McMurry, Dan Page, Randy Edwards, Dennis Lloyd, Danny Garner, Jim
Bumgardner, Mike Daniel, Marty Qrier, Tim Harrison, Moby Moore.
students here at Appala-
chian State University.
There is the marching
band, the concert band,
wind ensemble, orchestra,
and two jazz ensembles.
There are also a number of
vocal groups which students
participate in: the Univer-
sity Singers, the Treble
Choir, the Glee Club, and
the Appalachian Chorale.
The Music Department
serves more than the stu-
dents of Appalachian State
University and the sur-
rounding community. The
majority of the above men-
tioned groups travel on
tours throughout the year
providing not only enter-
tainment for others but
also excellent public re-
lations for Appalachian
State University. The
Music Department puts on
clinics and workshops
during the summer for
marching bands and chorale
- Robbie Reaves
3MA ALPHA IOTA Front Row; Wendy Herring, Michelle Chappelt, Maysie
;Donald, Janet Herman, Nancy Schneeloch, Caren Davis, Demetress
ebles, Mary Ella Miles (president). Back Row; Lori Fleming, Robin Foster,
ssica Luxton, Kim McKeown, Joan Fitzgerald, Cindy Giesler.
PHI MU ALPHA SINFONIA Front Row; Ricky Harris, David Hicks, Tracy Lewis,
Donald Hastings. Second Row; Todd Wright, Scott Meister (advisor), Gene
Merritt, David Kirby, Jerry Andreas (president), Theodore Neely, Alan Chester,
James Young, Garrett Traylor, Todd Nail. Back Row; Thomas Bronson, Tommy
Ballard, Michael Andreas, Prentiss Herron, Joseph Todd, Daniel Keller,
Stephen Russell, Mark Wilson, Steven Wilson, Jerry Cain, Rusty Smith.
The PPM program at ASU is
unique among the University
of North Carolina system.
It is offered jointly by
the Industrial Education
and Technology, Communi-
cation Arts, and Business
Departments. Its purpose,
according to the program's
director, Dr. Robert Banz-
haf, is to prepare students
for management positions in
the printing industry.
The program offers a var-
iety of courses designed to
acquaint the student wi
the technical and man
ment aspects of the pri
ing industry. The major
includes courses in graphic
arts, cold type composi-
tion, paper and printing
substrates, screen printing
and printing estimating. Stu-
dents are also required to
take courses in business and
Communication Arts. The
irogram is geared toward
management; it strives to
give students practical ex-
perience in running a print
shop. A course called Pro-
duction Techniques has been
developed to help meet this
end. Each spring, students
open the printing facili-
ties in the Industrial Arts
building for commercial
use. Jobs are taken from
the faculty, staff and stu-
dents of ASU. A hierarchy
of managers, salesmen, and
blue collar workers is set
up so students get the feel
of how real commercial op-
erations run.
Graduates of the Printing
Production Management Pro-
gram are generally quite
successful in finding em-
ployment. Many are hired by
the same firms for which
they completed a mandatory
8-12 hour internship.
The degree also includes a
Communication Arts minor
and a Management minor as
- Paul Baker
The Department of Health,
Physical Education and Re-
creation offers a variety of
majors and minors. The
majors offered are Physical
Education, Health Educa-
tion, Recreation, £ind Dri-
ver and Traffic Education.
Minors are offered in these
areas as well as in Ath-
letic Coaching, Athletic
Training and Dance. Health
and Physical Education, anc
Driver and Traffic Safety
Education offer Master of
Arts degrees.
The Health Education pro
gram prepares teachers to
teach Health Education in
schools and equip them to
work with health agencies
in the community. The Phy
sical Education program
prepares teachers to teach
PE in the school systems.
The Recreation progrjim is
a non-certified degree.
Here an individual is
SIGMA TAU EPSILON Front Row; Tamara Litaker (president), Jeff Darnell,
Susan Mitchell, Ross Gobble (vice president). Ken Murray, Barry Vitale, Second
Row; Russ Warfield, Michael Covington, Richard Kent, Mark McKenzie, Lisa
Byerly, Charles Moore, Steve Maxwell. Back Row; Jeff Boone, Danny Toney,
Harold Walker, Red Baird, Eric Reichard (advisor), Billy Mills, Jonathan Stoll,
Spence Brunson. Not Pictured: Pookie Lindquist (treasurer).
ZAPEA Front Row; Eric Cannada, Craig Smythers, Angie DaGrosa. Gen
Daniels. Second Row; Judy Carlson (advisor), Theresa Zehnbauer, Lesli
Reece (vice president). Missy Greene (president), Denise Coholich (treasurer
Laurie Poole (secretary), Delann Ansted, Lorinda Corne, Jan Watson (advisor
Back Row; Kaye Bentley, Lisa Mitchell, Kim McCantly, Audrey Owens, Donn
Bodine, Dee Jetton.
trained in the area of man-
agement. A Recreation grad-
uate is prepared to work in
areas related to community
health and recreation on the
government, community,
or private levels. Driver
and Traffic Safety prepares
teachers to teach Driver
and Traffic Safety in the
This department also
offers the Activity PE's
required of the General
College Program for each
ASU student. Approximately
119 sections are offered
each semester. Nearly
everything from Aquatics
to Tennis to Snow Skiing
is offered to each ASU
student to complete their
general college require-
Dr. Ole Larson, chairman
of the department, notes,
"We have two kinds of stu-
dents, I think. One with a
background in athletics and
sports in high school, and
the other with very little
experience yet interea
in the area and teachB
PE is a 'hands-on' exper-
ience. Most of those major-
ing in these fields want to
teach in the high school
systems. Some set their
goals to teach on the
college level and go on to
get their master's degrees.
Skills and the teaching of
skills is the main idea
behind the subjects. It is
an enjoyable profession if
you like to deal with peo-
ple. Personal contact and
providing instruction of
skills that will last gives
a personal satisfaction to
the teacher."
- Doreen Heath
Food Systems Management
is a new major offered
through the Department of
Home Economics. The restau-
rant and hospitality field
is rapidly becoming a rich
and rewarding career for
men and women.
The traditional concept
of Home Economics is one of
female dominance. Today,
however, an increasing
number of men are enrolling
in the department, largely
due to the new program.
"I'm proud of what we learn
here," said Dan Nelson, a
Food Systems major. "The
teachers take a personal
interest in the students.
This is harder to offer in
the larger colleges on
ASU's campus."
The new four year program
teaches majors the day to
day operations of restau-
rant and institutional food
services. Core courses are
taken from the Home Eco-
nomics Department and the
College of Business. Acti-
vities for Food Systems
managers included a lunch-
eon for Jerry Williams,
Executive Vice-President
of the North Carolina
Restaurant Association. He
spoke at the Center for
Continuing Education on
March 1. Mr. Williams dis-
cussed current issues and
career opportunities during
his visit.
The Home Economics De-
partment is pleased with
its new major. "We are very
happy and very proud of
what we've accomplished,"
said Nelson.
- Doreen Heath
lomas, Lynn Waldron, ChrlstI Lachine. Back Row; Mary Anne Truax, Frances
mfrey, Ben Henderson, Donna Britenstien, Ray Smith, Byron Truax.
Charles, Pam Grubb, Carol Holshouser (parliamentarian), Elizabeth Burns
(president), Lori Harris (representative), Christine Henderson (reporter), Ellen
Earnheart (secretary), Martha Rhodes (treasurer). Back Row; Wendy Triplette.
Libbi Shaffner, Cindy Whiting, Joan Thompson, Diane Dolgas, Annette Parker,
Movita Stanley, Sharon Gray, Christina Condit, Ph.D. (advisor).
At the beginning of this
year, ASU's ROTC unit of
the Pershing Rifles was
ranked sixth nationwide.
Through disciphne and a
lot of hard work, Company
M is now number one in the
nation. Cadet Captain David
Faulkner, a senior, has
been the company's leader
for two years. "When I
became captain," he said,
"we were dead last." At
that time only eight mem-
bers were in the drill
team. Now, with the new
pledge class, there are
thirty to forty members.
"There will be a strong
base for the next one in
charge to build on," said
Academic performance is
PERSHING RIFLES Front Row; David Faulkner, Craig Young, Chris Marinakis,
Scott Sadler, Doug Johnson, Chris Sawyer, James Rikard. Second Row; Tania
Faulkner, Elizabeth Chaney, Angela Himm, Lisa Hammerle, Mary Wagoner.
Back Row; Dan Eldreth, James Weatherman, Tyler Henderson, James Litton,
Kenneth Eaker. Not Pictured; George Shomaker, Larry Correli, Mack O'Quinn,
sEdward Caps, Ken Pope, Ben Bailey, Jayne Icenhour.
emphasized within the
group. Each semester the
commanding officer receives
each member's grades. Any-
one with a GPA of less than
2.00 is put on inactive
status. If anyone feels
they are not getting their
school work done or the CO.
feels someone's work is
not up to par, they are put
on limited activity or
given leave for a few weeks
or months.
The organization was
started in 1894 by General
John Pershing. It was begun
and continues to impart a
sense of brotherhood and
comradery among its mem-
bers. Civilians and mili-
tary personnel of either
sex can be admitted to the
group. Even though the
group is militarily oriented
there can be difficul-
ties among the troops. "The
problem a lot of Pershing
Rifle units have is that of
apathy," Faulkner said. Many
see the group as a social
ATTENTION! Cadets prepare ii
benefit on a lot of cam-
puses. Our motto is missior
oriented. We train in tac-
tics, orienteering, drills
and duties. We train indi-
viduals and try to lead
them to success," he sta-
ted. - Doreen Heath
APPALACHIAN COMMANDOS Front Row; Eric Nantz, Keith Booker, Chris
Marinakis, Robert Baumberger, Philip Gay, Lisa Hammerle. Second Row; Clyde
Gilbert, John McCandlish, Andy Harvey, Greg Alligood, Hunter Walsh, Chuck
Hunter. Back Row; Kyle Gunter, John Budd, Mike Dover, Jim McCombs, Tyler
Henderson, Rick Motsinger, David Spence.
COMMANDOS STAFF Dan "Airborne" Munoz, Bill "Airborne" Crenshaw, Rol
"Infantry" Carpenter, Cpt. Buck Roger, Barry "Ranger" Johnson, Gary Adam
Dragnett, Rob "Infantry" Cole.
The College of Learning and Human
Development is the oldest college on
campus. In fact, when established ASU
graduated only teachers. Times have
changed, but the college is still an
important part of the University. It has
over 850 majors, and the program is
second only to East Carolina in size. In
this interview, Dr. Ben Strickland, acting
Dean of the College of Learning and
Human Development, discusses the
college's role and its outlook for the
RHODODENDRON: What is the im-
portance of the College of Learning and
Human Development to the University
and the surrounding area?
Dr. Strickland: Well, historically we
were the Appalachian State Teacher's
College, and everybody who graduated
from this institution had to be trained as
a teacher. About 1967 we became
multi-purpose. We no longer required
everyone to become teachers. I think that
if we render a service to the region in
which we are located (it is) preparing
good teachers. (It) is a significant
function for this University, and it fits in
with what we've done historically. We
hope that we play a role in improving
public schools. After all, if you don't have
good schools, it effects our total society.
think educational trends will be in the
future? Will computers come to the fore?
Dr. Strickland: I think that everyone
that graduates from here will have to have
some computer awareness or literacy
because they're in the public schools now.
Teachers are going to have to know how
to use the software for language arts,
"I think that if we render a service
to the region in which we are located (it
is) preparing good teachers. (It) is a
significant function for this university, and
it fits in with what we've done historically.
We hope we play a role in improving
public schools." - Dr. Ben Strickland
math, science, and use the computer as
it relates to their program. We have a
computer lab which we acquired last year,
and we're trying to work it out so that
everybody will be required to take a
course in microcomputing.
RHODEDENDRON: What educational
fields look bright for the future?
Dr. Strickland: Special Education. We
have one of the best Special Education
programs you'll find any place. We train
teachers in three different areas. They're
eligible to teach the mentally retarded,
people with learning disabilities, and the
emotionally disturbed. We call it cross
catagorical (teaching). A person going
into Special Education has a good
opportunity. People going into Speech
Pathology and Audiology are in a good
field. I think its not going to be too far
in the distant future that Early Childhood
(majors) will be highly employable. Of
course. Math, Science, and Industrial Arts
people have no difficulty at all being
RHODODENDRON: There stiD seems
to be a great shortage of math and science
teachers . . .
Dr. Strickland: Oh, yes. And you know
why that shortage is there? Because
people can go out with a math major and
make a higher salary. But hopefully, the
Governor's Commission on Education for
Economic Growth will be instrumental in
raising the pay of teachers. I think that
you'll see in the future that people will
have an opportunity to advance and have
more security financially in teaching.
RHODODENDRON: Are people coming
to ASU from high school properly
prepared for college level work?
Dr. Strickland: That's hard to say. We
have in our Reading Department Reading
1000 which is developmental education.
We have 15 sections of that course every
semester. Now, if people are so well
qualified, why do they need remedial and
developmental reading? The Board of
Governors has recently established new
admissions requirements. You have to
have four years of college preparatory
English, three years of math including
Algebra I, II, and Geometry, three science
courses and a recommended two years of
a foreign language. If we want quality
people to be quality teachers we have to
start in the public schools.
- Interview by Paul Baker
The Center for Develop-
mental Education is a
national resource center
for educators who work with
academically underprepared
adults in college and uni-
versity settings. The
Center seeks to improve the
quality of practice in the
field of developmental edu-
cation through specified
services, instructional and
training activities, pub-
lications, and research.
The Center was establish-
ed with a major grant of
$750,000 from W. K. Kellogg
in 1976. "Tremendous sup-
port has been received
since then," said Dr.
Milton "Bunky" Spann,
Director of the Center.
The Center's main interest
is meeting the academic
and personal growth needs
of students arriving at
college academically un-
Dr. Milton Spann
The Center provides many
facilities for students
in need of help. The
Kellogg Institute, techni-
cal assistance, consulta-
tions, professional growth
activities, and various
publications are all avail-
able. The main thrust of
these resources is to probe
the student's potential and
help him to find interest
and declare goals.
Dr. Spann said that "25% -
10% of college students
have some kind of develop-
mental lag that inhibits
them from being as success-
or. Hunter Boylan
ful as they could be. De-
velopmental education pro-
grams are offered on most
college campuses to help
students develop in such
a way that they may realize
their potential and remove
many of these inhibitions
that prevent them from
accomplishing their goals
and objectives."
The Center for Develop-
mental Education maintains
an outstanding reputation.
It serves as a center of
research into national
trends among college stu-
dents. Other universities
often consult the Center
for their own needs. Summer
sessions are held in order
to teach developmental
educators the latest find-
ings of the Center's re-
search efforts.
The Center publishes The
Journal of Developmental
Education, recognized as
the definitive source of
information in the field.
Guided by a nationwide
board of editors. The Jour-
nal publishes articles
which focus on basic skills
in education as well as
adjacent areas of know-
ledge. The Journal is put
together here at ASU under
the auspices of Dr. Hunter
Boylan. 5,000 copies of the
journal are distributed
internationally: a tremen-
dous boon to developmental
educators everywhere and
to those at ASU particu-
(Secretary), Angela Holcomb (Treasurer), Charlene Charles, Patrice Blue (Vice
President), Kim Conklin, Beverly Baker, Sharon Spigner. Second Row; Tamara
Carter, Johnna Bolick, Lori Snow, Bonni Hudson, Carol Caudle, Tracey
Gelston, Kimberly Stamey, Mary Day, James Pearson. Third Row; Gwenn
Thompson, Claudia Ferguson, Teresa Fuqua (President), Susan Earnest. Lynn
German, Roxanna Young, Sarah Cooper, Sandra Williams, Pam Tulburt, Back
Row; Tammy Simmons, Lisa Strickland, Todd Crews, Tammy Ward, Susan
Anhold, Robin McFadden, Karen Sides, Carol Lefler, Tammy Owens.
"It worked beautifully!"
id Joe Murphy of the
•llaboration between the
!edia Studies Department
id the Music Department
1 the video documentary
rhe Great Blue Ridge
"A fresco is a painting
1 wet plaster where the
linting becomes part of
e wall," explained Mur-
ly. It's one of the oldest
rms of painting around,
ot many are done any-
The subject of Murphy's
deo is the fresco at the
lendale Springs Holy
rinity Episcopal Church,
le video was completed
3t year. "The Music De-
irtment selected and re-
rded music for the video
at they thought was
ipropriate," said Murphy,
jid it worked beauti-
Joe Murphy of the Department of
Murphy, a professor in
the College of Learning and
Human Development, also
did a community appeal
video for the United Way.
"I discovered things about
the county that I did not
know," said Murphy.
"There is poverty here.
People are really in need,
and there are people
providing for those needs."
This year at ASU the
Media Studies Department
was revitalized, the curri-
culum was revised, and new
production equipment was
purchased. The Department
Media Studies.
is building a post-pro-
duction studio where stu-
dents will be able to get
actual experience making
and editing videos. "We
hope to be very involved
with the Appalnet," Murphy
said. "We would like to
produce programs with
graduate students and ad-
vanced undergraduates to
distribute locally. This
kind of experience would
be identical to broadcast
video and will look good
in a portfolio."
"My favorite video,
merely for the enjoyment of
doing it, was 'Teenage Boy-
friends,' a rock video,"
said Murphy. "We had a
great time. It was shot
around Boone using a stu-
dent crew and student
talent. Barry Dycus was
the director." Murphy is
presently working on a
video about Doc and Merle
"Excellent films are
shown on this campus,"
Murphy said. He laments
the lack of a good, dark
place in which to show
films and videos on campus.
Decent projectors and sound
equipment are also needed.
"We need to expose students
to a wide range of film and
video experiences," he
said, "including some for-
eign and experimental films
in order to expand their
knowledge. That is the pur-
pose of the university, to
expand people's knowledge."
- Charles Uzzell
icretary), Gina Melton (Treasurer), Deborah Mills, Kim Hoos, Lori Moore.
:oncl Row; Kristi Keirstead, Walt West, Julie Hogue, Debbie Pitts, David
jerson (President). Third Row; Lisa Hoey (Vice President), Nancy McGarry,
;kie Mulloy, Dr. Dorothea Ray (Former Faculty Advisor). Back Row; Donna
chell, Darlene Morgan, Alice Best, Brenda Whittington.
Students who work at the
Lucy Brook Child Develop-
ment Center are described
as "learning while partici-
pating" by Director Joyce
Stines. The nursery school
was designed as a lab for
Child Development and Home
Economics majors and serves
as a pre -school for 20
Caroline Elliot: Artist
Baking cookies is a special treat for children at Lucy Brock.
students. It began in the
1940's and was named for
the former head of the
Department of Elementary
Education, Lucy Brock.
The school is licensed by
the North Carolina Daycare
Association, but Mrs.
Stines emphasized that the
center is not a true day-
care center because it only
operates from 9:00 am to
12:00 am and not all day.
The nursery school's
schedule coincides with
that of the University.
During the day parents can
come to the center and
watch their children at
work and play from an ob-
servation room situated
above the main room. The
room is equipped with
headphones and one-way
The Lucy Brock Child
Development Center has
been a success from its
beginning. According to
Stines, there have been
children enrolled whose
parents were formerly
pupils of the school. "Th(
center is designed to fos-
ter the child's total de-
velopment: social, emotion
al, cognitive, and physi-
cal," she said. In all
respects, this statement
sums up almost 40 years
of excellent child care.
- Vicki Reeves
Director Joyce Stines
CHILDREN Front Row; Jan Moore (President), Cindy Brown. Second Ro
Melissa Kemp (Secretary), Betty Willaughby. Third Row: Karen Thomas, Kar
Sides, Lorraine Everidge (Treasurer), Linda Speer. Fourth Row: Dara Cox, E
Phillips (Vice President), Sandra Barnett, Labinda Bryan. Last Row; Lat
Fairbanks, Diedra Sechrist, Luwonna Ellis, Sherry Mills, Bob Jones (Advise
Toni Annas, Bunnie Brewer.
Could computers ever re-
ace humans as teachers?
Lnything is possible,"
cording to John Tashner,
leading expert in the
lid of computer assisted
aching and professor in
e Department of Secondary
In the past few years
mputers have become in-
jasingly utilized in the
issroom. Much to the
agrin of teachers, many
their students come in
owing as much or more
out computers as they do
^mselves. Therefore, the
ed for teachers to know
)re became apparent, which
I Dr. Tashner to design
> own course in computers
ASU called "Microcom-
ters in Education." This
irse helps teachers,
sspective teachers, pro-
isors, and graduate stu-
nts from all areas of
Students watch demonstration in Dr. Tashner's computer class.
education to understand
more about computers and
their applications. They
learn to teach the stu-
dents and learn with them
at the same time, forming
a unique student-teacher
Bringing computers into
the classroom provides
students with more moti-
vation and in turn promotes
higher learning. Studies
have shown that math test
scores rose significantly
in classrooms with compu-
ters. Students' writing
skills have improved also
when computers are used in
the learning process.
But are computers the
wave of the future? It
would seem so. Almost 10%
of today's work force has
been invaded by the tech-
nological wonder. Where
100 humans once worked, one
computer now stands. Many
basic jobs have already
disappeared, and in years
to come, the rest may
become extinct. Future jobs
will be concentrated in
information oriented
positions. Dr. Tashner
said that all kids today
need to have an overview
of computers. Those who
don't may be left behind
without the basic skills
needed to survive in an
highly competitive world.
- Vicki Reeves
Dr. John Tashner
PPA DELTA PI Front Row; Daniel Palmer (Vice President), Cheri Harmon
ssident), Anne Atkinson (Secretary), Second Row; Gina Hunsucker, Kim
kinson, Lisa Burke, Patty Murray, Gray Cherry, Betsy Fletcher, Karen
)mas, Denise Williams, Deborah Smith, Valerie Lewis. Back Row; Ellen
veil. Ton! Annas, Sarah Echard, Danny Toney, Bill Shields, Pat Knight
visor), Lynn Awtrey, Angela Pearce, Cindy Brown, Diedra Sechrist,
ronna Ellis.
"Elementary teachers are
prepared to teach children
to sing but sometimes not
prepared to teach individ-
uals to read." So said Dr.
Gary Moorman, a professor
in the Department of Read-
ing Education. Dr. Moorman
and his colleague, Dr. Bill
Blanton, have made great
strides in the area of
reading education. Both
have published extensively
in textbooks and journals
as well as conducted
speaking tours at various
colleges and high schools.
To improve the quality
of reading education is
the goal of the two teach-
ers. Moorman said that the
problem with education on
this campus and in North
Carolina is that "there
are too many people involved
in making decisions
Dr. Gary Moorman feels N.C. school systems do not live up to promise.
who are ill-informed." Dr.
Blanton feels that the
faculty at ASU is not em-
phasizing the basics of
reading as thoroughly as
it covers some of the
other requirements in the
curriculum. There is con-
troversy in the field,
however, over just how
much the basics should be
Doctors Blanton and Moor-
man have conducted research
into the methods employed
to teach students to read.
They have found that many
instructors depend upon
teacher's manuals and that
these manuals do not pro-
vide for the needs of the
students. Blanton and Moor-
man have tried to improve
the quality of the manuals
and thereby improve the
quality of reading edu-
Dr. Moorman said, "In
North Carolina our educa-
tional system is over-
promised and under-deliver-
ed." Hopefully, the quality
of reading education will
improve as more students
who have been influenced
by Blanton and Moorman
obtain jobs in the North
Carolina school system.
- Doreen Heath
I f youa rehav imp biffi-
cul ty reabip this semtemci
them berhabs youh ave am
ibea of whata bersom with;
connumicatiom broblem
Can you imagine living
in a world where people
could not understand you,
nor you, them? Probably
not. Yet, this is a real-
ity millions of Americans
live with each day. But it
is not an unchanging
reality. There is a clinic
here at ASU designed to
help people with speech.
Front Row; Marianne Parsons (President), Denise Williams, Marcia Britton,
Patricia Davis, Karen Mueller, Arzella Washburn, Debbie Banks, Sheri Whick
(Vice President), Mary Ruth Sizer (Advisor). Second Row; Ann Fritts, Mis
McCreery, Kim Young, Joni Grey. Wendee Wedemeyer, Mary Huskins. Share
Simpson (Secretary/Treasurer).
learing, and reading dis-
The clinic originated
hirty years ago, and at
hat time, its sole pur-
lose was to serve the
tudents of Appalachian,
^oday the clinic is located
n the first floor of Edwin
)uncan Hall. It is oper-
ted by faculty and grad-
ate students from the
College of Learning and
luman Development. The
linic is divided into two
ections, one for reading
roblems and the other
Dr speech and hearing
isorders. The Director,
/[t. Anthony Staiano, is in
harge of clinical opera-
ions. Dr. Ed Hutchinson
> in charge of the Speech/
learing Clinic. Dr. Winston
Ihildress heads up the
Leading Clinic.
The range of problems
reated at the clinic var-
;s. Anyone of any age with
ny kind of communication
roblem is eligible for
treatment. This encompasses
victims of birth defects,
school children with dys-
lexia, students with lisps,
and adults who have suffer-
ed strokes.
The clinic was origin-
ally designed to serve ASU
students, but said Dr.
Hutchinson, "They're not
taking advantage of it. We
know there are probably
200 students on this cam-
pus who need our help, and
we're seeing fewer than
fifty." The service is
free to those referred by
the Scottish Rite Foundation,
the program's bene-
factor, and to students
and faculty of the univer-
sity. There is a nominal
charge for community mem-
The greatest problem the
clinic faces is that of
early detection. Dr. Hut-
chinson estimates that,
"half the individuals we
see with disorders could
have had their problems
fully corrected if somebody
had intervened early
enough. The worst thing is
the child who slips through
unnoticed." The clinic is
currently devoting more
time to prevention in
hopes of correcting minor
problems before they be-
come major ones.
All communication problems
can be helped. Pro-
gress, though, does not
come in great waves and
sometimes cannot be mea-
sured with statistics.
"When you have a child
who is a non-talker," said
Hutchinson, "and you see
him saying a word to his
mother for the first time
- now that's success."
- Cathy Stuart
The Speech/Hearing Clinic in Edwin Duncan helps people of all ages.
.UE RIDGE READING COUNCIL Front Row; Dr. Gary Moorman (Faculty
Ivisor), Dr. Winston Childress (Chairperson). Back Row; Pamela L. Poe
resident), Denise Rice (Secretary/Treasurer), Frances Fellabaum (Vice
Most people think of
Special Education as teach-
ing handicapped children
to read and write. The
Department of Special
Education at ASU, however,
is currently involved in a
number of programs ranging
from physical education to
education and counseling
of families with handi-
capped children.
In 1980 Dr. Michael
Churton was asked to devel-
op a national program which
would cater to the fitness
needs of handicapped peo-
ple. Churton, with the help
of his assistant, Mary
Turner, has created four
physical fitness labs for
the handicapped. Funded by
a federal grant, the labs
are offered through the
Physical Education Depart-
ment and are staffed by
graduate students.
Labs I and II were devel-
oped to provide appropriate
motor development programs
for mentally handicapped
children and adults respec-
tively. Lab I helps stu-
dents form the Watauga
County Center for Excep-
tional Children by empha-
sizing movement and swim-
ming. Lab II aids members
of the sheltered workshop
in the area with physical
and socialization skills.
Lab III is an individual-
ized program provided for
area residences. The child
receives one-on-one atten-
tion from the student
instructors. "This provides
Dr. Art Cross, Director of PEGS.
the grad students with a
good opportunity to get to
know one child very well,"
said Turner. "I think the
students gain as much from
it as the children."
Lab IV is designed to
fulfill the general P.E.
requirements for the 75
disabled students enrolled
at Appalachian. It is an
activity course entitled
PE 1010. Individual pro-
grams are designed to
meet the specific needs of
the student. In some cases
the student may take a
regular P.E. course with
modifications to suit his
Another program within
the Special Education De-
partment is the Parent
Education and Support Group
(PEGS). The program is
directed by Dr. Art Cross
who is assisted by Julie
Hogue. The goal of this
program is to help parents
deal with the problems a
parent faces with a handi-
capped child." When a parent
has a handicapped child
they often go through a
cycle," said Hogue. "First
there is denial, or rather
an inability to believe.
Then parents often grieve.
And finally, they are able
to accept it. PEGS tries
to help parents through
this process. They also
keep parents informed on
services available to them,
and they tell parents what
their children are entitled
to under the law.
The Student Council for
Exceptional Children is a
club open to all Special
Ed. majors. They are in- ,
volved in several projects t
as well. Jackie Mulay, a *
graduate student, helped
design and is instrumental
in a babysitting program
for handicapped children.
"Undergraduates don't get
much practical experience,
and this is an excellent
way for them to do that.
It's also good because the
parents feel assured that
their child is being well
taken care of," said Mulay.
The SCEC also has a Big
Brother/Big Sister program.
This gives a handicapped
child a chance to form a
special friendship with
someone outside the family
and school.
Although there are mil-
lions of handicapped child-
ren in the US today, it is
good to know that so much
is being done to help them.
As Dr. Churton said, "The
biggest problem facing the
handicapped children is not
their disability, rather
the attitude of the
public toward them. Once
that barrier falls, every-
thing else will fall into
place. Perhaps one day the
term handicapped will
become 'handicapable,'
and people will see what
these special children
can do, rather than being
blinded by what they cannc
- Cathy Stuart
graduate education and quality teaching.
ASU provides the opportunity for
students to ride the research van that
travels to Chapel Hill's library four times
a semester or more. The faculty's
involvement with students has definitely
stimulated a lot of graduate student
research. Dr. Lawrence mentioned that
ASU has a lot of students who are first
generation college students, and even
more first generation graduate students.
She said, "Our graduate students take
Dr. Joyce Lawrence their studies seriously." A Graduate
Student Association Senate has been
consulting around the U.S. and have established with 26 Senators actively
worked with curriculum needs, writing working on graduate student concerns,
and documenting issues through a film for The graduate school distributes
the N.C. Board of Public Instruction. $25,000 dollars a year to students for
The Gratis D. Williams Graduate scholarships and fellowships. Almost one
School was established in 1948 and half of a million dollars goes to graduate
sanctioned by the American Association assistantships each year. It takes a long
of Colleges for Teacher Education the time and significant resources for a
following year. When Gratis Williams department to gain graduate status in the
became dean of the graduate school in University of North Carolina system.
1958, there were 42 resident students in Currently the political science and the
the program. At his retirement in 1975, physics departments are working toward
over 900 students were enrolled in the establishing new master's degrees.
Graduate School, and this number has The graduate school publishes a
been maintained through the years. There periodical every semester, called Research '
are currently 26 departments with 70 News. It gives detailed information of '
different graduate degrees. current research projects by students and
The status of the Graduate School is faculty. A monthly newsletter, Research
evolving to accommodate the needs for and Grants Bulletin, is also published to '
research and grants. During the fall of provide faculty with the latest deadlines
1983, the office of research and grants was and information concerning federal and
integrated with Graduate Studies and Dr. foundation sources of support.
Lawrence's title changed to Dean of All in all,' the graduate school is
Graduate Studies and Research. growing and making a name for itself and
Although ASU is not specifically a a large part is due to the hard work and
research university, there is a growing dedication of Dr. Joyce Lawrence,
emphasis upon research as it relates to - Babette Munn
"You either make the
grades or you're out," said
Sarah Bumgarner, MBA
candidate. Sarah will
graduate with an MBA
concentrating in health care
management by the age of
22. That's a pretty big feat
considering the
lecessary for
a masters degree. Sarah
doesn't see the hours she
Sarah Bumgarner, MBA graduate,
teaches students supply and
spends as grueling though,
in fact she enjoys her
school work and teaching
assistantship as much as
her recreation time. She
said, "graduate school is
more relaxing than my time
during undergraduate school
- where I was also working
40 hours a week at
Wachovia." She said having
her work situation around
school makes life a lot
easier. Her love for school
is evidenced by the fact
that she did her
undergraduate degree in
three years at
UNC-AsheviUe. Her
assistantship at ASU entails
teaching economics and
personal money
management. She said she
chose health care
management as her
specialty, "because the field
is so open right now. The
work not only involves
hospital work, but work
with profit and non-profit
agencies, sales in health
care products, or consulting
companies in optomizing
their productivity by
improving the well-ness
factor of the employees
(blood pressure checks,
etc.). Sarah also worked
-iast^semester at -the
Watuaga County Hospital
as an emergency room clerk
to get a taste of the
hospital atmosphere. Sarah
said, after graduation and
before she gets a job, "I
hope to take a long
extended vacation."
"Professors funnel their
attention to the MA
candidates and really get
excited when they are able
to teach a grade level
class." History graduate
student Steven Starnes
couldn't stress enough how
happy he is to be involved
in the ASU history depart-
ment. He was enticed to
come here by his sister and
fiance, both students. His
undergraduate degree is in
political- science_and-}iis
history from Chapel Hill.
The chance to teach History
1101 is the challenge he
really enjoys. The only
drawback he sees in Boone
is the inability to "go
downtown and sip a cold
History graduate student Steven Starnes finds a niche in the library as he
works on research and prepares to teach class.
Brad Daniels makes learning iunP
From Pisgah Forest,
N.C., Brad Daniels is a
graduate study in biology.
His assistantship consists
of teaching biology labs
and JiUing in for mstruc^^
tors, and on top of that
he's taking 9 hours of
graduate credit. Brad
really puts himself into
teaching and said, "I've
changed the format of labs
to better enable the
students to learn the
material. I give the summ-
ary questions the week
following the lab, and the
students can't use their
lab books - it helps them
learn the material. I also
ask them what the most
important thing in their
life is - I want to get
involved with them as
people, not view them as
just another social secur-
ity number." He enjoys
working with students,
helping them take a con-
cept and making it fun to
learn. Brad would like to .
teach philosophy, religion,
and the bible in the
context of the sciences
and nature.
Originally from Germany,
Ilsa Hallan is working
towards finishing her
masters in Special Educa-
tion. Married, with two
teenagers, she holds down
an assistantship and 12
hours of graduate level
classes. She will graduate
with a double certificate,
in ED (emotional distur-
bance), and LD (learning
Special Education graduate Ilsa
Hallan prepares for teaching.
disabilities). As part of
her assistantship, she
teaches Introduction to
Human Exceptionality, and
supervises special educa-
tion interns in Mountain
City, Tennessee, who work
with learning disabled
students. She would like to
work toward a university
level teaching position,
especially working for
grants. When asked how
she maintains school and
family she responded, "you
learn to be flexible in
your priorities - putting
your energies where they're
most effective at the time."
With the acceleration
of high technology it is
often hard to see where the
human element fits in. For
Corinne Birdsong, a
graduate student in the
Educational Media Depart-
ment, "being creative with-
in the context of high
technology - is where I
want to be. I believe the
arts and sciences are very
interconnected, and the
media is one way to use
technology and achieve that
balance - to find the
human element in the face
of technology." She feels
she can have an impact by
working with museums in
perserving ethnography
through documentary films.
She also would like to help
children realize their own
creative abilities through
educational films.
Coach Mack Brown's wife, Debbie is specializing in gifted and talented.
stressing the arts and
sciences. She feels this
quote best expresses many
of her sentiments, "Art
is an attitude that
produces an object by using
media. Media does not
produce art."
Educational Media graduate student Corinne Birdsong shoots footage for
a video of Gail Haley's children's toy collection.
Football coach Mack
Brown's wife, Debbie, is
finishing up her masters in
special education. Debbie
has definitely learned how
to manage her priorities,
especially with two daugh-
ters, ages three and six.
She will receive her
her masters certificate in
Gifted and Talented, with
a cross-categorization in
MR (mental retardation), and
ED (emotional disturbance).
As part of her assistantship,
she is academic coordinator
for the summer camp at
Broadstone for gifted and
talented, and teaches Inro-
duction to Human Exception-
ality. She said things get
real hectic around football
season, but said, "you
adjust your priorities and
place the energies where
they're needed at the time."
It is an astounding
sight. The majestic build-
ing is strategically lo-
cated to view an incredible
sunset and catches breath-
taking bird's eye glimpse
of the small town of Boone.
Within this building are
facilities for conferences,
rooms for overnight stays,
and a restaurant for better
dining. Conferences have an
all-inclusive area to live
and learn.
Built eleven years ago,
the University Center has
eleven regular conference
rooms plus an auditorium
which can divide into three
smaller conference areas.
The auditorium has folding
walls which make several
areas for groups to meet,
since the Boone area at-
tracts many conferees.
Unlike a typical motel
room, the Center has very
luxurious, spacious accom-
modations to appeal to your
taste as well as pocketbook.
"The University Center
caters to the public as
well as University guests
and corporate conferees,"
says an employee, "Students
should keep the center in
mind when their guests and
families come to Boone. We
are open and accessible for
most any need."
- Amanda Foster
Bird's-eye view of the University Center reveals its cozy position nestled
in the mountains.
Beclcy Hixon and George Cudeville worl( at the front desl( of the University
Beyond the Mountaineer
Apartments, on a winding
road that bypasses the
Chancellor's home, you will
find that the road becomes
straighter on the summit.
As this road crests the
ridge, you see a stone and
glass structure which re-
sembles a modern business
Upon closer inspection,
however, you see beautiful
trees lining a stone patio,
adorned with tables and
chairs. You marvel at the
beautiful lamplights and
clean glass light cover-
ings which beam in the
cool dusk air.
You pull into the small
parking area which is only
smattered by a few cars.
As you get out of your car,
you notice a stone walkway
and entrance, beautifully
enhanced by plate glass
windows with yellow lights
behind. You hear your foot-
steps on the hard stone
surface of the walkway,
coupled by the sounds from
within the building.
The first set of doors
include you into the warm
convivial atmosphere. Soft
music seems to bounce from
the high ceiling, where
lights appear to float in
the air from small fixtures.
Behind the desk is a
younger man, with a pleas-
ant smile. On the wall be-
hind him there is a row of
slots for placing keys. The
man asks if he can help you,
smiling all the while and
with sincerity.
Welcome to the Univer-
sity Center.
- Amanda Foster
Charles Leak has been
forking at the Center for
Ive years, the majority
f the time while a student
t ASU. Presently, Charles
i known as Mr. Leak.
As Restaurant Manager of
he University Center, Mr.
,eak manages a staff of
The University Center
estaurant is open to the
lublic. Breakfast and lunch
re buffet style, while
linner is strictly menu.
?he center is known state-
viAe for exquisite dining.
prepared by schooled chefs.
Also, the restaurant is
the setting for several
special events. Mr. Leak
describes these events with
excitement, "We present to
the public several seasonal
specials, such as the fac-
ulty staff dinner and dance.
Our main event is the
famous madrigal feast,
which is very festive and
With this in mind, the
University Center Restau-
rant is an attractive set-
ting for students to bring
their guests, or that
special dinner just for two.
- Amanda Foster
Chancelor Thomas enjoys dining with company at the University Center.
Not only is the food great, but the view tops it off.
he carriages definitely pull up in elegance to the University Center.
Also inclusive under the
heading of Continuing Ed-
ucation are such programs
as the Division of Camps
and Outdoor Programs, the
Student Internship Program,
Division of Community Ser-
vices, Appalachian Oral
History Project, the Public
Exhibits Program, The Ap-
palachian Consortium, Inc.,
and the Continuing Edu-
cation Unit (CEU).
Camp Broadstone is the
facility and resource
offered by ASU to groups
seeking outdoor learning
experiences. The 53 acre
camp is located in Valle
Crucis alongside the Wa-
tauga River, only six miles
from the main campus. Even
in the cruelest weather,
the camp facilities provide
year-round housing for 70
people and a multipurpose
dining hall capable of
feeding 150. The summer
months provide an eight
week enrichment program for
gifted and talented stu-
The Student Internship
Program provides service-
learning experiences out-
side the regular classroom
atmosphere. This offers
opportunities for business
majors to work in a cor-
porate learning environment,
for example. Or a textiles
major could spend time ser-
ving in a resourceful ca-
pacity at a furniture up-
holstery plant. Or an Eng-
lish major can work for
several hours credit a
semester in the News Bureau.
In any capacity, students
can gain experience and
possibly have a jump ahead
of the game in job pros-
pects after graduation.
- Amanda Foster
V. .-ii.Ta ■ »■».•« .Mi a %m »ma yv /'- t
A new home
for ASU
honors students.
For some, the word 'honors' conjures
up the image of an ehtist group of
superciHous intellectuals. In a word -
snobbery. In actuality, this vision
couldn't be further from the truth. Dr.
Daniel Hurley, head of the English
Honors Program at ASU, said of honors
students and honors programs in
general, "It's more democratic than
elitist. It's not a priesthood and
those involved love it."
The honors courses at ASU, which
cover a broad range of disciplines and
departments, are open to all students,
not only those who receive invitations
to attend. Criteria for acceptance into the
courses and programs are not solely
based upon test scores and academic
achievement but include curiosity,
initiative or a great interest in a
particular field of study.
The honors program gained a 'home
base' in Coffey Hall during the summer
of 1983. Since that time, Coffey has
undergone a major remodeling effort,
and now sports a carpeted lounge area,
administrative office, and library.
This living/learning environment helps
to stimulate a lively exchange of ideas
and experiences among honors students,
as well as making possible group
activities such as picnics, movies, and
travel to out-of-town conferences.
One important aspect of honors
classes is their size. Averaging
between twelve and twenty students,
these 'seminar' classes lend themselves
to a great deal of discussion and
debate. Within this type of involving
learning environment, professors often
gain as much understanding and
'knowledge' as the students under their
tutelage. "It's far different from
normal classes," said honors student
Mike Hobbs. "By reading an array of
authors on a given subject, one is
challenged to think and integrate
more. It's difficult, but very
rewarding in the long run."
Jim Bannoy and Dina Murray listen intently to a Dr. Jim Winders lecture.
John Winn gives a lot of energy to concentration upon his work.
Junior honors student Randy Smith goes after the subject matter at hand.
"Coffey is an active dorrtti
People are thinking, arguing,
and discussing."
"Coffey allows what h
in class to spill over irt.
rest of studiiita' tMie."?
TOM Mclaughlin
An insider's look at ASU's Honors
Program and the man who runs it.
Dr. Tom McLaughlin is an English
professor at ASU, with the added
responsibility of heading up the new
home and duties of the honors dorm —
Coffey Hall. His job as Director of
Honors, is new as of July 1983. He
was thrust into a position of diverse
responsibilities. He loves what he does,
and obviously gets into the students.
He gained his bachelor's degree at La
Salle College in Philadelphia, and his
Ph. D. at Temple University. He has
been at ASU since 1977.
RHODODENDRON: A lot of students
complain of being bored, do you feel
there is a marked difference in honors
McLaughlin: I've often thought that
boredom is just a sign that the person
isn't looking for things to do. But
Coffey is an active dorm. People are
thinking, arguing, and discussing. The
students work on the newspaper, at
the radio station, with SGA, and many
are involved politically - especially
with the Central America issue.
They're serious, creative, and
intelligent people.
RHODODENDRON: You're involved
with recruiting, administrative work,
the scholarship program in honors,
Coffey Hall, and taking care of the
budget and funding. As far as
recruiting, what do you look for in
McLaughlin: I'm looking for people
who can think on their feet. I look for
a student who can do well in a
seminar. Someone who will feel free to
disagree and voice his or her opinion.
RHODODENDRON: What was your
affiliation with Honors in the past?
McLaughlin: I was recruited as an
honors student at LaSalle College.
That experience made my education, it
woke me up to do the kind of work I
was capable of. It provided the
/Stimulation I didn't get enough of in
high school. LaSalle was able to take
advantage of the museums, concerts
and cultural life of the city to add to
its honors program.
RHODODENDRON: Well, where does
that leave your impression of Boone?
McLaughlin: I like the area; it's
beautiful here, but I'll admit I miss
the chance to be immersed in the
diversity that a big city provides.
seminars as beneficial and why?
McLaughlin: In a seminar the
students see the faculty learning as
well. The students can try out the
information, reject or accept it and
integrate what they've learned. They
leave the classes feeling like they've
just begun to learn - they're not just
walking away with a body of
RHODODENDRON: What kind of
environment does ASU provide for
McLaughlin: ASU needs to provide
more stimulation. I worked with the
Artists and Lecture Series for 4 years,
and I think we do a good job with
lectures and classical concerts. But
there needs to be more to keep people
on campus and to add to classroom
learning. The atmosphere tends to be
comfortable and supportive, which is
good, but it doesn't challenge students
RHODODENDRON: What are some
of your comments on Coffey Hall?
McLaughlin: Having a home base
enables honors to be more visible.
We've used the lounge area to have
speakers and host receptions. When
Frank Lentricchia spoke last Fall there
was a spark in the room, everyone
could feel the electricity. The students
were seeing faculty scrambling to keep
up with Lentricchia's speech. Also,
Coffey allows what happens in class to
spill over into the rest of student's
time. They learn from interaction with
each other as well as from professors.
RHODODENDRON: What do you do
on Sunday afternoons to relax?
McLaughlin: Movies. Family. I have
two kids, IV2 and 7 who keep my wife
and me very busy. Sports. I like to
play basketball, and jog. And I watch
probably too much T.V. In fact, I've
written some things on how the power
of television effects our society.
RHODODENDRON: What is your
favorite book?
McLaughlin: Virginia Woolf s To the
Lighthouse. She writes about people
getting to know each other and the
mystery of feeling a revelation about
the other person only to find out that
each one feels a different way toward
the other. She is the great writer of
how it is to know another person.
RHODODENDRON: Who are some
authors that have a great impact on
McLaughlin: The two most important
poets for me are Blake and Yeats,
because of the intensity of their
commitment to visionary experiences.
They take great risks in their poetry.
It takes them into the irrational part
of the self.
RHODODENDRON: What about the
old question - what kind of music do
you like to listen to?
McLaughlin: I love all kinds of rock
and roll, from Michael Jackson to the
Gang of Four. Our house rocks in
different ways at times - my wife gets
into new age music and I'm more into
new wave.
RHODODENDRON: Where do you
see the Honors Program moving in the
future? Does the push towards a
highly technological society tend to
move students away from delving into
the liberal arts aspect of education?
McLaughlin: I'm hoping that more
departments, especially in the sciences
and math, will begin honors programs.
Clearly, students have to be thinking
about the new technologies, but I
don't think they have to get
over-specialized in college. The new
'information environment' is going to
need broadly trained people capable of
evaluating and interpreting
information. I think all honors courses
try to encourage analytical skills and
to provide a lot of different
perspectives. They help students to
become flexible in their thinking.
and excellence.
The ostensible goal in college is to
excel in academic endeavors. Hard work
pays off in better grades, and a high GPA
gives the student a feeling of a job well
done. But, of course, straight A's are
rarely a college student's raison d'etre.
Friendships and cerebral stimulation
outside the classroom are important, too.
ASU has three general honors groups
which cater to the exceptional student's
more convivial nature.
The Honors Club, located in Coffey
Residence Hall, strives to provide an
invigorating atmosphere of living and
learning. At first glance, to those who
have never been involved in the honors
program, the Club may appear to be an
attempt at intellectual elitism. It is not.
Instead, the students are merely reaping
to their full advantage the benefits
offered by the university and like minded
school mates.
The Honors Club is advised by Dr.
Tom McLaughlin, but the directions and
goals of the group are left to the students
involved. Under the leadership of so-
phomore Sabine French, the Honors Club
moved into new territory during the
1983-1984 school year. Deeptho't, the
occasionally published honors newsletter,
first rolled off the presses this year.
Designed for flexibility, Deeptho't
HONORS CLUB Front Row; Jennifer Gunn, Linda Counts (Vice-President).
Lynn Blankfard (Publicity), Deve Weil<ert. Second Row; John Sloop, Sabine
French (President), Jeanne Hale. Back Row; Lane Crothers, Ellen Andersen,
Pat Tamer, Alston Hildreth, Jill Bazemore (Secretary/Treasurer).
provides a medium through which
students keep abreast of honor's happen-
ings and an outlet for their intellectual
ind literary yearnings. The publication is
lardly conventional, though. Personal
mpressions of Philadelphia's subways
nay appear next to the club's treasury
Students also attended the Collegiate
honors Conference at Elon College in
I'hiladelphia and Charleston, SC. The
nterchanges allow for comparisons of
honors Programs on a regional and
lational level. Membership for the
^onors Club is dependent upon whether
)r not the applicant has taken courses in
he Honors Program.
Gamma Beta Phi, a national honors
ociety, also has its share of bright,
notivated students. The members are
Irawn from the top 15% of each class,
rhey, too, seek academic excellence, but
hey are also commited to serving the
urrounding community.
The unique character of this group's
Qembers is obvious in their work. This
loliday season, Gamma Beta Phi spon-
ored a food drive for the needy and sold
Btters to Santa to help provide a nice
'hristmas for a Boone family.
The organization tries to achieve a
lalance between dedication to self and to
lumanity. "Our ultimate concern is total
quality for all people," said President
^icki Waters. But learning is also
tressed. The Appalachian contingent of
lamma Beta Phi is one of the largest in
he state. This year it hosted a state
onvention for affiliates from nine other
chools. Among the activities presented
^ere workshops on leadership skills,
lamma Beta Phi is advised by Dr. Dave
•mith and Dr. David White, both of the
listory Department.
Alpha Chi is a National Honor
cholarship Society for men and women
f junior or senior standing who have
ttained at least a 3.5 grade point average,
'ith a minimum of 31 credit hours. The
urpose of these lifetime members,
hosen for their scholarship, is to uphold,
romote, and recognize honor and
chievement at ASU.
In all of these organizations high
^PA's are stressed, but the stigma of cold
itellectualism surrounding the students
nd their organizations is not deserved,
'heir devotion to learning and humanity
i a credit to this University.
ALPHA CHI Front Row; Lane Crothers, Billy Carswell, Mike Fox, Michele Mark, Randy Smith, Annelle
Woggon. Second Row; Becky Appling, Ram Allred, Cheryl Daniels, Jill Bazemore, Neil Medlin. Back
Row; Mike Clark, Johnny Reed, Karen Bryant, Hans Aubuchon, Nancy K. Burns. Jim Slagle, Randy
Lambeth, Lori Harmon, Tammy Easter, Jan Gentry, Laura Cupp, Jane Norwood, Donald W. Smith.
GAMMA BETA PHI Front Row; Vickie Waters (President), James Camp (Treasurer), Dr. Dave Smith
(Advisor), Sara Hash. Nancy Buthe, Chris Newcomb. Second Row; Debby Atkins, Cheryl Daniels.
Renee Reuter (Correspondence Secretary), Kelly Crisco (Vice-President), Annette Lytle. Third Row;
Ginger Blackburn, Suzanne Gilroy, Darlene Miller, Connie Woody, Annelle Woggon, Lorrie Page,
Annette R. Tharpe, Marsha Carpenter. Fourth Row; Tammy Benge, Debbie Wilson, Kay Bruffey,
Lane Crothers, Caron Owen, Sylvia Schwabe, Tammy Easter, Shirley Yount, Frances M. Davis. Fifth
Row; David Greene, Darryl Crawford, Sly Brannon, Danny Toney, Beth Schoonover, Alston Hildreth,
Mary Caswell, Lisa Huey, Karen Ireland, Evelyn White. Sixth Row; Lisa Wilson, Alyson Rose, Martha
Cosby, Sarah Walters, Sheila Tyner, Jan Settle, Byron Barlowe, Patricia Neal, Travis Sink, Shannon
Marshall, Jeanne Mast, Gene Johnson. Seventh Row; Janet Greer, Cindy Brown, Nicki Fries. Myra
Hampton, Ken Royal, Karen Kiker, Carolyn Beezer, David Childers, Ton! Annas, Scott Rogers, Eighth
Row; Lee Bryant, Sandy Maharaj, Lisa Hammerle, Kristen Anderson, Renee Bransford, Laura Cupp,
Michelle Unangst, Jan Gentry, Dalene Ward, Teressa Pierce. Ninth Row; Denise Skroch, Cynthis
Whitener, Melonie Rodgers, Mike Fox. Back Row; Bobby Selby, John Moore, Kenneth Kitts. Not
Pictured; Robin Campbell.
achievement beyond
the ordinary.
The Departmental Honors Program
at ASU provides an academic outlet fo
students wishing to excel above an(
beyond the material taught in th-
ordinary curriculum. Students involved ii
the program share a mutual appreciatioi
for academic performance. The classe
allow a "stimulating academic atmos
phere, encouraging intimate student
professor contact and verbalization o
opinions," said Sabine French, Presiden
of the University Honors Club.
Students are chosen to participate ii
the program through a process o
application and invitation. According t(
Dr. Don Saunders, "the program i
faculty sponsored and contains what thi
teachers feel the students would benefi
from and what they would like to teach.'
The program allows the students t(
graduate with Departmental Honors afte
completing a senior honors thesis
Currently, the departments of English
History, and Economics have specific
BETA BETA BETA Front Row; Greg Howell, Richard N. Vertebrate, Vic
KAPPA OMICRON PHI Front Row; Sonya Williams (Vice-President), Karen Culpepper. Second Row; Cheryl Sniker, Martha Jones (Historian), Dr. Johr
Pittman (President), Kim Birskovich, Jill Hardy. Back Row; Celic Roten Bond (Advisor), Laurie Bloch (President), Marq Sims (Vice-President), Jeanette
(Advisor), Alison Houston, Pam Lewis, Beth Brooks (Treasurer), Frances Tarr. Back Row; Neil Medlin (Secretary), Emma Sidden, Chris Alexander, Dr
Newman (Secretary). Wayne Van Devender, Joe Howey.
honors classes. Several departments,
however, support honors clubs for
students of high academic achievement.
Psi Chi, the national honor society of
Psychology, encourages the scholarship of
its members and works to advance the
science of Psychology. Many Psi Chi
members have gained recognition in the
field by presenting their work at various
psychology conventions.
Kappa Omicron Phi is a professional
organization whose goal is to keep
scholarship, ethics, and professionalism
high in Home Economics. The ASU
chapter sponsors clothing drives, craft
sales, and other fund raising activities
R'hich directly benefit the Crossnore
School, a facility for children whose home
life does not allow them to live with their
Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) is a
lational honors Biology society and is
)pen to Biology students of high
scholastic standing. As an honor society,
Fri-Beta strives to stimulate interest in
3iology, encourage scholarly attainment
md research, and promote the dissemina-
;ion of biological knowledge. In addition
;o the satisfaction of achieving these
foals, the members enjoy fellowship of
)ther students with similar interests.
Other departments which support
lonors clubs are: Math, Pi Mu Epsilon;
Spanish, Sigma Delta Pi; Drama, Alpha
^si Omega, ROTC, the Scabbard and
Blade, and for the educational disciplines,
<appa Delta Pi. Each of these groups
iphold the principles of scholarship and
ervice and are comprised of future
eaders in their respective fields.
ilGMA DELTA PI; Carmen Fletcher, Yvonne
/lullis (Vice-President), Kelly Ross (President),
3ill Portas (Secretary).
ALPHA PSI OMEGA Front Row; Dr. Susan Cole (Advisor), Mark Shuford (Vice-President), Lyie
Bradshaw, Robert Hawkins, Helen Whalen. Back Row; Monique S. Derby (Secretary), Jonathan Ray
(Advisor), Beth Horton, Jim Rigsbee, Robin Stanley, Allison McNeely, Jeff Fender (President).
PSI CHI Front Row: Marsha Carpenter, Dayna Aldridge, Tammy Easter, Leanne Gay, Toni Owen,
Michelle Bruinsma, Brenda J. Brown. Second Row; Rosena Mae Sisk, Darlene Miller, Michelle Wilkins
(Treasurer), Debbie Hudspeth (President), Jean Berrier (Secretary), Scott Clay (Vice-President), Dr.
Jim Deni (Advisor). Back Row; Mark Smith, Tom Nelson, Kristin Rogers, Suzanne Gilroy, Carolyn
Welsh, Rosemary Unsworth.
SCABBARD AND BLADE Front Row; Andy Harvey, Angela Himm, Joseph McNair, Lisa Hammerle,
James Laughridge, Eric Nantz. Second Row; Bryan Green, Bill Crenshaw, Duck Correll, James H.
Rikard, James Litton, Reggie Pate, Keith Booker, Bob Ashley. Back Row; Stephen Dellinger, C.
Pierson Shaw, Eric Davidson, Airborne Murray, Thomas Clemo, Danny A. Wiley, Jerome Stanberry,
Jim McCombs, Paul Hunter Walsh, Ervin L. Hannah Jr.
m *
A look into some of
the brea|phroughs,
highlights, and
departmental projects
of ASU'^ 1983-84
academic year.
From the Earth's ^jearest neighbor, the moon, to more remote
obfBCts, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, the Dei^rtment of
Physics and Astronomy's Dark Sky Observatory continues to
search for the, answers to new astronomical questions.
Appalachian State
University's Dark Sky
Observatory is still in its
infancy, but the location
and the facilities hold the
promise of a top-notch
astronomical observatory.
The location, atop a
mountain ridge near
Phillip's Gap (between
Boone and North Wilkesboro),
has some of the darkest
skies available east of the
Mississippi River. Dr. Joe
Pollock, who is currently
overseeing the develop-
ment and maintenance of the
observatory said, "The
location is good because it
has little "light pollu-
tion", which is the
artificial brightening of
the sky due to city lights."
There are two telescopes
located at the Dark Sky
Observatory (DSO) site,
which are similar in size,
but different in applica-
tion. The 18-inch reflector
is used for what is called
photoelectric photometry.
The light collected from a
single star is allowed to
fall on what Pollock
describes as a glorified
(and expensive!) light
meter. This enables the
astronomer to measure
changes in that star's
brightness. The pictured
domed building houses the
telescope as well as the
computers which control it
and which analyze the
incoming data.
A newer addition to the
observatory is the 16-inch
reflector. It has the
capability of photographing
a relatively large area of
the sky in one shot. Dr.
Pollock obtained the
pictures of the Andromeda
Galaxy and the moon using
the 16-inch telescope.
Dr. Pollock remarked on
how pleased he was to be an
active participant in the
development of this type
of research installation.
The ASU Foundation financed
the construction of the
observatory and Lowe's
donated the observer's
quarters, which are
utilized as a place to work,
sleep, eat and simply warm
up during a long winter's
night of observing.
He commented as well on
a few of the misconceptions
about astronomical obser-
vations. "Most people see
the astronomer in his lab
coat peering through the
telescope and jotting down
notes. In fact, most infor-
mation is gathered
electronically or photo-
graphically, rather than
by eye. In addition, if
it's 10 degrees outside,
then it has to be 10
degrees inside the
observatory as well or the
viewing is disrupted."
Along with his obser-
vational work. Dr. Pollock
teaches both beginning and
advanced astronomy courses.
Pollock commented that
student interest in
astronomy is growing, and
said, "There are twice as
many undergraduates in our
introductory astronomy
courses this year than
there were last year".
As for future directions.
Dr. Pollock said that there
are two things that he
would like to see happen.
"First, you really need
two full-time observational
astronomers to
handle both the courses
and the work involved with
the observatory. Secondly,
you also need to reduce the
teaching loads of the ■
professors so they can
devote more time to
research activities. It is
important, especially in
the "hard" sciences, that
a professor stays up-to-
date in his field, which
is difficult to do if you
are not actively engaged in
some sort of research. If
the Dark Sky facility is
properly developed and
used, then the students,
faculty and reputation of
ASU will reap the
- Babette Munn
The Watauga Hunger
Coalition is a service
rovided for community
lembers who are in need of
Dod, money, or emergency
srvices. In addition to
tiis, the Coalition also
srves University students
y providing internships.
Intern Elizabeth Hagaman
1 majoring in Psychology
■ith an emphasis on
uidance and counseling,
he said, "People have to
A'allow a lot of pride to
Dme in and ask for help,
'hey need someone who they
in feel comfortable with."
Communication Arts
lajor. Rich Pence, received
sperience in the field of
ublic relations. He
irected a quarterly news-
itter educating the
ublic on hunger issues and
romoting involvement in
le program.
Alfred Pritchett, an ASU
•aduate, is coordinator
F the Hunger Coalition. He
lid, "The coalition
rovides an excellent
aportunity for interdis-
plinary studies. The
items are a great asset
) us as well."
Cathy Stuart
The ASU Art Department
offers a unique and indi-
vidualized course in Fiber
Art. Course content is
varied and can be taken on
any of four levels, inclu-
ding a graduate course.
Students learn to warp
frame and floor looms. They
also learn basic weaves on
both looms and dying and
batiking techniques. Dr.
Marianne Suggs, course in-
structor says, "The end
result is not just mastering
a technique but selecting
your own personal
technique that solves your
visual problem." Dr. Suggs
says that while art is
usually classified as an
intuitive process it is
actually "one of the most
academic experiences you
can have. You must consider
all available alternatives
i.e. color, shape, line.
Everybody should be in-
volved in art for the
decision-making process
Fibers is required for
Textile majors in the Home
Economics Department. It
serves as a general studio
elective for majors in Art
Production, Commercial
Design, and Art Education.
Dr. Suggs says, "Different
types of people take it
for different reasons and
that favors the course."
The course is indeed a
demanding one. The twenty-
five Fibers students spend
six hours a week in the
classroom. In addition to
that, a minimum of ten
hours a week is required
outside of class. All this,
for two hours credit.
Participation in cri-
tiques is also a require-
ment. "Critiques allow
students to recognize art
as a problem-solving
process. There is more to
it than mastering a skill.
While 50 '^ of the class em-
phasis is on development of
skills, we stress visual
literacy equally," said
Dr. Suggs.
- Cathy Stuart
Jazz is not that
North Carolina, but jazz
maintains itself at ASU.
Despite the fact that ASU
offers no degree program,
there are two major jazz
ensembles and several
small jazz groups in Boone.
Dr. William Gora, professor
of music at ASU and an avid
jazz musician himself,
directs Jazz Ensemble I,
teaches 12 hours of jazz
saxaphone, and spends 3
hours a week rehearsing
with the Wind Ensemble. Dr.
Gora plays in a band that
tours locally and is apt at
the saxaphone, clarinet,
and flute. He commented
on the importance of jazz
and said, "We're recruiting
here as hard as they
recruit for athletes. If
I hear of a trumpet player
from High Point, I go see
ASU's Jazz Alumni
performed in the Broyhill
Music Center this fall
bringing together some
top musicians. Dr. Gora
hopes students will become
more aware of the perform-
ances on campus and in
- Babette Munn
Everyone who has ever
been to school has taken an
achievement test, IQ test
or personality test.
These tests are adminis-
tered by counselors in the
field of School Psychology.
Dr. Eric Hatch, the
head of the program of
School Psychology here at
ASU, explained that his
program is designed to
train students to be "good
at diagnosing learning
disabilities as well as to
be good at interpersonal
relationships with other
The students in the
training program accompany
professors on field trips
to area schools to admin-
ister the tests. They range
from oral and written exams
to diagnostic puzzles. The
tests aid in the search for
emotional and learning
problems. When a problem is
found, the students inves-
tigate the possibility of a
disparity between learning
and achievement. Dr. Hatch
explained, "both the col-
lege student and the stu-
dents being tested really
enjoy giving and taking
them." - Robbie Reaves
"Beware of Ludlow Good-
pants," cautions Gail Haley
in her course on writing
children's books. "Ludlow
Goodpants is the symbol of
a hero who's too good to be
believed. If he is too
good, then you will lose
your audience," she said.
Haley is well acquainted
with children's literature.
She won the prestigious
Caldicott Medal twice and
the Kate Greenway Medal
once for her work in illustrat-
ing children's books.
She also oversees the Gail
Haley Collection for the
Culture of Children in room
263 of Edwin Duncan Hall.
The museum is a plethora of
artifacts relating to
children. There are dolls,
puppets, marionettes,
printing presses, a carousel
horse, books, and
original illustrations and
manuscripts. "We can bring
a bunch of adults into the
collection and turn them
into ten year olds," Haley
said about the museum.
What goes into a children's
book? "The front cover
is a door into another
world," said Haley. "It is
fun to go back and look
at what was written for
children, and we can learn
a lot about children from
what is written for them."
A lot can be learned about
children by looking at their
heroes. "George Lucas is send
ing us a shipment of things
on Star Wars," Haley said.
"The unconscious structure
of Lucas's movies has made
an impact. Who do children
relate to? Darth Vader?
I'm interested in the
archetypal, long-lasting
concepts. The circus pony,
for instance, represents a
whole school of thought.
Children are fascinated by
horses. It's a life-long
study, finding things and
sharing them with
- Charles Uzzell
During the summer of 'SJ
two professors and fourteen
students from ASU's
Business Department jour-
neyed east to the island
country of Japan to study
the techniques of Japanese
business management. Dr.
John Reeder, leader of the
ASU group, said, "We
learned about Japanese
history, society, economy,
politics and customs, as
well as business manage-
The trip was offered
through the Department of
Business Management and
the M.A. in Industrial/Orga
izational Psychology Pro-
gram. Students earned up t
six semester hours of
The first two weeks were
spent in a resort town just
outside of Tokyo, listening
to lectures on Japanese
history and society. The
next two weeks were spent
in Kyoto, the old capital
and cultural center of
Japan. Finally, the conclud-
ed their trip in Tokyo
touring the major industries
and enjoying the famous
Japanese hospitality.
- Vicki Reeves
ASU's New York Loft is a
ique program which offers
idents an excellent
portunity to visit Man-
ttan. It is located on
istry Street in Manhattan's
ver West Side, well
thin walking distance of
e World Trade Center,
ttle Italy, Chinatown,
all Street, Greenwich Vil-
je, and the Staten
and Ferry.
The Loft was originally
tended for use by the
•t Department. Now, any
sU student can stay there
r a small fee. Still,
e primary attraction of
e Loft is its accessabil-
f to the New York Art
ene. "You can experience
ore art in one SoHo block
an most students will
;perience in a lifetime."
id visitor Martha Dennis.
"The University is to be
tmmended," said Judy Hum-
iries, ASU Art professor.
t's a wonderful thing, an
icredible opportunity for
■culty and students. It is
shame that any student
ould graduate without
)ing up, because they'll
ever have a better oppor-
Mitzi Hurst.
Many students are
turning to Women's Studies
courses as an alternative
to traditional classes
that fail to explore the
woman's perspective and
history in a variety of
fields. Here at ASU
Women's Studies has grown
significantly over the past
five years. This year
alone, there were seven to
eight courses offered each
semester, with the same
number expected next year.
The first question that
appears in many people's
minds is "what is Women's
Studies?" Dr. Maggie
McFadden, of Interdisci-
plinary Studies and an
instructor of Women's
Studies, defines it as "the
study of women, looking
at particular topics or
areas or fields or ideas
through the perspective of
women, asking questions
that a woman would ask
rather than asking the
questions men ask."
Some of the classes
offered this year range
from "Introduction to
Women's Studies" to "Women
and Film" and "Women
Short Story Writers." There
are also courses in the
areas of Psychology, Anthro-
pology, Sociology, Art, and
Members of both sexes
often take their initial
courses to learn something
about women, and then go
on to study the topic
further. April Spencer, a
sophomore Women's Studies
minor, explains, "Not only
do I take Women's Studies
to understand about other
women's contributions to
society, but to also under-
stand more about myself."
A senior who has taken two
Women's Studies literature
courses, John Ferguson
claims, it "makes you
sensitive to things going
on around you so that
you can react and
deal with women and
- Kristin Kopren
nv'^^^H'Willi^ Dewei
Appalachian State Uni-
versity has had an electron
microscope in the Biology
Department since 1974. This
microscope utilizes elec-
trons by accelerating them
to light speed and spread-
ing them over the object
being viewed, forming a
pattern which is then pro-
jected by a number of
lenses so that a portion of
the image projected by the
electrons is recorded on
photographic film.
The microscope is cared
for by the husband and wife
team of Dr. William and Dr.
Ruth Dewel. The two teach
a course on Electron Microscopy
which instructs
students on how to operate
the microscope for use in
research. "The special qual-
ity about the electron
microscope is that it can
magnify an object 200,000
times whereas an ordinary
light microscope can only
magnify 1000 to 2000 times,"
explained Dr. William Dewel.
When the Dewels aren't
teaching Electron Microscopy
they are using the instrument
for biological
- Robbie Reaves
Belk Library is in the
forefront when it comes to
staying in tune with our
information society. There
are 400,000 volumes and
300,000 microfilms in the
library. Dr. Richard
Barker, the Head Librarian
of Belk said, "We subscribe
to 4,000 journals and have
approximately 2,000 films
in the film library." There
are two library extensions;
the Music Library and
the Appalachian Collection.
The library has more
hook-ups to the Appalnet
(campus-wide computer
system), than anywhere
else at ASU, and is working
toward changing the current
catalog system to an
electronic on-line catalog,
so that students will
eventually be able to look
for books through an
Appalnet hook-up in their
dorm. Instrumental in a lot
of these changes is Dr. Al
Corum, Dean of Learning
Resources. "The eight new
computer terminals are
getting heavy use, and are
easing up on some of the
pressure other terminals
on campus are experiencing,"
he said.
The library has the
capacity to transfer 16mm
films to video tape and
transmit them across
campus through the Appalnet
outlet. This eliminates
the problems professors
experience checking out
and returning films.
Currently, 250 of the
library's 2,000 films are on
video tape. The possibil-
ities for students to view
missed lectures while sick
is another outgrowth of
the system. Slide-tape
presentations and audios
will be converted to video
as well. The library is
making every effort to keep
up with the times with new
technology, but strives to
remain people-oriented.
"The machines are helpful,
but they can never replace
the human element," said
Dr. Corum. - Babette Munn
"It isn't a book I
would gamble on for a big
sale." These were the words
of George Orwell in 1949
after he published 1984.
Little did he know at the
time that sales of the book
would eventually top ten
million copies. Nor did he
expect the novel to bring
him fame nearly fifty years
later, place his portrait
on the cover of national
magazines, or put his name
in headlines worldwide. In
keeping with our national
obsession with 'the father
of 1984' the Department of
English offered a course on
Orwell and his works during
the spring semester. In the
words of Dr. Gene Miller,
course instructor, "It is
an institutional obligation
to teach 1984 in '84."
Through studying six of
Orwell's nine novels and
several of his 700 essays,
students gained a complete
understanding of Orwell and
his often misunderstood
political views. Said Dr.
Miller, "Orwell is worthy
of intensive study because
he was a man who practiced
what he preached. He was
wholly dedicated to his
ideals and was, in a sense,
the conscience of his gen-
The class was made up o
a diverse group of students
making for lively discus-
sions between business,
english, history and poli-
tical science majors.
Some students took the
course because they had
read Animal Farm in the
sixth grade and had estab-
lished a fascination for
Orwell at an early age.
Others were simply en-
ticed to take the course
by its timeliness and
social significance.
Responding to a 'what
would Orwell say if he wer(
here today' query. Miller
stated, "I think he would
be both relieved and
alarmed. He would be re-
lieved that his prophesies
have not come to pass.
Russia, especially, and
China in some senses, have
become monolithic totali-
tarian states. But I think
he would see that an exter-
nal, all powerful force
doesn't control us. And of
course, he would be full
of contradictions."
- Cathy Stuart
bert Parrish
November brought yet
inother example of 1980's
echnology to Appalachian -
he Kurzwell Machine. The
omputer, known as Ray,
eads to visually impaired
ind reading handicapped
Ray is housed in the
ower level of Belk Library
ind is managed by Pat
i'arthing, Assistant
)irector of ASU's Instruc-
ional Material Center. The
nachine was donated to the
iniversity by the Xerox
Ray's synthetic human
'oice reads printed
naterials placed on his
ight scanner. He is
)rogrammed to recognize 200
ityles of type, and reads
)y "learning" how the
tyle affects the shape of
he letters.
Attached to the reading
nachine is a 30-key
ceyboard that starts and
tops the machine as well
IS operates its memory. The
nemory stores the past 12
ines that were read, and
snables the listener to
ead a passage or have a
vord that can not be under-
itood spelled out.
Ray offers visually
impaired students a sense
of "greater independence
and freedom." Farthing said
these students now have the
opportunity to engage in
pleasurable reading without
having to rely on someone
Farthing emphasized that
the unit is also available
to students, faculty
members, staff, and commu-
nity members that have
reading problems such as
Ray also has a calcu-
lator that aids students in
mathematics. Farthing
hopes his use will be
expanded further through
the addition of a Braille
printer that would print
what is being read.
Currently, Farthing
knows of six visually
impaired students that
Ray can benefit. One of
these, Robert Parrish,
calls Ray "very strategic"
and "a good breakthrough
for the blind." He added,
"I personally think I can
use this machine to read a
lot more books I wouldn't
otherwise get to read."
- Kristin Kopren
Studies in the field of
Political Science at ASU
can provide some attractive
opportunities for students
both inside and outside the
classroom. Students
taking "American
National Government and
Politics" can choose
a regular classroom structure
or one that is somewhat
different. Dr. Roland
Moy teaches two sections
of the course which differ
greatly from traditional
learning approaches.
Experimentation with
different styles of testing
and information review re-
sulted in Dr. Moy's pre-
sent classroom procedures.
These classes consist
of lectures, small group
discussions, guided readings,
and, of course, tests.
Students take objective,
essay, and oral exams. They
may continue studying the
material and retake the objec-
tive tests until they
achieve the grade they want.
Students get to know
each other in class through
the small discussion groups,
and thus feel more comfort-
able. Everyone has the
chance for verbal input
which helps students to
develop oral skills. Since
all students don't learn in
the same ways, using a vari-
ety of learning and testing
styles offers something for
everyone. Students not only
learn more, but they also
enjoy class more.
Several students from
Watauga High School attend
Dr. Moy's version of "Amer-
ican National Government
and Politics". Watauga High
offers no upper level classes
in Political Science. These
high school students can
learn about politics in college,
and even get advance
college credit. Nathan West
of Watauga High said, "It's
a different way of learning
about our government," in
reference to the teaching
techniques and learning
variations used in class.
- Mitzi Hurst
Appalachian is proud to
have as a member of its
staff Dr. Harvard Ayers,
anthropology professor and
Vice-Chairman of the North
Carolina Sierra Club. Dr.
Ayers was elected to this
position in January. He has
long been actively involved
in environmental issues.
Members of the local
Sierra Club actively
participated in the push
for the North Carolina
Ridge Law.
Ayers said that,
"The visual pollution is
bad in itself but the
degradation to the physical
environment is especially
Dr. Ayers said the
environmental future of
the Appalachian area "looks
pretty good." The North
Carolina Wilderness Bill is
currently in motion and has
already passed the House of
Representatives. This bill
will designate more
wilderness areas in western
North Carolina, and is a
result of a compromise
reached between the timber
industry and environmen-
- Cathy Stuart
The Appalachian House is
a campus extension located
in Washington, D.C. It sits
across the street from the
Library of Congress and the
Folger Shakespeare Library.
Roger Stanley was the D.C.
graduate intern for the
fall semester of 1983.
under the direction of Dr.
Effie Boldridge.
with the typical suggestions
of the White House and the
Washington Monument, what
interesting places would
you suggest after your
STANLEY: I approached it
with my own particular
interests. I went to
poetry readings at the
Library of Congress, and
visited many a bookstore. I
did a lot of walking and
riding the public transit -
seeing the exterior of
Washington. It has a nice
urban feel to it. I liked
being in the middle of it
and feeling I was in a
place where things are
happening and decisions are
being made that are affecting
the world. There are a
lot of neat art shows going
on, especially traveling
exhibits in the National
Gallery of Art in the East
Wing. I attended a couple
of political marches,
including the November 12th
demonstration against U.S.
policy in Central America.
you suggest the internship
to others as a valuable
STANLEY: It's a great
opportunity for graduate
students to do research,
especially with the Library
of Congress across the
street. Most of all, I
would suggest to ASU
students to take full
advantage of the App House.
It's not just for groups to
stay, or faculty or
graduates - it's also for
the individual who wants
to partake in the atmosphere
of the Nation's
Capitol. - Babette Munn
The Boone Variety Show,
including performances by
the Boone Mountain Clog-
gers, the Hickory Nut Gap
Band, an assortment of jug-
glers, and even a six year old
guitarist, was a success in
more ways than one. In
addition to providing an
evening of great entertain-
ment and exposure to area
performers, the show held
by the Iota pledge class of
Pi Sigma Epsilon raised
money for the Father Rick's
Home for abused children.
John Swift, president of
the pledge class, said that
they chose the Variety show
for its appeal in the
community of Boone, even
though they knew it would
take a great deal of time
and energy to organize such
an event.
"In the long process,
we have tried to build
our knowledge of sales and
marketing, and at the same
time gain a better view
of the business world,"
said Swift. He added,
"The audience enjoyed the
acts and we collected
over $400.00 to benefit
Father Rick's Home."
- Babette Munn
ASU math professor Mark
tiarris has found a way to
combine his two hobbies:
computers and bicycling.
Harris has figured out a
vay to race his bike
igainst his computer.
Harris started off with
1 simple program that
flashed graphic displays
in his computer. The graphs
showed the desired cadence
:hat Harris wanted to bicycle.
\ year later Harris
:onnected his bike to his
\pple computer. "I'm
actually racing the com-
puter," Harris said. A
:able goes from the computer
to a crank on the
bike. Every time the pedal
turns, the crank "clicks"
and a bike on the computer
screen advances.
Harris has his own bike
set up in a racer-mate
stand with a squirrel cage
attached to the rear wheel
for wind resistance. "This
set up allows you to get
the conditions of a real
bike with no extra expense,"
Harris explained.
He dons his Sony Walkman
and rides. "A slow ballad
is death to my workout."
- Michelle Demnicki
He's interesting. He's
energetic. He's genuine.
Variety in life and career
has put the stamp of
uniqueness on him. He is
Dr. Reginald T. Weber, a
professor of Economics here
at ASU.
Dr. Weber's formal
education record is quite
impressive. He received his
Bachelor of Commerce degree
from LSU and his MBA from
Maryland. He obtained both
degrees while serving in
the United States Army. Dr.
Weber served under General
George S. Patton during
World War II. They collabor-
ated closely in the develop-
ment of tactical training
of tank units.
During the war each was
promoted four times. Weber
retired from the Army as a
Colonel in 1957 after 26
years. Next, he went on to
earn his Ph.D. from New
York University. While at
NYU he was awarded a
Marcus-Nedler Fellowship
as well as a Ford Foundation
Fellowship. He was
also presented with a
special Founders Day Award
upon receiving his degree.
Dr. Weber came to ASU
from Norwich, a military
school in Vermont, in 1968.
At that time, the Department
of Business and Economics
was small and limited
in scope. In order to
expand the program, ASU
needed someone with the
commerce and management
experience of Dr. Weber.
Dr. Weber officially
retired from ASU in 1973
and was called back in 1979.
His current status here
is temporary, but Weber
said he'll stay as long as
he's needed. Dr. Weber was
the Varsity fencing coach
at ASU, and is an avid
skier. A man with the moun-
tains rooted in his life,
Weber said he's happy
in Boone. Appalachian is
proud to have Dr. Reginald
T. Weber on its staff. He's
a man truly dedicated to
teaching. - Cathy Stewart
Dr. Terry Cole is dedicated
to his students and
the forensics team at ASU.
Dr. Cole came to ASU in
1971 and took over the team
in 1973. The team is in its
43rd year and is still
going strong. "This year
the forensics team is 15%
freshmen and the next
couple of years will be
building years," said Dr.
Cole. The team consists of
students from many
departments, including
business, home economics,
political science, and
criminal justice majors.
The team has attended
tournaments in Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Virginia,
Mississippi, Georgia,
Kentucky, Alabama, and the
Dr. Cole said, "this year
we're fielding three CEDA
debate teams." He commented
how the interest in debate
has increased because of
switching from NET to CEDA
debate. CEDA debate is more
of a persuasive delivery,
given more to adaptative
analysis opposed to the
rapid fire technique used
in NET debate.
-Babette Munn
Stereotypical illusions of the brawny
jock and the brainy bookworm are
envious generalizations of an
individual's top traits. Fortunately,
most students find a balance between
muscle mania and scholastic fervor,
The immense, stereotyped 'jock' has
legs the size of a tree trunk and a brain
the size of a peanut. He is uncouth,
vulgar, muscular, sports-minded, unintel-
lectual, macho, full of sports lingo and
trivia, tough, and wouldn't show his face
at a cultural event. A sterotypical jock's
batting average is higher than his G.P.A.
Resentful students who do not give
a flip whether what's-his-name hits the
ball over the centerfield fence argue that
athletes are paid to skip class and nearly
flunk every subject. Why, they're clothed
in expensive Nikes and fancy sweats, and
even fed steaks before every contest!
Those rib eyes are probably paid for with
ASU student fees!
What fosters the illusions of this
brawny pseudo-student? Scholars who
did not mature with a father who
expected them to extend the family
legacy of championship polo players will
today gloat at volleyers or golfers with
learning disabilities, and mock roundball
players who clumsily allow basketballs to
roll between their legs. History buffs who
endured the crip class of the football
coach will doubt the intelligence of any
athlete in cleats, or any professor who
attends lectures with a clipboard in hand
and a whistle around the neck. But this
same sedentary, scoffing population turns
green when a muscled discus thrower
hoists something that was too heavy for
them, and enviously eyes a limber limb
striding past them while they stall in gas
guzzlers at the traffic light.
There is a stereotypical bookworm as
well. Lurking somewhere behind the wire
rim glasses, severe hairstyle, five foot
stack of literature, and intellectual facade
is an envious desire to move, to run with
grace, to be strong. And if there is not the
desire to excel, there is at least envy for
a lithe, firm body.
What faction conjurs the bookworm
stereotype? Those who can't read Tol-
stoy, hate conjugating French infinitives,
and have difficulty with logarithms may
extend their energies to the courts and
field rather than the classroom.
Stereotypes are false, assumptive
generalizations of both envy and respect
for other people's extremes and top traits.
Illusions of the stereotypical jock and
bookworm are figments of jealousy or
ignorant connotations of realities which
other people live; people that didn't grow
up with that same mom and dad that
shaped their attitudes, people who
modeled themselves differently according
to the environment around their learned
The environments of, say, a Pete
Rose are incensed with differently
scented subtle influences than that of a
Carl Sagen. For example, Ralph Sampson
was born with a Wilson basketball in his
palm. His parents had him practicing on
the courts before he was out of diapers.
Suppose your dad comes from a long line
of collegiate lettermen, your mother was
on the shuffleboard team, your granny's
favorite wheelchair pastime is to cheer for
blood and guts boxing, and the family
television is jammed permanently on the
sport network channel. Jimmy the Greek
would stake a wad of cash on the odds
that you were heavily influenced to
participate athletically.
On the other hand, not everyone
matures in a household full of trophies.
If you could read Latin and Shakespeare
before kindergarten, composed symphon-
ies on a toy piano, and worked your first
grade calculus on a computer, you may
prefer the mentally exhausing competi-
tion of a debate team to physically
grueling or violent endeavors.
There are many individuals who
incorporate a lifestyle of athletics and
academics; big league athletes who
perform well for teachers as well as
coaches, and scholars who integrate
relaxing and stimulating sports into their
curriculum. For example, senior tennis
ace Richard Gabriel is evidence against
the stereotypical roles of jocks and
bookworms. Gabriel is a winner on the
courts - he is strong, competitive,
muscled. But he also has a brain. Gabriel,
as a math and computer science major,
has compiled more than tennis wins and
losses. He also has nearly a 4.0 grade
average as a recognized academic All-
What about the campus educators
who perform their teaching duties with
more class after that physical exercise?
Dr. Claire Mamola, an associate professor
in the Secondary Education Department,
finds that her daily theraputic running
helps to prioritize things and put them in
perspective. "Running helps to let the
silliness out," she says. "We have a
tendency to be serious and task oriented.
We feel we have to do something 'right
this minute.' Running helps to bring out
the child-like joy for the sake of activity."
Doubtless, there are some ignorant
oafs who fit the mold of the stereotypical
jock, and some stereotypical bookworms
who study in the library on Saturday
nights. However, the majority of in-
dividuals balance between the two
generalized extremes, incorporating a
lifestyle of both athletics and academics.
Every person, admitting or not, is
somehow involved in sports.
Sports entails more than throwing a
football for a varsity team, starving for
wrestling weigh-ins, or slugging a baseball
bat for major league try-outs. Aerobics,
hiking, fribee, canoeing, pumping iron,
skating, jumping rope, or jogging are
hardly high budget sports, but the
majority of ASU students relieve tension
by lifting a limb or flexing a muscle. And
if a labeled "bookworm" doesn't exercise
physically, he (while the "jock" struggles
with his multiplication tables) at least
fills the stadium stands to cheer, watches
the ballet with reverence, admires a
sprinter's legs, or peeks out the window,
envious, to hiss at the smart aleck jocks
who make so much noise playing.
rfhriiMria i
( M„
Badge of
The gold of ASU's band of
distinction glistens not only from
musical instruments but from the
fabric that the band members don
with pride before each performance.
What is this Black and Gold that the
athletes, cheerleaders, majorettes,
and fans display proudly? The hues
are a badge advocating Mountaineer
Spirit, the identification of one to
the unity of the larger emporium of
personality and mini-society known
as Yosef country.
Sounding Off
The band, cheerleaders, and other organizations voice their support.
One hundred and eighty five uniformed
members of the ASU Athletic Department take
to the turf at each Saturday's football
confrontation in Conrad Stadium. Their
contribution is not points on a scoreboard, but
the "Band of Distinction" is a vital heartbeat
in the pulse of Mountaineer Mania.
After thirteen years as band director, Joe
Phelps clearly defines the role of his musical
entourage. "The marching band contributes
excitement, enthusiasm, and noise at games,"
he said.
The digits on the scoreboard or win-loss
tallies make no difference in the feverish vocal
power, hand clapping, and boisterous support
that the marching unit provides. When ASU is
being run into the ground, the tubas and
trumpets are tuned just as rowdily as when the
Black and Gold is mopping up the opposition.
"In the past when we're not having a winning
season," said Phelps, "if the band hadn't been
there with enthusiasm and excitement, there
wouldn't have been anything."
Packing up instruments and journeying on
road trips is important too. As Phelps stated,
"If any team goes to an away game without
friends (ASU fans), it's a disadvantage." He
stresses that the band acts as supportive fans
when the Apps play on enemy territory.
Although football games are the primary
responsibility for the unit, the musicians
showcase their talent wherever there is sure to
be a big crowd. Pep rallies, basketball games,
Christmas parades, the annual ASU Band
Contest, and other major campus activities are
on the priority list. The band also coordinates
routines with th6 Cheerleaders.
The cheerleading aspect of the spirit fervor
involves more than waving a pompom. The
squad pumps iron to prepare for creative
routines and strenuous stunts in cohorts with
the band. Yosef mascot Todd Hutchinson
sweats profusely under the weight of his new
costume, yet he says, "It's hot but I keep
thinking of how good it looks on the outside,
so it's worth it."
After an athletic duel, sore muscles aren't
the only malady. The cheerleaders scream until
they're hoarse, the musicians blow until they're
blue . . .
WASU, the campus montage of public
service, music, and news, sounds off support
too. Station manager Mike Gore and sports
director Tim Wooten send a "Mack Brown
Show" over the air waves for football fans, as
well as a Tailgate Show previewing each tackle
event occuring on the turf at Conrad Stadium.
Playing time - both the athletes and spirit
organizations rehearse, condition, train and
sacrifice in promotion of the ASU tradition of
sportsmanship and excellence.
The proud performance posture of the ASU Band of Distinction.
Pageantry and excitement fill a memorable day
Kn route to the sweet shoppe, between classes, or
during a study break, ASU scholars fished pencils from
the chaos of wadded paper and crinkled notes in their
backpacks to make a choice. Necks craned, awed viewers
shoved and passersby dropped books; peering over the
crowd to note the objects of the mob's attention - glossy,
smiling photographs of attractive girls.
No, the scenario was not a modeling agency exhibil.
The 8 X lO's were ASU Homecoming representatives.
The ballot box was stuffed with votes for Darlene
Jamerson, and on October 15, 1983 she once again drew
the stares of a few thousand people.
For the junior marketing major, being crowned
during halftime before currently enrolled peers and
visiting alumni is no new experience. Darlene was a
Homecoming Queen for her Asheville alma mater, as well
as an attendent during her sophomore and junior prep
Despite her previous pageantry experience, Darelene
was shocked when her name was announced as ASU's
1983 queen. "I was not expecting it at all," she admitted.
"I was at a total loss. I had only rehearsed how to walk
out behind the winner." Darlene reported that she turned
in bewilderment to her escort, brother Jeff, and breathed,
"Where do I go?"
A nervous Darlene, sponsored by Coltrane Residence
Hall, related her impressions of being honored on the
fifty-yard line. "It was the warmest feeling. This is the
best three years of my life. To know I could represent
what means the most to me is an honor." she confided.
"Appalachian is my life. I love it here, and 1 love the
Darlene expressed gratitude for the most meaningful
honor she's ever received. "I wish that the people who
voted could know how much it meant to m.e," she said.
Darlene has not changed with the weight of a
glittering new crown. "I don't feel different," she claimed.
"It takes more than a title or a crown to change a person.
It takes interaction - loving and learning with other
people - to change."
'Jaws' for a Cause
The band plays the 'Jaws' theme, while football coach Mack Brown
unites the student body and athletics through enthusiasm.
Alvin Parker darts by a defender, digging
into the Conrad Stadium turf to pass the goal
line. The scoreboard digits add six more tallies
as the crowd rises to their feet, waving pom
poms and plastic Appalachian cups. The band's
harmony blows out the ominous notes of the
"Jaws" theme as the cheerleaders mimic
frightening sets of sharks' mouths. A hefty,
dramatic Yosef figure is on the sidelines to
cheer and blast his muzzle loader in defiance
of the opponent. Yosef country sports a new
mascot, a new coach, and renewed spirit.
In his four year tenure as Mountaineer
running back, senior Alvin Parker has noticed
an increase in fan enthusiasm. One reason - new
coach. Mack Brown. "He's pushing the
program," Parker remarked. "It's good to have
the student body behind you."
Mack Brown has been evoking student
support since his arrival here by speaking at
regular Yosef Yells, a midnight tradition before
home contests. He wants students to have the
pride to state a familiar bumper sticker logo,
"I'd just as soon be in Boone." Though Brown
has served in either teaching or coaching
capacities at Vanderbilt, Florida State, South-
ern Mississippi, Memphis State, Iowa State,
and LSU, he doesn't like to see ASU scholars
wear any colors except the Apps' black and gold
"Sometimes I've been in schools where people
say, "I wish I'd have gone to Carolina or I wish
I had gone here." "I want our students to be
proud that they are here," Brown said.
Following a premiere victory at Wake
Forest, Boone mayor Hadley M. Wilson
announced "Mack Brown Day" at the Moun-
taineer's first home contest. The new Yosef was
conveyed by helicopter to Conrad Stadium's
fifty yard line. Downtown, banners were
proclaiming the spirited messages like "Go
Mountaineers," and "Good Luck Mack Attack."
Yet Brown doesn't want this initial spirit to
wane in the future.
It is a paradox, but unfortunately true: The
athletic program needs rowdy fans to improve
their efforts, yet if the teams are not winning,
fans are more quiet. Photographer Mike Hobbs
noted from the sidelines, "Fans enjoy them-
selves as long as we're winning. Last year,
people were pretty down. At the end of the
game, the crowd was moping out of the stands.
This year, the fans are usually pretty worked
up," he observed.
Brown comments, "If something happens
and we lose four in a row, I don't want our
students to change. I don't want them to say,
that bunch isn't any good anymore. What I
want them to do," says Brown, "is build with
us a tradition. At some point we'll have a
program we all can be very proud of."
The fans of the Mountaineers come in all ages and dispositions.
Scaling a mountain, stretching taut muscles
over a barre, hiking a briar-laden path,
or jogging around campus -
many ASU students move a muscle
for fun and fitness, challenge and conquest.
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ASU students and faculty hiit the roads
en route to fun and fitness.
What is the best way for varsity
athletes to stay in shape both during the
season and after? Many of these young
men and women jog. But jogging is not
only for the football or basketball player.
Many ASU students, as well as faculty
and staff members, have a regular
workout in this very popular pastime.
Freshman Lisa Bunn runs approx-
imately two miles a day. Many students
have probably seen her as she jogged past
them near Lovill Hall. As a high school
student, Lisa was involved in many types
of athletics, playing basketball, softball,
and tennis for her high school in
Goldsboro, NC. Although she chose not to
participate in any women's varsity sports
her first year at ASU, Lisa still keeps
active. "I run mostly to keep in shape
now," she said.
Another student, Dave Gilpin, has
other reasons for his running. Dave is very
interested in marathon running and
jogging helps to keep him at a competitive
level. "When I first started running in
1979, my goal was to just finish a race,"
said Dave. "As my endurance improved,
my goal changed to bettering my time."
Dave has competed in 25 ten kilometer
races, 12 five kilometer races, and four
marathons. "When I'm training for
marathons I run anywhere from 60-70
miles a week," he explained. When not
training, he runs approximately five days
a week, covering between 35-40 miles.
Dave describes running as a self chal-
lenge, and he strongly believes that
running is psychologictdly beneficial for a
person. "It gives you an opportunity to
sort out your problems as you improve
your physical fitness," he said. Dave
added that jogging relieves a lot of his
stress and tension, and that after a run
he feels tired but happy.
Graduate student and Resident
Director of Frank Hall, Chester Robinson,
started jogging to build up his legs for
skiing. He began running two miles a day
but since last winter has increased his
distance to five or six miles. Jogging not
only helped prepare Chester for another
sport, but it aided him in losing those
unwanted pounds. "Since I began run-
ning, I've lost 40 pounds," he commented.
Besides getting back into shape, Chester
has accomplished another goal. "I have
managed to decrease my time two
minutes a mile since last February,"
stated Chester.
Professor of Secondary Education,
Dr. Ben Bosworth, has been running ever
since the Boone Roadrunner's Club
invited him to run. "I started running
then because I enjoyed the competition,"
said Dr. Bosworth. "But now my health
is the major reason I jog." Dr. Bosworth
now runs with his wife Kay. Both are over
50 years old but they do not let that slow
them down. "We run probably a min-
imum of three miles on a pretty day,"
stated Dr. Bosworth. "Sometimes we go
to Cone Park and run as much as seven
or eight miles." Mrs. Bosworth became
interested in her husband's running so
much that she decided to try it herself.
"Kay used to watch me run. Then she
started walking along with me. After
awhile, she tried jogging," remembered
Dr. Bosworth. "I was farther along in my
running than she was at the time. As our
times got closer, we began to train
Over in the Student Affairs Office,
Barbara Daye keeps in shape by jogging
30-40 miles a week. "I began to jog to
keep my weight at an acceptable level,"
confided Mrs. Daye. "After awhile I got
hooked on it! It's become part of my life."
Mrs. Daye has competed in many road
races and was involved in sponsoring the
road race held in November to benefit the
General Student Scholarship Fund at
ASU. Mrs. Daye explained that there are
different types of jogging. "The short run
is mostly for speed," she said. Time
improvement and longer distances are the
goal of this type of running. "The longer
run is more aerobic," she added.
So, no matter what the reasons for
jogging may be, it is a sport that has
gained popularity not only with the
varsity athlete on campus, but also for the
average ASU Mountaineer. In a day and
age where almost everyone is concerned
with physical fitness, jogging is a smart
and fun way to get in shape no matter
who you are.
For outdoor enthusiasts,
thie skill is ttie limit.
Outdoor adventure is probably one of
the strongest forces drawing students to
the high country. Whether they enjoy
mountaineering in the surrounding wil-
derness, or just sliding down slick
sidewalks to class, the over-reaching
factor which makes mountain life exciting
is the same: diversity of landscape. From
waterfall pools to mountain peaks, terrain
in the mountains changes as quickly as
the weather, making the Applachians the
adventure arena of the East. Students in
this area are blessed with the opportunity
to enjoy practically every outdoor
adventure sport ever discovered. The
desire to learn the skills of the sport is
the only thing limiting them from infinite
excitement on all levels of the adventure
The subquatic environment forms
the first level of Appalachian adventure.
A simple snorkel mask gives a stream
swimmer a window into a world teaming
with interesting creatures and objects.
Lightning fast trout dart through water-
carved crevices while tiny lobsters crawl
the bottom backwards. For the scuba
skilled, exploring the bottomless waterfall
pools can be as intriguing as a wreck dive
at night. Underwater adventure for Apps
is only a breath away.
On top of the water stands the second
level of mountain amusement. This is the
realm of the boat people who surf the
water's surface. Where water is white,
canoers, rafters, and kayakers may be
found pulling energy from the moving
moguls with every paddle stroke. When
the rapids stiffle into still mountain lakes,
excitement does not settle to the bottom.
With the aid of the wind and a
boardsailing friend, even a landlubber
soon learns to skim across the sparkling
surface at the speed of life. Once one with
his equipment, a sailor is able to surf up
the face of a wind wave, rocketting
himself into the upper levels of the
adventure arena.
Above the liquid level of eastern
excitement lies the remote shelf of the
subterranean, where spelunkers can
experience total isolation in total dark-
ness. This is the land beneath the land
where mother nature exhibits many of her
oldest art works. Hundreds of miles of
ornate passages stand ready to take the
caving enthusiast to the inner recesses of
his curiosity. There the results of man's
misuse of the environment stand out like
writings on the walls. Beside these empty
words, however, slow dripping stalagmites
whisper the simple solution:
Down-shift progression to
speleo-speed and all that
is lost is the lust for
the lead.
Because it is subdivided by snow and
steepness, the ground level of the
Appalachian arena undoubtedly offers
the most adventure possibilities. Packing
remains the purest way to view the
mountains, whether on two feet or two
wheels. The backpacker's reward comes
as sunset when he finds that he has
walked into "the land of his better self."
The more technical terrain of the
ground level provides a habitat for the
southern rock hound. This is a species
whose whole existence is hanging by a
thread - but a strong one. Rock hounds
are able to reach the upper limits of their
excitement level by concentrating on the
task at handhold. Changing into a
climbing canine is easy, but it also
requires changes which take some
patience. The absent mind must move to
the present, and an acquired taste for
quiche must grow into an appetite for
The extreme upper level of the high
country is by no means off limits. With
flexible wings of fabric, the bird man can
"ootlaunch into the friendly skies and soar
vith hawks high above the mountains.
Evolving from earth to air is not advisable
"or the frustrated kamikaze, but once a
evel-hsaded novice has earned his wings,
le will soon learn to sniff out invisible
jubbles of lift which will carry him up
md out of gravity's grasp to a peaceful
jlace known as cloud base. From there,
;he bonafide bird man is free to fly down
luffy streets which will take him over the
imits of the landscape.
Other adventure levels easier to reach
;ertainly exist for Appalachian students.
Blowing Rock hounds are definitely more
;ommon than canine climbers, but why
settle for a hangover in an area chocked
"ull of overhangs? Life in the High
Ilountry allows students to enjoy prac-
tically every adventure activity ever
discovered, not to mention the new sports
vhich will soon be making waves in the
vorld. In the Appalachian adventure
irena, where excitement leaps on every
evel, the skill is the limit.
Have you seen students wearing
t-shirts stenciled with, "Apps Do It With
Their Boots On?" If so, you've seen
members of the Hiking and Outing Club.
Vice President Kim Town says that
most members of the club are curious
freshmen and sophomores who don't
know the area. However, only experienced
leaders are allowed to lead the thrill
seekers on weekend excursions. Hiking to
Grandfather Mountain, trailing through
the Linville Gorge Wilderness, horseback
riding at Seven Devils, rock climbing The
Chimneys, backpacking in the Pisgah
National Forest, and caving the Grind
Staff Cave in Tennessee are just a few
ways to "Get High on a Mountain."
Town stresses that the club cares
about the environment and wilderness
areas. "We clean up places that are
trashed out," she says.
This season. Hiking and Outing Club
members, along with other ASU students,
represented the University in the South-
eastern Intercollegiate Canoe Competi-
tion. The group placed fourth in the event
held on the Catawba River in Morganton.
HIKING AND OUTING CLUB Front Row; Janlne Wiltshire, Timothy Keitt, Pam Wise, Roxanna Smith.
Back Row; Joe Webster, Kim Town, Gary Roberts, Carolyn Ritchie.
For many students, weighit lifting is one
way to meet thieir daily iron requirements.
Senior Maria Paletta, who was once
a professional dancer and turned to
bodybuilding about two years ago, states
that, "Bodybuilding makes me feel good.
It disciplines me." Maria lifts four times
a week. When asked what it has done for
her, Maria says, "I'm much stronger, my
muscles are more defined and I've lost
weight. I see some girls down here using
just the universal, not the free weights.
They say they don't want to build, they
just want to tone. This is a myth. Women
cannot build the same type muscles that
men will." But body-building can help
both men and women look and feel great.
Bodybuilding is unique in itself. It is
different from other sports. One advan-
tage is that you can better your technique
and see improvements much faster than
other sports. There is nothing more
satisfying according to many body-
builders, than to add another ten pounds
to that bar and be able to lift it.
Granted, everyone today wants a
strong body. You feel better in every way
when you know that you are in good
condition. Bodybuilding and weight-
lifting have become extremely popular on
college campuses everywhere, and Ap-
palachian State University is no excep-
tion. Students and faculty can be seen
pumping iron and toning up once flabby
muscles regularly in the weight room
located in Broome Kirk gym.
Bodybuilding is much more than a
sport, it is a way of approaching life's
situations. People who work out in the
gym doing strenuous routines for hours at
a time are special and dedicated in-
dividuals. According to one student, "If
I can do this with my body in the gym,
by overcoming obstacles, I can do this in
life situations by resisting weaknesses in
the same way." The bodybuilders learn to
apply the mental disciplines of the gym
into life's situations.
What's the "in" thing according to
many students around campus this year?
Ask anyone involved in the P.I.T.S. Club
(Pump Iron Training Society) and they'll
tell you it's bodybuilding, powerlifting,
and weightlifting. According to Angle Da
Grosa, an active member of the club,
"Everyone today is involved in sculptur-
ing their bodies."
Members of the PITS Club include
a wide variety of individuals, from serious
lifters, to former athletes, to just about
anyone interested in building up their
There is a $15 fee to be a member
of the PITS Club. The club holds various
contests such as liftathons and bench
press contests.
PUMP IRON TRAINING SOCIETY Front Row; Jack White (President), Angle Da Grosa (Vice President),
Rocco 'Rock' Scarfone (Vice President), Maria Patella (Vice President), Ron Collier (President), Ed
Turner (Advisor). Second Row; Aletha Glass, Helen Ryan, Joe Boitnotte, Rob Nix, Jennifer Wright,
Beth Corum. Third Row; Kent Bumgarner, Danny Brown, Dennis Myers, David Kimball, John Fesperman,
Eddie Baker, Jim Green, Mike Adams. Back Row; Skip Fox, John Adams, John Neblett, Marshall Irby,
Jim Koch, Mark Lane, David Gray.
Whether in dance class or aerobics,
students move it to trim and tone.
When muscles ache to be moved,
students can "shake it" by enrolling in
the Physical Education Department's
dance classes, or by moving to the music
at aerobic sessions held in Broome-Kirk
Dance students do not have to be
professionals to find a place at the barre.
Art major Heather Pilchard finds that her
modern dance class is another art form.
"I enjoy the physical expression of
swaying to the music," she says. "It's nice
to express myself both on paper and
through motion."
The ASU Dance Ensemble is an
extension for students who minor in
dance. Every student who minors in
dance must work on some aspect of the
production that the Ensemble performs.
But, students who are not minoring in
dance can lend a hand. "Not everyone
dances," according to Wendy Fletcher,
who is in charge of putting on the show.
"Each dance is the work of a choreo-
grapher who has taken the dance
composition class we offer here at ASU.
The students who dance are chosen from
the dance classes but do not have to be
dance minors." explained Ms. Fletcher.
She is quick to point out that the
Ensemble is not a club.
One of the Ensemble's choreo-
graphers, graduate student Joan
McLaughlin whose husband works in the
English Department at ASU, has been
dancing with the group for five years.
The Appalachian Cloggers are a
group dedicated to representing ASU
with this unique style of dancing.
According to junior Judy Adams, one of
the students in charge of the group, the
Appalachian Cloggers perform for anyone
who asks them. "We perform on campus
for events such as basketball games, and
when someone out in the surrounding
community wants us to perform for them
we're glad to do it," she explained.
With ASU located in an area with so
much traditional culture, it is good to see
that some university students are inter-
ested in preserving a part of it through
"I'm not dancing this year because I
wanted to be on the other end of making
a dance for a change," explained Mrs.
McLaughlin. "I've taken courses under
Wendy Fletcher for a number of years
and have really developed experience in
dance since I've been here."
Other students also enjoy lifting a
limb at aerobic sessions. Four nights a
week Broome-Kirk Gym looks like the
average neighborhood health spa. The
basketballs are put away and the soccer
nets are pushed aside as room is made for
amplifiers and tape players. Soon after
9:00 pm, music can be heard echoing in
the long corridors of the building. All this
means only one thing: aerobics fever has
hit the ASU campus.
Led by senior Wendy Mackorell and
Sophomore Denise Skroch, 200-300
students pour into the gym to get
physical! "We really enjoy aerobics and
we have a lot of fun doing it," explained ■
The aerobic routines used at these
classes are choreographed by Wendy and
Denise. "Most of the equipment used
belongs to the school but the routines are
ours," said Denise. "Wendy does her
routine one night and I follow her,"
Denise commented. "The next night I do
my routine and Wendy follows me."
Aerobics is good for the body because
it increases the heart rate and improves
respiration. Many people attend the class
because aerobics also helps slim you
Junior Missy Branch says that
aerobics makes her feel good. She is very
dedicated and goes to all four sessions
each week. "I guess you could say I love
to sweat," she said. Missy also runs to
keep in shape. "I run about three miles,
four times a week," she explained.
Cheryl Roberts, a freshman, lifts
weights in the gym before she goes to
aerobics. "I think aerobics is a lot of fun.
It keeps me in real good condition," she
said. Cheryl was very active in high school
and has continued to work out in college.
ASU guys are also involved in the
class. "There are usually a bunch of
wrestlers and baseball players there,"
commented sophomore Erin Levine. Jay
Tyra, a newcomer to the campus this
spring was introduced to the aerobics
class by his roommate, freshman Chris
Lancaster. "I started going to aerobics to
stay in shape. It doesn't bother me that
there are more girls there than guys," said
Jay. "It's really fun."
So if you want to lose those extra
pounds before the beach season rolls
around or you just like to exercise,
aerobics is the thing for you and
Broome-Kirk Gym is THE place to be.
THE APPALACHIAN CLOGGERS Judy Adams, Deanne Wentler, Cindy Stone, Kim Wells, Kim Swing,
Lorie Alexander. Not Pictured: Catherine Perdue.
VARSITY CHEERLEADERS Front row; Vicki Smith, Julie Durham, Alane Boger, Laura Martin, Lucy
Peterson, Melissa Harmon (Captain), Heidi Holder. Back row; Scott Williams, Todd Angel, David
Allgood, Mark Browder, Todd Hutchinson (Yosef), Damon Wright, Perry Lachot (Captain), Pat
MOUNTAINEER BABES Front row; Michelle Wilkins, Gina Melton, Bonnie Poplin, Laura Garner,
Kim Waters, Kim Shorter, Loretta Williams, Brenda McGee. Back row; Lois Grier, Sheila Misher,
Caria Smith, Cheryl Bruton, Beth Wallace, Kathy Coyne, Kathryn MacDonald, Kelley Gravoushi.
% '^3)
YOSEF CLUB Front row; Janet Mohler, Vickie Smith, Julie Durham, Leigh Smith, Sue Swanson,
Ron Collier, Randy Smith, Darlene Galyean. Back row; John Weaver (Yosef Director), Lorraine
Brennan, Perry Lachot, Damon Wright, Todd Hutchinson, Martin Voght, Barbie Anderson.
For devoted Sports Service
Organizations, motivation is
more than noise, it's hard work.
A successful sports program
involves more than athletic
teams. Sports Service Organizations
at ASU such as the cheerleaders,
Appalettes, Mountaineer Babes, and
the Yosef Student Club play a big
role in supporting the athletic
At a football or basketball game,
one group always stands out in the
crowd. The cheerleaders use their
enthusiasm to get the crowd involved
in the game. Their long, hard hours
of practicing sometimes go unnoticed,
but the effort they put forth during
the games is truly appreciated.
Head Cheerleader, Perry Lochot
commented, "I like being involved
and being a motivator of school
spirit. It lets me show my school
spirit and motivate others." Lochot is
a junior from Morganton, N.C.
The Appalettes are another addition
to the sporting events. They provide
the entertainment at halftime during
basketball and soccer games with
dazzling dance routines, and are very
popular with the ASU crowd. The Head
Choreographer is Myra Bigh.
Sandy Cook, a junior from Newton,
N.C., is the president of the
Appalettes. "I love to dance, and
being an Appalette gives me the chance
to perform before people," said Cook.
Another supportive organization
is the Mountaineer Babes. This is a
group of young women who are essential
to the football recruitment program.
They show the ASU campus to new
recruits and their families, and tell
the recruits what ASU has to offer.
The Mountaineer Babes take the
recruits to the football games and
answer any questions they might have.
Kathy Coyne, a senior from
Greensboro, N.C., is the president.
"I enjoy meeting people and telling
them about ASU," said Coyne. "It's
rewarding when the recruit you were
assigned to chooses to go to ASU."
The 30 member Yosef Student Club,
promoter of ASU athletics, had its
largest membership this past year.
They have fund raisers and give the
coaches dinners throughout the year.
They sponsor a jogathon every spring;
their support is very noticeable in
the projects they do.
Darlene Galyean, a senior from
Winston Salem, is the president of
the Yosef Student Club. "You get to
know how the athletic department is
run and get to meet people all the
time," she reported. "You get to deal
with people in the community and
promote ASU."
The Sports Service Organizations
are assets to the athletic program.
They promote ASU in a positive way
and have a good time in doing so.
APPALETTES Front Row; Cindy Chiperfield, Dana Gibson, Julie Johnston, Debbie Moss (Assistant
Choreographer), Debbie Parrish, Debbie Poindexter, Paige Raby, Myra Digh (Choreographer),
Donna Anderson, Sherri Williams, Terri Sidden, Sandy Cook (President), Toni Logan.
MAJORETTES Front Row; Veronica Ellison, Shari
Harrison. Second Row; Karen Kiker, Leslye Lassiter.
Back Row; Myra Hampton (Head Majorette), Krispin
BLACK AND GOLD CHEERLEADERS Front Row; Kevin Ahlstrom, Lori Lewallen, Rick Rhyne, Robin
Hinson, Willie Clark, Pam Thompson, Eddie Zegarra, Lisa Morehead, Scott Harris, Carol Hunt.
INTRAMURAL COUNCIL Front Row; Lori Kuchenbecker (Secretary), Beth INTRAMURAL STAFF Front Row; Holly Jeffus, Terry Bettinger,
Bell, Joan Duncan, Lisa Brooks, SherrI Stocks. Back Row; Donald Parsons Debbie Bolton, Candis Loy, Susan Rumpf, Irene Bass. Back Row;
(President), Kim Dickinson, David Coggins (Advisor), Jim Frydl, Robyn Jim Avant, Tony Dunean, Mike Bennett, David Coggins, Lowell
Brackett, Lowell Furman, Jr. (Graduate Advisor). Not Pictured; Kevin Furman.
Clements (Vice President), Jane Lawrence, Lisa Walington, Randy
Thetford, Rob McNeil.
Tough Competition
Intramural athletes give 100%
in their quest for the ultimate
goal • the championship T-shirt.
Intramural athletics is not to be taken
lightly at Appalachian State. From flag
football to Softball, each sport has its
prearranged participants who go at it on
their respective playing fields. This is not
just for the thrill of victory or for the fun
of it, but to defeat all opponents and
capture the ultimate prize, the all impor-
tant intramural championship T-shirt.
There seems to be a sense of pride in
owning at least one championship T-shirt
for any intramural athlete. Of course the
games are fun and provide much enjoy-
ment, but the quest in each athlete's mind
is to make the championship for a chance
at the bragging rights and a T-shirt.
Beginning with the team sports of flag
football, soccer, volleyball, European team
handball, basketball, swimming, bowling,
and Softball to the individual sports of
cross-country, tennis, wrestling, horseshoes,
one-on-one basketball, and racketball to
name a few, each sport has its rivalries and
predicted winners. The divisions include
independent, resident hall, and the frater-
nity/sorority teams. Some of these rivalries
become fierce as they develop over the
years. For two rivals to meet in a
championship of an event could be an affair
to bring the beloved Varsity Gymnasium
down to the ground. This is because as
many as 300 spectators have shown up for
a championship final in an intramural
event. Did these 300 people show up to
watch an extra-curricular activity that's
supposedly just for FUN?
The name chosen for a particular team
is also a very important feature in
intramurals. Each team tries to psyche their
opponent out by coming up with a strategic
nickname. A team can't have a normal
nickname like the Bears, The Tigers, The
Lions, or The Indians; research and
creativity are needed. Each team spends
time and money on expensive uniform
designs to go with such names as Cosmoszy
Dae, Hosiery Unlimited, The Defibulaters,
The Buzzard Patrol, GSOL (meaning un-
known). The High Lifes, Culture Shock,
The Budheads, and the Clones, just to
name a few.
The ex-high school athletes who
continue to play their favorite sports for
challenge, excitement, and fun take their
respective games seriously. To see a player
dive for a loose basketball, dive to keep a
volleyball in play, or to raise a fist in victory
after a game is proof enough. Hard work
and determination are present in every
athlete as they strive for the ultimate goal,
an intramural championship T-shirt.
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Middle Hitters
Kappa Sigs
Flag Football
Kappa Sigs
European Team
Sig Ep's
Chuck Vance
Tennis Singles
Mike Adams
Kenneth Greeson
Tennis Doubles
Kent Doobrow/
Peter Weber/
Scott Powell
Bobby Spurrier
Cross Country
Brent Cochran
Team Winner:
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Dirty Dozen
Sigma Nu
Open Racquetball
Eric Gentry
Mike Adams
Racquetball Singles:
"A" Division
Mike Adams
Eric Gentry
"B" Division
Stampley Walden
Bryon Olsen
One On One
6'1" Over
Scott Myrick
Darren Anderson
6" Under
Johnnie Moore
Malcolm Sanders
Basketball Free Throw/
Billy Bledso
Neil Medlin
High Lifes
Flag Football
Secretaries of
Chi Omega
Little Rascals
Secretaries of
Alyson Nussear
Tennis Singles
Kelly Ross
Tennis Doubles
Laura Wachtel/
Mandy Coble/
Wendy Burton
Kim Glass
Racquetball Singles
"A" Division
Claire Olander
Telfair Bowen
"B" Division
Pam Moss
Emily Myrick
Basketball Free Throw
Kim Glass
Pat Poole
Turkey Trot:
Men's Team
Women's Team
Beth Corum
Faye's Gang
The Other Big Apple
Road Race:
Track Team
Chi-0 Chruch #1
Mixed Doubles
Telfair Bowen/
Jane Foody/
Clay Harless
Mark Hodges
Tennis Mixed
Ann Crabtree/
Mandy Coble/
Chris Leonard
Richard Whitehead
Tw/o On Two
Malcolm Sanders/
Lowder/ Krejci
Gail Moody
Handball Singles
Ruth Drechsler
Chris Reed
Whether a flip of the disc, a race down the
slopes, or a dash for the goal line - frisbee,
ski, football and rugby enthusiasts
to make a game of it.
The ultimate Nomads dive for \he frisbee on
a "training field" about half the size of a
football turf • a weathered patch of grass
tagged "The Mall". Rugby scrummers rought it
on State Farm Field, site of festive
dormitory pig pickings. The Ski Team races
down inclines on Beech f^ountain, and padded
club football linemen and backs dominate
their league at Conrad Stadium. The playing
fields and classification differ, but club
athletes do share the same sacrifice, sweat,
and enjoyment of varsity stars.
ASU CLUB FOOTBALL Front Row; Mark Goode, Dan Vogel, Norman Ford, Gary Leach, Jim Jones,
Brian Garner, Jay Hudgins, Keith Leitner, Second Row; Greg Rogers, John Crabtree, Jim Brannon,
Jack Kasell, Jeff Chrisman, Dow Carter, Ron Dahart, Ricky Hedden. Third Row; Scott Gardner, John
Neblett, Todd Stout, Steve Potak, Donald Price, Paul Morgan, Felix Beasley, Eric Vernon. Fourth Row;
Donald Briders, David Golding, Kevin Clements, Daren Ashley, David Lamm, Jeff Venrick, Steve
Genator (Asst. Coach, Tudd Dean (Head Coach). Fifth Row; Lee Richardson, Bruce Green.
A third consecutive state
crown eluded ASU's Club
Football team by three points.
The glory slipped from their grasp.
The Appalachian State Club Football
team slid into a 9-6 defeat versus Duke
in a soaked Conrad Stadium to fall three
points shy of a third consecutive state
ASU went undefeated in league play
this year. Over the past three years, the
club has dominated the league and has
achieved an impressive record of 27 wins
against only 5 losses. The squad is one of
Appalachian State's few consistent win-
Offensively, the team was led by
quarterback Paul Morgan. An excellent
passer who has an array of receivers at his
disposal, Morgan's primary targets over
the years have been tight end Jim
Brannon and flanker Ricky Hedden, but
newcomers Gary Leach and Jeff Chris-
mon also became receiving threats this
year. On the ground, the clubbers were a
perpetual powerhouse. Donald Bridgers,
perhaps the finest all-around back in the
league, was complimented this year by
newcomer standout Mark Goode. Fresh-
man halfback David Lamm also worked
into the Apps strong running attack.
Defensively, ASU consistantly ranks
as the best in the league. Captain
linebacker Dan Voge! led the clubber's
defense along with fellow linebackers
Jack Kasell and John Hampton. Jeff
Venrick and David Golding headed up
the App's secondary while the defensive
line was sparked by veteran Felix Beasley
and newcomer John Neblett.
Appalachian State's club football
team was 3 points away from becoming
the only team in the school's history to
claim three consecutive state champion-
ships. The team is obviously quite proud
of this. More important than winning to
these guys, however, are the friendships]
they develop. Playing club ball gives!
players a chance to meet people and have]
a good time. This is what ASU club'
football is all about, and this is what the
players ultimately gain in the end.
Championships are won each year, but
friendships last forever. The members of
ASU's club football team are definitely!
winners, but more importantly, they are]
This type of football is physically punishing and violent, but surprisingly graceful.
/rug'be/: a kind of football, a
forerunner of the American game, first
played at Rugby school: is played with an
oval ball by teams of fifteen players each
and in which play is continuous; kicking,
dribbling, lateral passing, tackling and
the scrum are featured, and interference
and obstruction are not permitted.
/el*e*gant/: characterized by refined
grace or dignified propriety especially in
appearance or manner: tastefully correct
or refined.
/vi*e*lens/: exertion of any physical
force so as to injure or abuse.
Rugby is violent indeed; being both
extremely fast paced and physically
punishing. The elegant aspect of the game
is not readily apparent to those seeing it
for the first time but is there nonetheless.
Once the basic rules and strategies are
understood the game undergoes a trans-
formation. What once seemed chaotic
becomes more orderly, the grace and skill
inherent in the game become more
pronounced; and at last elegance is
Here at Appalachian, rugby is not as
refined as it is in other parts of the world
RUGBY TEAM Front Row; Charlie Magruder. Second Row; Joseph Poletti, Mark Miller, Lance Smith,
Martin Banish, Mike Penner, Bruce Grant, Kelly Welcsh, Ed Woodall, Dave Holley. Back Row; John
Wood, Mark Fisher, Bill Kirkland, Jeff Saunders, Chuck Long, Scott Poole, Bill Roll, Jeff McGalliard,
Mark Wagoner, Joe Melton, Canter Martin, Bucky Hinson, David Smith.
but some things remain the same. You
must be in good condition, enjoy rough
physical contact, and most important of
all, enjoy the camaraderie that is an
essential part of the game.
Camaraderie is stressed because it is
the social aspect of rugby that makes it
different from other team sports. At the
end of the match both sides cheer their
opponents in a tribute to good play and
sportsmanship. After the games are over
the home team throws a party for the
visitors, and for those who have never
been to a rugby party, it is definitely an
experience you'll never forget. This also
serves as a chance for the team that lost
the game to win the party.
The Appalachian Rugby Football
Club was formed in 1976 and has been
playing a spring and fall schedule every
year since. On every match date there are
two games; an "A" side for the more
experienced players and a "B" side match
for those with less experience. The Fall
'83 season began well for the "A" side and
for a time it seemed they would be the
N.C. Collegiate Champs. However, several
defeats toward the end of the season
proved to be their undoing, and they
finished the season with only a 4-4 record.
The Killer "B's"; on the other hand
played well all season and finished 6-1.
Disc fever threw some frisbee enthusiasts
to form ASU's first club frisbee squad.
The growing sport of Ultimate
Frisbee finally took root at ASU this year
with the formation of a club frisbee team
named the Alien Mountain Nomads. The
team consists mainly of those frisbee
enthusiasts who pervade Sanford Mall on
almost any warm day. The team members
are from all different backgrounds but
have one common interest: throwing a
plastic disc.
In their first season, this diverse
group of frisbee players had no coach and
no organized practices, just a love for the
sport and unpolished talent. However,
following the initiative of Dean Forbis,
they banded together into a team with
enough depth and talent to wrap up the
season undefeated.
The success of the Nomad's first
season was largely due to their superior
depth and cohesiveness. Each team
member was a strong competitor, thus
substitutions were frequent. This gave the
Nomad's a vital edge in the physically
demanding sport of Ultimate Frisbee.
Furthermore, the cohesiveness enabled
them to work together effectively with
any combination of players. Both the
depth and cohesiveness of the Nomads
are a result of the many pick up games
the players played on Sanford Mall.
The Alien Mountain Nomads played
four experienced teams during their first
season, playing all games on the road. The
first match was against UNCC. Never
having played together against another
team, the Nomads were unsure of their
ability as a unit. However, after winning
the first game 11 to 8, the Nomads gained
confidence and devastated UNCC 11 to
2 in the second game, thus winning the
The next three matches were played
at NC State where a two day tournament
was held. The teams included ASU, NC
State, Wake Forest, and East Carolina.
The Nomads tied the first match with
East Carolina on day one of the
tournament by winning the first game 12
to 5 and falling behind 13 to 14 in the
second. The second day of the tour-
nament proved to be more successful for
the Nomads as they punished NC State
11 to 6 and defeated Wake Forest 11 to
Although the season was short, it was
exciting. The thrill of 40 yard touchdown
passes and quick turnovers kept the
adrenalin flowing, and the extra effort of
a diving catch was well worth it in the end
because ASU's Ultimate Frisbee team.
The Alien Mountain Nomads, are win-
For the ASU Ski Team, competition is a
struggle withiout a university push.
members of the organization who enjoy
racing. The team receives no finances, no
transportation vehicles for away meets in
Virginia and Tennessee, and no preferred
scheduling of classes for racers who
practice three afternoons a week at Beech
For the ASU Ski Team, things are
not all downhill. The team has won six
conference championships in the last
seven years, sending two teams to the
National Championships - without the
support of the university.
ASU recognizes only the Ski Club,
considering the competitive team as
Mountain. Yet, the National Collegiate
Ski Association considers the racers a
University team, setting eligibility stand-
ards such as grade point average
requirements. Rich Little, president of
the Ski Club and a competitive racer,
says, "The team should be a University
sport like basketball and football, and at
the very least the team deserves some
help from the school."
With or without support. Ski Team
advocates insist that the ASU slope legacy
will still survive. "We will continue to live
through the members' hard work and
financial help from the business commun-
ity," Little attests.
Last season, both the men's and
women's teams qualified for the Nation-
als in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire.
The racers hope to make the trip again;
this time to Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
The skiers also pursue the goal of their
seventh Southern Conference Champion-
ship. One major long range hope: a little
push down the slopes from ASU.
ASU SKI TEAM Front Row; Curtis Herring, Scott Boutilier (coach), Greg Ciener, Tod Mullis, Kevin Kaiper.
Second Row; Mark Miller, Scott Powell, William Pruitt, Christy Leibfried, Tasse Alexander, Dean Forbis,
Earl Loser. Back Row; Dale Spencer, John Holder, Rich Little (captain), Dean Perna. Not Pictured; Tina
Bradshaw, Caron Owen, Laura Gray, John Slaughter.
i X
, -l^'
What's the best training
shoe for a spring athlete?
For IVIountaineers, a
snowshoe. Before Boone,
spring sports was striding
around a cinder track
catching those first rays,
watching the cracl< of the
bat under a shady visor, or
lobbing a tennis ball over
the net with a sunny §lace
squinting your eyes. But as
every athlete in black and
gold knows, a Mountaineer
spring is no ordinary 'fun in
the sun'. Sometimes the
toughest opponent is
Mother Nc
sweatsuit ^^^^^^Jj^- ,M
# ^ #^
Mountaineer pitcher Kevin
Simmons, caught during his
defivery from the mound by Mike
Sparl(s in a triple exposure
"Improving our win-loss
record by at least ten wins
is a very realistic goal." -
Coach Toni Wyott
With the painful memories of last year's
mediocre season still firm in her mind, head
Softball Coach Toni Wyatt looks to the new
season to try and improve on last year's
performances and record. The outlook for this
season is once again an optimistic one and the
players, fans, and coaches are certainly
prepared to experience the "thrills" of victory
this season.
The 1983-'84 squad returns some very
experienced players, with five seniors, includ-
ing standout third baseman Sandy O'Loughlin
and first baseman Ashley Atkins. This fall's
tryouts and practices have continued to provide
reason for an optimistic outlook. With talented
walk-ons vying for playing time and creating
a new level of competitiveness, the overall
attitude around the diamond is much improved
over the attitude of a year ago.
If the Lady Apps can avoid the problems
that plagued them last season, "improving our
win-loss record by at least ten wins is a very
realistic goal," says Coach Wyatt. "The club
needs to stay away from the cancellations,
injuries, and bad weather." With so many
indications pointing to a successful campaign,
it seems almost impossible for the breaks not
to go the Lady Apps' way this year.
Struggling through
sloppy weather,
injuries and a lack of
depth, '83 teams
louring the 1982-83 softball cam-
paign, optimism was the prediction and
disappointment was the result. It is
always an added pressure to a team's
goals to have an optimistic prediction
to try and uphold, and last season for
the Lady Apps softballers was no
Last year, the Lady Apps accom-
plished what would have been a
successful record for many teams: an
even record matching 18 wins against 18
losses. The list of reasons why the Apps'
record remained only even is an easy
one to compile; last year was a
transition year, there were many
inexperienced players in the lineup
playing every day, and above all,!
weather in the Appalachian region was'
typically severe. It was detrimental in
the sense that practices were cancelled
more often, games were frequently
offset, and athletes were more vulner-
able to injuries. Because of these three
major reasons, along with other intangi-
ble factors, last year's season was not
one to stand out in the record books.
From all things something can be
learned. Coach Toni Wyatt's squad
certainly learned much from the
experiences of a year ago. Having
gained valuable experience, the team as
a unit came together and peaked
towards the latter days of the season.
Adjusting to the various elements
experienced along with the Mountain-
eer's lifestyle determined many facets
of the 1983 - 84 team - facets such as
team leadership, defensive stalwarts,
and offensive firepower.
The time for reflection is now past
for the Lady Apps. With so many
positive signs in store for this year's
campaign. Coach Wyatt will try once
again, with better success no doubt, to
fulfill the potential that her team once
again possesses.
Coach Toni Wyatt attentively watches her
players' progress.
L ooking back on the 1982-'83 base-
ball season, a season with many ups
and downs, injuries to key players, and
an untimely losing streak, one would
expect to be pleased with a 33 win
season. Mountaineer baseball coach Jim
Morris is more than pleased with his
squad and their performance of a year
Morris, now entering his eleventh
year at the helm for the Mountaineers,
feels good about last season's success
mainly because the team overcame
many early obstacles. Obstacles such as
three ASU players giving up their final
season of eligibility to play professional
baseball, the team getting off to a slow
start (1-7 in the league standings), and
being forced to use young players in key
positions early in the season, were over
come by Coach Morris and his young
Mountaineer squad. By season's end,
Morris had utilized these obstacles to
his advantage, winning 17 out of 18
games and moving his team back into
respectability in the league standings
(tied for fourth place).
Last season's 33 and 14 mark was
accomplished mainly because of the
transitions that were forced on the
Mountaineers and their long range
effects on the club. First of all, the
pitching staff was reduced to an all
freshman and sophomore rotation that
finished with a respectable 3.20 earned
run average. Secondly, the young team
made defense their hallmark becoming
especially strong up the middle with
Tom Sans at second base, Rusty
Weaver at shortstop, and experienced
senior Ron Vincent playing centerfield.
Finally, the Mountaineers returned
some key starters at crucial positions
such as first baseman Kim Arey,
outfielder Robbie Peele, and lefthanded
hurler Russ Warfield, that came
through continously during the cam-
paign and provided the leadership and
performances necessary to insure the
Apps their third 30 win season in as
many years.
Coach Morris most certainly can be
proud of his 1982-83 squad's accom-
plishments both on the field and in the
record books, but he is careful not to
get caught up in looking at the past.
The new season is upon us and once
again it is time for Coach Morris to do
what it takes to accomplish another
successful Mountaineer baseball cam-
Overcoming the obstacles of
inexperience and injuries, ASU's
baseball and softball squads
compiled respectable records. At
top left, pitcher Lori Treiber sets
aim for a strike; while below,
Mary Marrett connects for a base
hit against the visiting Milligan
team. Near left, shortstop Rusty
Weaver makes the put-out at
second base. Above, the
Mountaineer dugout lends support
and expresses concern.
The new divisional play
format includes six more
conference games and a
year-end tournament.
In collegiate baseball, following a 30 win
season is no easy task. It is one, however, that
the Apps will be trying to accomplish for the
third consecutive year. This year's prospectus
is especially tough, for the Mountaineers are
facing new divisional play format in the
conference, and they are heavily laden with
first year players. The keys to Mountaineer
success will be adjusting to the new conference
format, getting the team leadership from this
year's seniors, and scoring runs to compliment
an accomplished defense and pitching staff.
The unique dimension of the 1983-84
squad is that the seniors have plenty of
thirty-win experience. In fact, they have known
nothing else. They include: Rusty Weaver,
Dave Keene, Russ Warfield, Rich Bosley, Joe
Mengele, and Jeff Sosebee.
■The pitching staff returns intact with
everyone healthy, and must remain so in order
to repeat last year's impressive stats. Pete
Hardee and Kevin Simmons led the pitching
corps in innings pitched last year and will be
looked to for more of the same dependability.
This season will be a new one of sorts in
the Southern Conference. It will feature a new
divisional play format that will provide for six
more conference games and a year-end
conference tournament. This will also mean
that many teams will have to play three
conference games in a given weekend.
In order for this year's campaign to be a
successful one, the team will have to improve
on strong defensive and pitching units, stay
healthy, score runs and win close games. The
team should improve but because of youth,
divisional play, and a tougher schedule, the
Mountaineers will need to continue in their
successful ways of recent years past to achieve
records comparable to those of the last three
Third baseman Mark Hodges connects for a
base-hit, working toward his .285 average.
THE 1984
Despite "defaults" of losing
top swingers, the Lady Apps
are set to bounce back
with a new coach.
"The girls have their work cut out for
So conceded Coach Louis Meehan of the
1984 women's tennis team.
Competition served the fall volley program
three losses, but the Lady Apps hope to return
the favor to tough opposition this spring. As
Meehan says, "It will be a challenge" without
the competitiveness of the top two players,
MVP Susan McDanald and Francie Robison,
who was undefeated through seven matches
last fall.
"I don't care who you bring in," said
Meehan. "Those girls are hard to replace."
Fortunately, ASU will have the backhand
and leadership of junior Jane Foody, who was
an asset at the net last season.
Depth is one key to success, since some
recruits in the line-up are green to college
competition. Lisa Barbee of Durham, NC is one
freshman who will improve with more
exposure. "She's a very conscientious kid,"
Meehan said. "She gets real upset when she
Since Meehan left in January after a one
and a half year tenure as head coach of the
Lady Netters, he will not see the results of a
young team that has lost its top two volleyers.
Melissa Miller has added the women's tennis
squad to her duties as field hockey coach. A
former ASU tennis player, the 1980 graduate
contributes her knowledge of exercise
physiology and competitiveness to reign as
head mentor.
Miller hardly inherits a weak squad. As
Meehan says of the 1984 number one singles
player Jane Foody, "She's really clutch." Of
returnees Laura Pilegge and Lee Chaiken, he
adds, "I know what they can do, and they're
going to win."
Grimacing at the net is Lee Chaiken as she
returns a volley.
Clockwise from top above, Laura
Pilegge works hard in a practice
session; Ready to serve a point,
Melanie Riley concentrates on
form; Bob Allsbrook crouches low
to return a shot; Robbie Lowe
reaches high; Laura Gray
practices her strokes.
The men's season
served up in their
favor, but the
women lost some
nail biters.
It was a first in the history of ASU
Black and Gold.
The men's tennis squad, with a 21-10
win-loss statistic for 1983, was victor-
ious in over 20 matches for the second
consecutive year.
As a sophomore, Frank Caruso's hard
hitting strategy won nearly twenty
singles contests and MVP recognition.
The Coral Springs, Florida native
compiled the best record on a team
whose basis of success was not in-
dividual numbers, but a group concept.
The Mountaineers swung together to
best all Southern Conference foes
except the top two teams in the league,
Furman and UT-Chattanooga. High-
lights of the season included nail biting
victories against Davidson and Jackson-
ville University by narrow 5-4 margins.
Seniors Bob Allsbrook, Butch Dunn,
and Fred Pfuhl helped lend leadership
as well as racquets to the team concept.
All three veterans were examples of
quickness and consistency.
Southpaw Richard Gabriel was win-
ner both on the tennis court and in the
classroom, compiling a 16-7 number
four seed singles record and nearly a 4.0
grade point average as a math and
computer science major. He was one of
19 national recipients of a Division I
Scholar-Athlete Award.
Head Coach Bob Light said of his
athletes, "It was a team that picked
each other up at opportune times."
I o Coach Louis Meehan, the 1983
women's tennis squad was better than
their 15-12 record indicates. "We lost
many close matches," he admitted.
"That may reflect on my being a first
year coach, but we had a talented
Case in point: MVP Susan McDan-
ald, a tough serving southpaw. A
talented overall athlete with a strong
arm, McDanald combined technical
skill with competitive drive to oust
Francie Robison, a hustling baseline
player, was an undefeated volleyer
during the 1983 fall schedule. "A lot of
matches could have gone either way. It's
just who wanted it," the determined
netter noted.
Though Melanie Riley's 1983 win-loss
record was not as successful as she
hoped, the Georgia native was an asset
to the squad in her competitive tennis
debut. A former record-holder in the
water, Riley took to the courts when the
ASU swimming program drowned.
Meehan said, "The tough swim work-
outs have had a carry over effect. She
was a positive effect on the team and
knows how to win."
Meehan said of his first coaching
year, "We were very close to winning 20
matches." The Lady Apps slammed
Jacksonville University on a Florida
road trip, and netted victories versus
such racquet powers as Furman and
Tennessee State University.
Former winning basketball
coach Bob Light is not
raising a racquet.
Who is the most winning basketball coach
in ASU history?
Fifteen year roundball Coach Bob Light is
still coaching, but not inside the gymnasium.
In his eighth season as the helm for men's
tennis, the racquet professional has already
established a record standard in the tennis logs:
two consecutive 20-victory seasons.
How about a third? Five of last spring's
top six return to make another 20-win spring
a probability.
1983 MVP Frank Caruso, now a junior,
utilized hard hitting consistency to compile
nearly 20 wins last season. The team's best
overhead hitter is senior Robbie Lowe, who will
add leadership and an awesome forehand.
Richard Gabriel is another senior. A left-
hander, Gabriel is noted for his steady baseline
Add sophomores Laneal Vaughn, (a pro at
his two-handed backhand), Ben Terrell from
Charlotte, Florida native Gary Longo, and
Canadian Rob Bentley for depth. Two
newcomers should lend a talent to the veteran
nucleus - freshman Rusty Woy of Shelby and
Dave Siddens, a Lees McCrae transfer.
Though Bob Light has had a stellar
coaching career thus far, his goals for his 1984
Mountaineer men are modest. "We want to do
as well as we can each time we play," he said.
1983 MVP Frank Caruso practices his
With top-notch recruits and
hardy veterans, ASU's
women will outdistance and
outrace opponents,
The ASU women's track and field squad
will throw longer, jump further, and run faster
than rival opponents. Coach John Weaver has
added blue chip recruits to the ranks of a
developing Southeast powerhouse.
Sandra Ford, who has filled the record
books with school standards since 1979 when
ASU women's track was merely a club team,
will be missed. But she is the only loss to a
team that has acquired talented recruits such
as Florida freshman Meg Warren.
Warren can hurl the javelin 158 feet, only
two feet short of NCAA qualification. She will
be an immediate asset since no Lady App has
sailed the javelin further than 100 feet since
1980. Also hoisting points in the weight events
will be Denise Cornwell, a veteran shot-put
Sprints will be a stronghold for the 1984
squad, since last spring's most valuable athlete
and leading point scorer Priscilla Coleman
returns, along with record-holding relay
partners Christy Hunter and Sharon Suggs.
Freshman LuAnn Wynn of Charlotte will also
add speed.
Coach Weaver has nabbed two hurdlers:
Tracey Easter, one of North Carolina's finest
in 13.9 for 100 meters, and Bobbi Puckett,
Virginia's state champion. However, Weaver
admits that the intermediate hurdles, along
with the long jump, may be ASU's weakest
After hobbling on the sidelines with a sore
knee, senior Donna Kozlowski is training for a
comeback in her 800 meter event. In 1982,
Kozlowski broke the tape in 2:15.6 for an ASU
record. Also in long distance events, recruit
Cindy Little, who finished second in North
Carohna's state cross country meet, will help
junior Lisa Mitchell of New Jersey keep the
Weaver recognizes that his experienced
record holders, fortified with top new talent,
form a squad that is sure to improve the quality
of performances for 1984.
In full stride, 1500 meter runner Denise
Coholich runs to a new ASU school standard.
Men's Track and
Field vie for number
one, while the
women overcome
mother nature.
La ast spring when Coach Bob Pollock
wore VMFs red and gold to workouts,
his track and field squad knew he
wanted revenge in his athletes. Pollock
wanted VMI. By the end of the
afternoon, the team would be ready to
kick their blistered feet up and rest
from exhaustion.
It was not enough that his men
defeated UNC by a 98 point margin,
that they claimed their third consecu-
tive Davidson Relays crown, or even
that his athletes had rewritten the
record books. The Southern Conference
Championship that had eluded his
Mountaineers by a slight three tallies to
VMI the season before had left
Pollock's co-captain Bobby Wilhoit
vengeful too. "Last year was a hard loss
to swallow," the Greensboro native said.
"We should go into the meet (Southern
Conference Championship) with the
realization that the guy in front of you
could be the difference between confer-
ence champs and second place."
But in 1983, the difference between
ASU's second place and VMFs fifth
championship was 22 points.
A frustrated Pollock stated, "We
have been bridesmaids for four out of
the last five years. It is time to win the
darn thing." ^
Though the team did not bring
home a championship trophy, David
Carter, who has not been home to
Barbados since he began striding for
the Apps three years ago, compiled 22 V2
points, including a Southern Confer-
ence Track Record in the 400 meter
In the distance events, Bobby
Wilhoit leaped through eight laps of
barriers and water jumps to claim
conference honors in the 3000 meter
Four-time triple jump champ
Robbie Mosley's last meet just so
happened to be his fourth NCAA
Championship appearance, where he
finished ninth in the nation.
I or John Weaver's 1983 Women's
Track and Field, mother nature was the
toughest adversary. Still, the Lady
Apps slopped through muddy jump
pits, splashed in puddles of rain, and
sprinted down slippery track surfaces
with soaking clothes to shatter 14 ASU
All Time Performance records.
Coach Weaver spoke of the frigid
cold and driving rain that was hardly
conducive to record-setting standards.
"Quality and class rise to the top," he
praised his athletes. "I didn't hear
complaints from our girls. The weather
was uncomfortable, but they sucked it
in and performed."
One top performer who easily
handled the weather was Priscilla
Coleman. The speedy sprinter's legs
could move just as fast in warm tights
as she set ASU records in both the 100
and 200 meter spurts, missing NCAA
qualification in the 200 meter distance
by two tenths of a second. She also
helped teammates Sandra Ford, Christy
Hunter, and Sharon Suggs blaze to a
new 400 meter relay record. Ford is the
fastest quarter mile woman to ever lace
track shoes for ASU, and Suggs owns
the 100 meter hurdles record. Hunter
may not be tall, but she can stride,
ranking second on the All Time list
behind Coleman in both short sprints.
Lisa Mitchell of New Jersey is the
ASU's '83 track and field teams
set a record breaking pace against
tough competition. At far left,
Steve Jeck prepares for his shot-
put event. Near left, Chuck Mack
floats seven feet to clear the high
jump bar. Above, Coach Pollock
helps Lisa Mitchell pick up the pace.
best Mountaineer distance runner ever,
so training up to eighty miles a week
has paid off, since Mitchell claims
records in all three distance events.
Denise Coholich and Tammy Sawyer
are small but strong middle distance
record-holding specialists, and Denise
Cornwell can hurl the shot-put three
feet further than any girl ever wearing
the black and gold of ASU.
Teamwise, the squad defeated
UNC, captured their second consecu-
tive Davidson Relays crown, dominated
the ASU Track Classic, and fought to
a first place tie at the James Madison
Open. Hopefully, the Lady Apps will
outdistance all foes slated for the 1984
schedule - weather included.
In their run for the roses, the
ASU men's track and field
squad must be wary of all
competition in quest of
Southern Conference gold.
Bob Pollock, who has compiled a 44-7
win-loss statistic in his decade as head track
and field coach, admits his flaws. "Maybe I've
made the mistake of pointing a finger, saying,
'that is the team to beat,' " he said. But as he
notes, "Other teams can be the thorn in your
side. At the Southern Conference Champion-
ship Meet, we've got to beat every darn school
The key - a consistent, total effort from
both seasoned veterans and highly touted
Flukey Herndon and Mike Rigsbee are the
two best ASU 100 meter dash men of all time.
The pair, who also share 400 and 800 meter
relay records with Dave Carter, along with
freshman recruit Richard Gwyn, should help
compile points. Herdon's fall conditioning
program was serving as a receiver for Mack
Brown's 1983 football campaign. Carter, who
can cover one lap around the track in a little
over 46 seconds, narrowly missed qualifying for
the NCAA Championship meet in the 1983
Mike Brooks and Steve Jeck will add
weight to the field events. Brooks, a former
Southern Conference discus champion, finished
in the top three in both the discus and the
hammer all last spring and returns slimmer and
stronger after summer Marine Corps Officer
Training. Jeck shattered the shot put record in
his premiere season last March.
World class marathon runner Carlton Law
is back after a tenure of road racing for Nike,
and Bobby Wilhoit, the best steeplechase and
10,000 meter runner ever to don black and gold,
Senior Jesse Dingle will again sweat blood
for his specialty, the 800 meter event. Last
season at the conference meet Dingle hobbled
on a broken leg in the gun lap, finishing last.
The stress fracture has healed, and the ASU
record holder is ready to repeat his freshman
year performance as conference champ.
Robbie Mosley, who missed All America
status by one half inch in the triple jump, has
graduated. But Carl Harris is back, along with
freshman prospect Michael Hanks to score
tallies in the long and triple jumps, while blue
chip recruit Kinard Bynum will help Walt
Foster and Scotty Gilmer in the high and
intermediate hurdle races.
Last season, Greg Buckner was the lone
high jumper. Junior college transfer Chuck
Mack, whose sweat pants boast that he is a
member of the "seven foot club," will add
depth. This spring. Mack has soared over
heights of 7'2", and he is hungry after being
ineligible for a year of competition.
The Mountaineer men are impressive on
paper, but Pollock promises more than
statistics when he says of his athletes, "They'd
rather let their actions do the talking for
First-year coach Tom Adams
says of his lady golfers, "I'm
young and they're young."
Tom Adams is the third women's golf
coach in three years. In describing his new
position and the inexperienced golfers in the
line-up, he says, "I'm young and they're
Both the coach and the athletes are
inexperienced but talented.
Of his athletes, Adams notes, "The girls
have a lot of potential. I've got to bring out
their best."
Training consists more of course man-
agement than perfection of golf swings. But
Boone weather conditions are one limitation for
the Lady Apps. Returning sophomore Edie
Hancock related the adversity of snow. "We
probably won't be able to see the ground until
March," she said.
1983 MVP Leigh Maddox is facing another
adversity. Maddox is not into the swing of
things yet, recovering from a broken leg
suffered last spring in an unfortunate mishap.
As a junior, she is the oldest golfer, providing
leadership and team spirit. Big hitting
sophomores Jean Garthier and Wendy Burton
join Maddox and Hancock in the line-up, along
with Jennifer Henshaw, another sophomore
with steady control.
Two talented freshmen join the nucleus -
mentally tough Shelly Laney of Charlotte and
Angle Ridgeway of South Carolina, who has a
technically expert swing.
Recognizing the potential of his squad,
Adams said, "If we have a problem, it is that
we are all learning."
1983's poor
statistics aside,
Leigh IVIaddox and
Lee Duncan were
par for the course.
Statistics for 1983 men's golf? Head
Coach Sam Adams isn't proud of them.
ASU's best finish last spring was
sixth of nine squads at a South Carolina
tournament. Though Larry Eller, Peter
Rucher, David Osmer, and Jeff Owens
were seniors, they were inexperienced
since the season before, other seniors
had teed off against most of the
competition. Coach Sam Adams was
hardly a veteran either in his premiere
coaching duty.
MVP Lee Duncan was one bright
spot with his power and steady game.
But Adams, who refrains from singling
out his athletes, contends that his
coaching philosophy is based not to win
and loss statistics or par scores but
rather grade point averages. "My
The concentration of Shelly Laney.
Clockwise from above, top Mountaineer
Invitational scorer Shelly Laney eyes the
competition, at Boone Golf Club. Ron Kelly
demonstrates his form on the fairway. Angle
Ridge displays a winning swing. Pat Danehy
tees off on the ninth hole. Pat Danehy and
Kevin Hughes watch the putting technique of
Mike Beaver.
attitude is that they are students first
and golfers second," he said.
One thing Adams is proud of, if not
last spring's tournaments, is that all his
seniors received their educational
ot only did the 1983 women's golf
squad tee off for few practice sessions,
but they only swung competitively in
two tournaments last spring.
Boone's cruel weather forced Joel
Furnari's golfers to begin training later
than other opponents. Even when
competition began, the Lady Apps were
limited to a mere two tournaments due
to lack of finances.
The team placed a respectable fifth
in a field of nine sctiOols at
premiere, a William and Mary tour-
nament in Virginia. However, they
played poorly during a Florida road trip
after MVP Leigh Maddox toppled
down some stairs just before loading up
for Florida, shattering her leg in three
Maddox, whose trademark is the
short game-putting and chipping,
attributes mental performance to the
poor statistics of last season's athletes.
"What kills us is that we'll have a bad
hole here, and a bad hole there. Then
frustration blows the whole score," she
said. Hopefully, a more consistent
practice schedule and mental prepara-
tion will help things swing ASU's way
in 1984.
Will men's golf, after two
disappointing fall
tournaments, swing into
conference contention?
Already the 1984 men's golf squad has teed
off for two fall tournaments.
Despite a tie for eighteenth place in a
26-team field on Brown Hog Mountain and a
dismal last place tie at Duke University, Head
Coach Sam Adams asserts that ASU could
swing into conference contention by Spring.
"We are very inexperienced but we have
the potential to be one of the better teams in
the conference," Adams noted. "I expect the
freshmen to continue improvement, and by the
conference tournament in May we should be
very competitive."
Freshmen Mike Beaver, Kevin Hughes,
Ricky Nichols, and Brian Tiddy along with
sophomores Lee Bailey and Claude Reid are
vying for traveling squad positions. But the
lone senior, Lee Duncan, is a sure chip as the
number one drive on a team that is green to
college competition.
"Lee is one of the top players in the
conference," praised Adams. "I expect him to
challenge for the individual conference
In 1983 Duncan's power and consistency
earned him MVP glory and he will provide
good strokes as well as leadership in 1984.
Pat Danehy sizes up the putt.
During fall, ASU athletes don black and gold
to tackle, run and score amidst crimson, burnt
orange, lemon, and copper patches on branches.
They face enemy colors of opponents on green
turf and wooded trails until the palette of
colors falls with the leaves.
Freshman tailback
John Settle races
40 yards for his
second touchdown
of the day against
James Madison.
Settle ran for 161
yards in the game.
Head coach Mack
Brown instructs
quarterback Randy
Joyce (left) and
John Hooten during
a game.
Head coach Mack
Brown instructs
quarterback Randy
Joyce (left) and
John Hooten dur-
ing a game.
ASU Football bites the opposition
for an improved season under
new head coach Mack Brown.
The Mountaineers
take the field in
Conrad Stadium
for the first time
in '83 against
James l\Aadison.
The Apps' new
look was quickly
evident as they
donned brand
new uniforms.
Inset - Everett
Withers (left) and
Johnny Sowell
(20) confer with
one another
before the
A promising football season under
first year head coach Mack Brown began
with a shocking 27-25 upset victory at
Wake Forest and ended with a 41-15
defeat at Western Carolina.
Injuries and a lack of depth keyed
the Mountaineer downfall which saw the
Apps drop three of their last four
games after a 4-1 start.
"Our most obvious problem was inju-
ries," said Brown, who came to ASU in
December of 1982 to replace the fired
Mike Working. "The last four weeks we
couldn't even practice the way we
would have liked to."
"The injuries created a snowballing
effect which gave us no depth. Younger,
smaller players would have to play and
they got injured."
Despite the injury problems, there
were several highlights in the Moun-
taineers '83 campaign. The most
obvious was the win over Wake Forest.
Heavily favored, the Demon Deacons
possessed one of the finest collegiate
quarterbacks in the nation in Gary
Schofield. The Apps answered with
a young, inexperienced secondary.
Wake Forest scored on its first
possession for a quick 7-0 lead. ASU
then drove to Wake's one-yard line
only to fail to score on fourth down.
But in the second quarter, line-
backer Joel Carter intercepted
Schofield and returned the ball 48
yards for a touchdown. After a 54-
yard Bill Van Aman field goal gave
the Mountaineers a 10-7 halftime lead,
Carter intercepted another pass and
returned it 30 yards for his second
A late Wake Forest score was not
enough and the Apps were upset winners.
Later that night more than 1,000
fans greeted the team in Boone amid
rolls of toilet paper and the chant of
The celebration ended the following
week in the Mountaineers first home
contest of the season. The James Madi-
son Dukes crashed ASU's party 24-20,
at Conrad Stadium.
A 161-yard rushing performance by
freshman tailback John Settle was not
enough to beat the Dukes. Settle's
fumble at midfield late in the game
sealed the victory for JMU.
The Mountaineers displayed their
act on CBS regional television a-
gainst The Citadel on September 24,
and won 27-16. Here, Johnny Sowell
gains a first down on a fake punt.
Leroy Howell
eyes ASU's
27-25 upset
victory over
Wake Forest.
Howell, who is
considered a
pro prospect,
was plagued
by a shoulder
injury much of
the season.
On the year, Settle rushed for 613
yards and caught 37 passes for an
additional 215 yards. At the end of
the season, he was chosen Southern
Conference Freshman of the Year.
After the JMU loss, the Apps took
out their frustration on an outmanned
VMI team in a 31-0 victory at Conrad.
It gave ASU its first SC victory of
the season.
The shutout was the first since 1971
within the conference. It was also the
largest victory margin against an SC
foe since 1979, when ASU beat Marshall,
The win also enabled the Apps to
climb into the Division I-AA Top Twenty
poll also, as they were picked 18th. It
marked the first time in the school's
history that its football team had
been ranked in the Top Twenty.
ASU then displayed its act before
a CBS regional television audience
the following Saturday at The Citadel,
another league foe.
Behind a powerful ground game that
netted 218 yards, ASU jumped out to a
24-7 halftime lead. Bulldog quarterback
Joyce unloads a
pass to tailback
Alvin Parker
against The Cita-
del. ASU scored
24 points in the
first half to
impress a CBS
Tailback John
Settle keeps his
balance against
At right, tailback
Derek Jenkins
slows to a halt
after scoring on a
31 -yard touchdown
run against VMI.
He was later
injured In the
contest and failed
to play again for
the rest of the
ASU's defense,
nicknamed the
'Black Bandits',
swarms over JMU
quarterback Tom
Bowles. Leading
the charge are
James Howard
(15), Tim Greene
(28) and Paul
Robert Hill led The Citadel to two
second half scores, but a fourth quar-
ter goal line stand preserved the Apps'
27-16 win.
But the victory was costly. It gave
a hint of things to come as senior
captains John Garner and Terrell
Murphy went down with injuries.
At East Tennessee State the follow-
ing week, ASU racked up its third
straight conference win, a 27-11
shelling. Keyed by a big play aerial
game, the Apps coasted as quarterback
Randy Joyce and Alonzo Upshur hooked-
up on big gains.
The usually effective Mountaineer
ground game was stifled by the Bucs,
so the Apps took to the air. The
biggest play came when Joyce hit
Upshur on a 72-yard touchdown bomb.
"Upshur played as good as he could
play this year," said Brown. "I can't
believe anyone who caught more deep
passes. As we found out how good he
was, we kept going to him more and
more over the course of the season."
Despite over 800 yards in recep-
tions and 35 catches, Upshur was left
off the All-Southern Conference team.
The win over ETSU propelled the
Mountaineers into the 10th spot in
Division I-AA polls. The Apps were
also in a great position to challenge
for the conference crown with a 3-0
league mark.
"We still weren't a good football
team at that point," said Brown. "The
injuries were beginning to catch up
with us."
Among App starters who were side-
lined during the season were Carter,
defensive lineman Leroy Howell, defen-
sive back Everette Withers, and offen-
sive lineman Jeff Wilson.
ASU had reached its peak for the
'83 season.
The following week, in a key con-
ference matchup against UT — Chatta-
nooga, the Mountaineers were
demolished 30-9 at home. UT— C's
wishbone attack controlled the football
while ASU's ground game garnered a
meager 74 yards.
"Everything started mounting and I
could feel it (the loss) coming," said
Brown. "There was no way to stop the
injuries and we caught Chattanooga at
the worst possible time, when they
were struggling."
The Apps barely squeaked out a
Homecoming win against Gardner-
Webb the following Saturday, 21-17.
Trailing 17-7 late in the fourth
quarter, Upshur saved the Mountaineers
again. He first caught a 54-yard touch-
down bomb, then set up Alvin Parker's
game-winning four-yard run with a
51-yard reception.
Furman ended any App hopes of
a SC championship when they destroyed
ASU in Greenville, SC, the next week,
49-0. The loss lowered the Apps' record
to 5-3, 3-2 in loop play, and dropped
them out of the Top Twenty.
Two weeks later the Mountaineers
dropped their second straight contest
with a 33-7 defeat at North Carolina
State. The score was not indicative of
how close a game it was, however. With
four minutes to play in the third
quarter, the Wolfpack lead was only
ASU could have actually been
leading at that time had Carter not
dropped an interception that would
have been a certain touchdown. It was
about the only thing Carter failed to
do in a remarkable season for him
Carter led the team in tackles game
after game, and was among the leaders
in the SC in that category, but oddly
enough, he was left off the all-
conference team.
"Obviously the two interceptions at
Wake were big plays for him," said
Brown. "That's a whole year's work for
most linebackers. But he was in there
on tackle after tackle every week."
Reeling after two losses, ASU
returned to Conrad hoping for its first
winning season in three years. A win
over Marshall would guarantee it.
Parker ensured the Apps of a
winning campaign almost personally, as
he rushed for a school record 37 carries
for 222 yards and two touchdowns.
The ASU rushing game clicked for 339
yards and a 28-19 victory.
The '83 season ended in Cullowhee,
as arch rival Western Carolina buried
the Mountaineers, ensuring themselves
of a Division I-AA national playoff
spot along with Furman.
ASU finished fourth in the
conference with a 4-3 league mark.
"I was pleased with being ranked in
the Top Twenty for the first time in
ASU history," said Brown of the season.
"Beating Wake and finishing in the
upper half of the conference were also
Linebacker Cedric
Felton mauls JMU
quarterback Tom
Bowles for a sack.
Felton was the
Apps' second
leading tackier in
pluses. We beat every team we should
have beat, in addition to Wake Forest."
Brown was also pleased with his
teams accomplishments of pre-season
"We had three goals this season,"
he said. "The first was to come
together as one unit. We were a family;
a single unit headed in a single
direction. We weren't worried about
personal stats and goals. We were
worried about team goals.
"Secondly, we wanted to do the best
we could do each day," he added. "We
wanted to play hard every game, and we
played hard every quarter."
"We also wanted to be stronger or
in as good condition as we were when
everyone reported. At the end of the
season we gave the players the same
test we gave them in the pre-season
and all were in just as good or better
Several Appalachian players were
mentioned on all-conference ballots at
the end of the season, but offensive
lineman Ed Boyd was the only one to
make the team.
Honorable mention players included
Settle, Upshur, Wilson, Chris Patton,
and Mark Royals.
"This team never quit," said
Brown, "and there was a question of
that in the past. We played well in the
fourth quarter and didn't lose a game
in the second half in which we led at
half time."
Such strategy gave the Apps their
first winning season since 1980 - and
hope for a bright future within the
Southern Conference and NCAA
Division I-AA.
John Settle was the
Apps' top rusher in
'83 with 613 yards.
With that effort,
Settle was picked
Southern Conference
Freshman of the Year.
Congratulations and
'high fives' were
frequent during the
Mountaineers' 83
season, as they
battled their way to
a winning record.
ASU's Soccer
tradition may now
be a myth.
Editor's Note: Former ASU soccer
player Jose Bernal describes the legacy
of Mountaineer soccer and his account
of its decline. Bernal, a senior from
Colombia, South America, competed in
black and gold for two seasons before
giving up varsity competition in his
sport in 1982.
The 1983-84 soccer season was a
disappointing one. Although
Appalachian State University's
hooters enjoyed a winning season
(8-4-6), the overall outcome was
negative, and most of all, sad.
Why was it a sad season? First, we
lost the Southern Conference title.
For the first time in seven years
and only the second time since 1972,
the ASU program is not the "king" of
the Southern Conference. We used to
enjoy watching our team bring this
long honored title to Boone, and not
doing it now becomes a heart-felt
tragedy for those who love ASU soccer.
The squad did not break the Top Ten in
the south either, which together with
the Southern Conference Championship,
was the goal.
Deeper than these defeats, however,
the saddest of all sorrows to many ASU
hard core soccer fans: our soccer team
had been the pride and glory here since
eleven years ago, when the program
began to build up its terrific
tradition. Every team shivered in front
of our squad; everyone respected us.
It was usual to loudly defeat other
conference teams by scores of ten or
twelve to zero. In the fall of 1979,
the now historic soccer team bit
University of Chatanooga 22-0. It
is hard to believe, is it not?
Also very sad is the fact that just
a few years ago the team drew three,
four, or even five thousand fanatics
to the games who by themselves scared
the hell out of the opponents. Many,
sometimes hundreds, of these fans
would follow their beloved ASU soccer
team to away contests. Presently it
is surprising to find more than 500
people watching a home game. Sad
Not all was negative for the Apps,
though. Senior Scott Anderson was
chosen Most Valuable Player in the
Southern Conference. John Nedd of
Senior veteran
Glen Griffen uti-
lizes fancy foot-
John Nedd and
Scott Anderson -
the two most inte-
gral players of
the 1983 soccer
John Nedd
gaines the
advantage over
a Davidson
Trinidad played an outstanding
season and is the most promising of
all the players for the coming years.
Also, the team is a relatively young
one and next season may be better. We
all hope so, for as coach Rex said at
the beginning of the season,
"Tradition doesn't stand alone;
you must build. It's in the hands of this
year's team to continue the
tradition." He is right - tradition
does not stand alone. Has it become
history then? Thus is appears, but we
must wait a couple of more years to
give this young team a chance.
As John Nedd said, "With the team
as it now is, we cannot do much
better than we did this season, but
if we bring some talented strong
players, we may be able to regain the
conference and have a good season."
An intent Lynn Carrino
prepares to score
another goal.
Coach Melissa Miller
delivers some half-time
Terry Zehnbauer awaits
a goal attempt.
One gets by sprawling
goalie Michelle Zarro.
ASU reached
deep within to
win the Deep
South Tourney.
One highlight of ASU's 1983-84
fall sports program was the women's
field hockey team. With the support of
six consistently strong players, the
team overcame early season losses
against such powerhouses as Duke to
win the Deep South Tournament.
These six standouts include seniors
Lynn Carrino and Donna Bodine,
junior Terry Zehnbauer, sophomore
Nancy Skripko, and freshmen Frances
Callaway and Michelle Zarro.
Early in the season, the team was
very dependent on these players, but
as the year progressed and the wins
added up, the entire team grew more
confident. The girls held hopes of
victory as they entered the Deep
South Tournament. "The team really
clicked together," first year coach
Melissa Miller stated. "This helped us
to win against Duke."
The Lady Apps knocked off the
Blue Devils two games to one, which
gave the team the needed momentum
to win the tournament.
Duke's loss came as something of
a surprise to the Blue Devil players,
as they had foreseen an easy victory
over ASU.
Following the tournament, both
Carrino and Zehnbauer advanced to
the National competition in California.
Next year Coach Miller hopes to
recruit more players to replace the
graduating seniors from this year's
squad. "I'll be recruiting hard. It'll be
a young team and a year of building,
but I think we should be successful."
Celia Pearson
bumps the ball
to the net.
A senior spiker and
a sophomore setter
helped the Lady
Apps bounce through
the season for a
credible net return.
The ASU volleyball team, coached
by Toni Wyatt, overcame inexperience
to bounce through an incredible
season. They managed 7 wins and 13
losses despite this imperfection. "Our
team was young and we needed
experience, but we did well," assistant
coach Kathy McDaniel said. "We
played some tough teams, so our
record didn't represent how good we
really are."
Two outstanding players
contributed to the squad's success:
senior spiker Lois Grier and
sophomore setter Traci Blankenship.
Both helped the Lady Apps overcome
Southern Conference opponents like
Western Carolina and East Tennessee
Grier slammed six scoring spikes
to lead the Mountaineers past UNCC
three games to none in an early season
victory. Head coach Wyatt brags, "Lois
is an awesome hitter; she can really
put that ball down." Assistant coach
McDaniel agrees. "Lois is a powerful
hitter, and she has been all-conference
since she was a freshman. We'll be
sorry to lose her."
McDaniel spoke of sophomore
standout Traci Blankenship. "Without
Traci we wouldn't have been as strong.
Since she was the setter, she was one
of the most important players in the
Since Western Carolina and ETSU
are cited as intense rivals for the
volleyers, those contests were two of
the most exciting match -ups for the
Mountaineers. "Western and East
Tennessee are always tight games for
us since they're in our conference and
our rivals," McDaniel stated. ASU
fought for five games before bowing to
WCU, and also defeated ETSU in a
nail-chewing five-game duel.
One exciting match was a learning
experience. "The University of
Kentucky match was an exciting one,"
Blankenship recalled. "They were
ranked fifth in the nation when we
played them. This made us try hardei
to beat them. They also had hugh,
powerful players," she noted.
Next year the team hopes to
attract quality recruits in order to ad<
success and excitement next season.
And they're off!
Carlton Law and Todd
Goewey challenge the
East Tennessee
harriers for the
Conference crown.
An intense meeting
with Coach John
Weaver and his Lady
Apps just minutes
before race time.
Fast women have
good times.
Most people will not even get out of
bed on a cold, rainy day, let alone do
what the women on the Lady App Cross
Country team do — run in it. "People
don't realize what conditions we have
to train under," said sophomore team
member Michelle Plaster. Rain is not
the only inconvenience these ladies
must deal with when they run, but
nothing seems to slow them down. It
takes great dedication to be a long
distance runner.
The Most Valuable Runner for 1983
is junior Lisa Mitchell. According to
Coach John Weaver, Lisa is a very
consistent runner. "We know what to
expect from her," he said. "She's not
only the team captain, she's also the
difference between the two. Mitchell is
an example of the type of dedicated
runner that ASU is proud to call her
Weaver described his 1983 team as
greatly improved this season. "Everyone
of our girls has improved her time,"
said Weaver. "The most improved runner
this year is Denise Coholich."
At the North Carolina State
Championship in Raleigh, ASU's women
finished in fourth place. Best runners
for Appalachian in the 5,000 meter run
were Mitchell, Coholich and Tammy
When the women ran in the NCAA
Region III Championship at Clemson, SC,
Mitchell and Coholich were again top
runners for ASU.
With only one senior on the team,
Weaver looks to next year with
enthusiasm. "Denise is the only person
we will lose," replied Weaver. "But,
she still has one more season of
eligibility. She will be doing her
student teaching so we hope to see her
run for us again."
Other returnees are senior Lisa
Mitchell; freshmen Susan Burnette,
Traci Hutchens, Cindy Little, and
Diane McMahon; sophomores Michelle
Plaster, Liz Polk, and Jeanine
Saffelle; and juniors Susan Ess and
Tammy Sawyer. "We need more recruits
to give depth to the team," said
Weaver. "If the returning girls train
hard over the summer as well, we'll get
exactly what we're looking for."
"Right now we are one step below our
competition," exclaimed Weaver. "But,
this year we gained one whole step in
ability. We are definitely headed in
the right direction!"
Over the hills
and far away.
Above, the
harriers drive
for the hill at
Moses Cone
Freshman Cindy
Little is
gaining on an
Eastern Ken-
tucky harrier.
At the starting
gun, Lisa
Mitchell and
Tammy Sawyer
are off with the
pack at the ASU
For the third time in as many years,
the ASU men's cross country team fi-
nished second in Southern Conference
competition. Behind the strong running
of three senior members - Bobby Wilhoit,
Todd Goewey, and Carlton Law, this
year's squad also finished ninth in
the NCAA Region III Cross Country
Championships at Clemson, SC in Nov-
ember. These three seniors were selec-
ted for the All State Cross Country
Team as well as the All Southern Con-
ference Cross Country Team.
"The North Carolina State Champion-
ship (held in October) marked the first
time ever at ASU that three athletes
were named to the All State Cross
Country Team," said Coach Bob Pollock.
A look at the statistics shows that
these seniors have helped to compile
the 32-1 record during their four year
tenure as Mountaineers.
In the State Championship ASU
placed second (Law), fourth (T. Goewey),
and sixth (Wilhoit), in the 8,000
meter run. Shea finished sixteenth and
P. Goewey 30th.
The Southern Conference Champion
race was held at Moses Cone Park in
Blowing Rock. "This course, which
consists of a rolling terrain, is
probably considered the most scenic
and beautiful of all the courses,"
said Pollock. "The trail is compiled
of a grass and pine needle surface
which runs through the woods. It is a
very challenging course for the run-
ners because of the hills and dips."
As Meet Director, Pollock saw the
need to shorten the course distance
from 10,000 to 8,000 meters. "One
reason for this decision was the fact
that the state championship was only
a week away and it is difficult to
run two 10,000 meter races that close
together and do the best you can,"
said Pollock. "Another reason was due
to the unsafe footing of the upper
maze of the course around this time
of year (fall)."
ASU's T. Goewey placed seventh in
the 8,000 meter event, Wilhoit fi-
nished eighth and Law came in at the
ninth position. Paul Goewey finished
eleventh with Mark Shea right behind
in thirteenth place.
In the Regionals, T. Goewey placed
19th which was only two places
away from qualifying for the NCAA
All State and All Southern
Conference Carlton Law is
also one of the best
marathon runners in the
United States. Inset -
senior Bobby Wilhoit paces
the Mountaineers uphill.
As head coach at ASU for 10 years.
Pollock has an impressive 66-14 re-
cord. He looks forward to a winning
season again next year with eight
harriers returning. "We'll have a
young team next year but we have the
ability to do as well as we have in
the past," he commented. Returning
team members include Shea and Paul
Goewey, as well as Harry Williams,
Pat Ambrose, Jim Martin, Jeff Shore,
Mike Curcio and Mike O'Neill.
Todd Goewey was chosen as the 1983
Most Valuable Runner, and Mike Curcio
was selected as the Most Improved
Runner. Team captain for 1983 was
Bobby Wilhoit, with Paul Goewey
taking over the helm next year.
Pollock's philosophy for his team
is simple, and straight forward: "It's
really great to win," he said, "but
it's even better to achieve and be the
best you can be. That is when the win-
ning comes."
Kenneth Herndon,
(second from left)
a senior from
Lincolnton, NC,
dives for the tape
in the 55 meter
dash. "Flukey" was
the Southern
Confernce Champion
in the event in
1981. Inset - At the
finish line of the 55
meter race, it's
junior Priscilla
Coleman (middle)
with a lean over
Georgia's competi-
tion. Co-captain
Coleman, a
Greensboro native,
owns five ASU
school records
including three
relay efforts.
At the East Tenn-
essee State facil-
ities, freshman
sensation Michael
Hanks of Hender-
sonville, NC pre-
pares mentally for
the triple jump.
With the
of the indoor track
program, ASU's
athletes are now
allowed to
run inside.
Although dropped from the Moun-
taineer athletic budget one year ago,
the Men's and Women's Indoor Track
and Field program has been reinstated
this year at ASU. "The Chancellor
didn't feel that we had good facili-
ties in which to train and hold home
meets," explained women's head coach
John Weaver. "This year ASU reeval-
uated the situation and decided that
an indoor program would be a big
benefit to the outdoor track program.'^
Weaver added that the outdoor seasoi
looks very competitive now due to thi
reinstatement of the indoor activi-
The Lady Apps run three to four
meets every indoor season between
January and February. But, training
is a year long process. "Because there
is of yet no Southern Conference
Championship for women in indoor
track, there isn't that big meet to
look forward to," stated Weaver. "We
use the indoor season as a way to
prepare for our outdoor season."
Christy Hunter
surges to the
finish line in
the 55 meter
Weaver added, "Because the Southern
Conference phases one sport a year for
women into the conference champion-
ship, we look forward to an indoor
track championship in the next few
"Running inside is more confined
than on an outdoor course because
there just isn't as much room,"
explained Weaver. "We are always a
second or two faster outside because
there are less turns and the straight-
aways are longer. It's harder to get
better times inside."
Another disadvantage of running
inside is the different types of track
surfaces. "We train on a wooden sur-
face but meets are run on synthetic
surfaces. With spikes on, we run
faster on a synthetic surface, so we
get better time at a meet than in
practice," Weaver stated.
Having broken a handful of school
records this year alone, the women's
team is led by many capable athletes.
"We always have good hopes for doing
well anytime we line up," praised
In the sprints, record setters in
the 55 meter race were Priscilla
Coleman and Christie Hunter, who both
hold a time of seven seconds. In the
'400 meter dash, Val Connelly posted
a 59.9 second record. Lisa Mitchell,
running in the distance races, holds
the mark in the school's books for
the 5,000 meter run with a time of
18:49.6 minutes.
At the Eastman
in Johnson
City, TN,
Chuck Mack
gravity in the
high jump
"With women's sports just getting
developed, we're pleased at the qual-
ity of these ladies," said Weaver.
Men's Indoor Track Coach, Bob
Pollock, echoed the feeling of Weaver.
"Good athletes make the program," he
said. "I'm glad to see the women's
team here at ASU. The girls encourage
our guys to do better and vise versa.
They're a very competitive team and
it's good when both teams are that
According to Pollock, this is the
year for men's indoor track and field
at ASU. "We've got the best indoor
track and field squad we've ever had,"
exclaimed Pollock.
For the running events, sprinter
Kenneth "Flukie" Herndon holds the
school record in the 60 yard dash of
6.10 seconds. Another Mountaineer,
Mike Rigsbee, has tied Herndon's
record. "They are the top two sprint-
ers in the conference," Pollock
praised. In the 400 meter run, David
Carter, who is the outdoor conference
champion, leads ASU. Jesse Dingle
holds the school record in the 880
meter run. "Paul and Todd Goewey, Mike
Jones, and Mike O'Neill are all on
Jessie's heels," said Pollock. Bobby
Wilhoit holds the ASU record in the
indoor 3,000 meter run, while Carlton
Law is the record setter in the 5,000
meter race. "Mark Shea is a big asset
in the long distance," added Pollock.
Holding the school record set this
year in the 60 yard high hurdles, Walt
Foster posted a time of 7.27 seconds.
Right behind Foster is Bennet King.
Jumping 50'9" in the triple jump
and 23'3" in the long jump is freshman
Mike Hanks. Charles Mack holds this
university's record in the high jump
with 7', while both Greg Buckner and
Carl Harris clear 6'9". "Three pole
vaulters are contenders for ASU -
Robert Patterson at 15', Terry
Corriher at 14'6", and freshman Peter
Anderson at 14'," said Pollock.
"The weight men for the Mountain-
eers will have a lot of competition
in the conference," Pollock empha-
sized. For ASU, Steve Jeck, who holds
the outdoor record in this event, is
expected to do the same indoors. "We
can pick up points in the 35 pound
weight with Mike Brooks' 54' 1"
showing (a four foot improvement),"
Pollock pointed out.
Special achievements by ASU indoor
track members include an Olympic time
trial qualification in the marathon
for Carlton Law and David Carter's
appearance in the Commonwealth Games
last year. Carter could possibly be
chosen by his native country, Barba-
dos, to run in the Olympics this
"We've got the right attitude,
the desire to win, and tremendous
heart. When you've got those three
things, it's tough to stop those
people in their goal," exclaimed
lAiyHtref*— -photography
The 1983-84 men's
squad eluded the
usual spot
in the league
basement to net
a fourth place finish.
The 1983-84 Appalachian State
Men's Basketball campaign was one of
many ups and downs, triumphs and
struggles, and ultimately, wins and
losses. The season was highlighted
with a few important upsets, the estab-
lishment of an impressive home-court
dominance, and an emotional season-
ending home game finale. Locker room
celebrations for the Mountaineers
were more commonplace this year as a
During the preseason, the squad was
almost a consensus choice to end the
season in the conference basement, but
surprised some teams and produced a
fourth-place finish. The Apps remain
a young squad still. The team returned
almost exclusively intact and this
factor proved a valuable asset as the
season progressed. "Maturity is the
ingredient that was present this year,
as opposed to last year," reflects
coach Kevin Cantwell. The players
that were forced into accepting re-
sponsibility prematurely last year
are now better prepared to apply their
experience and are more mature both on
and off the court as a result. This
year's team did acquire two key play-
ers that proved to have an effect on
the outcome of many contests in Glenn
Clyburn and Greg Dolan. Jerome
Williams also has moved in and added
much needed depth in the backcourt.
The transition of these newcomers
was greatly enhanced by the nucleus
of the previous year's recruiting
corps: David Lawrence, Dale Roberts,
Rod Davis, Ron Fiorini, Bill Nealy,
and Jeff Dowd, as well as returning
standout Wade Capehart; a talented
group of individuals in their own
The 1983-84 season, although a
much-improved one for the Mountain-
eers, was one in which some key ab-
sences appeared blaringly evident.
First, Coach Cantwell's netters
played the toughest schedule in his
nine year career here at ASU this
year, with only eleven home games and
Wade Capehart, who
leads the Apps in
assists and
steals, drives
down the lane for
a bucket. The 6 6
junior chips in
12.3 points per
game. Inset - Now
in his third year
at the helm, head
coach Kevin Cant-
well instructs his
squad during a
Jeff Dowd, who
connects on 54.5% _
of his shots from
the floor, makes a - ,
move against East ^".^
Tennessee State. "^"^P— '
The Carthage, NC
native is a 6'3"
sophomore guard.
few nonconference contests that
proved to be "easy W's". Still,
the Apps were seldom found on the
short end of many routs, and, in
fact, were involved in a majority of
last-second contests. Secondly, "A
Division I attitude" was established
during this season. The players,
coaches, and student body created a
positive atmosphere in Varsity Gym
this season that was quite evident
in their 10-1 home record. "The aver-
age ASU student that attended only
home games probably did not see the
Mountaineers lose," says Coach Cant-
well. "And that in itself is probably
greatly responsible for the team's
success at home this year." Thirdly,
the home-away win ratio was most
important in the current winning ways
of the ASU program. The impressive
record at home this year may prove to
be the impetus necessary to continue
the success on the road in the future.
In reflecting on the overall season
and the point to where the program has
progressed, third year Coach Kevin
Cantwell realistically acknowledges
that important pieces of the puzzle
are not yet in place. A more solid
bench to add depth and experience to
the club is an ingredient that must
Freshman Jerome
Williams, a 6'3"
guard, feeds to a
teammate. The
Greenville, SC
native has dealt
over 40 assists.
}avid Lavk/rence, a
)roduct of St.
tiatthews, SC, goes
ip for two of his
ourteen points
rersus the Cita-
lel. Lawrence's
)rother, Renaldo,
s an assistant
:oach at ASU.
nset - Freshman
3reg Dolan sees
iction versus
Vestern Carolina.
)olan is a 6 10
:enter recruited
rom Black Moun-
ain, NC.
be acquired in order for the program
as a whole to continue to improve and
progress. Experience at the point
guard position is another element that
must be constructed to complete the
picture. Coach Cantwell also sees the
program as being "perhaps one recruit-
ing year away" from having the person-
nel holes filled that remain; therein
laying the remaining pieces needed to
complete the structure.
Projections for the immediate fu-
ture of Mountaineer roundball are
optimistic ones. The team will lose
its leading scorer and rebounder in
David Lawrence (15 points) and Dale
Roberts (9 rebounds), respectively.
However, Coach Cantwell feels these
two losses will be more than compen-
sated for with the offensive fire-
power of transfer guard Lynwood Robin-
son and the frontcourt prowess of
•James Carlton. Coach Cantwell also
believes that he will have his first
true point guard in his nine years of
coaching at ASU in Robinson. Similar-
ly, in freshman center Greg Dolan, who
has shown remarkable improvement in
his first season, Cantwell may also
prove to have a dominant center in the
league before his career is finished.
And perhaps most importantly. Coach
Cantwell hopes to successfully carry
over the level of confidence of the
players, coaches, and fans, that has
been established from this season's
increased winning percentage and home
success and continue to build and
multiply that confidence in the up-
coming season.
Coach Cantwell has a positive out-
look on the 1984-85 campaign as a
whole. The Queens Village. NY native
has begun to see the benefits of his
policy implementations that began
three years ago. He believes that par-
ticipating in Division I college
athletics is a "big time job" for
players and the academic part of that
"job" must come first in every situ-
ation. Coach Cantwell is the first
to admit that he is his own best
critic and that he is constantly
in a learning situation himself. To
Coach Cantwell, "success" defines an
individual who continues to keep his
"drive" in his pursuits and remain
happy with his goals and achievements
through whatever course in life he
may be traveling.
As Coach Cantwell continues to
succeed as an individual, we may rest
assured that so will the Appalachian
State men's basketball program.
The Lady Apps
added new talent,
but lost four vital
players to equal an
inexperienced squad.
Although they won three times as
many games as the year before, the
Lady Apps 6-22 record was not much of
an improvement in the 1983-84 season.
Following Christmas, after eight
games, head coach Marian Brewer found
herself in quite a predicament minus
four key players.
The only seniors on the team -
Carolyn Cameron, Betsy McLelland, and
Susan Skeie - elected to "enjoy their
final semester," rather than play
basketball. I
Freshman forward Jackie Anderson
also didn't make it back, due to aca-
demics. Anderson was leading the tea
in rebounding (8.1) and also averaged
9.5 points per game. Cameron, the
only player on the team over six feet
(6'3"), was the second leading re-
bounder with 7.3 rpg and chipped in 7.4
"I'm not gonna speculate on what
kind of season we could have had,"
said Brewer. "There's just no sense
in it. It won't do any good."
While Brewer is not proud of her
season, she is not surprised with this
year's outcome. "We were outsized
against every team we played," she
said, "including the smaller division
schools. But we were still in nearly
every game, even with the big ACC
Due to the lack of teammates, sev
eral youthful and inexperienced
players were forced into action. With
only three lettermen remaining on the
squad. Brewer usually started at least
three first year players.
Freshman forward Karen Robinson
averaged a team-leading 14 points per
game and also ripped 6.5 rebounds a
contest. Included among her perform-
ances was a 32-point, 12-rebound
showing in a 68-55 victory over
Junior guard LuAnne Underbill, a
5'7" junior college All-American who
transferred from Peace College, was
the team's second best scorer with
over 12 points per game and also
snatched 6.6 rebounds a contest.
Meana Cusimano, a junior center.
produced solid statistics averaging
10 points and 7.5 rebounds a game
despite being only 5'H". She also
led the squad in blocked shots (17)
and field goal percentage (44).
Sophia Morris did a commendable
job running the offense from her
point guard position in just her
sophomore season. The 5'3" speedster
led the team in steals (2.8 per game)
and was also tops in assists at 3.2
iper outing.
Ruth Young, a 5'9" freshman power
forward, showed some flashes of
ibrilliance, especially on the boards.
The Burnsville, NC native turned in
two performances with 10 rebounds and
laveraged nearly nine points a game.
"The young players didn't have much
of a choice," pointed out Brewer.
"They had to get out there and play."
Brewer felt her team had nothing to
be ashamed of despite their record.
'Sure we're disapponted in the over-
all outcome," she said. "But under
the conditions the girls did a very
Fine job. When you're outmanned and
giving it everything, you have nothing
to be ashamed of. I think they all
deserve a job well done."
Brewer feels the Lady Apps can be
competitive in the future with hard
work. "We have a good nucleus coming
back," she stated. "Everybody has
improved in their own right. Nobody
played fully consistently. Everybody's
played good and bad games."
The Mountaineers were outscored by
an average of nine points in their 28
contests. They were able to connect
on only 36 percent of their field
goals as compared to 46 percent for
the opposing team.
The Lady Apps have the potential to
have a respectable season next year
with a good recruiting year. They
are in desperate need of height and
overall depth.
Though ASU usually took the court
with less talent than the opposition.
Brewer pointed out an obvious quality
that commands respect. "They didn't
quit, the always hung in there every
Freshman Jackie
Anderson of
Gastonia, NC
drives for the
basket versus
North Carolina
A and T. The
5'10" forward
leads the
with an 8.1
on the rim,
shoots from
the free throw
line. The 5'9"
junior is a
native of
Wendell, NC.
Struggling with
an East Carolina
opponent, fresh-
man Karen Robin-
son leaps for
the shot. Robin-
son, a 5 10"
guard from Gas-
tonia, NC, leads
the team in
point production
with 14 tallies
per contest.
In the referee's
position, junior
Jonathan Hampton
crouches on
ASU's home
mat. Hampton
collected 25
wins in the 177
pound weight
class before
dropping to 167
Versus VMI, 126
pounder Thomas
blocks a single
leg takedown.
The junior
bounced back
from a knee in-
jury to collect
35 victories.
ASU wrestlers
for their best
season ever.
The 1983-84 Appalachian State Uni-
versity Wrestling team, with an 18-2
record, five conference champs, and
two runner-up conference champs, was
the most talented squad ever for the
Mountaineers. The Apps' only two
losses came to NC State and UNC, and
at that time they were missing 7 out
of ten starters with injuries.
After the regular season, ASU head
coach Paul Mance predicted, "VMI has
won 31 straight matches, but we will
end that streak." Not only did his
athletes snap that string of victo-
ries, but they dethroned UT-C, a team
that has held conference champ honors
for the last six years.
Wrestling is an individual as well
as a team sport, and the Mountaineers
have had some outstanding individual
efforts this season. At 33-2, 126
pound junior Thomas Hutchinson was
second place in the conference champ-
ionship. "Hutch" was rated in the top
15 wrestlers in his weight class this
season by National Mat News, was the
Monarch Open champ. Sunshine Open
champ, and Tiger 8 Invitational champ.
"If Hutch is not the best that we've
ever had, he is one of the top three
wrestlers to come out of ASU," said
Mance. Other top performers include
sophomore heavyweight David Besser,
who was a junior college All-Ameri-
can before coming to ASU and won over
75"^ of his matches this year; fresh-
man 190 pounder Thermus "Zeak" Biggs
was 18-3 going into the postseason
with 15 pins to his credit; 177 pound
senior Johnathan Hampton, also rated
in the top 15 by National Mat News;
150 pound sophomore Lee Reitzel, who
won 70'^ of his matches; 142 pound
junior Larry Savides, who came back
from an early season injury to post
over 20 wins; 167 pound senior Steve
Swan, also a former junior college
All-American; and 118 pound senior
Chuck Jones, who raised his record to
22-3 with a stunning upset of the
nation's number one ranked seed,
UT-C's Charlie Heard, in the Southern
Conference Duals. Jones lost to Heard
in the conference championship, re-
ceiving a wild card bid to the Nation-
al Championships.
As a team, the Mountaineers took
ihird in the Eastern Nationals in
Norfolk, VA in November, were fifth
n the Sunshine Tournament and first
it the Liberty-Baptist Tournament,
ivhere they took home championships in
'ive weight classes. "This year's
;eam is by far the best we've had
;ince I've been here as a coach. We
lave had 8 or 9 guys wrestling real
veil. We've had some minor injuries,
jut luckily this year nothing major
las happened," said Mance.
The Apps will send Jones, Savides,
Swan, Hampton, Biggs and Besser to
national competition with an eye on
Placing someone in the NCAA. "Sending
lix wrestlers to the Nationals is a
remendous achievement for us, and
placing at least one would be out-
tanding. We've never placed in the
>JCAA, but I'm confident that this year
ve will. This has definitely been our
'ear," said Mance.
Jeff McCracken, a
sophomore from
Cary, NC, prepares
mentally in the
referee's position.
McCracken dropped
weight from 190
pounds to the 177
oound class.
Scrapping with an
opponent, 150
pound sophomore
Jonathan Smith
out-psyches a
Carson Newman
National contender Chuck
Jones is ready from the
referee's position. Jones,
wrestling in the lean 118
pound class, defeated the
nation's top ranked wrestler in
the Southern Conference
MEN'S TRACK Front Row; Greg Buckner, Robert Patterson, Keith Anderson. David Carter, Jesse
Dingle, Bennett King, Kenntth Herndon, Stanley Harris, Mike Rigsbee, Joe Dixon. Second Row; Todd
Goewey, Harry Williams, Richard Gwyn, Mike Curcio. Jimmy Martin. Joe Ewing. Ervin Hannah, Steve
Jeck, Terry Corriher, Michael Hanks, Paul Goewey, Bobby Wilhoit. Third Row; Nathaniel Smith. Terry
Lawrence, Carl Harris, Mike Jones, Darryl Evans. Alfred Cotton. Mike O'Neill. Mark Shea, Jeff Shore,
Tommy Robbins. Back Row; Chuck Mack, Carlton Law, Bobby Kirkland, Mike Brooks, Walt Foster,
Kenard Bynum, Peter Anderson.
WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Front Row; Susan Burnette, Cindy Little, Diane McMahon. Back
Row; Susan Ess. Lisa Mitchell. Tammy Sawyer. Jeanine Saffelle. Liz Polk. Denise Coholich.
Michelle Plaster.
FIELD HOCKEY Front Row; Kimberlee Carter,
Lori Toole, Donna Bodine. Second Row;
Francie Callaway, Terry Zehnbauer, Lynn
Carrino, Michele Zarro. Back Row; Liz
Baldwin, Kathy Foster, Allyson Culhane, Nancy
Skripko, Melissa Miller, Cathy Lowe.
MEN'S TENNIS Front Row; Rob Bentley, Richard Gabriel. Laneal Vaughn. Ben Terrell. Dave
Siddons. Michael Borden. Chip Fontane. Back Row; Bob Light (coach). Gary Longo. Robby Lowe.
Eric Luxenburg, Steve Russell, Rusty Woy, Frank Caruso.
WOMEN'S TENNIS Front Row; Jane Foody,
Kim Glass, Melissa Miller. Second Row; Lee
Chaiken, Lisa Barbee, Melanie Riley, Back
Row; Sherri Polk. Jill Huff. Not Pictured; Donna
Gough, Laura Snelling.
WOMEN'S TRACK Front Row; Priscilla
Coleman, Lisa Mitchell. Second Row; Tammy
Sawyer, Bobbi Puckett, Donna Kozlowski,
Angle DaGrosa. Third Row; Jeanne Dolby,
Cindy Little, Christie Hunter, Denise Coholich.
Pat Poole. Fourth Row; Caroline Livingston,
Val Connelly, Susan Ess, Meg Warren, Back
Row; Theresa Parker (Trainer), LuAnne Wynn,
Jeanine Safelle, Diane McMahon.
MEN'S GOLF Front Row; Ricky Nichols, Lee
Bailey, Sam Adams (coach). Second Row;
Kevin Madden, Todd Southard, Randy Brown.
Back Row; Brian Tiddy, Pat Danehy, Lee
WOMEN'S GOLF Front Row; Sam Hinshaw,
Shelly Laney, Edie Hancock. Back Row; Leigh
Maddox. Angle Ridgeway, Wendy Burton, Tom
WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Front Row; Sophia Morris, Betsy McLelland, Lynn Kilby, Susan Skeie.
Rhett Culclasure, LuAnne Underbill, Muriel Friday. Back Row; Marian Brewer (head coach), Gail
Moody (assistant coach), Karen Robinson, Meana Cusimano, Carolyn Cameron, Jackie Anderson,
Ruth Young, Theresa Wilson (manager), Candis Loy (assistant coach).
WRESTLING Front Row; Lee Rietzel, Tom Hutchinson, Larry Savides, Chuck Jones, John Stokes,
Steve Swan, John Smith. Liza Nagle. Second Row; David Grant. Chad Beasley, John Hampton.
Marshel Irby, Thurmas Biggs, Jeff McCracken, David Besser, Tony Villareale. Third Row; Mike
McDade, Tom Smith, Robert King, Mark Atkins, Danny Davis, Tom Hutto. Andy Ritter, Mac Brown.
Charlie Oberle, Buddy Wiggins, Pat Beck, Kelly Allen. Back Row; Mark Trucillo (asst coach), Paul
Mance (head coach) Barry Dean (asst. coach), David Soderholm (asst. coach).
MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Front Row; Jim Martin, Pat Ambrose, Mike O'Neil, Mike Cursio. Jeff
Shore, Harry Williams. Back Row; Mark Shea, Bobby Wilhoit, Paul Goewey. Todd Goewey, Carlton
Law, Bob Pollock (head coach).
SOCCER Front Row; Dan Morphis (manager), Doug Silver, Warren Schuster, Art Patsch, Greg Kotseos, Adam Lee, Mike Fridenmaker, Richie Whisenant,
Scott Anderson (co-captain), Scott Rockett, Todd Johnson, Carmelo Scalone, Mark Schwartz (assistant coach). Back Row; Kim McCarthy (trainer),
William Derrick (team physician), Robert Hort, Christian Tam, Joe Freeman, Todd Hartsell, Chris Merhoff, Tim Ross, Yosef, Rhett Johnson, Glen
Griffin, Jim Reittinger, John Nedd, Rob Wilcher (co-captain), Bas Ven, Art Rex (head coach). Bob Goddard (announcer).
MEN'S BASKETBALL Kevin Galloway, David Lawrence, Jeff Dowd, Bryan Ellis, Jerome Williams, Glenn Clyburn, Ron Fiorini, Walt Chambliss, Pete
Wilson, Wade Capehart, Sean Kilmartin, Rod Davis, Bill Nealy, Greg Dolan, Dale Roberts.
FOOTBALL Front Row; Struggle Smith, Kent Alexander, Terrell Murphy, Andre Crawford, Keith Register, Mark Ellis, Mack Brown (head coach), Bobby
Dunn, Keith Hairston, Randy Joyce, James Howard, Billy Van Aman, Tony Johnson. Second Row; Mark Royals, Johnny Sowell, Cliff Reid, Derek
Jenkins, Phillip McCall, Evefett Withers, Tim Greene, Alvin Parker, John Edmond, Tom Trost, Eric Foxx, Clint Taylor. Third Row; Robert Barren, Dino
Hackett, Alex Spruill, Greg Revis, Clarence Izzard, Jerry Hartman, Alonzo Upshur, Cedric Felton, Kevin Cheiko, Wayne Halland, Orlando Ager, Joel
Carter. Fourth Row; Roger Fracker, David Hinegarnder, Steve Sumner, Ed Boyd, Paul Sheets, Chet Hinton, Jeff Wilson, Mike Callaway, Todd Dodson,
Jay Wilson, Norman Horn, Mitch Love. Fifth Row; Phil Hardin, Kelvin Ward, John Garner, Bill Smith, Kenny Watkins, Craig Jackson, Leroy Howell,
John Roberts, Chris Patton, Rusty Fuller, Troy Washburne. Back Row; John Palermo, Sparky Woods, Charlie Coiner, Donnie Kirkpatrick, Ron Cooper,
Ray Wooten, Mark McHale, Joey Whisnant, Richard Knox, Steve McGill, Stan Hixon, Terry Humphrey, Brad Lawing, Harold Wheeler.
SOFTBALL Front Row; Susan Rone, Dee Jetton, Michelle Kuhrt, Ashley Atkins,
Mary Marett, Cindy McCabe, Sandi O'Laughlin. Back Row; Lori Treiber, Robin
Clark, Lynn Gibson, Susan Smith, Jodi Crump, Tammy Gregg, K.C. Canter, Kathy
McDaniel, Audrey Owens.
BASEBALL Front Row; Mark White, David Hampton, Dean Jones, Shorty Sizemore,
Rusty Stroupe, Brad Long, Kevin Simmons. Second Row; Todd Welborn, Wally
Flinchum, Bruce Green, Rusty Weaver, Richard Bosley, Jamie Harris, Pete Hardee.
Third Row; Rick Robinson, Chip Allran, Russ Warfield, Joe Mengell, Marc Hodges,
Kent Alexander, Steve Davis. Back Row; Jeff Sosebee, Dave Keene, Tony Welborn,
Mike Hypes, Kenny Story, Roger Jackson, Jim Morris (coach).
/OLLEYBALL Front Row; Lori Treiber (statistician), Toni Wyatt (coach), Roxanne
Halford, Kathy McDaniel (assistant coach), Audrey Owens (trainer). Second Row;
Donna Bishop, Lois Grier, Celia Pearson, Ginger Cockerham. Back Row; Kym
3allard, Kristen Smith, Traci Blankenship, Susan Schmidt, Katrina Daniels.
(1983 - '84)
6 - 5
On Saturday, March 3rd (the day of our
final print deadline), it was announced that
head football coach Mack Brown had accepted
the position of offensive coordinator with
the Oklahoma Sooners. The following day,
Phillip Perry 'Sparky' Woods was named as
Appalachian's 18th head football coach.
By probing beyond the points scored
and focusing on individual personality,
The Rhododendron tionors ttie coachies'
nominees for Attilete of ttie Year.
Every afternoon, coaches gather their muscled proteges
to push them through gruehng physical exertion. Through
sweat and pain, these athletes learn not just how to spike
or hit a grand slam, or how to stride a lap quickly. They learn
by testing their limits, by challenging goals and never giving
in to frustration or mishap. So when the time came for
coaches to choose their nominees for The Rhododendron
Athlete of the Year, they deliberated and reflected on each
squad member's dedication and sacrifice.
The 31 nominees on this and following pages, including
the male and female Athletes of the Year, are personal
selections of coaches from all university recognized varsity
teams. Selection of The Rhododendron Athletes of the Year
are based on votes from a committee of sports writers from
The Rhododendron and The Appalachian, Sports Informa-
tion Director Rick Covington, Athletic Director Jim Garner,
and Watauga Democrat sports editor Harry Pickett.
Traci Blankenship
doesn't mind dusting her
nose in a dive for the
volleyball, but her
specialty is with the
wrist and fingertips.
As a sophomore setter,
the Raleigh native ful-
fills a leadership role
by calling all court
plays. A quick volleyer,
Blankenship doesn't
"mind hitting the floor,"
but because of her height
offensive positioning is
her forte. "I set because
I'm short. If I had a 40
inch vertical jump it
would be different," she
says. Some day, Blanken-
ship hopes to utilize her
eight years of net exper-
ience in a coaching
In the summer of 1983,
the Olympics came to
Boone. The ASU baseball
field was one of ,38 cities
for Olympic baseball
tryouts, and as a first
runner up selection,
Richard Bosley is an
Olympic hopeful. The
Maryland native utilizes
changing speeds and his
slider and palm ball to
pitch five wins and only
one loss last spring. As
a freshman, his ERA was
one of the top ten in the
nation. But Bosley doesn't
just play from the mound
"I play the field," he
says, having expertise
at eU infield positions
except shortstop.
Like most caliber
athletes, David Carter
has sacrificed social
life to become the best
400 meter runner to ever
compete on Southern
Conference asphalt. But
to win, he has sacrificed
family life as well. The
Barbados native is now
a Boone citizen, residing
here to rewrite the ASU
record books without a
home visit since he en-
rolled three years ago.
Carter is homesick, but
nevertheless glad to
study in Boone. "I'm now-
getting used to the at-
mospheric conditions,"
he says. He must be,
since the senior almost
qualified for the Nation-
als in both the 400 and
200 meter events.
The ladies' body
building champion. Miss
Mountaineer 1984, does
more than pump iron in
the weightroom. Priscilia
n<)oleinan's muscles also
stride around the track,
pierely tenths of a second
jBway from National qual-
ification in the UK) and
^ meter spurts. The
junior captain was also
\undefeated at both sprint-
, last spring, and owns
► four Lady App schoo
records. Coleman has
natural blazing speed;
- she must also have a
gifted ability to build
rrrascles since the body
building champ's first
visit to a weight room
was as a college fre"
man. For now, muse.
competition is secondai
to the starting blocks.
Even though senior
Mike Brooks has alreadyl
been All Southern Con
ference fotJr times and
conference champ in the
discus event, he says,
"I'm the strongest I've
ever been in my life."
The Memphis TN native
returned from Officer
Candidate School for
Marines this summer
ready to vie for school
records in his discus
specialty, as well as in
the indoor and outdoor
hammer throws. He is
already second on the
all time ASU performance
lists at all three weight
events. It is a heavy
task, but Brooks utilizes
technique and speed in
the circle, and also
looks, listens, and learns
at away meets.
For Donna Bodiiie, '
field hockey is a sport
that will "itick." After
graduation, the senior
physical education major
wants to teach her tech-
niques. "I'd like to
coach it," she dreams.
But can Bodine pass on
the skills that earned
her first-team Deep South
honors? Positioning,
hand -eye coordination, a
steady stick, aggressive-
ness, and top defense are
hardly sketched out on a
clipboard. The New Jersey
native learned from pre-
miere coach Melissa
Miller that coaching
transitions can be
"hectic." Overall though.
Bodine nervously antici-
pates her first year of
Joel Carter never met
his father. His dad died
two months before Carter's
birth, so the linebacker
plays football for his
mom. "She's number one
to me." he says. "All my
life she'.« been giving me
things I wanted, and she
has sacrificed. 1 wanted
to give something back to
her." Maybe he was think-
ing about his mom when he
helped .A.SU beat Wake
Forest, intercepting two
passes for touchdowns and
recording 18 tackles. He
was named Southern Con-
ference Player of the
Week, and later downed
19 men versus NC State.
"You feel so close to the
guys you play with, that
you just want to do your
job so bad. " he relates.
What is the winning
strategy of a wrestler
who currently stands at
33-1 on the mat? Junior
Tom Hutchinson says, "I
am not a scrappy brawler,
but a technician. I try
to slick my man." As a
freshman, the Rock Hill,
SC native was an unde-
feated Southern Confer-
ence Champion at 126
pounds. As a sophomore,
"Hutch" was down with a
knee fracture, but not
out. "I don't get down
about misfortune," he
explains. Head coach
Paul Mance has been one
positive influence for
the criminology major.
"Coach almost uses brain-
washing," he notes, "so
that as a player, you
can't think of any other
way but to win."
When Lynn CarriliJl i
confides, "I never cease '
to amaze myself," she
is not bragging. Rather,
the Neptune, New Jersey
native is incredulous
at being honored as one
of the best stick wield -
ers in the south. "It's
not that my skill level
is so great," she admits.
"I just keep driving and
driving and driving."
All this "driving"
allowed ASU's aggressive
top scorer to travel
even further: to National
competition in Califor-
nia. Carrino, just a
sophomore, bounced back
from a sprained ankle
and a strained quadricep
to earn first team Deep
South recognition as
well. . -
|helly Laney
ilicize her
love: golf. She says,
"I wish more people at
ASU knew that we have a
girl's golf team." As an
athlete who once competed
on the green with the
guys, Laney also welcomes
female competition as
more women tee off.
"There are opportunities
in tournaments," she
notes. "You just have to
go out and find them."_
Laney has seized oppor-
tunity at ASU, stroking
the lowest scoring
average in the 1983 fall
tournaments. The Char-
lotte, NC native is
accurate with her iron
game, and her goal is
, to continue improvement
and remain consistent.
Sand traps aren't the
main obstacles for ASU
golf squads. Often, the
swingers must tee off
with a few inches of
snow accumulation. So
why is Lee Duncan a top
golfer? "I normally beat
everybody else," he says
of the intersquad com-
petition for position.
Duncan, who has been
swinging on the fairways
since the age of nine,
possesses an accurate,
solid swing. He's a
talented putter, too.
The senior describes his
level of expertise. "If
you play enough, you
just hit the ball and it
goes in the right spot.
You don't worry about
what could go wrong," he
explains modestly.
ne would think tnat
Chuck Jones, weigh-
less than 120 pounds,
wouldn't have to skip
meals and count calories.
However, the Charleston,
SC native diets to com-
pete at 118 pounds in
what he calls the "ulti-^
mate sport": wrestling.
The senior has bee
collegiate All Amer
wrestler for three y
but this year he is
nationally ranked. '
am the sleeper of t
year," he describes
self. "No one will k
where I come from \
jump on them. I'm
ly climbing the rani
How can Lisa Nutcneli
run up to 12 miles
daily, in frigid cold,
pouring rain, and dodge
dangerous motorists
regardless? What moti-
vates the Toms River,
New Jersey native to race
25 laps around a track?
"Running is something
I've always done. I can't
imagine mysek' not doing
it," Mitchell explains.
"When youSw been'' run-
ning for so long, you don't
think twice." The junior
as been dedicated to a
ong distance regimen
since seventh grade, and
her nine years of ex-
perience has paid off.
iuyana^iexico - Jonn
Nedd has traveled to
these countries and many
more to serve his home-
land's professional
hooters, the Trinidad
National Team. So why is
an international caliber
athlete thumping a soccer
ball around Conrad
Stadium? The sophomore
states, "Education is
the benefit I'm getting.
ASU gets the rest of the
benefit." Nedd has
gained education from
pro league competition,
too: better technique
and ball control.
Fans that watch sopho-
more guard Sophia Morris
dribble believe that the
Wilson leather basketball
is an extension of her
hand - until she passes
off, adding another
assist, or cocks her
wrist to strip the net
for two points. Even
though Morris dazzles
the crowd while in uni-
form, she says, "I am a
quiet athlete. I enjoy
keeping to myself. I
come home from practice
and listen to the radio."
As a freshman, the Walnut
Cove, NC native ran the
offense as a starting
point guard. "At first,
I was as nervous as could
be," she relates.
Bvia uiwrence is no
ordinary basketball
guard. Standing only
6'3", he regularly soars
to stuff the leather
down the rim. Power
moves and short jumpers
are his assets, while
the senior co-captain
admits that his drib-
bling is a weakness.
Ironically, ASU's
leading scorer with 15
tallies a game would
rather play defense
love defense much men
than offense," Lawrence
notes. "It gets the tea:
motivated." Yet, the St.
Matthews, SC native doe"
not feel pressured when
the team passes to him
for two in clutch situ-
ations. As he explains,
"You can only put pres-,
sure upon yourself.
Jane Foody is a
HoUywood star. Holly-
wood, FLA that is. But
^^^jB|*% / •
she left the balmy sun-
Um Ai
shine state to swing in
Boone, and has been an
^Kw f ^
ASU starter ever since.
Now the number one seed.
/^^b3L w
the voUeyer doesn't
^^^fw I
feel pressured when she
eyes the other team's
best player from across
^^^ E
the net. Foody has al- .
ready slammed a nation- i
ally ranked team's ^
number one hope. "I am fl
^^■■^ i 1
real competitive, and H
^^^1^^^- '
fairly steady and con- ^M
sistent," she related. ^^t
As a triple major ^^^H
student, tennis isn't .^^^1
the only challenge. The ^jj^^l
junior competes for ^^^^^t
degrees in French, Ger- ^^^^^H
man, and Economics as ^^^^^^^t
^^^^^^^^^^V ^1
^^^^^^^ "^
What tennis ace owns
11 ASU swimming records?
It is not the water works
of Melanie Riley tliat
make her prowess on the
tennis courts. When the
Athletic Department
drowned the swimming
program two years ago,
Riley raised a racquet
to become a varsity
tennis team hit with no
previous net experience.
Now, as a senior, Riley
, is the third seed after
^ a summer of tournament
play. "Playing tough
matches day in, day out
improves your general
attitude of play," the
Augusta, GA native says,
"Playing sporadically
doesn't help." Results
of a hard-hitting summe)
An improved consistency
and a powerful backhani
i: Laneal Vaughn is not
the first of his lineage
to raise a racquet at
ASU. His father, Larry
Vaughn, was a varsity
swinger from 1962-1964.
Two decades later, the
next Vaughn in line is
the number one seed as a
sophomore. In his pre-
miere season, the Ashe-
ville native was third in
the Southern Conference
at the number three seed,
and second in the league
at number three doubles
play. Vaughn's specialty
is the backhand. He is
aggressive and says,
"I'm not real fast, but
I overpower the people
I play."
p-' A renowned tennis
* coach is the Light that
*led talented recruit
Rusty Woy to ASU. In
^iJther words, the Shelby,
;,NC native wanted to
.volley for Head Coach
Bob Light. As a freshman,
Woy says that Light has
already helped him im-
prove. "I used to have a
bad temper and I'd get
hot on the court," he
recalls. "Coach Light has
helped me control my
temperament and play
every point lOO'^J." Woy
is already the number
two seed, and owes his
net value to his father,
a former All American
basketball player at
East Tennessee State
University. "He inspired
me," praises Woy. "When I
got lazy, he'd fire me up."
Sandi O'Loughlin has
always been a slugger.
"Maybe it's getting
dirty, or taking frus-
trations out on that
ball, but Softball has
been a major part of mji,
life since I was eighl
years old," she says.J
O'Loughlin's father
wanted her to wield a
tennis racquet, though.
"I started swinging over
the fence," she recalls.
"Then my dad got the idea
that I didn't want to
play tennis." She now
hits the Softball over
the fence with a team-
leading number of home
runs. The senior All-
State player keeps fit at
Head Coach Toni Wyatt's
health spa to condition
for a grueling 55 game
'■ t~;~„
<\nl !//>/,
It is as difficult to
imagine Bobby Wilhoit
not competing as it is
to imagine him not
breaking the tape as a
winner. After all, the
senior is the best Moun-
taineer 10,000 meter
runner to ever jump at
the starting gun, and
the best Southern Con-
ference steeplechase
competitor to ever splash
in the water pit. But
on the verge of gradu-
ation, Wilhoit says,
"In a couple of years, •
I'll probably have a
career and a family to -, ,
support. Running will i
take a back seat." For*
now, though, the Greei^
boro native ranks on
ASU's All Time Perform-
ance Lists in every race.
Last season junior
LuAnne Underhill wasn't
playing basketball on
ASU's hardwood. She
dribbled for Peace
College; All American.
Now that the Wendell,
NC native has been en-
ticed to strip the net
for the Lady Apps.
Underhill currently nets
12 points and grabs seven
rebounds per contest. The
wing guard tells of the
stress she experienced
as a new roundball star
starter for ASU. "I
wasn't playing as well
as what was expected of
me, and I added to the
pressure myself," she
^explains. "Novjj it has
" ^Kc£ kicker 'Bflly
Van Aman siored a 54 yard
field goal and added six
other tallies against
Wake Forest, earning him
Offensive Player of the
Week honors. Yet a year
ago, Van Aman was booting
ASU's Club Football Te^m
to the State championship
crown. The senior notes ,vi«
the difference between
a varsity uniform and
club status. "Wiih var- ?
sity, they have your
whole day platujed out
for you," he says. "It's
more of a job. but I
like playing a high
intensity game."
- Rusty Weaver is
clutch. The senior who
handles line drives at
shortstop, slams vital
hits for a .361 average,
drives in a top number
of RBIs, and steps on
the mound in late innings
to deliver short relief
for an ailing pitching
staff has to be cool and
confident. There is no
need for anxiety, ex-
plains the Indiana
senior, a junior college
transfer from Michigan.
"If I work hard in prac-
tice and get everything
down fundamentally,"
Weaver attests, "it will
come in games. I don't
have to worry."
Team unity and leaders-
ship .According to Alonzo
I'pshur, those were the
keys to success for ASU's
I'tHS football campaign.
"Other years, the team
'asn't close, but this
iflr, we were like fam-
says the senior,
e ate together, we
rayed together, and we
.believed in each other."
IJpshur was certainly a
key contributor on the
turf too, catching 35
passes for 809 yards. The
Marketing and Manage-
ment major attributes
his ability to teammates
and his religious faith.
"Football players go
through a lot, but we
were helped by our belief
in the Lord," relates,
uTis- diftici
team player Lori Treiber
to brag about herself.
Although the sophomore
has handled a leadership
.jole as starting pitcher,
"*he talks of the team
concept which brought her
■»,^^^to ASU in the first -^
^fkce: the Lady ."^ppsV
Ti^eded depth on the
mimnd. As a prep second
baseman for fast pitch
competition, Treiber
made a transition to the
mound for the slow pitch
game. ''1 like pitching,"
she ci;mments. "I see a
lot of action. Softball
is fast but it involves
thinking." Then, the
Columbia, SC native re-
turns to the team. "I
love team sports." she
says. "You depend on
others and work together."
For senior Dale Roberts,
it is a tradition to suit
up in black and gold. As
a transfer from the
University of South
Carolina - Lancaster,
the 6'9" center has worn
those colors since high
school. Roberts, who is
currently averaging 9
points and 9 rebounds
per game, admits his
assets to ASU's black
and gold: improved
quickness, aggressiveness,
boxing out for the re-
bound, and hustle. But
the Hopkins, SC native
says, "I don't get too
much into myself. I just
lay hard."
Female Athlete of the Year
Slam it down their throats - that
is what The Rhododendron female Ath
lete of the Year has done for four
years at ASU. When the volleyball
floats off a setter's fingertips more
than likely Lois Grier will soar to
slam it over the net in the face of
the opposition.
At 5'7", the spiker is short to be
a hitter. Yet when she lines up
against girls six feet and taller, she
has a four-year hitting percentage of
85.2 '^(. In other words, about 85 "^o of
the time when Grier contacts the ball
for a spike, she kills it. Take for
instance this season's contest with
UNCC. Grier recorded six scoring
spikes as the Lady Apps won three
games to zero. Says ASU's head volley
ball coach Toni Wyatt, "Lois is a
power hitter mainly because of her
vertical jump and versatile hitting."
Her leaping ability, which Grier
perfects by jumping rope, is not the
athlete's only asset. The volleyer
is very consistent. In four years as
a Mountaineer, Grier's play boasts a
96.3 serving percentage. That is, 96%
of the time, Grier serves the ball in
bounds over the net, often times re-
cording aces that no opposition can
touch. Last year, she missed only one
serve in the entire season.
For Grier, honors are also consis-
tent. Every time the athlete has faced
the net for tournament competition,
she has received All Tournament suc-
cess. As a highly touted high school
Ail-American, Grier has also been
nominated for collegiate All- American
status for the past three years, but
she has failed to gain the national
limelight since the Lady Apps have not
reached the national tournament. The
spiker had a banner premiere season at
ASU, being chosen All-State and All-
Regional, and repeated All-State
honors her sophomore season. Grier
has been All Southern Conference for
the last two years, and as a junior
led the Mountaineers to a conference
crown and a 29-5 record.
To what does Grier owe her success?
"God gave me natural talent," she
notes, but says that her father has
been a positive push. "My dad coached
me from the eighth grade up," she
explains. "Since I came to college, he
has stayed on me hard. He says, 'Don't
do well. Do great.' He's made me the
athlete I am."
Because ASU's Coach Wyatt and Mr.
Grier share similar coaching philoso-
phies, the athlete was attracted to
ASU. "I fell in love with the school,"
she relates. This year, Grier shared
her enthusiasm for black and gold by
showing recruits around campus as a
Mountaineer Babe.
*/Iale Athlete of the Year
Playing professional soccer may be
a reality for The Rhododendron male
Athlete of the Year. Senior Scott
Anderson may be joining the ranks of
the pro league which he has idolized
since the age of four. "Most of my
days I'd go to soccer games and see
the pros," he recalls. "It carried me
through my childhood."
Anderson explains his goal of set-
ting a professional example. "If I
can make my dream a reality, then
maybe some little boy out there can
have a dream," he replied.
If one motivation for making pro-
fessional status is giving kids some-
thing to hope for, his family is ano-
ther. Soccer has created a close bond
between the Anderson clan. His two
aider brothers, one of whom was a
:ollegiate All-American, are both
3xcellent hooters, and his father is
in avid soccer fan. Says Anderson, "I
ivant to make the pros for my father.
[ want to give something back to my
iad and let him know that I love him."
He also indicated that playing soccer
constantly without working part-time
)vas a financial burden on his family,
md he hopes to play professionally
;o prove that his parents' efforts
were not wasted.
Besides financial support, Ander-
fon's family gave emotional reassur-
mce too. The athlete confided that
lis best asset is, "the fact that I
lever lose my cool. My whole family
las helped me work on that quality.
As the youngest, I used to have a big
head," he admits, "my family taught
me to be more humble and to never lose
my temper."
Anderson has physical capabilities
to complement this cahn determination.
ASU head soccer coach Art Rex praises,
"Scott can hit well with either foot, k
When he's on, he is basically unstop- ?.
Anderson has suited up for three
different positions in his four year
term as a Mountaineer. "We didn't
find a home for him," coach Rex notes.
"The program was rebuilding so we had
to count on his versatility." Conse-
quently, the athlete is the first
Southern Conference soccer player
to be named All-Conference at three
different positions. As a sophomore,
he was all league at his favorite
field position, center halfback. He
maintained his All-Conference status
as a sweeperback his junior year, and
then switched from defense to offense.
As a center forward this season, An-
derson was named Southern Conference
Player of the Year, leading the league
in scoring with 34 points. Of his
success, Anderson notes, "Any honor that
I get I take as a chance to do
Even with next October and Novem-
ber's professional tryouts on his
mind, soccer is mainly fun for Ander-
son. "I love taking care of my body,"
he says. "I tend to play around out
of sheer enjoyment. Maybe if I had
more of a killer attitude at times . . ."
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Rumor would have it that
ASU's population of personas
is very homogeneous; that
everyone comes from a
ilar-to-the- point-of-boredom
mold^n^ctuality, the
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alfd lifes^les here M
li^hat of any
Inaugurating th~
well over 600
ASU Food Ser ''
16-foot-long, fouT=
sundae, topped
chocolate •
maraschino cherr
whipped topping
World recor<*'^:
students," said Pat j.
ring season at ASU,
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T iof ASU Food
The Wrath of Gilles
When traveling evangelist James Gilles
came back for his second "Sermon on the Mall"
last November, people were waiting for him
with banners and chants. Some 300 students
gathered to listen, whistle, scream, laugh, and
Every campus receives their share of
traveling preachers, but ASU was not used to
the Hell Fire and Brimstone delivery of Brother
Jim. As his general censure of student morality
rose to its vehement high, the menacing crowd
of students slowly moved in on his position both
physically and religiously.
People's responses were mixed; some tried
to elbow their way in and ask reasonable
questions to make sense of it all, others chose
to view it as a three ring circus, and some
viewed it as a staged psychology test.
Gilles, from Evansville, Indiana travels all
over the country speaking on college campuses.
ASU was the 103rd campus in 30 different
states that he had spoken to.
Gilles' speech recounted in detail his
former life as someone running with the devil.
He expounded on the horrors of sex, drugs, and
rock and roll, and how out of the pits of Hell,
he was saved by God. He yelled to the crowd,
"I once met a wicked woman who had a silly
mother. This poor deceived girl fell for the
oldest lines in the book. I prompted her with,
'I love you.' I coaxed her with, 'The only way
I can truly express my love for you is to make
love to you.' That's the one Delilah used on
Samson," he said.
When Gilles inevitably got around to
condemning homosexuals, he affected a
feminine posture - giving rise to jeers of all
sorts. He said, "One day I found out my drug
dealer was a Ho-Mo-Sexual; like most big drug
dealers he was a queer." The students then
joined in with the sing song chant, "Ho-
Mo-Sexual, Ho-Mo-Sexual, Ho-Mo-Sexuall"
Gilles would then quote scripture and brandish
the Bible like the wrath of God were to descend
any moment.
Some students tried to break through the
crowd and take case with him, but to no avail.
Jim White, ASU student and member of
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship said, "My
problem was that he claimed Christianity yet
distorted its message."
Dr. Jim Winders, a history professor said,
"It was ironic that he spoke during the end of
the fall semester during the time we were
discussing the radical protestant reformation
movement in England when similar preachers
were caUing for the end of time and Christ's
Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Bill
Knox, felt Gilles was a mixed up person. He
said, "It became a ridiculous form of
entertainment. He simply castigated people."
It's evident that whatever the response,
traveling evangelist, James Gilles left quite an
impact on ASU's campus.
Fred Helms
right in the
heat of preach-
er Gilles
Originally from
Monroe, he is
working and
studying to be
a Baptist
said, "Christ
came here to
witness in love
and show ho
sins could be
forgiven -
instead this
guy criticized
everyone and
sent people to
"Waking up people
from apathy," is
one of Kenyon
Kelly's hobbies. As
a goal, he wants
to, "Create a fem-
inist Utopia for
the reeducating of
young people
through non-sexist,
non-racist, ecolo-
gical and peaceful
role modeling."
As a graduate
student of ASU in
Educational Media,
Deborah Chicurel's
Bahai faith is the
key that guides
her life. She
said, "For me,
marriage and work
both stem from the
Bahai faith. The
Bahai concept ex-
horts everyone to
work in the spirit ;
of service and
worship of God."
Jeff Heybrock is
studying psycho-
logy with a con-
centration in
business and
management. He
loves working
with people and
hopes to end up
in sales. He
feels now is the
time to take off
and travel and
experience dif-
ferent cultures.
He hopes to live
with a family in
Sweden next year
lusiness, and the
while there for
[0 months.
I From Cheraw, S. C, Kay Edgeworth
is studying Nutrition with a
desire to integrate health with
nutrition. She loves Jazz and the
Blues, with Cole Porter and Ella
Fitzgerald listed as her favorite
Ken Springs, or Scat as i
graduating this year with a, speech teaching
' degree. He wants to travel and speak in
churches and high schools, doing semi-evan-
gelistic work. He said, "I would like to be
a communicator in different ways, whether
it's preaching, singing, or student teaching."
A sophomore from Morganton, Deonne Springs |
is studying Special Education concentrating /
in the Emotionally Disturbed. Deonne is a
little sister for the Men's Service Club,
and a member of the Ladies Elite on campus.
She is also the vice-president of the BSA
Gospel Choir
Originally from Korea, Eun Kim is studying Medical
Technology through the Biology Department. Her family
has been in Burlington for the last eleven years. She
loves the cold weather of Boone and the atmosphere of
the mountains. Some of her favorite music consists of
Def Leopard, Billy Squire, and Quiet Riot.
Blake Lambert has
made Boone home
for the last 10
years. In 1981,
he completed his
B.S. in Physics
and his B.A. in
English. He loves
to play the
guitar, and has
played widely for
ASU. He would
like to go into
some science or
computer related
writing. He said,
"I hope N.C.
realizes that
paying well
teachers is not
an expenditure
but an invest-
A junior history
major from More-
head City, Dina
Murray said,
"I've always been
interested in
>^j^ history - it
offers a little
bit of everything
from learning
about different
people to travel
and the chance to
read a lot." Her
concentration is
in Asian History.
Dina said, "I'd
like to travel
to China," and in
the meantime she
would like to
live, "in a big
city and work in
museum research."
A junior
philosophy and
religion major,
Sharon Morrison,
said, "I could be
in school forever
and never be able
to say which
philosopher has
meant the most to
me." She would
love to work
towards her Ph.D.
and eventually
teach. She enjoys
running, weight-
training, read-
ing and all
kinds of music
except country.
Monica Listoldn
is a geology
major, concentra-
ting in fossils
and palentology.
She said, "I love
to sit around and
talk with friends
discussing every-
thing from
feminism to the
importance of
language." She
also loves to
weave and spent
time mastering
her art while at
Goddard in
Vermont. Monica
enjoys the Irish
folk music of
2rhf (0ltarlot1
Mr. Joe Phelps' enthusiasm for the
students at ASU is evident with his
accomplishments with ASU's Band of
Distinction. Phelps enjoys his work so
much he hardly believes thirteen years
have passed since he came to ASU. He
said, "It seems like I just got here." He
thinks the students are wonderful at ASU,
and commented how they literally took
him by the hand when he first came and
helped him find his way around. He grows
very close to the students during their
four years.
' \.^
Roger Stanley is an adopted son of
Boone who, unless scheming up ways to
get off campus for a semester or an
academic year, is an ASU graduate
student and teaching assistant in the
Department of English. He hails from
Kingsport, Tennessee. The reading and
writing of words are very important
things to him, as are epic walks.
Journey Frcgn Co^uipbia
As a wanderer I came to the USA pursuing a dream.
Endless, snake-like highways crawled all over the Land of
Plenty reminding me of Cat Stevens' song "Where do the
Children Play?". The USA impressed me for the evident
wealth that floods its homes and institutions.
I left Columbia looking for myself, for my path with
heart. I came to the States following the urge to expand my
field of vision, to come in contact with different perspectives
on life, and unconsciously, to make sure that all the peoples
of the world are, after all, just people.
When I came to the part of the Earth we call the States,
I did not have a particular route to follow. I wanted the
Universe to guide me, to show me that place where it thought
I would fit best. And it so happened that life indeed had a
home for me in Boone and a soccer scholarship at ASU, too.
Philadelphia born
Sean Bailey wants
to, "start a news-
paper, win a
Pulitzer, write in
Washington, and
cover the impend-
ing wars in Central
and South America,
write several
books and make a
movie with Micheal
Lackey. Not neces-
sarily in this
order, but all
before the age 45."
Bailey's respected
authors are David
Halberstam and
Hunter S. Thomp-
Originally from New Jersey, Harry
Bennett is finishing up his degrees in
geology and philosophy. He spent two
years in the army as a carpenter at Fort
Bragg and would like to be able to live
From Columbia,
South America, Rosa
Ojeda is studying
science, and math.
She said, "I really
like the States,
and how people do
things free from
fear and repres-
sion. I've never
seen Christmas
caroling like I saw
in this area.
Christians are free
to do things, free
to believe." She
enjoys hiking
around Price Lake,
and scuba diving.
Getting a hard workout
every Monday through j
Thursday is Ingrid ]
Sagan. Not only is she
a fulltime student at
ASU in Political
Science and Criminal
Justice, but she is the
aerobics instructor at !
The Nautilus Fit and
Figure. She is from
Raleigh, and has con-
sidered going into law
when she graduates. She
loves downhill skiing
and riding horses.
A senior psycho-
logy major from
Forest City,
Michelle Wilkens
hopes to pursue
graduate school
in child or deve-
lopmental psycho-
logy. At the time
of the shooting,
she was ready for
exams to come to
an end, and said,
"I can't wait for
the semester to
be over and go
down this moun-
All of this was totally unexpected but welcome.
When I came here, I knew no one in the entire USA.
But Americans, most of you, received me with great joy, open
homes, and helping hands. I am so very grateful for this! Very
soon I was playing soccer in front of 4,000 fanatics yelling,
"ASU . . . ASU . . . ASU . . .!" It was a fantastic feeling. I was
a stranger no more just a couple of weeks after I came to
Going back to my freshman year, I remember the fall
as the most incredible spectacle I have ever experienced.
Columbia is a tropical country and we have no seasons there.
Here, rainbow-clothed mountains warm under a luminous sun
traversing an all blue sky. ASU was the best school I could
have come to, I immediately knew. Then, in Homecoming
week-end of 1980, I was running after gentle, mandala-like
snow flakes catching them but they would melt as soon. It
was like trying to kiss butterflies as they flew by. It was
unbelievably beautiful, the first time I saw snow.
I thank ASU and Boone for being a wonderful part of
my life. For four years ASU has been much to me: the school
where my searching mind saw seeds grow and Utopian castles
bloom in hope and love, the home where I laughed and cried
while most everyone else was going home to do so. I love ASU,
these mountains with their crazy weather and beautiful
people. The longer one lives in Boone, the more one loves
it. In spite of all the hardships and nothings-to-do, this place
has some magic energies and a majestic simplicity that
envelops one's heart and does not let go. Sometimes I wish
I was a freshman to start all over again.
Our House was supposed to have been a
place where students could lounge, enjoy
refreshments, and be entertained by performing
students. This idea was conceived by Greg
Galloway six years ago. Since then Our House
has grown much larger but has strayed away
from a coffee shop atmosphere.
Our House was part of a Student
Government plan for Developmental Entertain-
ment. The current Director of Developmental
Entertainment is Mike Hanna, a graduate
student. His assistant, Paul Van Guilder, is the
Publicity Director.
Our House of Developmental Entertain-
ment is advised by Campus Programs, a
division of Complementary Education. The
main idea behind Our House was that the
performing would be done by students for
students as well as being run by students.
Throughout its six year existence it has kept up
with this idea of a student-run program.
"We (Paul and I) do all the work; booking
the acts, working with the staff of the Student
Union, setting up chairs, putting up posters,
giving out press releases and ads. We do it all,"
said Mike Hanna. Their positions are paid; and
they are serious about their work.
The main production for Our House is the
auditioning of acts for the Mountaineer Talent
Search. "In the past there has been an idea that
Our House was a Christian organization because
so many of the acts had a religious background
which is true, but we take any and all
auditioners; we have no prejudice," explained
In the last couple of years refined
performers have taken the stage in Our House
to audition for the Talent Search bringing
crowds of followers and fans. "It has really
gotten crowded at the audtions the last couple
years as compared to the past," said Hanna.
The winner of the Talent Search is
awarded 300.00 dollars, second place receives
200.00 dollars, third place receives 150.00
dollars while each of the other seven of the top
ten receive 50.00 dollars.
The judging of the preliminary auditioning
is done by students. There is usually a music
major, a drama major, a voice major and
someone from the student body for an overall
viewpoint. The judges for the finals of the
Talent Search, however, are professionals
picked from the community for some talent that
they specialize in. For the last couple of years
the judges have been; the President of Lees
McRae College, the voice professor of Lees
McRae, Assistant Vice Chancellor Barbara
Daye, and the winner as well as beginner of The
Mountaineer Talent Search, Greg Galloway.
Wendy Lopp is a
graduate stu-
dent in Clini-
cal Psychology.
Wendy works two
days a week in
Lenoir at the
Willie M.
Mental Health
Center working
with violent
and emotionally
disturbed chil-
dren. It is one
of three prac-
ticums she must
fulfill to re-
ceive her
masters. Wendy
is also involv-
ed as an acade-
mic advisor in
the General
Just out of the Navy, Terry Kelchner
is studying business, with the hopes
of following in the footsteps of
his father and working with NCR. He
said his fleet was called the
AyatoUah fleet, because in 1980 his
ship was supposed to sail to Iran.
A masters candidate
in English, Anthony
Tinsley said, "I
dig Shakespeare,
and I like the
romantics," Anthony
is a teaching as-
sistant and has
been very involved
with Cold Mountain
Review. He said
Faulkner and Thomas
Wolfe influenced
him a lot. He said,
"To keep sane
while reading so
many classics, I
read Hunter S.
Thompson along with
my school readings."
Nicole Sevier
will graduate in
May with a compu
ter science de-
gree, concentra-
ting in physics
and accounting.
After graduation,
Nicole plans on
doing her intern-
ship at Oak Ridge
National Labs,
then will head to
Georgia Tech to
attend graduate
school. Nicole
said, "I would
like to get into
systems design,
and developing
From Pickens, S.C.,
Eugene Purry went
into political
science because he
hopes to represent
and help people by
being in office.
Eugene said, "I would
like to aim for the
Senate." He's
pulling for Mondale
and said, "Some tag
him with Carter, but
Mondale didn't run
the show." Eugene
said he is concerned
with the shift in
power in Russia, and
feels we're in a cold
war with the Soviets.
He likes to read U.S.
News and World Report
and Runners' World.
Steve Voyles is a
Special Education
major. He enjoys chal-
lenging people and
hopes to do so while
teaching some day in a
Middle School. He sees
the teenage years as
very crucial, "That's
when they're building
their ethics and
forming their beliefs
and developing their
sexual identity." Be-
fore coming back to
school, Steve was
drafted in '70 and went
to Seattle's Nuclear
Missile Site as a dog-
handler. Steve has
Steve has
put himself through
school working as the
projectionist at The
Appalachian Theater.
Martha Pyatte is an inspiration to all who know her. She is 73
years old and is currently enrolled in 18 credit hours at ASU.
She said. "I really never thought about the aging process.
There's so much left to be done in our lives," A year ago
Martha's husband died, and she said, "I didn't want to sit
around knitting and slowly die, so I decided to get back into
school." She taught various high school subjects and has traveled
to France. Martha doesn't let an opportunity go by.
Harold Brandhuber's expertise \
setters keeps the bowling alley rolling. Bet ^
upkeep, maintenance, and 6 bowling classes a day, he
has a happy spirit about his work. He said, "If you're
.not happy with a job, don't do it - do what you like
I to do."
His hand made boxes, Indian crafts
and gentle spirit give him away.
His name is Bern Grey Owl, and he
travels around selling his goods
and talking to people. He spent
time in downtown Boone and the
Plemmons Student Union. Originally
from New York, he came to this area
because of the people and their
! interest in the earth and Indian
culture. A harried person passing by
Bern may hear him speak of going to
the woods and emptying himself of
worries, guilt and pain.
Behind the Yosef
mascot is Todd
"Despite the
drawbacks of the
weight of the
Yosef uniform,
and the extreme
heat, he loves
the children
Yosef attracts -
it's like being
a Walt Disney
character. Todd
is a Public
Relations major.
History graduate student, Renee Boughman is interested in
Latin America. Her thesis is on liberation theology. Renee
is very interested in teaching and being involved with
community service work, especially with regard to hunger
issues. She said, "Doing community work should not be
something one does once in awhile, but rather a habitual
part of one's life."
From Philadelphia, Dan Sweeney and
his family came to Boone after his
time with the Air Force at Camp
LeJune. Dan is a senior computer
science major. He has a two year
old boy and his wife is expecting
another. Dan said, "1 love to take
my little boy out for walks all
over the place - he especially
likes the duck pond."
Billy Hoggs is a
speech communica-
tions major. He
is the Chief
Justice of the
University Court
and an active
member of the ASU
forensics team.
Billy's philoso-
phy of life is,
"Live each day to
the fullest. It
may be your last."
He has been the
recipient of over
20 awards during
his time debating
for the ASU team.
Billy hopes to
someday become a
teacher and a
debate coach.
Honors Math student Pat Tamer would like
to attend Clemson's Masters program and
teach on the University level. He is an
R.A. in Coffey Hall and said, "The people
at ASU are great! 1 want to be the best
person and mathematician 1 can be."
Rhonda Kincaid is a
senior Information
systems major. She
said she enjoys
figuring out prob-
lems. Rhonda would
like to open a Day
Care Center one
day for working
mothers. She plans
on getting married
this year, and
loves to motorcycle
ride on the parkway
with her fiance.
"Most of all I love
to get to know
people and really
understand them."
ina Clayton is a History major interested
in studying city planning. She plans on
attending VPI's graduate program in hopes
of broadening her background to include
environmental and energy studies. Gina is
very interested in historical preservation
as well. Gina's interests in history range
from the 1860's, New Nihilism in Russia
the social and cultural atmosphere in
Europe after WWL
Marggi Robbie
is a junior
speech path-
ology major.
She plans on
graduate school
in St. Louis.
Marggi said her
goal in life is
to share her
faith in Jesus
Christ with
others, and not
shove religion
down people's
throat. Marggi
enjoys sailing
in the Bahamas
with her family
and racing in
Kurt Matheson,
director of
Graphics and
Student Print-
ing, enjoys his
work and said
it's been his
release from
school. A
junior printing
and production
major, Kurt
hopes to go
into a manager's
position in
printing and
graphics. Kurt
said, "I like a
challenge and
feel that one
Science major,
Rob Patton
would like to
head towards a
Ph.D in inter-
national law.
Reagan, Rob
said, "Reagan's
gun-boat diplo-
macy is nothing
but a show.
He's hurting
our nation and
knows nothing
about foreign
policy. Most of
the appointees
to the U.N.
have never had
a political
science course."
In 1982, the Artist and Lecture Committee
unified their efforts to find major speakers by
developing a theme. The theme for this year's
Series was entitled, "Whose Earth? Our
Environment in the '80's". Dr. Ole Gade of the
Geography Department coordinated some very
controversial speakers, beginning with Hugh
Kaufman, Director of the Environmental
Protection Agency's toxic waste program.
Kaufman, known as 'the Whistle Blower',
spoke on the Great Hazardous Waste Scandal.
It was his testimony before Congress in 1978
that exposed the Love Canal Case. He aroused
ASU's conscience as well, especially with his
candid criticism of the Reagan Administration's
environmental policies.
On November 16th, the series moved on to
host Dr. Barry Commoner, an environmentalist
and former presidential candidate. Asking 200
students at Farthing Auditorium, "Who is
deciding what to do with our national
resources?" He stressed that those making
decisions are more interested in short-term
porfits, i.e., those of the big oil companies. He
pointed out the close-knit ties between
economic and political issues, stressing that
Americans need to move towards "social
governance" of the country's resources, and put
a stop to big companies running the show.
Wrapping up the series was Karl Gross-
man, an award winning journalist, who roused
the campus with the issues of toxic chemicals
and governmental entanglement in a conspiracy
to poison America for their profit. Grossman
told shattering tales and projected reams of
slides to about 300 students revealing the
government and chemical industry's conspir-
atorial production and use of hazardous
chemicals - use that is causing cancer epidemics
in the U.S. Grossman said chemicals like EDB
pesticides, PCB's and the pesticide Temik (one
used by farmers which has been found to be ten
times more powerful than cyanide), have
increased the percentage of environmentally
caused cancer to between 80 and 90 percent.
"Wait until the '90's," said Grossman, referring
to the time that chemicals need to build and
manifest themselves in the environment.
The frightening facts revealed through all
three speakers left quite an impact on ASU
students and faculty. Many thanks go to the
speakers and the organizers of the Lecture
Series for bringing crucial issues to the
forefront. - Babette Munn
James Michael Bennett— Ci
Weldon M. Burt— Louisburg
Mike Cave— Boonviiie
Brad Daniel— Pisgah Forest
Barry Dean— Eden
Ellen L. Dixon— Morganton
Joseph Nelson Dollar— Burlington
Mitzi Y. Hughes— Elk Park
Michael G. Hypes— Radford, va
Kelley Lawing— Hickory
Leslie Susan Lemaster— Charlotte
John Liner— Cedar G
Mark Lockman— StateevUie
Debra Elaine Lowtharpe— TayloraviUe
Caralyn Markle— Cary
Laura E. McKaskel— Boone
Sherry Mills— New Bern
Gail Moody— Marion. SC
James Pearson— Manning, sc
Tricia Peterson— Boone
Edward Douglas Pinyan— China Grove
Sabrina Rhodes~Thoma«%-iUe
Mark D. Rockett— Wilkesboro
Kay S. Sinclair— Boone
Wayne J. Timberlake— Boone
Mark Tuccillo— Trenton. NJ
Sharon L. Widman— Fayetteviiie
Penny Abernathy— Livington
John Absher- Wilkesboro
Jacqueline Adams— Lenoir
Jerry Ray Adams— Piney Creek
Keith Howard Adams— Andrews
Dayna Aldridge— BurnsviUe
Raymond K. Alessandrini— Salisbury
Ken Alexander— Boone
Sharon Lynne Alexander— Belewg Creek
Katherine Anne Alford— Raleigh
Claudette Alley— Chailott*
Greg Alligood— Washington
|| iMfli ml! all '">! "!
^v^^ fV'
Barbie Anderson— Pituboro
Billie T. Anderson— Moravian Falls
Keith Anderson— China Grove
Eric Scott Andrews— Concord
Camille Annas— Hickory
Toni Annas— Granite Falls
Edwina Anthony— Gastonia
Kathy Archibald— StatesWUe
Donna Ann Arey— Troutman
Lori Arrington— Ramaeur
Mary Jean Arzonico— Winston-Saiem
Patrice Ashford— Charlotte
Vicki Askey— Charlotte
Debra Denise Atkins— Murphy
Lynn Awtrey— Siler City
Ramona Diane Ayers— Rosman
Brockford G. Baird— WinstonSaiem
Rod Baird— Blowing Rock
Beverly Ann Baker- Hillsborough
David Baker— Charlotte
Jeffrey V. Baker— AsheviUe
Jon T. Balish— Jack8on%Tlle
Paul Balle— Charlotte
Jada Grace Barber— Greensboro
Pamela Dawn Bare— Graham
Byron Paul Barlowe— Matthews
Candace Barlowe— Lenoir
Eddie L. Barnes— Goldsboro
Sandra Barnett— Greensboro
David Barrett— Kings Mountain
Gwen Barton— Charlotte
Robert Baskerville- Greensboro
Irene Frances Bass— charlotte
Jonathan T. Batchelor— Murfreesboro
Natalie Noell Bauman— Boone
Rebekah Beasley— Greensboro
Tony E. Beasley— Smithfield
David Michael Beeler— Gastonia
David Bell— Greenville, SC
Mark Benfield— Leiington
Cathy Bennett— Charlotte
Jill A. Bennett- Greensboro
Jill Denise Bennett— Greensboro
Jose Bernal- Medellin. Columbia, SA
Susan Paige Billings— High Point
Brent Bingham— KernersvUe
Kimberly A. Birskovich— Grover
Ben Blackburn— Todd
Edward Blackburn— CherryviUe
Dan Blackwelder— Concord
Bryan S. Blakley— Winston-Salem
Kimberly Jean Blakley— winstonSalem
Andrea K. Blalock— Durham
Carl Blue— West End
Patrice Blue— Southern Pines
Joe Boitnotte— Salem, VA
Debbie Bolton— Boone
Joe Boone — Boone
Mary Beth Boone— Boone
Sherry K. Boose— Winston-Saiem
Martha Booze— Wataut Cove
Cynthia Boshears— Puilear
Elizabeth Boss— Franklin, TN
Jackie Bostic— Buijaw
Susan Boudreau— Daytona Beach, FL
Michael Scott Boulton-Chapei Hill
Tamera Lynn Bowen— Matthews
Millie Boyce— Charlotte
Ryan Brackett— Gastonia
Tina Bradshaw— Banner Elk
Randall K. Brady— Bennett
Gregory S. Braswell— Smithfield
Kim Britton— Gastonia
Beth Ann Brooks— Fletcher
Cynthia E. Brown— Jefferson
David Brown— Winston-Salem
Deborah D. Brown— Linville Falls
Ken Brown— Charlotte
Kimberly E. Broyhill— Wilkesboro
Len A. Broyhill— Wilkesboro
Michelle Lynne Bruinsma— Winston-Salem
Labinda Bryan— FayetteviUe
Karen Bryant— Greensboro
Heather Buck— Raleigh
Amy Buckland— Greensboro
Chip Buff— Charlotte
Miriam Kelley Bullard— Rocky Mount
Gina M. Bumgarner— Hudson
Jo Herbert Bumgarner— Millers Creek
Mark Steven Bumgarner— TitusviUe, fl
Jonathan Burgess— Charlotte
Lisa L. Burke— Burlington
Teila Burleson— Newiand
Melissa J. Burnette— Louisburg
Toby Burrell— Bryson City
Christopher M. Bursch— Moorestown, nj
Sandra Leigh Butler— Mountain City, TN
Crystal Callicutt— Asheboro
Carolyn Cameron— Sanford
James D. Camp— Hickory
Katherine Camp— Shelby
Kim Campbell— AsheviUe
Robin Campbell— BoonviUe
Chris Canipe— Hickory
Jeff Canipe— Boiling Springs
Kim Canipe— Hickory
Mary E. Cantrell— Mooresviiie
Wade R. Capehart-New York, NY
David Carleton— Winston-Salem
Robert C. Carpenter— Boone
Elisa Carroll— Matthews
Martha L. Carroll— FayetteviUe
Nori Carson— YoungsvUle
Carol Carter— Salisbury
Kimberlee E. Carter— AsheviUe
Susan Cash— Charlotte
Craig Cass— Pfafftown
Eric M. Cawthorne— Durham
Ginger Cecil— ThomasviUe
Faye A. Chadwell— FayetteviUe
R. Scott Charest— MockaviUe
Charlene Charles— Trinity
Tina Lynn Chilton— Greensboro
Donna Clark- North wilkesboro
Scott Clay-Midland
Gina L. Clayton— Charlotte
Cameron Clegg— Greensboro
Robin Clemmer— Greensboro
Donald R. Clemons— Maple View, NY
Patti Cline— Dallas
David Cobb— Boone
Kelly D. Coble— Kannapolia
Denise Coholich— Peachtree City, GA
John Collins— Fayetteville
Kathy Collins— Greensboro
Tanya Collins— Westfieid
Lee ComptOn— ThomasviUe
Anna Marie Coon— Pineola
Falls Cooper— Boone
Sarah Cooper— Brevard
Lynn Cope— Cooleemee
Michael S. Carlton— Raleigh
Greg M. Cornett— Boone
Laura L. Correll- Charlotte
Martha A. Cosby— Denver
Donald E. Cover— Cooleemee
Carl Covington— Kemersville
Dara Lee Cox— Buiton
Lynne Cox— Pinehurst
Kathy Coyne— Greensboro
Robert W. Coyner— Raleigh
Fonda Craft— Lewisvijie
Bill Craig— Raleigh
Bill Crenshaw— Cramerton
Kelly R. Crisco— Charloltte
David F. Crocker— Gastonia
Krista Crouch— AsheviUe
Regina CrOUSe— Lexington
Steven Lee Crowe— Morganton
Larry Crump— High Point
Laura Ann Cupp-^ohnson City, TN
Marc Czarnecki— Candler
Joann M. D'Alessandro— Charlotte
Sherry Ann Dancy— Sutesviue
Cheryl Daniels— Rocky Mount
Dianna D'Aurora— Boone
Michael Scott Daves— Morganton
Miller Roy David— w. Jefferson
Linda Davis— Marion
Amanda Day— Spruce Pine
Ashley Leigh Deal— Hickory
Mark Houston Deaver— Charlotte
Kathy Lynn Dehart— StoneviUe
Debbie Dellinger— Spruce Pine
Michelle Demnicki- Moyock
Joe Depasquale— Greensboro
Anthony G. Devine— Charlotte
Steven Dale Dezern— Salisbury
Jeffrey S. Dickinson— RocksviUe, MD
Kimberly Dickinson— Asheboro
Joe DifalcO— Pompano Beach. FL
Gina Lynne DiggS— Bessemer City
Beth Lynn Dilday— Ahoskie
Jesse M. Dingle— Spring Lake
Joe Nathan Dixon— Kinston
Cynthia Dollyhite— Mount Airy
Andy Dulin— Charlotte
Heidi M. Dunkelberg— AsheviUe
Linda D. Dunn— Concord
Susan Earnest— Dobson
Phyllis Easterling- Charlotte
Lynda Eatmon— Bailey
Sarah L. Echerd— Hickory
Stephan A. Edwards— Durham
William R. Edwards— Durham
Allison Eldridge— Fayetteville
Susan Gail Ellington— Raleigh
Jimmy Elliott— StatesvUie
Luwonna Ellis— MocksviUe
David W. Engel— Morehead City
Jimmy Everette— Murfreesboro
Ann Everhart— Winston-Salem
Dale M. Everhart— Lewisville
Melva Everidge^lonesville
Dale Fair— Dreiel
Laura L. Fairbanks— StevensviUe. MI
Beverly A. Faircloth— Stedman
Roger Dean Farnheart— Greensboro
Richard Farris— Vaidese
David J. Faulkner— Connelly Springs
Fran Feimster— Sutesville
Sabrina Lynn Ferguson— WinrtonSaiem
Carole Fields— Greensboro
Frank File— Salisbury
Edward J. Finney— Coral Springs, fl
Cheryl Fisher— Chapel HiU
Jill Fisher— Swannanoa
Mary Fizer— Morganton
Elizabeth Fletcher— state Road
Lisha T. Florence— Fayetuville
Jeffrey Forbes— Hickory
HoUie P. Foreman— Asheville
Christine Forney— Waihaw
Amanda Foster— Stony Point
Chris Fowler— Charlottt
Scott Fowler— Winston-Salem
Skip Fox— Charlotte
Deborah Frederick— Hillsborough
Tara L. French— Granchburg, nj
Teresa Fugua— Arden
Jatana Fulk— Charlotte
Darlene Galean— WinstonSalem
Lisa Gay Callaway— Hartsvjiie, SC
Tamyra Gang— Raleigh
Danny Garner— Robbins
Mac H. Garner— Lincolnton
Philip L. Garrison— Pinehurst
Eric Lamar Gentry— Hickory
Gregory G. Gerding— Baltimore, md
Jane Gerlach— Greensboro
Don Gibson— Hendersonville
Michele Gilbert— Brevard
Rhonda L. Gilbert— Claremont
Allison Gilbreath— Greensboro
Charles R. Gilchrist— Brown Summit
Suzanne S. Gilroy— YoungsvUle
Jeffrey Scott Gibson— Greensboro
Stephen Gleasner- Denver
Sherrill Godfrey— statesviUe
Gregory S. Godwin— Clayton
Paul Nelson Goeway— Holden, ma
Pamela Kaye Goodman— w. Jefferson
C. Bruce Gordon— Asheviiie
T. J. Gouveia— Fayetteville
Carol Grant— Salisbury
Daniel Grassi- Raleigh
Joseph Graves— Frenandina Beach, FL
Linda Cheran Gray— Aaheboro
Sharon E. Gray— Winston-Salem
Johnny Graybeal— Creston
Bryan D. Green— Mocksville
Tracie J. Greenway— Tryon
Janet Greer— Wiikesboro
Lois G. Grier — KarmapoUs
Glen M. Griffin— Charlotte
Patricia Anne Griffin— Raleigh
Thomas Griffith— Clemmons
John G. Grubb— GreenviUe, SC
Rick Grubb— Walkertown
Roger D. Gunn— Gibsonville
Bradley S. Haas— Newton
Dale Hagwood— Reidsviiie
Libby Hallman— Boone
Clarence E. Hamilton— Simpson
John P. Hampton— Pilot Mountain
Scott HaneS— Leiington
Tamera Sue Hard-Winston Salem
Jill Frances Hardy— Siioam
Leigh Anne Harkey- Gastonia
Cheri Yvonne Harmon— Vilas
Greg Harmon— Behnont
Herbert A. Harrell— Burgoia
Charles Harrelson— Fayetteville
Allan R. Harrington— TayiorsviUe
Betina Jane Harris— Forest City
Edwin R. Harris — Sute Road
Leigh Harris— Durham
Mark Harris— Sparta
Stanley E. Harris— Durham
Tod S. Harris— Chap«i HUl
Lee Harrison— High Point
Belinda Kaye Hartley— Lenoir
Deborah HartZOg— Grassy Creek
Andy S. Harvey— Morganton
David Harward— Durham
Pamela D. Harward— Wadesboro
Donald Hastings— Bessemer City
Liz Hatcher— Mount Airy-
Linda Cheryl Hatley— Kannapolis
Jeff Hauser- Mount Airy
Martha Hayden— Hampstead
Bill Haymore— Mount Airy
Ricky Lane Hedden— Gastonia
David Hege— Winston-Salem
Judy Helms— Charlotte
Melissa Helms— Charlotte
Jason Hendrix— Advance
John G. Hendrix— Ferguson
Amy Hession— Atlanta, ga
Rhonda Hester— Asheviiie
Ronald L. Hicks— Greensboro
Tamera T. Hicka— Banner Elk
Sue Higgins— Memphis. TN
Gilchrist Hill— Winston-Salem
Jonathan A. Hill— Charlotte
Roger Hill— Fairmont
Daryl Hinshaw— Winston-Salem
Larry Hinshaw— Badin
Robert R. Hodges— Mount Airy
Anna C. Hoey— Charlotte
Angela G. Holcomb— Elkin
Franklin E. Holder— Boone
Heidi L. Holder— Boone
Keith Holder— Kemersville
David K. Holley— Greenville
Amy Hood— Charlotte
Derek A. Hooper— Boone
Sheila Homey— Newiand
David Max Horton— Pilot Mountain
Elizabeth G. Horton— Morganton
Alison Houston— Charlotte
John M. Howard— Boone
Regina G. Hoyle— Morganton
Jo Dee Hudson— Lexington
Deborah Hudspeth— Winston-Saiem
Frank Robert Huffman— Dreiei
Keith Huffman— Purlear
Kyle J. Huffman— Salisbury
Joe H. Huggins— Maiden
David A. Hughes— Murphy
Nancy C. Hughes-Jamestown
Anthony Dale Hunt— Louisburg
Tony Hunter— High Point
MitZ Hurst— Wadesboro
Kelly Ayn Hutching— Charlotte
Brantley Hylton— Greensboro
Karen E. Ireland— Charlotu
Alan V. Jackson— Southern Pines
Pamela Jackson— Windsor
Ellen J. Jacobowitz— Greensboro
Donna Kay Jenkins— Bessemer City
Jami Jenkins— MooresviUe
Joe Jennings— E Durham
Alesia Johnson— Conway. SC
Denna Drue Johnson— Vale
Julia E. Johnson— Garner
Karyn Johnson— Charlotte
Kelly Johnson— Hickory-
Patricia Lloyd Johnson— .Matthews
Vanessa Johnson— Fayetteviiie
Kit Johnston— Charlotte
Laura Joyce— High Point
Sandy Joyce— Mount Gilead
Sharon Denise Joyner— Dobson
Traoie Lynn Joyner— Franklin
Barry A. Justin— HendersonviUe
Pamela Keehan— Arden
Nancy Keener— Whittier
John F. Keger— Winston-Salem
Melissa Kemp— Warrensville
Lisa Kennedy— Castlewood, VA
J. Lynn Key— statesville
Lisa Annette Key— Sanford
Stephanie Ann Kilgore— AsheviUe
Sandy Killen— Greensboro
Sean Kilmartin- Greensboro
Bennett King— Charlotte
Rebecca F. King— Spartanburg, sc
Sandy Rae King— Raleigh
Cynthia Kirby— Charlotte
Gregory Kevin Kirby— Cherryville
Frances Elaine Kirkman- Boone
Vicki D. Kirkpatrick— Pleasant Garden
Paula Ellen Klutz-Boone
Karen Kneib-Whitepiains, md
Barry Lee Knight— Hendersonville
Gayl A. Knox— Boone
Lori Koon — Winston-Salem
Donna Kozlowski— Ft. Lauderdale, FL
James E. Kuczero— Boone
Garry J. Kusilka— Fayetteville
Jeff La keman— Miami, FL
Dennis C. Lamaster- Deep Gap
Gail Lamm— Spring Hope
David Merritt Lance— AsheviUe
Susan K. Laney— Granite Falls
Maureen Langan— Charlotte
Lisa Langley— Siler City
Denise Larsen — New Bern
Laurie E. Lawing— Lenoir
Alan Lawrence— Leiington
David Lawrence— St. Matthews, SC
Donald Lawrence— Franklin
Tim LaWSOn— Blowing Rock
John David Layne— Sanford
Kenneth B. Leach— Gumming, ga
Antonio Leal— Winston-Salem
Vaneta Leaper— Charlotte
Greg Lear— Charlotte
Bobbi Jane Ledford
Donna Lynn Ledford— Mount Airy
Joanne Lee— Brevard
Lori Lynne Lee— Mount Holly
Errol S. Lester— wiikesboro
Valerie Lewis— Newport
Debbie Lichtenhahn— Spruce Pine
David Light— Matthews
Daniel S. Lineberry— Charlotte
Nancy Litaker— Charlotte
Tamara C. Litaker— Concor d
Teresa Little— Lexington
Karen Anne Lockman— Lincobton
Daniel Loftis— Mount Airy
Tim Long^Iefferson
Robert Loo— Boone
Peter Lopiano— Boone
Patty Lorenz— Atlanta, GA
Timothy M. Lowrance— Greensboro
Troy Lowrie— Bluff City, TN
Michael Eric Loy— BurUngton
Scott Loy— BurUngton
Michael W. Lucas— winnsboro, SC
Steven B. Lucas— Roanoke Rapids
Sharon E. Lumadue— Charlotte
Christina L. Lumley— Brown Summit
James W. Luster— Charlotte
Frank Phillip Luther— Boone
Donna LutZ — Maiden
Michael Lyall— North wiikesboro
Ted W. Mabe— Morganton
Jane MacKenzie— Concord
Kevin Madden — Greensboro
Roland Maddrey— Greensboro
Joni Linn Madison— AsheviUe
Thomas A. Magrader— Greenwood, sc
Renee Malley— Charlotte
Nola Malone— Greensboro
Wendy S. Marks— Boone
Debra S. Marshall— Monro«
Jamie E. Marshall— Charlotte
David Martin— Gastonia
Ginger Faye Martin— Winaton-Sidem
Rick Martin— Lenoir
Greg Mason— PineviUe
Leigh Massey— Charlotte
Jeanne Ellen Mast— Valle CrucU
Steve Masters- Asbcviiie
Dana Marie Mataragus— Charlotte
Kevin Mathews— Wadesboro
Tiffany Mathis— HendersooviUe
Allison Leigh Matncy— Lexington
Cathy Matthews— Boge
Thomas L. Mauldin— Albemarle
Mike Maust— Asheboro
L. Tracy McAuley— Hickory
David McBride— Mocksviiie
Scott McCallum— Troy
Maureen McCann— Newton
John Joseph McCaskey— Boone
Deborah McCoy— Belmont
Denise R. McCraw— HendersonviUe
Misty McCreery— Lexington
Alan Clark McCrory— Brevard
Allen R. McCurry— Micaviiie
Andy McDavid— Sanford
Maysie McDonald— Red Springs
Steven McDowell— Brevard
Jeff McGalliard— Charlotte
Brenda McGee— Candler
Philip E. McGimsey
Jeff McGinnis— Mooresboro
Myra Catherine McGinnis— Brevard
Tami McInneS— Wlnston-Salem
William H. Mclntyre— Columbia, SC
Brad McKee— York, me
Doug McKee— Ocaia, fl
Rhonda McKenzie— Greensboro
Betsy McLelland— Boone
Penny R. McMahan— Lexington
Mary C. McMillan— Charlotte
William B. McMillian— Durham
Allison McNeely— Cola, SC
Joanna C. McNeill— Asheboro
Gina Meade— Ferguson
Neil Medlin— HoUy Ridge
Duane E. Melton— Concord
Kelly Menius— Salisbury
Rene D. Merrill— Hudson, oh
Bernice E. Miller— Conover
Brett Miller— Hickory
Darlene Miller— Coierain
Ken Miller— Morganton
Sandie Miller— Pfafftown
Ricky Millwood— Forest City
Richard Minton— Boone
Debra Lynn Mitchell— Matthews
Susan M. Mitchell— Wlnston-Salem
Steve Mollach— Boone
Timothy W. Moody— Asheboro
Jan Elizabeth Moore— Jamestown
Lisa Erin Moore— Boone
Marchelle Moore— Raleigh
Melanie Moore— Henrietta
Teresa Moore— Dobson
Sandra Moretz— Boone
David Tweed Morgan— Marshviiie
Pamela Morgan— Hickory
Dan Morphis— Bluefield, WV
Mark Stephen Morris— Chapel Hill
Kenneth Mulker— North Tazweii, va
Ginny Mullis— Boone
Daniel MunOZ— Alexandria, VA
Don Munson— Montreal
Ken Murray— Boone
Michael Murray— Marshviiie
Patty L. Murray— Claremont
Teresa Murray— Waikertown
Peter B. Nachand— Rural Hall
Sandy Nail— King
Michael Nauman— Matthews
Katherine Neal— Durham
Kelly Newman— Concord
Joseph M. Nicks— Statesville
Robert P. Nix— N. Myrtle Beach, SC
Debbie Nokovich— Winston-Salem
Paul Norwood— St. Lincoln
Johnny Nussman— Charlotte
Vance O'Brien— KemersviUe
Charles L. O'Bryant— Boone
Liliana Ojeda — Nahariya, Israel
Tamara Papineau Olsen— Boone
Thomas V. Osborne— Greensboro
David Osmer— TaylorsviUe
Hugh Osteen— Durham
Tom Owen— Boone
Audrey Owens— Shaiiote
Johnna Owens — StoneviUe
Tammy Owens — Millers Creek
Kimberly Peace^amestown
Terry W. Pack— Nebo
Sharon Padgett— Graham
David R. Page— Chapel Hill
Lorrie Page— Eion College
Sandy Page— Winston-Salem
Chris Palmer— Raleigh
Daniel Palmer— Welcome
Robert Palmer— Charlotte
Annette D. Parker— Durham
James A. Parker— North WUkesboro
Sheila Dean Parker— Monroe
Yvonne Parker— Hayesviile
Lynne Parks— Burlington
Ronald W. Parks — statesvilie
Reggie Pate— Newton
Craig Patterson— Graham
Donna L. Patterson— Charlotte
Celia Pearson— Miami, fl
Katrina Ann Peeler— Salisbury
Jane Pegram — Germantown
John R. Pennell— Greer, SC
Lucy Peterson— Banner Elk
Michael G. Phelps— Winaton-Saiem
Billy O. Phillips— Elon CoUege
Charles J. Phillips— Wineton-Salem
Eva C. Phillips— Raleigh
Jeff Phillips— Salisbury
Randall Phillips— Spruce Pine
Mickey S. Pickler— Albemarle
Sloane W. Pigg— Waynesboro
Susan Gray Pinnix— Winston-Saiem
Cathy Anita Pinson— Boone
Karen Pittman— Hickory
Karen Lynne Pittman— Pineola
Lisa Poe— Carthage
Pamela L. Poe — Jefferaon
Philip Poe— Charlotte
Scott Poole— SaUsbury
Renee Poplin— Ronda
EUen Ashley Powell— Chapel Hill
Beth Powers— Tarboro
Tommie Powers— Godwin
Charles B. Prefontaine— Greensboro
Ray Prescott— Boone
J. Michael Prevo— Boone
Warren W. Privott— Rocky Mount
Richard A. Pruett— Raleigh
Mark Puett— Asheville
Brian K. Purcell— Murphy
Keith S. Rainwater— Statesvilie
Eddie Rash— West Jefferson
Ray Reid— Burlington
Donna S. Renfro — Green Mountain
Renee Nan Renter— Conover
Busch Reynolds — Greensboro
Christopher A. Rhodes— Charlotte
Denise L. Rice— Cary
Timothy W. Rice— Boone
Kevin Richard— Boone
Barry G. Richards— Concord
Jeffrey Bruce Richards— Unoir
Sharon Richardson— Charlotte
Pamela Ruth Ridge— High Point
Rhonda Ridge— Denton
Todd Ridgeway— Gre«r, sc
John K. Riggsbee— Raleigh
Melanie Riley— Augusu, ga
Kenneth Edward Rivera— Ft. Washington, md
Jeff Alan Rizoti— Wiikesboro
Kimberly L. Roach— Advance
Willis Council Robbins— Boone
Bradley H. Roberts— Boone
Jennifer A. Roberts— Boone
Linda J. Roberts— Patt«reon
Luann Roberts— Gibsonvilie
Betsy C. Robertson— Mount Airy
Jan Robertson— Purlear
Jennie Robinson— AshevUle
John F. Robinson— Morganton
Joani S. Rogers— Graham
Kristin G. Rogers— BadersviUe
William Scott Rogers— Granite Fails
Caroline Roof— Lexington
John Thomas Roos— Cary
Alyson Rose— Charlotte
Paula S. Rott— AsheviUe
Lars Rousseau— Bakersville
Stewart Rovinson- Lyman, sc
James Rowe— Marion
Michael E. Royal— Southport
Eric Ruby— Mocksviiie
Debbi Rutler— Hickory
Martha A. Sain— Monroe
Dana Saleeby— Belmont
Timothy Lee Samuel— High Point
Trisha Seism— Shelby
Carolyn Scotchie— AsheviUe
Anika Scott— High Point
Craig Watts Scott— Concord
Virginia Scudder— Kemersviiie
Gina Sealey— Boone
W. Thomas Secrest— Boone
Debbie Self— Pfafftown
Nicole E. Sevier— Marietta, ga
Pat Shaw— Elon College
Brenda G. Shell— Roanoke Rapida
Gary Wayne Shell— Morganton
Bradley J. Shelton— Maiden
Lynn Ann Shelton— Woodbridge
WUliam T. Sherrill- Greenaboro
William D. Shields— Greenville
Kim Shuffler— Morganton
Emma Sidden— Tobaccoviue
Karen Kay Sides— High Point
Jane K. Sigmon— Newton
Crystal Simmons— White Plains
Jeffrey A. Simmons— Wilmington
Gayna Leigh Simons— Hickory
Marq Wayne Sims— Raleigh
Donna Kaye Sink— High Point
Phillip Sizemo re— Walnut Cove
Shannon Sizemore— Leiington
Jimmy Slagle— Boone
Meloney Sloan— HuntersvUie
Regina Sloop— wiikesboro
Louann H. Smart— Boone
Betty Smith-
Betty Smith— Goldsboro
Cynthia Smith— Boone
Deborah Smith— ThomaaviUe
Judy Diane Smith— Eden
Laurie Leigh Smith— TaylorsvjUe
Marilee J. Smith— Gary
Pamela Ann Smith— Lenoir
Shaun Grant Smith— King
Wendy Smith— Vero Beach. FL
Ann Snipes — Lincolnton
Lori Snow— Dobson
Susan Sorrells— Charlotte
James Southerland — Jacksonville
Terri Sparks— TaylorsvUle
Teresa Spurling— Lawndale
Libby C. Spencer— Grassy Creek
Sharon Spigner— Columbia, SC
Greg Springs — Mount HoUy
Kimberly S. Stamey— Lincointon
Paul David Stancil— Concord
Dana Stanley— Boone
Dedra L. Stewart— Boone
Michael Stewart^Pineola
Yvonne Stewart — North Wilkesboro
Cheri R. Stillwell-Rhodhiss
Alan Stimpson— LewisvlUe
Tim Stokes— Winston-Salem
Brian L. Stoll— Hickory
Shawn A. Stone— Boone
Susan C. Storcks— Hampstead
Dallas Stoudenmire— Wilmington
Amy M. StrOUpe— Huntersville
Nancy L. Sturgill— Lansing
Keith Surber- Burlington
Judy Swaim — Winston-Salem
TakahirO Takayama— Kanazawa City, Japan
Ann Austin Talbert— Rockwell
Patrick Alan Tamer- Winston-Salem
Steve Tanenbaum— Bethesda, md
Ellen Taylor— Boone
Mark E. Taylor— Charlotte
Paula Taylor— Lexington
Chuck Teague— Indian Trail
Mark L. TedrOW— Winston-Salem
Lisa TettertOn— Rocky Mount
Harry Thetford- Greensboro
Connie L. Thomas— Charlotte
Judy Thomas— Skyland
Karen Thomas— Broadway
Tanya Thomas— Lenoir
Gwenn Thompson— stateaviiie
Vennie Thompson— Boone
Robert W. Thornhill-Raleigh
Bridget Tippett— Greensboro
John M. Todd— Boone
Rebecca Jean ToUey— Newiand
Jeffrey Scott Topping— Boone
Ralph Dwight Tucker— ConneOy Springs
Pam Tulburt— Purlear
Randall Turman— Greensboro
Dawn A. Turner— Winston-Salem
Bryan E. Tutterrow— HamptonvUie
Connie Uhrich— Matthews
Katherine E. Umberger— Greenville, SC
Michelle M. Unangst— Columbia, NJ
Curtis L. Vance— Spruce Pine
Richard Venable— Goldsboro
David Veto— Boone
Mary Elizabeth Walden— Morganton
Richard Terry Waldron— Burlington
Michael Todd Walker— ReidsviUe
Thomas E. Walker— Charlotte
Beth Wallace— Orlando, fl
Paul Hunter Walsh— Burlington
Kevin R. Walter— Hickory
Daniel Clayton Ward— Wilkesboro
Daniel T. Ward— Wadesboro
Charles H. Ware-Jacksonville, FL
Dabney Ware— Coral Springs, fl
Russell W. Warfield- Baltimore, md
Brian WatkinS — Winston-Salem
Mike Watson— Raleigh
Claude Lee Webster— Greensboro
Susan Eileen Welch— Washington
Carolyn Welsh— Greenshore
Janet L. Welsh— Matthews
Madeline Wharton— Mars Hill
Mark Wheless— Asheboro
David Brooks White— Hendersonville
Mark R. White— Boone
Michael F. White— Concord
William T. Whitehurst— Grifton
Jeanie Whitcner— Shelby
Martin Whitt— Winston-Salem
Theresa Wilcox— Raleigh
Karen Michele Wilhelm— Salisbury
Bobby Wilhoit— Greensboro
Wesley Wilkes— McLeansviUe
Michelle E. Wilkins— Forest City
Mark P. Wilkinson— StatesviUe
Charles R. Willard— WinstonSaiem
L. David Williams— Greensboro
Sonya D. Williams— Trinity
Vicki L. Williams— Mooresville
Helen Frances Willis— Sanford
Robert N. Willis— AsheviUe
Betty L. Willoughby— Graham
Hilda Wingo— Car>'
John D. Winn— Boone
Karen J. Withers— Greensboro
Andy Witner— TobaccovUie
Annelle R. Woggon— Ashevilie
George A. Womble— New HiU
Alan Wood— Mount Airy
Andy Wood— Boone
Bonita Wood— Matthews
Joe Lynn Wood— Graham
Kevin D. Woodie— Dreiel
Wendy Woodin— Charlotte
Janet Woodson— Charlotte
Sterling Thomas Wooten— East Bend
Janet L. Wright— Grumpier
Jeff Wright— Shelby
Cindy Wyant— Vaie
Mary Wyatt— Sparta
Reba Yarborough— TayiorsvUie
John Richard Yelton— Rutherfordton
Anita F. Young— Baimer Elk
Frank D. Young— Eikin
Roxanna Todd Young— ThomasvUle
Pamela A. Zeni— Boone
Melissa Zewalk— Albequerque, MM
Jane Abernathy— Conover
Debbie Abernethy— Newton
Jeff Absher— MarshviUe
Bob Adams— BoonviUe
John Adams— Duiham
Mark A. Adkins— Eden
Jennifer Albano— Swannanoa
Angela B. Albright— Burlington
Brenda Albright— EUenboro
Pamela L. AUred— Lexington
Jeffrey Almond— Hudson
Ellen S. Andersen— Gary
Daren B. Anderson— Concord
Kristen Anderson— Morganton
Laura Anderson— Morganton
Martha D. Anderson— Raleigh
Lovey Anderson— Mount ouve
Susan Anhold— Bridgewater. VA.
Delann Ansted— Launnburg
Deborah M. Armstrong— New Hem
Thomas A. Arnel— Chapel Hill
Cynthia L. Arnold— Asheviiie
Margaret A. Austin— Hickory
Anne Avery— Plumtree
Belinda Bailey— Keniy
Audrey Baker— West Jefferson
Bryan Baker— Raeford
Gregory A. Baker— Valdese
Samuel D. Ballew— Hickory
Morgan T. Bandy— Manhewe
Martin Banish— Salisbury
Deborah L. Banks— Winston -Saiem
Kenneth E. Barnes— Wilson
Kymm Barnett— Gastonia
Jay F. Barrett— Winston-Salem
Henry M. Barrier— Mount Pleasant
John K. Beauchamp— Clemmons
Michael B. Beaver— Salisbury
Regina Bell— Kings Mountian
David Bender— Raleigh
Regina Benfield— Graniu Fails
Kaye Bentley— Boone
Chris Benton— Newton
Michael Benton— Charlotte
Cindy Beyersdorfer— Charlotte
Janet L. Bickett— Matthews
Lyle D. Bishop— Triplen
Shelia L. Bishop— Hudson
Jeffrey K. Blackwell— KemersviUe
David A. Blaha— Reidsviiie
Margaret Blankenship— PineviUe
Lynn Blankfard— Chapel HiU
, John L. Blevins— Jefferson
Butch Boles— YadkinviUe
Charles D. Bolick— Conover
Johnna K. Bolick— Newton
Jonathan E. Boling— High Point
Richard A. Bosley— Reisterstown, MD.
Lisa Boswell— Greensboro
Kevin Boudreau— Raleigh
Truman M. Bradley— Boone
Jim BrannoD—Davidaon
Anna K. Brem— BUck Mountain
Bunnie Brewer— Bennett
Susan Bridges— Matthews
Donna Brockman— Cramerton
James A. Brooks— West Jefferson
Brian L. Broome— High Point
Cindy Brown— Lansing
Deborah A. Brown— Greenville
Libby Brown— Lexington
Lori L. Brown— Asheboro
Alicia Brummitt— Burlington
Spence BrunSOn— Salisbury
Debra Buchanan— Spruce Pine
Steve Buchanan— Spruce Pine
Douglas B. Buchanan— McGrady
Beth Bull— Winaton-Salem
Melanie Bulla— Raleigh
Tim Bullard— Boone
Connie L. Bumgarner— Stanley
Robert M. Bundy— High Point
Earl Burgess, Jr North Wilkeeboro
Ron Burgin— Black Mountain
Susan L. Burleson— Charlotte
Teresa D. Burleson— Albemarle
Elizabeth Burns— Granite Falls
Ken Byerly— Hickory
Clarence T. Byrd— Hamlet
Scott Callender— Charlotte
Joanie Cameron— Olivia
Winifred Camp— Charlotte
Lisa L. Campbell— Dallas
Frank Carico— Sparta
Marsha A. Carpenter— Matthews
Rebecca Carpenter— Shelby
Billy Carswell— Valdese
Janet L. Carter— Kemereville
Randy Carter— Mocksviiie
Tamara Carter— MooresWUe
Frank Caruso— Coral Springs, fl
Mary M. Caswell— Boone
Joseph CatchingS— Sherrills Ford
Amanda Caudill— Boone
Mark Chambers— Pfafftown
Walter S. Chambliss— Boone
Robert Chapin— Christianaburg, VA
Lisa L. Chapman— Lenoir
Michael A. Chapman— Lake Toiaway
Priscilla K. Chapman— Rosman
Kevin Chelko— Natrona Heights, PA
Penelope G. Cherry— Fayetteviiie
Robert M. Cheves— Charlotte
David Childers— Taylorsville
Don L. Chunn— Marion
Susan E. Church— Turnersburg
Jeffrey S. Claman— Carthage
Charles L. Clark— Lenoir
Regina R. Clark— Kernersville
Willie Clark, Jr.— Clayton
Angela Cline— High Point
Nathan Clodfelter- Greensboro
Glenn Clyburn— Van Wyck, sc.
Nathan Cobb— Salisbury
Teresa G. Cochran— East Flat Rock
Jack D. Cockerham— Winston Salem
Chris Coggins— High Point
Priscilla Coleman— Brown Summit
John M. Collins— Greensboro
Suzanne D. Collins— Pilot Mountain
Jill Combs— Union Grove
Kim Conklin— Greensboro
Patty Conley— Wilkesboro
Millard S. Cook— Elk Park
Sandra Cook— Newton
Sharon Cope—Kcmersville
Stephanie Cope— North Wiikesboro
Mark D. Corbin— Franklin
Lorinda L. Corne— Thomasvilie
Cheryl Corrado- Charlotte
Terry Corriher— China Grove
Anne E. Cotton— Boone
Robin Cox— Ramseui
Todd D. Craig-Eikin
Tim Creed— Mount Airy
Stephen Crocker— Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Bladen Crockett— Boone
Linda Cromer— Lincolnton
Martha P. Culler— Boone
Kim Culp— NagB Head
Marcia Currie— Red Springs
Meana Cusimano— Cocoa Beach, FL
Chris Czerwinski- Wanamasaa, NJ
Leslie P. Dalton— Seneca, SC
Tammy Daniel— Atlanta. GA
Billy Davis-Jeffereon
Jeanette Davis— Graham
Patricia C. Davis— Charlotte
Mary H. Day— Boone
David Dayton, Jr.— Spruce Pine
Garry Dean— Eden
Mitchell Dean— Greensboro
Joseph Deaton— BiBcoe
Julius Deaton— Boone
Laura Dedmon— Charlotte
Richard T. Dettbarn— Boone
Jeanne Dickerson— Roxboro
Robert B. Dodson- Winston-Salem
Diane M. Dolgas— Boone
Kent Doobrow— High Point
Kelia D. Dowell— Roaring Rivers
Brett J. Dowling— Spartanburg, SC
Lorie Downs— Vaie
Erica Dreibholz— Arden
Finley H. Dula— Boone
Jeffrey L. Duncan— Hickory
Steve S. Dunkley— Salisbury
Denise Dunning— Matthews
Janet L. Dupree— Charlotte
Susie Earley— Kings Mountain
Tammy Easter— King
Camille Edlund— Davidson
Darryl Edwards— Wineton-Salem
Robin A. Edwards— West Jefferson
Mariana Eggers— Boone
Jim Elliott— Newton
Amy K. Elmore— Gastonia
Diane Engel— Lynchburg, VA
Kevin H. Epley— Asheviiie
Kelly Everson— Salisbury
Frances D. Ewing— Haveiock
Gregg Fagan— Tryon
Pamela S. Farlow— Asheboro
Claudia Ferguson— statesville
Jodie Ferguson— Winston-Salem
Marvin K. Ferguson— Charlotte
Julia Fesmire— Staiey
John Fesperman— Asheviiie
Bradley S. Fisher— LewisvUie
Kimberly A. Fitzgerald— wubar
Lori Fleming— Fayetteville
Thomas C. Fleming— Warrenton
Brain Foley— Chase City, VA
Jane Foody— Hollywood, FL
Joseph Ford— Matthews
Beth Foresta— Waldorf, md
Robin M. Foster— Boone
Ben A. Fox, Jr Boone
Angelette Fox— Boone
Mark R. Freeman— Huntersviiie
Denise R. Fricke— TaieweU, va
Kelly Furr- Concord
Ken Furr— Charlotte
Lori Gabriel— Lenior
Maureen Gabriel— Conover
Mitchell Garrison— Charlotte
Sherry K. Garrison— Boone
John Garwood— North WUkesboro
Leanne Gay— Boone
Jan Gentry— BoonviUe
Deborah L. German— Sheiby
Lisa G. Gibson— Kannapolis
Millie Giles— GastonU
Paula Gilleland— Troutman
Aletha L. Glass— Ap«i
Elizabeth P. Glenn— WiiutonSaiem
Loria L. Goad— Boone
Mistye Godsey- Man Hill
Marty Godwin— Charlott*
Lynne Gouge— Spruce Pine
Kelley Grabowski— CalUon, nj
Bobby W. Gray-Gamer
Bradley S. Greene— ciemmona
David M. Greene— Raleigh
Kimberly P. Greene— Marion
Ramona M. Greene— FeyettevUie
Teresa L. Greene— Raleigh
Kathy Greenhill— Hildebran
Joni L. Grey— WinstonSalem
Marty Grier— Matthews
Steven K. Griffin— Newton
Steven L. Griffin— Greensboro
Amber Griggs— Marshviiie
Anne M. Grissom— Gastonia
Sheila R. Grubb— Todd
Mary Beth Guice— Aaheville
Amy Gwyn— Hudson
Jack Haddock— Charlotte
Mark Hager— Landis
Charles J. Haire— Viias
Charles P. Hall— Ferguson
Chris J. Hamilton— Northport. NY
Sonja Hammett— Foreet City
Jonathan L. Hampton— Orangeburg, sc
Craig S. Hancock— Raleigh
Kevin Hanner— Greensboro
Frazier Hanover— Greensboro
Ken Hanshaw— Lexington
Lori L. Harmon— Charlotte
Sandra Ann Harmon— Sugar Grove
Sherrill Jay Harris— Old Fort
Sharie E. Harrison— Boone
Elizabeth Harrod— Raleigh
Sally Hart— Fayetteville
Jody L. Hartle- Roaring River
Dana Hartley— Boone
Wes Harward— Lake Park, FL
Sara Annette Hash— Sparu
Jeff T. Hastings— Connelly Springs
Todd HaUSS— Lenoir
Robert Allen Hawkins— Rocky Mount
Cindy Hayes— Wiikesboro
David Hayes— Lumberton
Todd Royal Hayes— North wukesboro
Danny Haynes— Mount Airy
Barry Haywood— Landis
Wendell Todd Heavner— Vale
Melissa Heffner— Rutherfordton
Roberta Irene Heffner— Lenoir
Wendy Helms— Matthews
Cristine E. Henderson— Wendell
David Henderson— Franklin
Maria A. Henderson— SuteavUie
Phil Henderson— Yadkim-ille
Susan Henderson— Charlotte
Sara Hendrix— Murphy
Timothy Russell Herman— Clemmons
Curtis W. Herring— Wilmington
Jeffrey Heybrock— Greensboro
Curtis Martin Hicks— Oxford
Vincent Todd Hicks— Burlington
Barbara Ann Higgins— Sparta
Wendell Hildebrand— Hildebran
Angle Hill— Gastonia
Edward C. Hill— Atlantic
Linda Anne Hill— Asheboro
Kevin Hinch—Cary
Tiffany Hinshaw— High Point
HirOShi Itoh— Shiga. Japan
Brian Hoagland— Greensboro
Michael R. Hobbs— Naples, fl
Delora Hodges— Boone
David A. Holston— Uiington
Kelly S. Holbert— Hickory
Jeffrey H. Holden— Charlotte
John A. Holder— Raleigh
Mary Hollar— Tayiorsville
Carol A. Holshouser— Salisbury
Janet Homesley— Kings Mountain
Donna A. Honeycutt— Asheville
Michael D. Hooks— Wilson
Kim HOOS— Vinton, VA
Steven Dwayne Hooven— Kernersviiie
Lou Horner — Swansboro
Evadale Hosaflook— Charlotte
Anthony Ted HotZ— Greensboro
Sonja Hougom— Hillsborough
Donna Jo Houser— Vale
Jane Brandt Hubbard— Rockville, md
Bonni Hudson— Greensboro
Linda Kay Hudson— Monroe
Dannie McCoy Huffman— Hickory
Kimberlee A. Huggins— Hickory
Melanie Hughes— Murphy
Robert Dale Hughes— BakersviUe
Sherry R. Hughes— Bumsville
Donna L. Hunt— Pinehurat
Gail M. Hunter— Greensboro
Scott Hunter^acksonville
Rosemary Huskins— Bumsville
Todd Hutchinson— Leiington
Eric Inman— Mount Airy
Marshall G. Irby— Merritt island, FL
Sharon E. Isaacs— Lenoir
George F. Jackson— Winston-Saiem
Darlene R. Jamerson- Asheville
Ira Thomas Jarrell— Rockingham
Vera Jarvis— Lincohiton
Scott Lee Joyner— Nashville, TN
Vanessia Jennings— Charlotte
Andrew V. Johnson— Raleigh
Cindy Johnson— Greensboro
Tim Johnson— StatesvUle
Dawn Joyner— Ronda
Elizabeth Justus— HendersonWlle
Fotina G. Kanos— Charlotte
David Katterman— Asheville
Luanne Keel— Bethel
Janet Keller— MocksviUe
Cindy Ann Kemp— Ruffin
Donna Ketchum— Hampton
Eun Kim— BurUngton
Donna Kimball— Winston-Salem
Cindi King— Raleigh
Kathy King— Elon CoUege
Leonard King— Boone
Vikki Kinsland— Clyde
Tammy Lorraine Kirby— Boone
William E. Kirkland— Gastonia
Jo Anne KluttZ— Monroe
Tracy Knight— HendersonviBe
Amy Kraft— Flat Rock
Kim Kyle— High Point
Christy Labfried— HendersonvUle
Perry H. Lachot— Morganton
Kim Lagle— MocksviUe
Mark Laiklam— Hendersonville
Kathleen Lamb— Charlotte
Jackie Lambeth— Lexington
Randy M. Lambeth— Thomasville
Myra Land— Lenoir
Jim Langcake— Monroe
Barbara Latta— MocksviUe
Sharon M. Laughter— Hickory
Jane Lawrence — Ramseur
Terry S. Lawrence— Winston-Salem
V. J. LaWSOn— Eden
Jeff Leaptrott— StatesviUe
Mary Cynthia Ledford— RosweU, GA
Tara Lee— Charlotte
Kelly Lehman—Ashevilie
Carol Lever— Matthews
Lori Lewallen— Aaheboro
John Lichvar— Mount Airy
Richard C. Ling— Winetoa-Salem
Barbara E. Litschert— Charlotte
Richard G. Little— Charlotte
Rebecca D. Lloyd— Lenoir
Teresa M. Locke— Gaetonia
Earl W. Locklear— Laurinbuig
Paul Logan— Pfafftown
Sharon E. Lomax— Kannapolii
James D. Lewder- Charlotte
Anita D. Lowe— Brevard
Catherine Loyzelle— Boone
Erik J. Luxembourg— Banner EUi
Jill Lyerly— Charlotte
Dee Lyles— Boone
Keith Mahaffey— Winston-Salem
Sharon F. Mahan— Waihaw
Richard Maness— Robbins
Ray Mariner— Charlotte
Myron W. Marion— Pincoia
Michele L. Mark— Concord
Mary Beth Markham— MornsvUle
Randy Martin— CoUinsviUe, va
Jonathan Kurt Matheson- Gastonia
Kim MathiS— North Wilkesboro
Scott McCall— Leiington
Jane M. McCarn— Behnont
Doug McClure— Rutherfordton
James H. McCombs— Murphy
Stephen D. McConnell— Kingsport. tn
David S. McCoy— Chaiiotu
Nancy McCoy— wingate
Suzanne McCraw— Mooresboro
Joseph F. McCulloch— Durham
Gigi McDonald— Altamonte Springs, FL
Karen McDougald— Monroe
Cindy McElveen— Kings Mountain
Jeff McEntire— Boone
Robin A. McFadden— Asheboro
Julia Ann McFarland— Carrboro
Edward Thomas McGuire— Charlotte
Shelley L. Mclntyre— Shelby
Steve Michael McKee— Greensboro
Alyson Paige McKenzie— Winston-Salem
Donna L. McLamb— Indialantic. FL
Mike McMackin— Charlotte
Melanie Anne Meadors— Winston-Saiem
Allison Meek— Charlotte
Gina Melton— High Point
Gary M. Merrill— Leicester
Brian Metcalf— Conover
Janelle Mickey— West Field
Ben Miles— McLeansville
Mary Ella Miles— Unoir
Betty Miller— Boone
Jennie W. Miller— Deep Gap
Sharon H. Miller— West Jefferson
Wayne Miller— Hendersonville
Deborah R. Mills— statesviUe
Gary Milner— Canton
Linda MingeS— Gastonia
Delana Mitchell— Westfield
Donna Mitchell— FayetteWUe
Kimberly M. Mitown— Hendersonville
Peter Dean Moon— Winston-Saiem
Annette Moore- Vaidese
Charles Moore— Burlington
Deborah Moore— Lenoir
Robert B. Moore— WiUsesboro
Thomas F. Moore— Stanley
Kim Moose— Hickory
Ann Morgan— Summerfield
Kimberly D. Morgan— Boone
Lilias Morgan— Fayetteville
William Morgan— Rutherfordton
Patti Lynn Morris— EUenboro
Sharon Morrison— Charlotte
John A. Morse— Ramoneland, MO
Kenneth Lee Moser— Lexington
Catherine Moses— FayettevUle
Dawn Moss— High Point
Rick B. Motsinger- AuBtinviUe, VA
Karen Heidi Mueller— Massapequa, NY
Tracy Muenchow — North Williesboro
Yvonne Mullins— KemeraviUe
Julie Mullis — Winston-Salem
Tod Mullis— Winston-Salem
Julia Murchison— Stuart, fl
Gayla A. Murdock— Wilkesboro
Dina Murray- Morehead City
Pamela Murray— Greensboro
Dennis Myers— Brevard
Shannon Thomas Neal— Stoiiesdale
Karen Nehunt — Lincolnton
Carolyn M. Nelson— Decatur, ga
Daniel A. Nelson— Boone
John Elliott Nelson— Marion
Mark C. Nelson— Winston-Salem
Frances Newman— Waynesvilie
Nancy Newton— Wilkesboro
Susan Newton— Wilkesboro
Jay Nichols— Reidsville
Carla Norman— Winston-Salem
Joey B. Norman— Boone
Rosa Isabel Ojeda— Najanya, Israel
Brian Thomas Oliver— Morganton
Leann Oliveri- Oaklyn, NJ
Eric Olson— Lenoir
Brian Owen— Lake Toiaway
Marsha Owens— Walkertown
Juan Andres Pacheco — Hackettstown, NJ
Kim Page— Matthews
Donald Alan Palmer— Asheviiie
Luanne D. Parks— Old Fort
Selina L. Parks— Charlotte
Debbie Parrish— Mocksville
K. Parrish— Bryson City
Kevin Parrish— Durham
Marianne Parsons— Wilmington
Anna Parton— Spindale
MargO Pate— Melbourne Beach, FL
Jane C. Patterson— Raleigh
Ellen C. Payne— Wilkesboro
Walter Peasley— Charlotte
Lauray D. Peebles — Mocksville
Maria Peek— AahevUle
Deborah Pendleton— Morganton
Dean E. Perna- Middietown, NY
Craig Peters— High Point
Susan PetraCCa- Moncks Comer, SO
Jane E. Petty— Monroe
Anita Phillips— Goldsboro
Kevin D. Phillips— North Wilkesboro
Paul Phillips— Winston-Salem
Herman Pickett — Greensboro
Teressa Pierce— Burlington
Jeff Piper— GreenviUe, SO
Barbara Ellen Poe— Kinaton
Mari Poe— Boone
Bill Portas— Charlotte
Vicky Porter— Laurinburg
James Tyree Poston— Elizabeth City
Karen Presnell— Asheboro
Greg Price— Elon College
Jeff Price- Elon College
Dale Pritchard— Fayetteville
Scott B. Privette— Crumpier
Sandy Pruette— Tryon
Rick Purcell- Brevard
Gregory P. Putnam— Forest City
Beth Quackenbush— Graham
Andrew Scott Ray-Fort Mm, sc
Rickey Ray Hise— Nebo
Carol Raymond— Dana
Linda Alice Read— Havelock
Clay Redding— Greensboro
Melody Redmond— China Grove
Sheila Darlene Reese— Rosman
Joyce Reid— Dobaon
Julie Reid— Shelby
Ruth Reidenbach— Conover
Karen Rhyne— Hickory
Tammy Richard— Vaie
Jon Mark Richardson— Chapel Hiu
Lee Elwood Richardson— Walnut Cove
Cindy Riddle— Moiganton
Dennis Ridgeway— Greenville, SC
Lenae C. Riggan— Rockingham
Sally Riggsbee— Chaiiotte
Lisa Rigsbee— Durham
Elisa Roberts— Brown Summit
Franli Roberts— Boone
Ken Roberts— Patterson
Teresa Roberts— Black Mountain
Tommy Robertson— Boone
Andrew Robinson— AshevUle
Eric Leon Robinson— Brevard
Scott H. Rockett— Cary
Elizabeth Roe— Durham
Barbara Roeske— Raleigh
Curtis Rogers— Henderson
Laurie Lea Rogers— Ciemmona
Ross Rogers— Hickory
Whitney Rogers— Kingsport, TN
Gina E. Ross— Forest City
Wendy S. Roach— Boone
Janet C. Roughton— Raleigh
Harry L. Rowden— Greensboro
Catherine Aane Roye— Raleigh
Lamin Sagnia— Boone
Karen Sanders— Ronda
Lary Savides — Salisbury
Laura A. Sawyer— Greensboro
Tamera Sawyer— Aahcviiie
Mike Schenck— Shelby
David Schluchter— Raleigh
Karen Lynn Schott— Raleigh
Stephan F. Schultze— Charlotte
Sylvia Schwabe— Raleigh
Richard Schwartz— Trenton, nj
Mark Scruggs— Kings Mountain
Dwight Seal— Mount Airy
Diedra Ann Sechrist— Thomasville
Janice Kay Settle— state Road
Michael Severs— Charlotte
John Mitchell Seward— Asheviiie
Libbi Shaffner— North WUkeaboro
Jenny L, Sharp — Charlotte
Nancy A. Sharp— Port St. Lucie, FL
Charles B. Shearon— Wake Forest
Robin Sheets— West Jefferson
Ken Shelton— Wilkeaboro
Carlton Shoaf— Lexington
Gray Shore— Yadkinville
Sheila Shore^onesviile
Kim Shorter- Enka
Sue Shriver —Matthews
Mark A. Shuford— Old Fort
Beth Shuping— Winaton-Salem
Tereia Sidden— Dobson
Tina Renae Sigmon— Conover
Doug Silver— Chapel Hill
Annette Simmons— State Road
Michelle Simmons— Burlington
Susan Simmons — State Road
Tammy Simmons— Burnaviiie
Powell Simpson— Boonville
Jeff Sims— Hutchinsville
William Malcolm Sipes— Banner Elk
Steve Sisk— Stanley
Chantelle Smith— Rockingham
Elizabeth E. Smith— Gastonia
Jana Smith— PinevUie
Jonathan David Smith— WayneavUie
Katherine G. Smith— Greenaboro
Linda L. Smith— ShawsvUie. va
Lisa D. Smith— Asheboro
Randy W. Smith — Boone
Rusty Smith — High Point
Sharon Lynn Smith — Elkin
Holly Snow — Mount Airy
Suzanna Snow — statesviiie
Mike Sparks — Winston - Salem
Susan Coyett Spencer — Parkton
Kim Stakias — Boone
Jerome L. Stanberry — Franklinton
Rebecca A. Steele — Lenoir
Steve Steiner — Rockingliam
David E. Stevenson — Greensboro
Freda Stiles — FranUin
Todd Stimpson — Elkin
Billie C. Stone — North Wilkesboro
Janie K. Storie — Shelby
Lisa Strickland — Charlotte
Cynthia Lee Strong — Winston-Salem
Stacey D. Sutton — stateeviiie
John David Swinea — Matthews
Kenneth Ralph Talley — Burlington
Suzanne M. Talley — Wiknington
James Bryan Taney — Grennsboro
Michael R. Tano — Charlotte
Bucky Tarleton — Charlotte
Julie Lee Tate — Greensboro
Lisa Jane Tatum — luieigh
Daniel R. Taylor — Trenton
Pamela Taylor — Rockingham
Susan P. Taylor — Durham
Susie Teachey — Winston-Salem
Goodrich A. Thiel — Boone
Joan Elaine Thompson — Ptafftown
Kenneth Thompson — Oakboro
Diana Lynn Thornton — Mount Airy
Lee Ann Tilley — Apei
Tony Alan Todd — YadkinviUe
Brenda Trantham — Gastonia
Wanda Trask — Hamlet
Susan L. Treece — Mount Glead
Daryl Triplette — Millers Creek
Elaine Trivette — Statesviiie
George T. TroUinger — Aaheboro
Thomas A. Tunstall — Kinston
Scott Turner — Abingdon, va
Laura Turrentine — Greensboro
Susan Tuttle — Dunwoody, GA
Chet Underwood — Burlington
Katherine M. Uzzle — Boone
Robin Vining — Havelock
Dwight C. Vinson — Franklin
Neil Vinson — Raleigh
Eva Teresa Viso — Morganton
Martin J. Voight — Greensboro
Martha Voight — Kingsport, tn
Charles F. Voncanon — Sanford
Lori Wagner — Laurel Springs
Kara A. Wagoner — Lumberton
Gilbert Walden — Montreat
Susan Lee Wakefield — Morganton
Melinda S. Walke — KittreU
Dana L. Walker — Black Mountain
Harold Walker — Taylorsviiie
Suzanne Walker — Goldsboro
Eugene C. Wall — Wadesboro
Murray Thomas Wall — Durham
Melissa Walsh — FayettevUle
Jocelyn Walters — Salisbury
Sarah Walters — Gastonia
Doyle Ward — Sugar Grove
Dalene Ward — Winston-Salem
Tammy Ward — Marion
Barry Wayne Warwick — Rockingham
Arzella Washburn — Spruce Pine
Angela Waters — Boslic
Vickie Waters — Boone
Joy Watkins — Louisburg
Tom Wayne — Magnolia
Randal Weatherman — MicaviUc
Peter Weber — Charlotte
Rene Webster — Burlington
Wendee S. Wedemeyer — Rockingham
Joseph M. Weikert — FayettevUle
Missy Welch — Hudson
Jerris K. Wells — wiii<e«boro
Kim Elizabeth Wells — MocksviUe
Leona Wells — Burgaw
Cheryl Ann West — Teyloraviiie
David P. West — Rockingham
Helen Whalen — Lake Park. fl.
Sheri Leigh Whicker — Tobaccoviiie
Pamela Lynn Whisnant — Morganton
Cheryl A. White — Kannapolla
Jill D. White — Bryson City
Mary Lynn White — Shelby
Richard G. Whitehead — Charlotte
Donna G. Whitley — Wiikesboro
Jody Wayne Whitley — Salisbury
Linda Wilder — Durham
Steve Wilkins — Shelby
Angele M. Williams — AbbeviUe, SC
Denise Ann Williams — Morganton
Michael S. Williams — Greensboro
Sandra C. Williams — Maiden
Charles Alan Wilson — Salisbury
Debbie Wilson — statesviUe
Lisa Todd Wilson — Spruce Pine
Peter Wilson — Linden, nj
Terese Wilson — WinstonSalem
Keena Rene Wood — Thurmond
Connie Ruth Woody — Hot Springs
Tim Wooten — Winston-Salem
Daniel Leigh Abee— Valdese
Susan Denise Abee— Valdese
Mark D. Abernathy— Hickory
Gerald A. Absher— n. Wiikesboro
John C. Adams— Raleigh
James G. Adcock— Whitakers
Teresa Albritton— Hendersonvllle
Charlotte T. Alexander— Charlotte
Bradley C. Allen— Winston-Saiem
Cathryn A. Ange— Elizabeth City
James P. Archibald— StatesviUe
Debbi Armstrong— Boone
Twyla Atchley— Union Mills
Craig AtWOod— Granite Falls
Robert E. Austin— Morganton
Michael Avants— Bahama
Thomas H. Avery— New Bern
Gayle Buckman— Southport, CT
William L. Bailey— Asheboro
Alice Susan Bair— Richlands
Beverly Baker— Boone
Deborah Baker— Reidsviiie
Marty Baker- Goldsboro
Elson F. Baldwin— Goldsboro
Charles R. Ballou-Jefferson
Daniel F. Bare^Jefferson
Lora E. Barefoot^Maiden
Beverly Barger— Hickory
Jefferson C. Barham— Montreal
John Barnes — Rocky Mount
Douglas M. Earnhardt— Concord
Laura A. Barrett— Winston-Salem
Nela Barringer— Ciemmons
Dana Bartlett— Bumeville
Karin Bartolett — Jacksonville, FL
Joe Bason— Hillsborough
Bill Bass— Greensboro
Tommy Bass — McLeansville
Tim Bassett— Annapolis, MD
Jill Bazemore— Daytona Beach, FL
Chad Beasley- Mt. Airy
Richard E. Beasley— FayettevUie
Precita A. Beatty— Charlotte
Carolyn Beezer— Ashe ville
Lisa Belk— Charlotte
Sheri Belk— Greensboro
Talana J. Bell— statesviUe
Christine M. Bella— Chapel Hiu
Tammy Benge— StatesviUe
Kay Bentley— Charlotte
Sonya M. Bergquist— High Point
Fred W. BerOth— Winston-Salem
Linda M. Berrier— Boone
Thomas H. Berry— Rocky Mount
David Besser— Mebose Park, IL
Lori BettS — Hendersonvllle
Barbara Bishopp — Matthews
"^ ^^^^^^^^M ^^^^^^^^H Hi^H^RHaHH ""K^
Ginger E. Blackburn— HamptonviUe
Lynnette Blackburn— Pisgah Forest
Art Blackwood— WinslonSalem
Maxwell E. Blake— Rockingham
Bryan S. Blakley— Winston-Salem
David L. Blalock— Sophie
Will Blanton— High Point
Pamela L. BlevinS— Laurel Springe
Stephanie L. Bliss— Pleasant Gdn.
Laurie T. Blizzard— New Bern
Lisa Blythe— Lenoir
Mary A. Boger— PineviUe
Tania S. Boggia— Vaidese
Norris Bohn— Winston-Salem
Katie Bolick— White Plains
Kelly R. Bond— Wiikesboro
Chrisanna Bonds— Lexington
Steve Boone— Burnsville
Carmen Borg— Raleigh
Lisa Bouchey— High Point
Ralph Bowden— Greensboro
Cimanche Bowers— Albemarle
Frank Boyd— Mount Airy
Julia A. Bradley— Eikin
Nancy Bradley— Boone
Suzanne Bradsher— Wibnington
Renee Bransford— Boone
Benjy Brasington— Wadesboro
Diana C. Brawley— Charlotte
Doug Brawley— Mooresville
Woody Breen— Matthews
Janet L. Brennan— Miami, fl
Carrie Brenneis— Charlotte
Rhonda D. Bridges— Kings Mountain
Mary Briley- Raleigh
Julia G. Brindell— Raleigh
Pat Brinkley— Boone
Jennifer B. Brod- Raleigh
Thomas A. Bronson— Charlotte
Lisa H. Brooks— Matthews
Robert Brooks— Conover
Chris Brookshire- Hickory
Andy Brown— Charlotte
Darryl Brown— Brown Summit
Jeff Brown^efferson
Leanne G. Brown— Clayton
Tammy K. Brown— East Bend
Laura L. Browne— Aahevuie
Tammy K. Browning— Greensboro
Walter L. Bruffey— Greensboro
Mary Brzezinski— Greensboro
Annette Buchanan— Piumtree
Laura Buck^amestown
Tricia Buckley— Charlotte
Gayle Buckman— Southport, CT
Helen E. Burris— Lincohiton
Melissa P. Burris— Cary
Michael Burris— Albemarle
Patrick A. Bush— Guaynabo, PR
Steve Bush— Charlotte
George Buss— Downers Grove, IL
Paul Buss— Lenoir
Tammy Butler— High Point
Kelvin Byrd— zionvjiie
Larry Caldwell— Newton
Sharon R. Caldwell— Winston-Salem
Michael Callaway— state Road
James H. Camp— Concord
Gregory Campbell— Boca Raton, fl
Jeff Campbell— Lincototon
Mark T. Campbell— FayettevUie
Todd D. Canipe— Charlotte
Robert A. Capps— Sneads Ferry
Lisa Carden— Durham
Robert B. Carlton— Hudson
Deborah R. Caroway— Morganton
Mack Carrick— Lexington
Melanie Carroll— Hamlet
Dan Carrow— Washington
Chip Carter— Concord
Dow Carter— Faison
Janet L. Carter— Durham
Kim A. Carter— Charlotte
Susie Carter— Gaatonia
Belinda Cash— Statesville
Tim Cashion— Davidson
Jan R. Cathcart— Matthews
Lea A. Cauble— Greensboro
Becky L. Caudle-Gold Hill
Lisa Cauthen— Matthews
Jeff Caviness— Raleigh
Elizabeth W. Chalk— Morehead City
Sona Chambers— Boone
Jack I. Chandler— Lincolnton
Mike Chandler— Valdese
Valerie D. Chandler— Stokesdale
Ann M. Chapman — Greensboro
Janet Chapman— Wmston-Salem
Andrea L. Childress— N. Wilkesboro
Cindy Chiperfield— Charlotte
Cindy Church— Newiand
Susan Clark— Bristol, tn
Kristie L. Clark— Lenoir
Paul Clark— GreenviUe. SC
Maureen T. Clarke— Ft. Uuderdale, fl
Charles Clawson— Boone
Trip Clayton— Rocky Mountain
Thomas T. Cloer— Charlotte
Ronnie ClontZ— Marion
Holly Cobb— Ruffin
Pat Cobb— West Columbia, SC
Mandy Coble— Greensboro
Lisa L. Cochrane— Advance
Cicely D. Coley-Elkin
Yolanda Combs— Laurel, in
John-Edward F. Comer— Boone
Eric Cannada— Greer, SC
Valerie Connelly— Boone
Lisa Conner — Lincohiton
Sheila J. Conner— Elon CoUege
Sara L. Cook— Huntersville
Sharon A. Cook— Dobaon
William D. Cope— Lexington
Chris Copelan— Newton
Todd Corbin— Franklin
Teri Corey — Jamestown
Jane Corriher— Salisbury
Christine Cortese— Charlotte
Richard Costner— Spartanburg, SC
Doug Cotton— Millers Creek
Stephanie T. Covert— Old Fort
Ann F. Covington— Charlotte
Kathy Covington— St. Simons Is., GA
Jan Coward— Winston-Salem
Douglas V. Cox— Winston-Salem
Teri Coyne— Charlotte
John A. Craig— Coral Springs, FL
Mike Cramer— Dover, DE
Paula L. Crane— FayetteviUe
Rhonda Craver— Winston-Saiem
Beverly Crawley— Boone
Charles V. Croft— Wilmington
Lane Crothers— Charlotte
Mary C. Currier- Roiboro
Angela DaGrosa-Jupitar, fl
Ronald E. Dahart— Meridian, MS
Iris Dalton— Black Mountain
Steven A. Dailey— Mebane
Dan Daley— Boone
Marlene Dancy— Kannapoiis
Gene Daniels— Raleigh
Tyler Daniels — Mooresviiie
Vanessa L. Danley— Taylors, sc
Sandra D. Danner— Boone
Helen Daugherty— Charlotte
Chris Daughtry— Oiford
Margie L. Davidson— MooresviUe
Robert C. Davidson— Charlotte
Amy Davis— Sanford
Susan K. Davis— Leasburg
Jennifer V. Dawes— Vero Be»ch, fl
Petra De Haas— Santord
Burt Dellinger— Hickory
Stephen D. Dellinger- Charlotu
Tina Delp— Millers Creelt
Gianna Demos— Miami, FL
Monique S. Derby— Boone
Holli Dickins— Wilmington
Lydia Dillon— ciemmons
Scott Disalvo— Charlotte
Heather Divan— Pfafftown
Beverly Dixon— Gaatonia
Charlie Dobbins— Chariott*
John W. Doll— Patterson
Billy Douglas— Jamestown
Joe Douglas— Boone
Jeff Dowd— Carthage
Michelle Draughn— Mount Airy
Terza Drewery— GibsonviUe
Leigh Droescher— Charlotte
Lizanne Duke— Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Thomas P. Dunham— Cary
Barbara J. Durham— Burlington
John R. Dykers— Siler City
Christopher J. Eaker— Lincointon
Kenneth C. Eaker- Fayettevuie
Anne Earnheart— Charlotte
Pam Earp— BurUngton
Lynne Edgar— LUbum
Hillary Edwards— Winston-Salem
Susan Eiler— Charlotte
Timothy Eller— Millers Creek
Pam Elliot— Hillsborough
Veronica L. Ellison— Murphy
Angela R. Elmore— Durham
Cathy Elsmore- Forest City
Scott K. Ernest— Greensboro
Leslie S. Eslick— Marion
Kristine Etter— Raleigh
Darryl Evans— Morriaviiie
Kitty Evans— Southern Pines
Robert B. Evans— Winaton-Salem
Lorraine Everidge— Hamptonviiie
Charles Faires— Gastonia
Eleanor Farlow— Sophia
Lisa Farrington— ciemmona
Betsy Faulkner— Henderson
Teresa Feimster— statesviiie
Robert G. Fender— Marion
Trina Fender— Fairview
Joy E. Fink— Concord
Katherine Finley— Wiiiesboro
Jeff Fishel— Mount Airy
Kenneth Fisher— Newiand
Sharon Fisher— Shelby
Tommy Fitzgerald— Charlotte
William M. Fleming— Raleigh
Teresa FlorschutZ— Washington
Lynne Fogleman— Greensboro
Chris Folk— Charlotte
Dean ForbiS— Charlotte
M. Grace Forbis— Greensboro
Jacqueline Foster— Thomasville
Jeffrey Foster— wukesboro
Renee Foster— Cary
Walt Foster— Charlotte
Ralph S. Foust— LewisvUle
Michael S. Fox— viias
Randall G. Fox— Viias
Theresa A. Foxx— Banner Elk
Todd Francis— Winston-Salem
John P. Frank— ciemmons
Kenneth L. Frcdell— Boone
Sabine French— Charlotte
Nicki Fries— Raleigh
Chris Fulk— WinstonSalem
Angle FuUington— Thomasville
David Fulton— Boone
Jaquie Furr— Harrisburg
Steve Gaito— Raleigh
Catherine A. Gandy— Kannapolis
Robert S. Gardner— KannapoiiB
Steven C. Gardner— Salisbury
Christie Garmon— Greensboro
Mollie J. Garner— Lincointon
Tom Garrison— Grottoes, VA
Jackie Gary — Jacksonville
Marianne Gasque— Leiington
Gary Gates— Charlotte
Dana L. Gibson— Mount HoUy
William R. Gibson— Greensboro
Cynthia J. Giesler— Winston-Salem
Rhonda L. Gilbert
Cathy Gilbert— Winston-Salem
Robert L. Giles— Spindaie
Reid Gilley— Pilot Mountain
David W. Gilpin— Matthews
Lori A. Glenn— Shelby
Marian Gmerek— Charlotte
Teresa L. Goff— North Wilkesboro
Jeanne GoinS — Cherryville
Mary S. GoSSett— Charlotte
Gary B. Gragg— Shelby
Suzanne J. Granere— Hendersonville
Susan Grayson— Shelby
Bruce A. Green— Burlington, vr
Crystal Green— Lexington
Todd Green— Kannapolis
Donna L. Greene— Minneapolis
Holly J. Greene— Hickory
Lora B. Greene— Seagrove
James Greenlee— Canboro
David Greer- Wilkesboro
Patti A. Gregg— Lexington
Tammy Gregg— Ashevilie
William Gregory— FayetteviUe
Lisa Grindstaff— Bumsviile
Sharon Gross— Troy
Jason S. Grover— Ashevilie
Thomas A. P. Guion— Charlotte
Angle V. Gupton— Drexel
Michael D. Gwyn— Winston-Salem
Kim Hailey— Raleigh
Dan Hamilton— Elon College
Martin C. Hampton— Lexington
Dawn Hambright— Grover
Edie Hancock— Gastonia
Terri Hanes— Linwood
Connie K. Hanesworth— Taylorsville
Anita J. Hannah— Waynesvilie
Manson C. Hannah— Brevard
Thomas R. Hardison- Ft. Benning, GA
Victoria A. Hardy
Jan Hardy— suoam
Janet E. Harmon— Forest City
Terry Harmon— Vilas
Sally A. Harrelson— Jamestown
Susan Harrington— Independence, VA
Kendra L. Harris— Drexel
Tom Harris— Lantana, FL
Kimberly M. Hastings— Boone
Mary Hatfield— Drexel
Walter Hawkins— Charlotte
Katrinka A. Hedrick— ThomasvUle
Rebecca A. Hege— Lexington
Kim Helms — Charlotte
Lisa Helms — Monroe
Allen Hembree — Hendersonville
Cliff Henderson— Canton
Marc Henderson— Brevard
Donna K. Hendrlx— Murphy
Randy Henson— Lewisville
Lori Hergner— Greenville, sc
Prentiss L. Herron— Aiken, sc
John F. Herter— Lincohiton
H. Michael Hester— Elkin
Deborah A. Hewell— Boone
Alston C. Hildreth— East Bend
Linda Hill— Chapel HiU
Angela D. Himm— Alexandria, VA
Julie Hinch— Gary
Catherine A. Hinkley— Pitteboro
Jennifer Hinshaw— Eion College
Bucky Hinson— Belmont
Mona Hinson— Asheviiie
Robin Hinson— Charlotte
Denise Hobbs— Elizabeth City
Thomas Hodges— Charlotte
Patricia Hogsed— Pisgah Forest
Sheri L. Holden— franklin
Anthony D. Hole— Lawsonvilie
Judi Holland— BurnsviUe
Sabrina Holley— WinstonSaiem
Tracy Hollifield— Spruce Pine
Jackie T. Holleman— Rooda
Terri Holzschuh-
Pamela G. Honrine— Leiington
Richard Hood— Boone
Monte B. Hooker— Elizabeth City
Katheryn Horn— Troutman
Joseph A. Home— High Point
Donna R. Horton— wukcsboro
David S. Houser— Planution, fl
Eric Houston— Hickory
Lynn Houston— Hickory
Jeanne M. Hovelson— Davidson
Kim Hoyle— Lenoir
Melody Huber- Bordentown, NJ
William L. Hudgens — Greenaboro
Julie Hudson— Connelly Springs
Lisa Huey— Kemersville
Jill Huff— Mount Airy
Jimmy Huffman— Rutherford CoUege
Rachael A. Hughes— Newland
Ruth A. Hughes— Abingdon, VA
Grant Humphrey— Fayetteville
Bunny Hunter— Matthews
Christine Y. Hunter— Goldaboro
Leonard E. Hurst^Gaetonia
Terri D. Hutchens— East Bend
Janice Hutchinson— Traphill
Janice Hyatt— Polkton
Anthony Imperatore- Boone
Brian A. Ingold— Albemarle
Eddie Ingram— Greensboro
Wade H. Ison— Charlotte
Kim Ivester— Shelby
David T. Jackson— Brevard
Michele Jacon— WeavervUle
Patricia C. James— Elizabeth City
Diane Jaynes— Newland
Donna F. Jenkins— Monroe
Kathryn L. Jenkins— Raleigh
Lynn JeSSUp— Pilot Mountain
Amy M. Johnson— Asheboro
Barry Johnson— Boone
Eric J. Johnson— Burlington
Eric S. Johnson— Brevard
Janice Johnson — Greensboro
Martha Johnson— Marion
Pamela Johnson— Boone
Robert L. Johnson— HUieborough
Amy E. Johnston— Raleigh
Susan M. Johnston— Newton
Alice Jones— West Jefferson
Angela C. Jones— Greensboro
Charles D. Jones-^acksonviiie
Donna A. Jones-Jefferson
Monna D. Jones— Lexington
Patti Jones— Mooresville
RusseU Jones— Newton
Tamara Jones— Broadway
Boyd R. Jordan— Wayneswlle
Lee A. Jordan— Fort Lauderdale, FL
Christie A. Joyce— Walnut Cove
Thomas C. Justus— Hendersonville
Jeff A. Kale— Conover
Jack Kasell— Gary
Kevin Kayser— Hilton Head, SC
Teresa Keene— Denver
Susie Keeney-
Kristi Keirstead— Gaatonia
William J. Kelly— Old Fort
Nancy M. Kennedy— Viks
Llamel Ketner— Lexington
Karen Kiker— Polkton
Paul J. Kilmartin— Greensboro
Ben C. Kimball— China Grove
David A. Kimball— Winston-Salem
Jeanne King— Hickory
Hannab King— Greensboro
Jeffrey S. King— Pfafftown
David M. Kirby— Newton
Mamie Kirk— High Point
Wanda Kiser— Crouae
Kenneth D. Kitts— Hazeiwood
Jerri Klemme— High Point
Suzanne Klink— Vero Beach, FL
Janine KnottS— Lenoir
Pamela S. Koone— Rutherfordton
Beth L. Kraft^Flat Rock
Kathryn Krejci— Greenville, sc
Lori Kuchenbecker— Newton
Lynn Kunkle— Statesville
Angela KurfeeS— Salisbury
Dave Lac h— Boone
Christi Lachine— Warrenton, VA
Jack Lamantia— Lenoir
Terry Lambert^Raleigh
David Laney— Charlotte
Michael S. Lopes— Boone
Charles W. Larrick— Durham
Carole Lassiter— Hinesviile, ga
Kathryn A. Lee— BurnsvUle
Nancy Lee— Charlotte
Roger D. Lee— Newton
Deanna R. Leeper— Gray, TN
Keith Leitner— Greensboro
Sally A. Lejeune— Greensboro
Natalie L. Leonard— Raleigh
Maria L. Lewis— Dallas
Stephanie Lewis— Lester
Barry Lindler— Gastonia
Sharon R. Little— Denver
A. Spencer Littlejohn— Boone
Richard Littlejohn— Forest City
James D. Litton — Boone
Caroline Livingston— Hamlet
Cassie Lloyd— Wake Forest
Les Loflin— Sophia
Teri L. Loflin— Salisbury
Charles K. Long— Winston-Salem
James K. Long— Grumpier
Ulysses Long— statesville
Dennis Lorick— Winston-Salem
Rebecca L. Love— HendersonvUle
Sherry L. Lowder— Albemarle
Greg Lowe— Wilkesboro
Kelly E. Lowe— Lincolnton
Jefferson S. Lowery— MooresviUe
Laura K. Lowie— Gastonia
Jayna G. Loy— Burlington
Mike Loy— GibsonviUe
Steven C. Lockart— Morehead City
Sharon M. Luhmann— state Road
Ramona Lyon— Elkin
Annette Lytle— Old Fort
Tom Macey— Misenheimer
Charles Mack— Winston-Salem
Scott Macrae— Fort Monmouth, NJ
Laura A. Maidon— Gary
Mary Marett — Black Mountain
Alicia A. Marlowe— MooresvUie
Valerie Marsh— Cary
Shannon Marshall— Ciemmona
Charles Martin^acksonville, FL
Lisa K. Martin— Boone
Lynn Martin— Midland
Dan Mason— Morehead City
Maria Massey— Cary
Allen Mast— Valle Crucis
Jeff Mast— Lexington
Robin L. Masters— Kings Mountain
Angela Mathis— Winston-Salem
Robin Matthews— Boone
Cynthia Maultsby- Charlotte
John Maynard— Burlington
Tim McAndrew— Belmont
Cindy McCabe— Cary
Patrick McCall— Raleigh
Kelly A. McCormack— Augusta. Ga
Teresa S. McCrary— Pisgah Forest
Leanne McCurry— Burnsviiie
Sheila McDaniel— Hiddenite
Michelle McDade— Hudson
Lisa McDowell— Matthews
Cynthia McElroy— Maggie VaUey
Patricia McEntee— Raleigh
Sharon L. McGrady— McGrady
Christina McGuire— Charlotte
Phillip C. McGuire— Burke, va
Jeff Mclntyre— High Point
Joseph Mclntyre— Columbia. SC
Kim McKeOWn— Ft. CampbeU. KV
Mashalle L. McKesson— Greensboro
Scott McKinney- Hickory
Venus McLaurin- Raeford
Robin McMullin— Biueneld. wv
Anita F. McNeely— Chariotu
Ann McPherson— Burlington
Lu Ann McPherson— Elon CoUege
Lisa McSwain— Shelby
Allison McWhirter— Charlotte
Vanya Meade— wiikesboro
Clay MeareS— Coral Gables. FL
Rebecca Mebane— Aleiandria. va
Terri Mehalic— Brevard
Jerry S. Meismer— Charlotte
Richard J. Mendenhall— Ciemmons
L. Grace Mercer— Durham
Paul K. Merck— Dallas
Bob MerSCh— Gary
Barbara Messer— WaynesviUe
Sara C. MetCalf— WaynesvUle
Robert P. Midgett— Greensboro
Eric G. Miller— Greensboro
Suzanne Miller— Gary
Sharon D. Mills— Marion
Susan R. Mills— Monroe
Robert L. Mise— Yanceyville
Janet Mohler— Gary
Rob Moody— Vilas
Chuck Moore— Charlotte
Dawn Moore— Greensboro
Lori Moore— Laurinburg
Mary Jo Moore— Manhasset, m'
Sarah E. Moore— StatesviUe
Staurt Moore— Tarboro
Mitch MoretZ— Charlotte
Kimberly Morgan— Hendersonviile
Kathleen Morris— Coral Gables, FL
Robbie Jo Morris— Winston-Salem
Sophia Morris— Walnut Cove
William R. Moseley- Richmond, va
Debbie G. Moss— KannapoUs
Catherine E. Mulgrew— Boone
Kevin O. MulhoUand— Holden Beach
Misty Mull— Denver
Angelique Mullins— Swansboro
Wendy Lou Mullis— Burlington
Joyce Mulreany— Raleigh
K. Meghan K. Murray— Raleigh
Michaelene F. Murray— Marietta, ga
Scott S. Murray— Candler
Phil Myer- Durham
Lisa M. Nagel— Hickory
Patricia E. Neal— HendersonviUe
John Nedd— Trinidad W.I. Rep.
Richard Needham— McLeansviUe
Rebecca Nesbitt— Arden
Charles Newman— Charlotte
Kim Marie Newman— Concord
Sheila Newman— State Road
Alisa Ann Newton— Casar
Kelly Newton— Wrightsville Beach
Mark Newton — Greensboro
Gwen Nichols— Grijnealand
Carey L. Niergarth— Delray Beach, fl
Lisa Noble— Eden
Tamare Noell— Charlotte
Jim Nolan— Concord
Pamela A. Nordstrom— Greensboro
Wanda Norket— wiikesboro
Tonya Nowell— Raleigh
Cheryl O'Connor— Greensboro
Farrell Odendhal— Boone
William E. O'Flaherty— Winston-Salem
Kristin Lee Ogren— Marietta, GA
Gloria Ojeda— Nahariyam, Israel
Shawn O'Neal— Fort Lauderdale, FL
Jean Rae Oskey— Greensboro
Kent Otto-Raleigh
Mary Ellen Owen— AsheviUe
Amy Owens— Charlotte
Jamie Page— Valdese
Elizabeth Palmer— Miami, fl
Matthew PappaS- Greensboro
Steve Pardington— Boone
Chris Pardue— Pilot Mountain
James E. Parker— Gamer
Keith P. Parker— Sumter, sc
Judy D. Parlier— Todd
David Pate— Durham
Art PatSch — Greensboro
Lynette S. Paul— Greensboro
Ladonna Penland — Leicester
William F. Pequigney— Greensboro
Catherine M. Perdue— Roanoke Rapids
Michael C. Perry— Boone
Barbie Peterson— Asheboro
Jean PeZZuUa— Greenville
Jennifer C. Pharr— Misenheimer
Edwin W. Phelps— Laurinburg
David Phillips— Boone
Lisa Marie Phillips— Hickory
David Pinaula— Fayetteville
Kember Lyn Pitchford— Fayetteville
Linda Pittillo— HendersonviUe
Michelle E. Plaster— Denton
Jaimee Poarch— Boone
Elizabeth Polk— Arcadia, FL
Michael V. Porcelli— Durham
Sharon Parnelle— Orlando, PL
Steve Potak— Raleigh
James H. Potesta— Gary
Amy E. Powell— Boone
Sadonna Powell— Lexington
Elizabeth Prescott— Raleigh
Donald D. Price— Monroe
Jane C. Priddy— Danbury
Will Pridgen— Cary
Scott R. Principi— Charlotte
Michael C. Pritc hard— Lenoir
Kimberly Proctor— Hickory
David W. Pruit^-Mount Airy
Drema Lynn Pruitt— TraphiU
Lloyd E. Pugh^efferson
Debbie Purvis— Charlotte
David Quackenbush— Davidson
Dan Quinn— Greensboro
Robert W. Rader— Asheville
Robert G. Randall— Shelby
Donna Rash— Todd
Julia Lisa Ray— Flat Rock
Kathy Ray— Greensboro
Robert Reaves— Fayetteville
Anne Reddeck— Thomasviile
Linda Redding— Asheboro
Harvey L. Reel— Shelby
Jeff Reep— Hickory
Dallas Ray Reese— Concord
Cheryl Reeves— Sparta
Laura Reeves— Chariotu
Michelle Rehm— MooresvUie
Monica Reid— Ahoakie
Bruce Reynolds— Greenaboro
Jamie Richard— Vale
Paula M. Richardson— Gainsviiie. Ga
Daniel Richart— Bedford, GA
Mark Rickell— MockaviUe
Maria A. Ricker— Horse Shoe
Elise Riddle— Maggie Valley
Gregory W. Ridge— High Point
James H. Rikard— Kings Mountain
Michael D. Rikard— N Charleston. SC
Malinda Rippy— Shelby
Kim Ritchie— Lincobiton
Gary H. Roberts— Shelby
Ruth E. Robertson— WinatonSalem
Jamie Robinson— AahevUie
Kenneth Robinson— ReidsviUe
Julie Robinson— Asheviiie
Melonie Rodgers— Hickory
Kerri Ann Rogers— Charlotte
Laura A. Rogers— Durham
Robert D. Rogers— Winston-Saiem
Lisa R. Roper— Vaidese
Richard C. Rose— Boone
Cathy Rountree— Meiboum. fl
Brenda G. Roush— Creston
Lisa Rowe— Raleigh
Montine Rudisill— Greensboro
Richard R. Runde— Greensboro
Elizabeth M. Rupp— Boone
David A. Rush— Hickory
Tracy Rushing— Charlotte
Scott A. Sadler— Jacksonville, FL
Richard D. Salamon— Cocoa Beach, FL
Barry SaltZ— Hendersonville
James Sanders— Wilmington
Larry D. Sanders— Stanley
Isabella SaSS— FayettevUle
Dana Sayer— WaynesviUe
Ann Schenck— Shelby
Kristine S. Scovil— Fay
Allison Seigler— Columbia, SC
Wendy J. Self— Winston-Salem
Margaret J. Senn— Lenoir
Candy Serrett— Charlotte
Amy J. Setzer— Catawba
Kim Seymour— Tampa, fl
Clemm H. Shankle— Raleigh
Angela Sharpe— Greensboro
C. Pierson Shaw— Greenville
Molly Shaw— Charlotte
Mark Shea— Raleigh
Bonnie C. Sheffield— Kings Mountain
Michelle L. Shelton— Hope Mills
Steve Sherrill— Greensboro
Tara R. Sherrill— Tayiorsviiie
Leslie Ann Shipman— Brevard
Teresa Shore— Yadkinviiie
Denise A. Skroch— Raleigh
Rene Shuford— Boone
Gina Lynne Sigmon— Boone
Yvonne Simington— Winston-Salem
Kevin Simmons— Lenoir
Michael L. Simmons— Greensboro
D. Faith Simpson— Whitsett
David Sims — Rutherfordton
James O. Sizemore— Leiington
David Small— St. Petersburg, FL
Eddie Small— Burlington
Kevin Smeltzer— LibertyvUle, IL
Angela E. Smith— Greensboro
Donna K. Smith— SUoam
Gena Smith — Morganton
Henri F. Smith— Charlotte
Janice Smith — Kemersvllle
Kim Smith— Shelby
Madalyn Smith— Marion
Roxanna Smith — Ramseur
Sharyn Smith— Charlotte
Stephen E. Smith— Wimton-Salem
Susan Smith— Grifton
Tammy Maria Smith— McLeansville
Vickie Smith— Burlington
William Smith— Greensboro
Jeff Snotherly— State Road
Linda Kaye Speer- East Bend
David Sprague- Asheville
Deonne Springs— Morganton
Suzette Spurrier— Charlotte
Monica Stafford— Asheville
Myra Stafford— Winston-Salem
Melanie Staley— TobaccoviUe
Patricia E. Stamper— China Grove
David Todd Stanley— Greensboro
Suzanne C. Stephens— Lexington
Becky Stewart— Durham
Katie Stewart— Miami, fl
Pat Stewart— Banner Elk
Roberta L. Stewart— Creston
William Stidham— Greensboro
Kimberly A. Still— Pleasant Garden
Laurie E. Stone— Purlear
Rusty StrOUpe— Cherryville
Catherine A. Stuart— Greensboro
Jan Stuart— Charlotte
Jerry Stuber—South Pines
Andrea J. Styer— Miami, fl
Bill Styres— Lenoir
Sharon D. Suggs— Goldsboro
Jill SuUinger— Wampum, pa
David Sullivan— Springfield, va
Johnny M. Summers— Morganton
Mary Summers— Greensboro
Todd Surratt— Mount Airy
Tracy Sutton— Louisburg
Jeffrey Swaim— Hamptonville
Curt Swain— Winston-Salem
Tony Swan— Sanford
George M. Sweazey— Morgastoe
Laura Alice Swink— Rockingham
Gerald Sykes— Mount Airy
Collette Tan— Wibnington
Allen Tate— Charlotte
Joe Taylor — Greensboro
Michael David Teague— Boone
Charles L. Teeter— Mooresville
Mitchell Termotto— Advance
Ben Terrell— Boone
Sandra Terrell— WaynesviUe
Wayne Tester— Vilas
Kelly L. Teston— Raleigh
Mark TeUSChler— Winston-Salem
Annette R. Tharpe— EUerbe
WUliam R. Thetford— Greensboro
Cynthia Thomas— Sanford
Glenda Thomas— Broadway
Barbara C. Thompson— wiikesboro
Todd Thompson— Norwood
Tony Tingle— Asheville
Lisa Tippett— Winston-Salem
Carl Allen Todd— Boone
Annette Tolar— FayetteviUe
Walter B. Tomlinson— Belmont
Jacqueline Touhy— Lincointon
Lori Treiber— Columbu, SC
Melony Triplett— Lenoir
Edward L. Trogdon— Asheboro
Dorothy Anne Trull— Charlotte
Jon Tuck— Rockingham
Pam Tucker— Norwood
Leigh Ann Turbeville— Boone
Caro Lynn Turlington— Benson
Terrill Turner— Greensboro
Eddie Tuttle— Winston-Salem
Sheila A. Tyner— Cary
Lisa Vance— Newland
Laneal B. Vaughn— A/den
Scott E. Veals— MalthewB
Jacob B. Ven— Charlotte
Barry Vitale— Cairboro
Rhonda Voncannon— Aiheboro
Carol Vuncannon— Greensboro
Laura Anne Wachtel— Boone
Donna C. Wagoner— HamptonviUe
Krispin Wagoner— Rutherford CoUege
Scott Walden— Forest City
Gary Walker— Marion
Kevin Walker— Brigantine, Nj
Phillip Walker— Hendersonville
Sheri Lynn Walker— Raleigh
Teresa Ann Walker— Burlington
Wendy Wall— Raleigh
Dana Walser— Lexington
Sharon Walters— MarshviUe
Debora Lynn Ward— Candler
Beth Warren— Wineton-Salem
Bruce E. Washer— Boone
Cynthia Watts— Gastonia
Billy Weaver— Warrensville
Susan Weaver— Hayesville
Paul B. Webb-Boone
Tammi Webb— Washington, DC
Rose Ann Weisbecker- chapel Hill
Sherri Lynne Welch— Lexington
David W. Wells— Boiling Springs
Kellene Wells— Millers Creek
Amanda West— Lenoir
Walt West— Rockingham
Beth Wheless— Greenville
Chandra Whichard- Trinity
Chris White— High Point
Suzanne White— Boone
Bob Whitener— Pisgah Forest
Cynthia Whitener— Hickory
Tammy Whitesell— Boonviiie
Andrew Harmon Whitley— Raleigh
Beverly Whitby— Boone
Kelly Jean Whitley— KannapoUs
James H. Whitlock— Brevard
Sandra Whittington— Wiikesboro
Tammy Wilcox— wiikesboro
Fred Wilde— Pineviiie
Ann Wilder— Gibsonviiie
Kent Wilhelm— Salisbury
Anne Marie Williams— Charlotte
Emily L. Williams— Thomasviiie
Kevin J. Williams— Greensboro
Mark B. Williams— Burlington
Steve Williams— Asheboro
Tonya R. Williams— Randleman
Angela C. Wilson— Wmston-Salem
Beverly A. Wilson— Fayettevilie
Kimberly Ward— Rutherford College
Christa Woggon— AahevUle
Andrea Wood— Mauldin, sc
Joseph A. Wood— Lexington
Jeffery T. Woodard— Cary
Evin Woods— Winston-Saiem
Brentwood D. Wortman- Morganton
Mark Wright— Lake Junaluska
Sharon D. Wright— Ash
Jim Wunder— Ogdensburg. NY
Michael Wynn— Chapel Hiii
Marilyn Yakimovich— Wilmington
Tommie Jo Yates— Puriear
Jody Yount— Banner Elk
Kimberly Yopp— Sneads Ferry
Craig Young— Fayettevilie
Robert Young— Durham
Star Young— Greensboro
Roy A. Youngblood— Pineviiie
Rita Youngerman— Atlanta, ga
Jody Yount— Banner Elk
Shirley R. Yount— Hickory
Maria L. Acitelli— Charlotte
Anna Ackard— Hickory
Patricia A. Acquaviva— Charlotte
Monica Adamick— Fort Bragg
Connie A. Adams— Denton
Janet Adams— Winston Salem
Kevin Aiken— Rockingham
James W. Alexander— Belews Creek
Judy A. Alexander— West Jefferson
Dana Allen— Greensboro
Jana L. Allen— Fairview
Lisa D. Allen— Valdese
Natalie Allred— Winston Salem
Scott Altizer— Pilot, va
Dawn M. Alexander— Lexington
Pat Ambrose— Matthews
Donna Anderson— Kannapolis
Lawrence D. Anderson— Leiington
Wendy Andreen— Springfield, va
Jane Andrews— Whitsett
Angelia R. Anglin— Green Mountain
Sally Armstrong— Horse Shoe
Mary Arrowood- Newland
Shay Arrowood— Forest City
Stephen Aul— Taylors, SC
Billie Austin— Boone
Terri Abernathy— Charlotte
Scott E. Avery-Jefferson
Rebecca F. Baird— Winston Salem
Robert Baker— Boone
Debbie Ball— Pisgah Forest
Terri L. Ball— Honaker, VA
Lisa M. Barbee— Durham
Kevin E. Barber— Reidsville
Brenda Barnes— High Point
Amy Barrett— Lawndale
Angela K. Barrett— Kings Mt.
Steve Barringer— Charlotte
Robert Baumberger— Flat Rock
Joan M. Baxley— Taylorsville
Tamara Beachum— Charlotte
Robert E. Beamer— Mathews
Robert P. Beavers— Bear Creek
Kristy Becker— Cary
Laurie R. Behar- Charlotte
Barbara Belcher— Advance
Allison E. Bell— Kings Mt.
Brenton E. Benfield— statesviiie
Bobbie C. Bennett— Albemarle
Stephen Bennett— Forest City
Tammy L. Bennetts-Sparta
Anne Berces— Durham
Leslie Bergen— Greer. SC
Carol Berry— Hickory
i/ ' . jikliii*
Jonathan Berry— Morganu>n
Kiki Bethea— Sanford
Joanna Bingler— Chaiiott««viiie, va
Kelly Bisceglia— Naples, fl
Danny Bighop— Hickory
Randy Bishop— Hickory
Mike Bitner— Weaven-iUe
Kevin G. Black— BurnBviUe
Lori Black— Asheville
Richard M. Black- -Clover, sc
Carole Blackburn— Lawndale
Rodney Blake— N wiikesboro
A. Blankenship— Oak Ridge
Allen Blizard— Black Mountain
Laura G. Bodenheimer— High Point
Calvin Boles— Greensboro
Andrew Boling— High Point
Jada Boling— Taylors, sc
Amy L. Bordeaux— Raleigh
Bonnie Bost— Saii8bur>-
David L. Bowman— High Point
Karen Bowman— Newton
Kenneth D. Bowman— Vale
Rodney Boykin— Hillsborough
Elizabeth L. Bradley— Monroe
Kathryn A. Brannan— Waihaw
Hope Braswell— Charlotte
Kecia Braswell— Maganton
Mary Breen— Burlington
Ann F. Bremser— Concord
Ellen Brewer— Durham
Lori Bridges— Ellenboro
Benita BriggS— Winston Salem
Kristen B. Brigham— Boone
J. Derrick BrileS— Winston Salem
Jamie Brisendine— High Point
Donald W. Bristle^efferson
Kenneth A. Brockway— Pisgah Forest
Cindy Brooks— Weaverviiie
Shannon J. Brotherton— Denver
Catherine L. Brown— Charlotte
Deborah C. Brown— Walnut Cove
Tracy Brown— Pfafftown
Woody S. Brown— High Point
Molly Browne— Longwood. fl
Parker Browning— Hendersonville
Katherine Brunnemer— Charlotte
Everett A. Brantley— Charlotte
Lorrie Bryan- High Point
Robin Bryan— Kittrel
Laurie Bryant— Thomasviiie
Lisa D. Bryant— Valdese
Helen Buchholz— Fayetteville
John D. Budd— Advance
Joey Bullis— Wiikesboro
Suzanne Bullis— Highlands
Lisa K. Bunn— Pikeviiie
Elizabeth Bunting— Greensboro
Rob Burgess — Plantation. FL
John G. Burn— Shelby
Benjamin A. Burnet — Winston Salem
Robert A. Burns— Greensboro
Stacy A. Burns— Winston Salem
Jayne E. Bush— Conover
Richard D. Buter— Charlotte
Amy Byard— Wake Forest
Lori Byerly— Thomasviiie
Jay Bynum— Charlotte
Kenard Bynum— Winston Salem
Cindy Byrd — Southmont
Sharon L. Byrd— EUenboro
Mary F. Byrum— Matthews
Tina Cagle— Albemarle
Melanie Caldwell— Gastonia
Debbie Calhoun— Sparta
Vonda-Joyce Colvin— Dtinn
Billy R. Campbell— Charlotte
Andy Canipe— Shelby
Rhyne Cannon— Charlottesville
Sherry Cannon— Granite Palls
John E. Canty— ThomasviUe
Patrick Carbone— Charlotte
Mary A. Carlough— Charlotte
Kathy Carman— Charlotte
Patti Carmen— Burlington
Denise Carpenter- Homestead, fl
Monica Carpenter— Valdese
Michelle Carr— Sumter, sc
George G. Carras, Jr.- Charlotte
Janice Carroll— Hopkins, sc
Julie R. Carter- Pfafftown
Marion K. Carter— Hickory
Richard T. Carter— Chailotu
Robin Cartner- Huntersviile
Beth Carville— Sanford
Olga Cascante- High Point
Brad Case— Miami, fl
Gregory Case— Miami, fl
Michael S. Cashion- Wlnaton-SaJem
Donald W. Cassidy- Madison
Lisa Cate— W. Jefferson
Crystal Caudill— wiikesboro
Patti Caulder— Hope Milk
Brian Cheek— Gibsonviiie
Michelle Cheek— Burlington
Amy L. Cherry— Kannapolis
Lisa L. Cheves — Jamestown
Alisa Childers— Hickory
Ann Childers— Kings Mt.
Billy Childers— Matthews
Doug Childress— Charlotte
Jeannie Cho— Fairfax, va
Jeff Chrismon— Apex
Tamara Christian— Raleigh
Briac Christie— Charlotte
Linda Church— Gastonia
Greg Ciener— Colfax
Caroline Clark— Raleigh
Patricia Clarke— Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Lynne Clary— Brevard
Jamie Clayton— Winston-Salem
Teresa D. Clayton— Arden
Todd Clone— Durham
Marick L. ClowerS— Winston-Salem
Linda S. Cobb— Fayetteville
Brent T. Cochran— Easley, SC
Darlene J. Cockman— Carthage
Gwen R. Coleman— Hamptonviiie
Tanya Coffey— Lenoir
David Cook— Charlotte
Susan Costner— Hickory
Debra A. Cox— Colfax
Kim Cox— Matthews
Glenn M. Craddock— Pinnacle
Scott J. Cronk— Gary
Adrienne Cranny— Greensboro
Corrintha Crawford— winston-Saiem
Gregory B. Crenshaw— High Point
Kevin J. Cronin— Atlanta, GA
Mary Crout— Arden
Deborah E. Cumbo— Winston-Salem
Richard Cunane— Greensboro
Tony Cureton— Charlotte
Marc Dagenhardt— Hickory
Susan Dale — Jonesboro, TN
Billy Daniels— Manteo
Andrea Davenport— Charlotte
Cindy Davis— Dreiel
Donny T. Davis — Snow Camp
Tammy Davis— AsheviUe
Walter Davis— Wlbnington
Chris Dauster— Greensboro
Bart De Haas— Sanford
Darlene Debty— Murphy
Mark A. Degeare— High Point
Deborah D. Denny— Winston-Saiem
Kevin Denny— Jefferson
Daisy Ann Deuel— Valdese
Amanda Dew— Fayetteville
Roberto Diaz— Greensboro
Melissa A. Dickenson— Charlotte
Beth E. DiggS— Charlotte
Laura Disabato— Kings Mt.
Lisabeth J. Dixon— WinstcnSaiem
Renee E. Dobbins— High Point
Sandra Doby— Salisbury
Dean Dockery— High Point
Gilbert R. Doggett— Forest City
Frank W. Doherty- Charlotte
Rita Anne Dolinger— Wanensviiie
Lydia Doub— East Bend
Karen E. Dowd— SUer City
John Drane— Eden
Jamie Draughon— Lewisville
Scott M. Drewery- Gibsonville
Claudine Dubois— Morganton
Dan Duffy— Decatur. GA
Patti Dukes— Cary
William A. Dunavant— Montreal
Chris Dunbar— Asheboro
Joan Duncan— Durham
Debra Dunlap— Kemers^-ille
Jody Dunlap— Kannapolis
Sandi A. Dunn— Sugar Grove
Laurie S. Dunton— Conover
Lesa Dyer— Millers Creek
Angie Dyson— Taylorsville
Rita Earnhardt— Mt. Pleasant
Randy Early— Matthews
Tracey Easter— Charlotte
Charles R. Edwards— Siler City
William P. Edwards— Raleigh
Mike Egbert— Greensboro
Thomas Ehrhardt— Atlanta. GA
Torey Eisenman— Plantation. FL
Barry L. Eldreth— Jefferson
Chris Eldridge— Carthage
Michael EUedge— Boone
Blake Ellington— Eden
Catherine W. Elliott^Abingdon, VA
Bryon Van Ellis— Blowing Rock
Scott M. Ellis— Clayton, GA
Jeff B. Emory— WeaverviUe
Karen Ennis— Fayetteviiie
Beth Epperly— Greensboro
Jack Evans— BumaviUe
Tom Evans— Greensboro
Clyde Eure— Eure
Michael A. Fairley— High Point
Lisa Farney— Greensboro
Jeanne Farris — Shelby
Bill Farriss— wumington
Penny D. Fillyaw— Wiiiard
Karen L. Finley— Lexington
Kent Finley— Winston-Salem
Elizabeth Finney— Fayetteviiie
Angie Fishel— Winston-Salem
Susan Fisher— Columbus
Kim Fletcher— Winston-Salem
Lisa A. Floyd— Charlotte
Lois Floyd— Winston-Salem
Chuck W. Fulcher— Doraville. GA
Sonja Foreman— Jonesviiie
Wilson E. Forney— Lenoir
Thane Forthman— Greenville, SC
Foss Smithdeal— Winston-Salem
Ansley Fox— Charlotte
Jennifer Fraley— Connelly Springs
Jennie Franzen— Greensboro
Carol Frederick— Raleigh
Joseph F. Freeman— Clemmons
Elizabeth A. Froehling— Boone
Nelson Fry— Hickory
Michael L. Frye— Greensboro
Tammy Frye— High Point
Sandra Fuda— Hope Mills
Cynthia M. Fuller— Boone
Martha E. Funderburk— Charlotte
Kelly Funk— York, pa
Tracy Galloway— Charlotte
Rene Galyean— winBton-Saiem
Danny Gambill— N. Wilkesboro
Tom Gansman— Charlotte
Sanford K. Garmon— Concord
Laura Garner— Boone
Glenn Garris — Matthews
David Gates— Lincolnton
David Alan Gentry— Hickory
Evelle Gentry— Burlington
Robert T. Geolas— Smithfield
Sharon L. Gibbs— Burgaw
Bobby Gibson— Bahama
Kimberly M. Glass— Greensboro
Mike Glendy— Monroe
Cheroly E. Glenn— Winston-Salem
Kristin Goisovich— Fayetteville
Nathan Z. Gambill— West Jefferson
Tracy Goode— Rutherfordton
Kevin Goodson— Lincolnton
Ken Gordon — Jamestown
Donna GoUgh— Hamptonville
Samuel B. Granor— Raleigh
Michael B. Grant— Gary
Patricia K. Gratz— Winston-Salem
Phyllis Graves— Durham
Frank Gray— Boone
Gina Graziadei— Charlotte
Devery Greene— Wihnington
Jodi Greene— Charlotte
Julie Ann Greene— Boone
Cara Greenwood— Newton
James K. Greeson- Gibsonviiie
Sharon J. Gregory— Conover
Ann Marie Griffin— Wingate
Sharon K. Grubb-Todd
Lisa Gruttadauria— Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Herb Gulledge— Advance
Christopher R. Haas— Smithfield
David Haas— Hudson
Robert Hadley— Boone
Jeanne Hale— Charlotte
Karen E. Hall— Boone
Laurie Hamer— Charlotte
Ray Hamilton— Cincinnati, OH
Paula Marie Hammer— Siler City
Jennifer E. Hampton— Leiiington
Amy Raye Hancock— Greensboro
Michael Hanks— Henderson
Ervin L. Hannah— Goldsboro
Taffy Hannah— Brevard
Robert K. Hardie— Burlington
Joseph S. Hardin— Greensboro
Keith Alan Harmon— Bessemer City
Allison L. Harpe— Clemmons
Katharine A. Harper— HendersonviUe
Monica Harper— Advance
Diane K. Harrell— Asheviiie
Julia Harrell— Martinsville, VA
Benita A. Harris— Wilkesboro
Patti Hartley— Charlotte
Sarah Horton— Gastonia
Sammy Hartsoe— Creston
Doug Harward- Durham
Suzanne Haugh— Charlotu
Carol Haunton— Boone
Lisa Hawkins— Leicester
Cynthia Ann Hayes— Lcwisviile
Portia A. Healy— Fayetteville
Doreen Heath— Raleigh
Robin Heavner— Lincolnton
Robert Heckel— Raleigh
Kelly Hedgepath— Monroe
Edward T. Hefner— Taylorsville
Darryl Holder— Charlotte
Melinda L. Helms— Charlotte
Sherri Henderson— Sanford
Angela Hepler— ThomasvUie
Laura Ava Herring— Asheviiie
William Herring— Boone
Jennifer Hester— MooresviUe
iS^^^ ^.r
Eric Hicks— Cary
Jennifer Hicks— Denver
Cheryl E. Hill— Wimton-Salem
Jill Lucinda Hill— HendereonviUe
Molly S. Hill-WiMtonSalem
Dawn Hines— McLeaiwville
Anthony Ray Hipp— Greensboro
Karen Hobbs— Naples, fl
Jerry Hobby— Gamer
Lora Lynn Hodges— Charlotte
Mark Holbrooks— Concord
Laura Holcombe— BumsviUe
Daphne Holden— Raleigh
Mary Donna Holdsclaw- Catawba
Kenneth Alan Holt— Maggie Valley
Beth Honrine— Lexington
Tonya Hopkins— Albemarle
Jane Hopper— Charlotte
Kim Hopson— Sparta
Diane Horton— Wiikesboro
Mark Horton— Eden
Joe Howard— Matthews
Barbara D. Howell— BurUngton
Melissa Howie— Winston-Salem
Donna Hudgins— Greensboro
Geraldine Hudgins— High Point
Jeannette M. Hudson— KannapoUs
Karen D. Huffman— HUdebran
Heidi Hughes— EUenboro
Sydney Hughes— Longwood, fl
Jimmy Humble— Greensboro
Susan Carol Hunt— Lexington
Jessica C. Hunter— Asheviue
Angle M. Huskins— Rural HaU
Timothy R. Hutchens— Westfield
Traci Hutchens— YadkinvUie
Cheryl Hutson— Asheboro
Janice Huttar— East Bend
Tommy HuttO— West Columbia, SC
Christopher P. HuttS— Greensboro
Brad Icard— Kannapolis
Sheri D. Idol— High Point
Teresa Idol— Deep Gap
David Ingle— Cherryville
Virginia G. Ingram— Winston-Salem
Robert Todd Isaacson— FayettevUle
Hal Dixon Ivey— Proctorviile
John A. Jackson— Lenoir
James Wilkes— Eden
Tami L. Jarrell— Kemerswiie
Gilbert H. Jeffries— Eden
Altona Dee Jetton— Charlotte
Danny Jewell- Raleigh
J. Rhett Johnson— Raleigh
Keron Johnson— Durham
Lisa Jean Johnson— HamptonvUie
Neva Marie Johnson— Marion
Tommy Johnson— Benson
Julie Johnston— Durham
Mitch Johnston— Gastonia
Robert M. Johnston— Newton
Alan Jones— Boone
Anne Jones— Advance
Cheryl Jones— McLeansviiie
Derrick B. Jones— Boone
Julie M. Jones— Hendersonville
Melissa Jones— BurUngton
Michael R. Jones— Newport News. VA
Myra Jones— High Point
Tracy Joos— Raleigh
James E. Jordan— Landis
Tommy Joseph— Greensboro
Jacqueline Kaczmarek— Greensboro
Jeff Kahn-Gastonia
Brett A. Kandzer— Hudson
Sarah Kaplan— Cary
Michelle Kaufmann— Miami, FL
William Keese— Durham
Randy Keeter— Salisbury
Jody K. Keller— Union Grove
Darryl Kellough— Charlotte
Charles Kellum— Greensboro
Wanda Kelly— Dudley
Allison D. Kemp— Creston
B. G. Kennedy— Warsaw
Beth Kent— Lenoir
Richard W. Kepley— Concord
Kevin Kerr— Spencer
Jasper Kiger- Rural Hall
Denise Kirby— Granite Falls
Lem Kirby— Raleigh
Dana Kirkland- Matthews
Law^On Kitchin— Warsaw
Jeffrey Knight — HendersonviUe
Lynette M. Knitter— Riverdale, GA
Jim Koch— Boone
Jeannine Koo— Charlotte
Gregory KotSeOS — Southern Pines
Michelle Kuhrt- Longwood, fl
Elizabeth Diane Kyle— Greensboro
Kim Lackey— Charlotte
David Lamm— Raleigh
Lu Anne Lane— Raleigh
Shelly Laney— Charlotte
Leslye Shawn Lassiter— Burlington
Susan LatOn— Albemarle
David E. Law— HendersonviUe
Phyllis Ann Leach— BurUngton
Gary Michael Leazer— Monroe
Caroline Lee— Greenville
Laura Anne Lee — Rutherfordton
Cherie L. Leffe— Marion
Glenn Hampton Legette— Summerfield
Brian Leggett— wuiiamston
Vreneli Anne Leininger— Concord
Mary K. LentZ— Stony Point
Teresa Leste— Cary
Michael F. Lineberger— Lawndale
Steve Lineberger— Hickory
Lynda Link — Charlotte
David Linthicum— WhUpering Pines
Grace Litchfield— Winston-Saiem
Jamey Little— Midland
Kelly M. Little— Winston-Salem
James W. Littlejohn— Boone
Dennis C. Lloyd— Mebane
Stephanie Lloyd— white Oak
Antonionette Logan— Charlotte
Kevin Glen Long— Pfafftown
Meg Elizabeth Long— Pfafftown
William Long— Spartanburg, SC
Teresa A. Lotsey— Hickory
Matthew Loucks — Charlotte
Brenda Love— Durham
Kenny Lowe— Charlotte
Crystal L. Luster— Charlotte
Teresa Lyalls— West Jefferson
Mike Mackay— Greensboro
Kent E. Mahaffey— Winston-Salem
Kathy Malmfelt— Greensboro
Lynn Maness — Asheboro
Alisa Mantysaari— Statesville
Greg Maready— Swansboro
Todd Marion— High Point
Paul Robert Marks— Charlotte
William G. Marley— Raleigh
Joan Marshall— Snow Camp
Terri Massey— Yanceyville
Charlotte Matthews— Fayetteviiic
Tina Louise Matthews— Hamptonville
Cindy R. May— Wake Forest
Helen May— Clei
Rhonda Jean Moy— Newland
William Maycock— Deep Gap
Michael Edward McAden— New Bern
John Clay McCandlish— Charlotte
Michele McCarley— Hickory
David L. McCartney— Raleigh
Roger Alen McClain— Sherrills Ford
Betty Jean McCloud— Princeton
Jeff McConnell— Lincolnton
Mark Alan McCullough— FayetuviUe
Michael J. McDadc— Montgomery, AL
Marilyn P. McDowell— Spindale
Robin L. McElroy— Kmgs Mountain
Michelle D. McEntire— Denver
Marsha I. McGuire— Granii* Falls
Joanie McKeel— Hiddenite
Deryn McKinney— statesville
Tammie L. McKinney— Hickory
Elizabeth A. McLean— Fayett«viUe
Jeanette McLean— Belmont
Bonnie McMurtrie— Gary
Kevin McNeil— Wiikesboro
Stephen W. McNeill— West Jefferson
Lynda Mehailescu— winetonSalem
Kim Melton
Theresa Marie Merz— Aiken, sc
Melissa J. Mewborn— Chapel Hill
Mike Miller— Canton
Scott Miller— Durham
Stephen P. Miller— SutesviUe
Bonita Mills— Stokesdale
Elizabeth Dawn Mills— Salisbury
Teresa Millsaps— Charlotte
Arzetta Lynn Mimbs— Sparta
Mark S. Miralia— Charlotu
Karen Mitchell— Mt. Airy
Mark Mitchell— Charlotte
Cam Monroe— Vaidese
Debra Carol Moore— Thomasviiie
Elisabeth E. Moore— Raleigh
Holly Moore— Hayesville
Lisa Michelle Moore— Durham
Moby Moore- Charlotte
Tony Lewis Moore— Lexington
Lisa Y. Morehead— Greensboro
Courtney MoretZ— Coral Gables. FL
Sheri Moretz— Boone
Edward Morgan— Summerfield
Marcia Morgan— Barnaidsviiie
Phyllis Morgan— Morganton
Patrick Morgart— Durham
Laurie Morris— New London
Neal Morris— Denton
Ovelia Morris— Winston-Salem
Ginny Moser— Charlotte
David B. Mull— Vaie
Don Eric Mullis— Kemersville
Angle Mungo— Matthews
Charles V. Murray— WinstonSaiem
Joan E. Murray— Fayetteville
Sheila D. Myers— statesviiie
Charlene Nail— Sanford
Valerie D. Neeley— Salisbury
Michael Nelson— Colfax
Valerie Neumaier— Hickory
Amy Newell— Greensboro
Edward Newsome— Charlotte
Karen D. Nichols— Wiikesboro
Ricky Nichols— ReidsviUe
Karla Nielsen— Sanford
Greg Norton— Rockingham
Leeann E. Nugent— whispering Pines
Angela Marie Nunn— WinstonSaiem
James Anthony Oates— Goidsboro
Jennifer Ellen Odom— High Point
Francisco Ojeda— Maharyia-Israel
Katherine Olim— High Point
Lisa Michelle Oliver— Raleigh
Michael O'Neill— Kmgsport, tn
Tracy Leianna Orren- Charlotte
Lisa Osborne— Waynesville
Margaret O'Shaughnessy- Miami Lakes, FL
Ruth Rea Overman— Wilson
Bevin Owens— Charleston. SC
Eileen V. Page— High Point
Angle Pantazopoulos— Winston-Salem
Ashley Parker— High Point
Cathy Parks— Monroe
David G. Parrish— Raleigh
Stephanie Parsons— Sparta
Glenn E. Patterson— Graham
Karen Patterson— StausvUle
James L. Pawlik— Clemmons
Jeffrey L. Payne— statesvUle
Russell Payne— Virginia Beach, VA
John Scott Peeler— Durham
Karen Pell— Mount Airy
Tonya M. Pendergrass— Concord
Patty Penley— Lenoir
Matt Peninger— Gastonia
Paula Pennisi— High Point
Carolyn Perkins— Newton
Lynn Marie Pearman— Cooper City, fl
Vicki I. Petree— King
Crystal Louise Phifer— Charlotte
Katrina Joan Phifer— Mooresviiie
James L. Phillips— Spruce Pine
Sarah Philpott— WinstonSalem
Bryan Pierce— winston-Saiem
Carl Douglas Pierce— Millers Creek
Michelle Pierce— Havelock
Robin R. Pierce— Millers Creek
Cathy Pittman— Newland
Patrick A. Plunkett— Sherrills Ford
Terry Plyler— Statesville
Gregory E. Poe^iefterson
Tracy Kay Poitras— Chapel HUl
Jill Poletti— Sanford
Ernest G. Poole— Charlotte
Lane Poole— Troy
Ann Pope — Greensboro
Jo Lynn Pope— Granite Falls
Tammy Pope— High Point
David Reid Powell— Fuguay-Varina
Louise Powell— Hudson
Michele Powell— Charlotte
Sharon E. Powell— Raleigh
James Prentice— Raleigh
Julie Pressley— Charlotte
Steve Price- High Point
Jack Proctor— Hickory
Marty A. Prunty— Charlotte
Leah Pryor— Gastonia
Bobbie D. Puckett— Bristol, va
Jennifer Quinn— Raleigh
Barbie Rader- Newland
Wanda Ramsey— Grouse
Michelle Renee Ransom— Advance
Anne Rasheed— Georgetown, sc
Mike Rasheed— Teiarkana, TX
Alan Ray— Green Mountain
Langdon B. Raymond— vuas
Deborah Raynor^amestown
Karin E. Readling— Hickory
Angel Redwine— Raleigh
Dawn Reece — Clemmons
Chris Reeves— Asheville
Victoria Reeves— Harmony
Monica V. Regan— Fayetteville
Mark Charles Rehm— Mooresviiie
Lee Reitzel— Hickory
Richard Rhyne— Cocoa Beach, FL
Melissa A. Richardson— Fayetteville
Angle Ridgeway— inman, sc
Sue Ellen Riley— Marietta, ga
Mike Rink— Raleigh
Suzanne Rivenbark- Fayetteville
Kandis Roberts— Burnsville
Debbie Robertson— King
Teresa K. Robertson— Lexington
Amy Robinson— Kings Mountain
Ellen Robinson— Asheville
Karen B. Robinson— Gastonia
Lela E. Robinson— Hickory
Leslie Rodgers— Concord
Mark Rodgers— Cary
Rick Edward Rogers— Clemmons
Beth Rohm— Gastonia
Susan Rone— Hickory
Felicita Rosa— Jacksonville
Robin Rosenbalm— Charlotte
Kathy Ross— WiUiamston
Tim Ross— Miller Place. NY
Steven F. Rudd— Hickory
James E. Rush— Boone
Jane Russell— Kannapoiis
Helen B. Ryan— Charlott*
Melissa Ryan— Charlotte
Kelly Sackett— Mooresviiie
Cynthia L. Salvatore— Tobaccoviiie
Terri Sampsell— Key Biecayne, FL
Paul Sanders— Apex
Robin Savage— Charlotte
James A. Schmidlin— WinatonSaJem
Dwight Schneider— Chapel HiU
Warren Schuster— JackaonwUe, FL
Brett Schwebke— Banner Elk
Tamela M. Schwerin— Raleigh
Krista M. Schoening— Arden
Charles Scott— Greensboro
Dana R. Scott— Hampton, va
Gwen Scoville— Greensboro
Steven Seaford— Salisbury
Kimberly Sue Sec hler— Concord
Lynn Self— Lawndale
Mary Sellers-Jefferson
Leslie Settle— wiikesboro
James Perry Sexton— West Jefferson
Christina Shamanski— SimpsonvUie, SC
John Brenton Shaw— Bethesda. MD
Katrina Shields— Topton
Jennifer Lee Shell— Conover
Jeff SheltOn-Creston
Gregory Sheperd- Bumsville
Donna Shepherd— Burlington
John Ralph Shepherd— Fleetwood
Tracy Sherwin— Cary
Holly Shipley— Matthews
Starla A. Shore— Boone
Elizabeth Anne Sharrow— Eden
Angela L. Shuman— Matthews
Monique Sinkeldam— Bermuda Run
Tammy L. SkaggS— Advance
Vicki Kristina Slack— PinevUie
Nancy Lynn Slate— Greensboro
Melanie A. Slater— AsheviUe
John L. Slaughter— Indian Rocks Bch, FL
Cathey Smith— Charlotte
Janice Dee Smith— Concord
Jim Smith — Asheboro
Kenneth C. Smith— High Point
Kristy L. Smith— Concord
Lesa Lynn Smith^efferson
Lisa Lynne Smith— Taylorsviiie
Michael Smith— Greensboro
Richard Tyron Smith— Denton
David Snipes— Cooleemee
Gary Snipes— High Point
Lauren Snipes— Kannapoiis
Carolyn Snyder— Morganton
Kristine Marie Solomon— Wilmington
Tammy Somers— Boone
Lisa Marie Sorrell— Garner
Philip Sorrell— Raleigh
Becky Renee Sparks— HamptonviUe
Daneil Sparks— Traphm
Mary Jo Spoon— Greensboro
Kirk C. Stamey— Winston-Salem
Movita Stanley^lefferson
Kay Stapleton— Lenoir
Gina E. Starbuck— Rural Hail
Cindy Steele— Greensboro
Lisa Stevens— Greensboro
Emily Stirewalt— Charlotte
Pattie Stone— Siler City
Susan Stone— Greensboro
Andrea Stoufer— Fayetteviiie
Alex W. Stout— Boone
Crystal Stout — wikon
Jenifer Strickland — Indian Trail
Barry Stroud — Raleigh
Darren A. Styles — LawTence\'iiie, ga
Tammy Mae Sullivan — Lansing
Cheryl Dawn Swain — vvinston-Salem
Steven SwicegOOd — Charlotte
Kim Swing — Greensboro
Beth Tallbert - Albemarle
Carmen D. Talley — Concord
Melanie Tallman — Hickory
Brent C. Taylor - Vale
Gregory James Taylor — Johnson City, tn
Jimmy Taylor — Fayetteviiie
Rob Taylor — BeUeair, FL
Todd Taylor - Rockingham
Patricia Ann Teague — Eikin
Melinda Teeter — Harrisbm-g
Paul ThomaSSOn — Clemmons
Beau Thompson — Altemonte Springs, FL
Donda Thompson — Boone
Gary Palmer Thompson — Asheboro
Kent Thompson — Burlington
Pam Thompson — Hendersonviile
Wesley Young Thorp— Oxford
Julie Thrasher — Homestead. FL
Kelly Louise Thrower — Clemmons
John M. Tillman — Kernersville
Lori R. Todd — Waihaw
Rodante TolentinO — North Charleston, SC
Tracie L. Tompkins — DiUon, SC
Franklin E. Toole — Morehead City
Teresa Travis — Roanoke, VA
Wendy D. Triplette - wukesboro
Ann Elizabeth Trollinger — Burlington
Dennis Trotter — Gastonia
Jeff Trowbridge — Cary
Kelly Luann Tucker — High Point
Sheila D. Tucker — Lansing
Jacqueline A, Turner — Hickory
Penny Rae Tuttle — Walnut Cove
Darryl Tyson — Charlotu
Christie Unsicker — Wilmington
Tamara Valentine — Brevard
Ginny Vanderwerken — Iron Station
J. C. Vargas — Gastonia
William T. Vickers - Hillsborough
Tony Villareale — Hampton Bays, NY
Melissa Vincent — Newport News
Karen T. Vohwinkel — Charlotte
Cathy Von Canon — Banner Elk
Lisa Voorhees — Raleigh
Kevin Wagner — Cleveland
Sandra K. Wagner — Raleigh
Betty Lynn Walker — Mayodan
Jonathan A. Walker — Charlotte
Julie L. Walker — Lexington
Melissa Walker — Asheviiie
Randall Lee Walters — Sunset Beach
Meg A. Warren — Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Michael Warren — Canton
Kim Waters — Cullowhee
Trudy Waters — Gainesville, FL
Danny F. Waugh — North Wilkesboro
Jay Weatherman — Eden
Jeannette Welborn — JonesviUe
Cara D. Welch — Lexington
D. Kendall Welsh — Matthews
John Welsh — Concord
Gerald Lee West — Carthage
Karl Andrew Wheeler — Matthews
Michael A. Wheeler — Raleigh
Wenda Whichard — Greensboro
Mary Bea Whisonant — GreenviUe. sc
Angela R. Whitaker — Mount Airy
Christine Marie White — Durham
Doris White — Winston-Salem
Jane White — statesviUe
Kelly White - WinstonSalem
Peggy Whitesides — Gastonia
1 ^^ v--^-^^ ' -
Randall Whitfield — Rougemont
Teresa Wiles — Hiuk
Danny A. Wiley — F>yett«ville
Donald V. Wilhelm — Rockwell
Mike Williams — Indian Trail
Shelia Y. Williams — Morganton
Elaine Wilmore — GrMnsboro
Anne Marie Wilson — Mount Air>-
Elissa Wilson — Hickory
Joni E. Wilson — Catawba
Pamela Louise Wilson — Creaton
Richard A. Wilson — Goldsboro
William L. Winkler — Blowing Rock
Tina Witherspoon — Be»««mer City
Mary P. Witt — GrMnsboro
Robbie Womick — Foreat City
Stella Wood — Sute»\nlle
Kim Wooten — Carlisle
Mary-Lynn Wooten — Eaat Bend
Russell D. Woy — Shelby
Rhonda D. Wright — Gastonia
Mark Wyant — Vale
Amber L. Wyatt — North WUkeaboro
Ray Anthony Wyatt — Lexington
Angle York — YadkinviUe
Eduardo Zegarra — Ft. Lauderdale, FL
John Zourzoukis — AsheviUe
Joseph O. Brendle — TobaccovUie
Ginger C. Cockerham — BoonviUe
Scott Elkins — Leiington
Myra Hampton — Murphy
Michael Gail Taylor — Banner Elk
Sheri Leigh Whicker — TobaccovUie
IMfl '" I I III < ">
Kirkpatrick, Helen Carroll, Gene Butts. Second Row; Steve
Palmer, James Jones, Yehia Salama, Randy Edwards. Back
Row; Albert Craven, Charles Speer, Jason Selph, Raymond
Ralph Hall, Ken Jenkins, Braxton Harris, Milton Spann. Back ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT Brian Bennett, Har-
Row; Joe Widenhouse, Gerald Bolick, Guy Swam, Leiand t^ ^ ,-,. i /-.i t rr r. ^ ^
Cooper, Paul Kussrow. Not Pictured; Hunter Boylan, Richard ^ard Ayers, Susan Keefe, Cheryl Claasen, Jeff Boyer. Not
Howe, Mayrelee Newman, James Jackson. Pictured; Greg Reck.
ART DEPARTMENT Standing: Kathy Ward, Marianne BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Front Row; William Dewel,
Suggs, Peggy Poison, Noveta Holton, Lorraine Force, Warren Jeanette Tarr, Mary Connell, Jeffrey Butts, Richard Henson.
Dennis, Leek Willett, Karen Yeager. Seated: Dean Aydelott, Back Row; Ed Greene, Wayne Van Devender, John Bond,
Charles Wieder, Glenn Phifer, Sherry Edwards-Waterworth, Francis Montaldi, Frank Randall, Kent Robinson, I.W.
Harold Carrin, Judy Humphrey, Willard Pilchard, James Ross. Carpenter, Timothy Ballard. Not Pictured; Marie Hicks, Frank
CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Front Row; Mark Tuccillo,
Jeff Carlson, Samuella Sigmann, Sherry Fonvielle, Nancy
Feimster, Catherine Mader, Stephen WilHams. Back Row;
Herbert Boukley, Gelene Atwood, Donald Olander, Claire
Olander, James Buchannan, Al Overbay, George Miles, Thomas
Rhyne, Lawrence Brown, Robert Seeder, Donald Sink.
Howard Dorgan, John Auston, Charles Porterfield, Seong Lee.
Second Row; Frank Mohler, Terry Cole, Pat Reighard. Back
Row; Linda Welen, Susan Cole, Carl Tyrie. Not Pictured; Ed
Pilkington, Jonathan Ray, Kevin Balling.
DEPARTMENT Front Row; Robert Reiman, Rebecca
Winders, Zaphon Wilson, William Imperatore, Roger Winsor.
Back Row; Art Rex, Pete Soule, Ole Gade, Brian Fleer, Dan
Shirley Butts, JoAnn Corum, Marilyn Sue, Ann Blackburn.
COUNSELOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH DEPART- Second Row; John Geary, Mildred Pa>ton, Hazel Walker,
MENT Fred Badders, George Maycock, Terry Sack, Elaine Sidney Eckert. Third Row; Tom Allen, Zaki Rachmat, William
Phillips, Jack Mulgrew, Ed Harrill, Les Stege, Eric Hatch, Ben Vanderpool, Mel Roy. Back Row; Robert Adler, Stan Wilkinson,
Strickland, Harry Padgett, Sally Atkins, Glenda Hubbard. Robert Cherry, Richard Schaffer, Doug May.
ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Front Row; Robert Higbie, Jane
Solem, Ron Coulthard, Edelma deLeon, Mary Kate Dennis,
Melissa Barth, Barbara Haunton, Mary Moore, Loyd Hilton.
Back Row; Richard Rupp, Rogers Whitener, Daniel Hurley,
Jean-Pierre Courbois, Pat Gaynor, Celia Thomas, Chris Loucks, j^y.^ Higby, Gene Miller, Ming Maiden, Geo'rg Gaston, Leon
Rick Kirkpatrick. Back Row; Reginald Weber, Timothy Perri
Larry Ellis, George Schieren, William Guthrie, Barry Elledge.
Lewis, Laurie Tully Reed, Thomas McGowan, William
Peggy Hartley, Effie Boldridge, Judith Rothschild, Alicia GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT Front Row; John Callahan,
Welden. Back Row; Ramon Diaz-Solis, Elton Powell, Loren Raymond. Back Row; Marjorie McKinney, Frank
Franz-Joseph Wehage, Ulrich Froehlich, Helen Latour. McKinney, Fred Webb, Richard Abbott.
DEPARTMENT Front Row; Melissa Miller, Judy Carlson, Jan
Watson, Ellen Thomas, Joan Askew. Second Row; Jim
Brakefield, Ole Larson, Bob Pollock, Larry Horine, Pat
Buchanan. Back Row; Ron Kanoy, Jim Avant, Carl Meeks, Mel
HISTORY DEPARTMENT Front Row; Penny Courbois,
Silvia Fergus, Sheldon Hanft, Peter Petschauer, Richard
Haunton, Ruby Lanier, George Antone, Helena Lewis. Second
Row; Bettie Bond, David White, Eugene Drozdowski, Larry^
Bond, Raymond Pulley, Charles Blackburn, Michael Moorej
Richard Haunton, Jim Winders, Winston Kinsey. Allen WellsJ
Leighton Scott, Thomas Keefe. Back Row; Carl Ross, Stepher
Simon, Rennie Brantz, Judith Pulley.
Breedlove, Joyce Stines, Cristina Condit. Back Row; Gary DEPARTMENT Front Row; Robert Banzhaf, Brenda Wey,
McCurry, Celia Roten, Sammie Garner, Charlotte McCall, John Ming Land. Back Row; William Mast, William Graham, Alfred
Beasley. Not Pictured; Janice Whitener, Carol Wright. Rapp. Clemens Gruen.
Row; Jeff Fletcher, Alice Naylor, David Consodine. Back Row;
Bob McFarland, Joe Murphy, A. Farzod Emdad, Mell Busbin.
Kathy Fitzgerald, Sally Craven, JoAnna Baker, Back Row; Fess
Green, Don Dodson, John Ray, James Overstreet, Dwight
Parley, Robert Barclay, Ahmad Tashakori.
Woods, R.J. Dunlap, Ron King. Back Row; Jim Barnes, Bob
McMahon, Pat Patton.
Row. R. J. Schalk, Ray Graham, Mike Perry, Mark Harris,
Ernest Lane, Wade Macey, Larry Kitchens, Ron Ensey. Second
Row; Frances Fulmer, Theresa Early, Jimmy Smith, Anita
Kitchens, Gary Kader, Karen Callahan, Ted Goodman, Rudy
Curd, Tom Barry, Back Row; Bill Paul, Bill McGalliard, Arnold
McEntire, David Lieberman, R.L. Richardson, Vicki Johnson,
Billie Goodman, Max Schrum, Pamela Batten.
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Front Row; Jack Newton, Bill
MILITARY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Front Row; Maj Spencer, Frances Redding, Betty Atterbury, BiU McCloud.
Thomas Sather, MS Carole Muirhead, LtC Charles Michael, Second Row; Dan Pumphrey, Elmer White, Walton Cole, Lynn
MS Evelyn Coffey, MR Anthony Distefano. Back Row; SSG white, Philip Paul, Noel Lovelace, Robert Behan, Hoyt Safrit.
Keith Dragnett, SSG Terry Swarner, Cpt Sidney Riley, Cpt ggck Row; Kenneth Slavett, Glenn Muezel, Joe Phelps, William
Steve Rogers, Maj Larry Hensel, SGM Noah Wright. Qora, Joseph Logan, Scott Meister, Wanda Dages.
Row; O'Hyun Park, Maria Lichtmann, Charles Davis, Raymond PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENT Front Row;
Ruble, Mary Ann Carroll. Back Row; Jim Stines, William Gordon Lindsay, Walter Connolly, Thomas Rokoske. Back Row;
Hutchins, Alan Hauser, Frans van der Bogert. Karl Mamola, Terry Carroll, David Monroe.
DEPARTMENT Front Row; Wendell Broadwell, Daniel Knight, Susan Moss, Gary Sigmon, Michael Cook, Joan Walls,
Campagna, Zaphon Wilson, Roland Moy, Jawad Barghothi, Polly Trnavsky, Jane Rawson. Back Row; Boyd Max Dowell,
Richter Moore. Back Row; Robert O'Block, Mona Brandon, Jim Deni, George Wesley, Richard Levin, Basil Johnson, Jon
Edward Allen, David Sutton, Dan German, Joel Thompson. Hageseth, Joyce Crouch, Tom Snipes.
Eris Dedmond, Winston Childress, Jane Norwood, Marjorie
Farris, Gary Moorman, Elizabeth Lightfoot. Not Pictured;
Margo Jones, William Blanton.
John Tashner, Tom Jamison, Henry McCarthy, Jim Cole, David
Mielke, Jim Roberts, Claire Mamola, Margaret Gragg, Ben
SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Front Row; Les Keasey, Faye Cross, Tom Pace, Art Cross, Libby Winkler, Pat Miller. Second
Sawyer, Fred Milano, Jan Rienerth, A. M. Denton, Nancy yIow; Debbie Brown, Tom Sivem, Dorothea Rau, Mary
Neale. Back Row; Mike Wis e, Ann Page, Steve Hall, Allie Powell-Turner, Wemme Walls, Michael Holden, Michael Ortiz.
Funk, Albert Hughes, Aaron Randall, Larry Keeter. Not Ba^k Row; Max Thompson, Michael Fimian, Jim Hosch, Jerry
Pictured; George Johnston. Davjs^ Steve Klinger, Jim Tompkins.
Front Row; Mary Ruth Sizer, Jane Lieberman, Valerie Buice,
Ms. J. Lou Carpenter, Back Row; Bruce Franklin, Edward
Hutchinson, Millard Meador, M.L. Joselson, Steve Baldwin,
Kenneth Hubbard.
line Bradford, Bob Jones, Joyce V. Lawrence, James Miller,
Mae Reck, Fred Robinette. Richard Wilson, Larry
Woodrow, Susan Adler, Michael Allen, J. Pat Knight, C.
Kenneth McEwin, Jamie Smith, Julia Thomason.
DEPARTMENT Keith Buchanan. Dennis Coffey, Harry
Davis, Linda Johnson, Ray G. Jones, Joe King, Michael
Schellenger, Kahil Torabzadeh.
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Editor/Design Director
Steven S. Boyd
Managing Editor
Babette Munn
Photo Editor
Gilchrist Hill, Jr.
Associate Editor
(Features & Academics)
Paul M. Baker
Associate Editor
Michelle Plaster
Associate Photo Editor
(Features & Academics)
Kaila Hires
Associate Photo Editor
Mike Sparks
Darl<room Technician
Roy Small
Darkroom Assistant
Scott Grover
Design Assistants
Molly Shaw
Paul Koribanic
Contributing Writers
Wally Baine, Jose Bernal,
Amanda Foster, Jack Groce.
Dan Hamilton, Doreen Heath,
Bryan Hoagland, Mike Hobbs,
David Huntley, Mitzi Hurst,
Kristin Kopren, Kattiy McCarthy,
Lisa McDowell, Cothy Metcalf,
William Morgan, Dawn Moss,
Robbie Reaves, Vicki Reeves,
Richard Schwartz, Mike Seevers,
Cathy Stewart.
Contributing Photographers
Jon Burgess, Monica Carpenter,
Ed Cochrane, Stephen Crocker,
Jack Culbreth, Craig Furlough,
Todd Green, Brad Gross,
Roy Hill, Jeff Holden,
Alan Jackson, Hannah King,
Joe Lane, Bill Maycock,
Scoff Penegar, Will Pridgen,
Crystal Stout, Keith Surber,
Mark Todd, Amanda West,
Brad Williams, John Zourzoukis,
A very special thanks to those
special few who helped us when
we were in need Mike Rominger,
Dr Susan Cole, Noel Lovelace,
and the folks at Memory Savers
"Those few who stuck it out to the bitter
end are weird now; they just wander the
halls, babbling incoherently about
line-lengths and contact sheets: a horrible
end for such young and talented minds."
This is supposed to be a humorous
final word, but nobody up here on the
third floor of Workman Hall is in a very
funny mood at the moment. There's
laughter enough - spooky, maniacal
laughter which emanates from the various
poorly lit offices occasionally, but then
it's usually stifled by heavy sighs, as
though a three hundred pound type-
writer were being slowly lowered on
someone's chest.
In the beginning, way back in
September, The Rhododendron staff
consisted of many bright-eyed, eager
students, but six months have taken their
toll. A great portion of that original staff
is not with us here today. Oh, they're
alive; they just quit. They preferred the
safe harbor of sanity and the relatively
pressureless atmosphere of a normal
academic life. They missed all the glamor
and excitement of producing this tome,
but it's doubtful they regret it. Those few
who stuck it out to this bitter end are
weird now. They weren't at the beginning.
Well, perhaps they were but only latently
so, only needing this trauma to bring their
mental anguish into active duty. Now
they just wander the halls, babbling
incoherently about line lengths and
contact sheets: a horrible end for such
young and talented minds.
To say that working on this book was
fun would be a lie. Going to parties is fun;
staying up all night writing captions for
club pictures is not. The experience was
enjoyable, but not in the sense that we
would want to do it again.
One day, close to the end, the staff
was gathered in one of the offices
fervently working on some aspect of the
book when a rare moment of lucidity
came upon one of the editors. "You
know," he said, "Working on this
yearbook has been the most valuable
experience I've had in my twelve years in
college. It's made me realize just how
much time and dedication it takes to see
something through that you really believe
in. I'm glad I am a part of it." He then
became silent, his left eye twitching
spasmodically. A queer, drooling grin
spread across his face as he sharpened a
new Bic pen down to an inky, two inch
nub. We haven't seen him lately, but
everyone present that day agrees with his
words. We hope that you enjoy this, your
1984 Rhododendron, for many years to
- Paul Baker
Associate Editor, Features & Academics
ACCA 110
Accounting Department 170
Aerobics 247
Alcohol reforms 8
Alpha Chi 201
Alpha Delta Pi 115
Alpha Kappa Psi 171
Alpha Phi Omega 100
Alpha Psi Omega 203
Alpha Rho Tau 176
Alumni Ambassadors 101
AMA 173
American Home Ec. Assoc. 181
Anthropology Dept. 158
Appalachian Chemical Society 165
Appalachian Cloggers 247
Appalachian Commandos 183
Appalachian, The 52
Appalachian Symphony
Orchestra 91
Appalachian House 212
Appol Corps 136
Art Department 176
ASPA 169
ASU Post Office 44
Athletes of the Year 307
AWS 111
Ayers, Harvard 212
Baha'i College Club 97
Baptist Student Union 97
Band 233
Baseball 265
Basketball, men's 290
Basketball, women's 292
Belk Library 210
Bernal, Jose 330
Beta Alpha Psi 170
Beta Beta Beta 202
Biology Department 164
Blowing Rock, Town of 27
Blue Ridge Mountains 21
Blue Ridge Reading Council 189
Boone, Town of 23
Brown, Mack 233, 299
Brovhill Music Building 10
BSA 108
Business Education Dept. 168
Campus Crusade for Christ 95
Canterbury Association 94
Catholic Campus Ministry 94
Center for Developmental Ed. 184
Chamber Series 88
Chamber Singers 91
Cheap Trick 72
Cheerleaders 233,248
Chemistry Department 165
Chi Omega 116
Circle K 100
Club Football 257
Coffey Hall 197
Cole, Terry 213
College of Arts & Sciences 157
College of Business 167
College of Fine & Appl. Arts 175
College of Learn. & Hum Dev. 183
Colophon 416
Compass Club 101
Communication Arts Dept. 177
Continuing Education 194
Counseling Center 44
Cross Country, men's 287
Cross Country, women's 286
Cross, Mike 70
Dance Ensemble 82
Dark Sky Observatory 206
DECA 169
Delta Zeta 115
DPMA 168
Earth Studies 156
Economics Department 171
Electron Microscopy 209
Elementary Education Dept. 186
English Department 162
Erneston, Nicholas 175
Faculty 384
Festival of the Written Word 36
Field Hockey 282
Financial Aid 46
Finance, Ins. & R.E. Dept. 179
Food Services 42
Football 274
Forensics 213
Forensics Team 177
Foreign Languages Department 162
Frisbee Club 260
Gail Haley Collection 208
Gallery, Academics 214
Gallery, Features 120
Gallery, People 390
Gallery, Sports 308
Gamma Beta Phi 201
Gamma Iota Sigma 174
General College 152
Geography Department 166
Geology Department 166
Gilles, .James 328
Glee Club 179
Golf, men's 271
Golf, women's 272
Graduate School 191
Graduation 146
Halloween 30
Harris, Mark 213
Hatch, Eric 208
Health Care Mgmt. 172
Health Education & Prof.
Club 181
Health, P.E. & Rec.
Department 180
Health Services 45
Highland Biologist 165
History Department 159
Holistic Health 156
Home Economics Department 181
Homecoming 235
Honors Club 200
Hunger Coalition 207
IBSA 173
Indoor Track 288
Industrial Ed. & Tech. Dept. 180
Information Systems 168
Inter-Fraternity Council 113
Intervarsity Christian Fel. 96
International Business Club 173
International Relations Assoc. 158
Intramurals 251
Jazz Ensemble 90
Kappa Alpha Phi 119
Kappa Delta 115
Kappa Delta Pi 187
Kappa Omicron Phi 119
Kappa Sigma 119
Kellogg Foundation 184
Kindt, Allen 178
Ladies Elite 119
Lambda Chi Alpha 117
Lawrence, Joyce 191
Lecture Series 337
Lucy Brock Center 186
Lutheran Student Assoc. 95
Madrigal Feaste 76
Majorettes 249
Marketing Department 173
Mathematical Science Dept. 163
McLaughlin, Tom 199
Media Studies 185
Military Science 183
Mountaineer Babes 248
Mountain Music Festival 32
MENC 178
Music Department 178
Native American Festival 34
New York Loft 209
News Bureau 54
Orientation 136
Orwell, George 210
Our House 332
Pan-Hellenic Council 113
Percussion Ensemble 91
Performing .Arts Series 84
Pershing Rifles 182
Philosophy & Religion Dept. 161
Phi Beta Lambda 169
Phi Mu 116
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia 179
Physics Club 164
Physics Department 164
Pi Kappa Phi 117
Pi Sigma Epsilon 172,212
PITS Club 244
Playcrafters 177
Poll. Sci. & Crim. Just. Dept. 158
Portraits, Freshmen 372
Portraits, Graduate Students 338
Portraits, Juniors 350
Portraits, Seniors 339
Portraits, Sophomores 360
Psi Chi 203
Psychology Club 160
Psychology Department 160
Radio Broadcasters Club 176
Registration 138
Rental Management 172
Residence Life 58
Rhododendron, The 56
Rho Epsilon 174
Scabbard and Blade 203
SCEC 185
Secondary Education Dept. 187
Security, ASU 47
Septemberfest 28
SGA 106
Sierra Club 212
Sigma Alpha Iota 179
Sigma Delta Pi 203
Sigma Nu 117
Sigma Phi Epsilon 119
Sigma Tau Epsilon 180
Ski Team 261
SNEA 184
SNA 110
Soccer 280
Sociology Department 160
Softball 264
Speech Path./Audiol. Dept. 188
Sports Information 54
Strickland, Ben 163
Strickland, William 157
Student Union 40
Sugar Top Condominiums 6
Talley, Ken 104
Tau Kappa Epsilon 119
Tennis, men's 267
Tennis, women's 266
Theater 80
Thomas, John 148
Twelve Days of Christmas 77
Typing 169
University Center 194
University Singers 90
Volleyball 284
VSY 101
Weber, Reginald 213
Wesley Foundation 96
Wind Ensemble 90
Windmill 4
Women's Studies 209
Wrestling 294
Yosef Club 248
->r* - V'
4 \ ' •'!
Volume 62 of THEflHODODENDRON was prin«
Publishing Company of Marcellne, Missouri. The press run was 35i
The book consists of 26 signatures or 416, 9X12 pages, ai
includes nine 4-color signiatures (72 pages) with over 250 color phr
Paper stock is 80 lb. coated enamel finish and the endshee
are 65 lb. cover stock. The cover is constructed of 160 point binds
board and a C grade cloth, printed in 4-color process with nine col
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